3ABN Today

Afcoe Europe - "God's Message, Our Mission"

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: TDY

Program Code: TDY230051A

00:04 ♪ I want to spend my life mending broken people ♪
00:15 ♪ I want to spend my life removing pain ♪
00:26 ♪ Lord let my words heal a heart that hurts ♪
00:36 ♪ I want to spend my life mending broken people ♪
00:57 ♪ ♪
01:07 Hello and welcome to 3ABN Today. I'm Jason Bradley and I'm so
01:10 glad that you've decided to join us once again as you do each and
01:14 every day. Thank you for your prayers and your financial
01:17 support that makes programs like this possible. Today we're going
01:21 be talking about some amazing things that are taking place in
01:25 Europe. And here with me, I have Joakim Hjortland.
01:30 Did I say that right?
01:32 You did well. Thank you.
01:34 That was a nice way of saying no but you made it. Thank you. It's
01:41 great to have you here. You're the director of AFCOE in Europe.
01:44 And I want to like get into your testimony, find out a little bit
01:49 about your background and your journey and how you got involved
01:53 but we're going to be blessed in song first and we're going to be
01:56 blessed in song by Hope Vasquez and she will be singing
02:00 In Christ Alone.
02:02 ♪ ♪
02:13 ♪ In Christ alone my hope is found ♪
02:18 ♪ He is my rock, my strength, my song ♪
02:23 ♪ This cornerstone, this solid ground ♪
02:30 ♪ Firm through the fiercest drought and storm ♪
02:35 ♪ What heights of love, what depths of peace ♪
02:41 ♪ When fears are stilled, when strivings cease ♪
02:47 ♪ My comforter, my all in all ♪
02:53 ♪ Here in the power of Christ, I stand ♪
03:02 ♪ ♪
03:08 ♪ In Christ alone who took on flesh ♪
03:13 ♪ Fullness of God in helpless babe ♪
03:19 ♪ This gift of love and righteousness ♪
03:25 ♪ Scorned by the ones He came to save ♪
03:31 ♪ Till on that cross as Jesus died ♪
03:37 ♪ The wrath of God was satisfied ♪
03:42 ♪ For every sin on Him was laid ♪
03:48 ♪ Here in the death of Christ, I live ♪
03:58 ♪ ♪
04:04 ♪ There in the ground, His body lay ♪
04:08 ♪ Light of the world, by darkness slain ♪
04:14 ♪ Then bursting forth in glorious day ♪
04:20 ♪ Up from the grave, He rose again ♪
04:26 ♪ And as He stands in victory ♪
04:31 ♪ Sin's curse has lost its grip on me ♪
04:39 ♪ For I am His and He is mine ♪
04:43 ♪ Bought with the precious blood of Christ ♪
04:52 ♪ No guilt in life, no fear in death ♪
05:00 ♪ This is the power of Christ in me ♪
05:06 ♪ From life's first cry to final breath ♪
05:12 ♪ Jesus commands my destiny ♪
05:18 ♪ No power of hell, no scheme of man ♪
05:24 ♪ Can ever pluck me from His hand ♪
05:30 ♪ Till He returns and calls me home ♪
05:35 ♪ Here in the love of Christ, I'll stand ♪
05:50 Wow, that is such a beautiful song with a powerful message.
05:55 It's almost like the gospel contained within a song. Joakim
05:59 I want to find out a little bit about your background. Were you
06:04 always a Christian. What was your upbringing like?
06:06 Grew up in an Adventist Christian family but I like to say that
06:10 God has no grandchildren, He only has children.
06:13 To me, I would say when I was 17 years old
06:16 God drastically changed the direction of my life.
06:18 My big passion was to win soccer games,
06:22 score soccer goals and pursue my dream to become a professional
06:25 soccer player. But God changed my passion towards winning souls
06:29 for Him and when you think about it to be ambassadors for Christ
06:34 there's no greater privilege, no greater joy, nothing more
06:37 exciting nothing more meaningful to be involved with and since
06:41 then I like the acronym FAITH stands for Fantastic Adventures
06:44 In Trusting Him. Since then basically, God has led me through
06:49 so many faith adventures in His service.
06:53 Yes, yes, absolutely. So how did he grab hold of your life
06:56 because you wanted to be this famous you know super successful
06:58 soccer player. How did God grab ahold of your life?
07:01 Good question. It was a process. It took some years but I started
07:06 to read the Bible every day. I read through the Bible in a year
07:09 I joined a Bible study group in Bible prophecy. I attended a
07:14 camp meeting, some inspiration week of prayer, some powerful
07:17 preaching, like appealing to you to commit your life to serve
07:22 God and I'm like whoa God is the same today. He wants to use
07:25 us. The Book of Acts. We can continue writing that book you
07:29 know. Things like that.
07:31 Did some of the lessons that you learned as a child, did those
07:34 come into play later on in life? You know, did you fall back on
07:38 the teachings of your parents?
07:40 I'm very thankful for everything I learned. It's definitely a
07:45 solid foundation and many principles. It helped me in so
07:48 many ways for sure.
07:49 Okay, now Europe. Let's talk about Europe a little bit.
07:53 Europe used to be a Christian stronghold didn't it?
07:57 Yeah. Europe and Scandinavia used to start strong, it used to
08:01 be a Christian stronghold and during the protestant
08:04 reformation of course God worked powerfully in Europe, also in
08:07 Scandinavia specifically. There's an interesting statement
08:11 in the book The Great Controversy that talks about
08:14 the role of Sweden. It was the armies of Sweden that enabled
08:18 Germany to turn the tide of popish success, to win
08:21 toleration for the Protestants... and to restore the liberty of
08:24 conscience to those countries that had accepted the
08:27 Reformation. So the armies of Sweden had an important victory
08:30 there but also during the Advent movement. You have read probably
08:34 about Advent the child criers in Sweden and we had 100s of them
08:39 that were miraculously used by God to preach the Advent message
08:44 right and some of them are quite close to where I grew up.
08:46 A fascinating story is how God used those children to proclaim
08:49 the message but also later on in the Advent movement as it
08:53 started to develop and spread the first official missionary
08:56 sent from the Adventist church was sent to Europe and the first
09:00 actually publishing house started outside of the U.S.
09:03 outside of East Scandinavia. Not only that the first publishing
09:08 house, the first publication periodical that was not in
09:10 English was in the Scandinavian language, the first Adventist
09:12 school, the first Adventist Sanitarium outside of America
09:16 all of this was in Scandinavia. So Europe and Scandinavia
09:20 started strong but unfortunately that's not where we are today.
09:25 When you look at Europe today you see that it's not what it
09:30 used to be. For instance Ellen White says that...she wrote
09:33 actually in her time already she said 20 could be more easily
09:36 reached in America than one here she said of Europe. It's exactly
09:42 the same today but probably about some parts of the world
09:44 for sure and when you look at it actually, in Europe, there are 742
09:48 million people today and only 309,000 Adventists so that is
09:55 0.04 percent of the population in Europe are Adventists and it's
09:58 similar in Scandinavia and in three countries. In Denmark
10:02 there are about 10,000 Adventists in all of those
10:05 countries. And so among
10:09 the Adventists in Europe the Adventist identity is quite weak
10:12 and also the continent is very secular. Actually when you look
10:17 at secularism the two most secular continents in the world
10:19 is Europe and Australia. And I did a little bit of research.
10:22 I've had my statistics like this before but I found out according
10:26 to the worldpopulationreview. com Sweden is the second-most
10:29 most secular countries all over the world and according to a
10:33 2023 Gallup International Survey Sweden was the country with the
10:38 highest percentage of sickness and stated that they do not
10:41 believe in God. So the situation today is quite difficult in
10:47 Europe. It's quite tough. It's not what it used to be. We
10:49 started very strong but we are not there today. I think I should
10:54 probably not say this but I think it's time to make Europe
10:56 and Scandinavia a great success. Not really. But to make
11:01 Christianity (multiple voices) To make Jesus and His end time
11:05 message (indistinct)
11:07 Amen, amen. So what do you think happened. Where did the fall or
11:12 or the disconnect take place.
11:14 That's a good question. Actually recently I read about this book
11:18 The Nation That Forgot God. About Sweden. I'm sure it's a
11:21 long process and I think he talks about he wrote that
11:24 PhD about this. I think he talks about
11:26 the influence of the government and socialism.
11:28 I think that's is at least part of it.
11:30 But we are one of the few countries with crosses in the
11:34 flag today but um yeah. Something I like to say also
11:40 today. I don't know if you know how to make the devil mad.
11:42 How do you make the devil mad, tell us.
11:44 There are several things but one thing...
11:46 Well let me start by saying this Do you know what Jesus,
11:50 Luther, Hitler, Ellen White and the Jesuits have in common?
11:55 I have no idea.
11:56 They all viewed education as vitally important. They all
12:02 really valued that education played a key role in what they
12:06 accomplished for good or for bad You know look at Jesus' education
12:10 was specifically a mission training but a crucial role in
12:13 Jesus' ministry and the founding of the church. It's estimated
12:16 that he spent 70 to 90 percent of his time with the 12. His
12:20 priority was not so much reaching the masses as it was
12:25 training the few and working on instead of addition, he focused
12:28 on multiplication. Paul's Ministry in the early church the
12:33 taking of the gospel to the world in one generation. Maybe
12:36 recently I started with the book of Ephesians, I noticed very
12:40 interesting in Acts 19 it talks about how Paul is teaching
12:44 at the school of Tyrannus. He's teaching there for two years and
12:47 the result says that all of Asia was reached with the
12:51 gospel, Asia Minor today. But as a result of his training in
12:54 that school whatever he taught that mission training basically
13:00 reached...led to reaching a large area with the gospel. And
13:03 then of course when we look at the reformation, education
13:05 played an important role.
13:06 Also in the counterreformation actually when the Jesuits from
13:09 the Catholic church tried to destroy what had been
13:12 accomplished through the reformation, they focused
13:15 a lot on education. Also in the beginning of the Advent movement
13:18 we are told very interesting, that when it comes to the
13:22 finishing of the work education will play a clear role.
13:25 Ellen White says that with such an army of workers as our
13:28 youth how soon the message will reach the world long-distance
13:32 will return.
13:34 She said things like in Evangelism p. 109 she says
13:35 things like one
13:37 worker that is trained can accomplish more than 10 workers
13:40 without training. And there's one statement in the Ministry of
13:43 Healing that is very interesting She says many would be willing
13:47 to work if they were taught how to begin. They need to be
13:52 instructed and encouraged. I think that's true. Sometimes we
13:54 go to maybe somebody watching the experience, you go somewhere
13:57 you hear an inspiring message like man I want to work with
14:00 God. I want to win souls. And you want to do something but the
14:02 problem many times is we are willing but we don't know how
14:07 to do it, you know.
14:09 You know what else too? I think that sometimes we end up in the
14:13 situation where we become overwhelmed and we start...we
14:16 get into this place of analysis paralysis. And so we're starting
14:22 to look at all these things like should I do this or should I go
14:25 in this direction so we don't move.
14:28 We have to do it perfectly, right. Yeah. So I like to tell people
14:32 hey if you want to make Satan mad you know one of the best
14:36 things you can do is to go to our mission school. It's played
14:41 an essential role up through history and it will do in the
14:43 closing work on this earth. If you want to make a difference
14:47 in this world, if you want to serve God, if you want to live
14:48 for what really matters, go to a mission school. On the other
14:52 hand if you want to live a boring life, a normal
14:55 ordinary life, without purpose,
14:57 without meaning, I have a health tip for you, don't go
15:00 to a mission school, don't learn how to work for God,
15:02 don't learn how to win souls.
15:04 Yes, yes, yes, no we want that exciting lead people to
15:09 Christ life.
15:10 That's what it's all about I love that, I love that. So
15:13 let's talk about AFCOE. What is AFCOE about?
15:16 Maybe we can start with...I have a short promo over there video
15:19 that we could roll.
15:20 Absolutely. Let's take a look at that video now.
15:22 ♪ ♪
15:32 The early church consisted of thousands of active lay people.
15:35 that was personally sharing the good news
15:36 about God. What if the same can happen today?
15:44 At AFCOE we have great classes ranging on topics from Spirit of
15:48 Prophecy to personal evangelism. Another big blessing is to be
15:54 around people that are mission minded people that are willing
15:57 to do the mission work and put in practice everything that they
16:00 learned in classes.
16:01 Before coming to AFCOE I didn't know how to do mission work.
16:05 And I was afraid to do it. But now I know. I'm no longer afraid
16:12 Have you ever asked yourself how could I be able to do that, to
16:16 be able to share God's love for others.
16:19 I have never grown so much in my life for fear can possess me,
16:23 from discouragement, perseverance and from insecurity
16:28 to leadership skills.
16:30 It's been such an incredible blessing so see how when we ask
16:34 God to send us people, He'll be faithful and true and He will
16:39 send us people at the right time in the right place.
16:42 Leading a person to find what you've found in Jesus, there's
16:47 nothing better than that.
16:49 If there's one thing I've learned about AFCO is that the
16:52 harvest is great,
16:53 it's truly plentiful and empowered by the Spirit
16:56 harvesting doesn't have to be difficult.
17:00 By taking part in God's work and seeing all the wonderful
17:03 and powerful
17:05 things are that He has done my faith has grown
17:07 like never before.
17:09 Inspiration tells us that when the members of the Church of God
17:13 do their part the whole world would soon be reached and the
17:18 Lord will return to this earth in power and great glory. Now
17:23 it's exciting to see how God is working across Europe and around
17:26 the world today to raise up such an army of workers. Now my
17:33 question to you is this: Do you want to be a part of this?
17:42 ♪ ♪
17:47 Wow, I love that. What would you add to that? What is the vision
17:50 motto, what is the program at AFCOE all about?
17:53 Yeah, good question. So it's a four-month missionary training
17:57 program based in South Sweden you can see the map up here,
18:02 very close to Denmark. It's like Scandinavia in modern
18:05 Europe and in one sentence well our slogan is basically
18:10 Training Tomorrow's Soul Winners Today. Training Tomorrow's Soul
18:13 Winners Today. That's very much the focus. It's a very practical
18:17 program. It blends classes and lots of practical outreach by
18:20 going out where we're reaching people. And there's been
18:23 exciting classes on an interesting topics we are
18:26 covering in the course and here are some of them: Personal
18:30 and Public Evangelism, Bible Boot Camp, Gaining Decisions,
18:33 Spirit of Prophecy, Daniel and Revelation. Exciting biblical
18:36 topics that are important for our time.
18:37 But I can very much focus on the Practical.
18:41 And it's all in English. Both the program the
18:44 classes the outreach works well. It's a university town. Most
18:49 Swedes understand English pretty well so English works really
18:50 well. I have a few pictures also just to give you a glimpse of how
18:55 it looks like.
18:57 So yeah here are some pictures from the previous courses and
19:03 the last course, some of that and some of the activities
19:05 and some snapshots basically
19:10 and two of the students last year also got baptized.
19:15 I have a picture of that as well. So lots of nature, lots of
19:17 outreach (indistinct). Yeah
19:20 Here's two of the students who got baptized. Daniel and Lucas.
19:23 Actually, Lucas has no Christian background at all. Swedish
19:26 family. He through YouTube basically got converted.
19:29 Then he heard about through Amazing Facts
19:32 he heard about AFCOE Europe in Sweden, actually
19:34 three hours away from where he lived. So he came to us and got
19:38 baptized. Now he's a powerful preacher, he's a Bible worker
19:40 Yeah, it's fun to see. It's a great time, great fellowship and
19:46 like one of the former students put it, he said: Are you bored?
19:55 Go to AFCOE, he said. That was his brief testimony.
19:58 Other testimonies someone said,
20:01 this was the most powerful experience of my life.
20:04 I have tears in my eyes when I think about how good God is to
20:07 me for sending me here. The training course was excellent
20:11 and I'm beginning to gain confidence which is something
20:13 big for me. This experience inspired me to decide to share
20:17 the gospel with all of my friends that show interest in it
20:18 and commit my life fully to God and his work. I absolutely
20:21 recommend this program. So we praise God for what he has done
20:24 so far and we have a great team Obviously, it takes a team to do
20:31 all of these things. Here is the Board from the beginning of this
20:36 year. Some of the faces here. Shawn Ostrum Amazing Facts. He's
20:39 on our board. Also Bobby Schlund
20:41 is the Union President in Sweden We're happy for the
20:43 cooperation with the church and
20:46 then there is a general (indistinct) which is a kind of
20:50 an ex-convict courtroom which I wish they wouldn't
20:52 be here but great soul-winners experience in God's work.
20:56 Yes absolutely. You know one of the things that I love is that
20:59 not only are you teaching in the classroom and all of that but
21:03 you guys are also bonding outside of the classroom and
21:05 forging those long-lasting relationships and making a
21:08 difference for Christ. Tell us how it started.
21:12 Yeah, it's a long story. I will give you the short version of
21:15 it. Basically Don and Jonathan for 10 years they have wanted
21:19 to start a
21:21 mission school. They've been involved in Bible work and soul
21:23 winning and mentoring people and shared resources. But
21:28 basically, in 2021, we teamed up. I came back from America, I had
21:31 been studying there and we decided to team up to work
21:34 together to start a mission school. As many times it's good
21:39 to do we started small, simple and soon after we decided to
21:43 do this. Actually, here you see one of the first buildings we
21:47 had, it is very humble place. Very nice place out in the
21:51 Sweden. It's like two summer cabins so It's a bit cold in the
21:55 winter. They are simple conditions, we had the living room and
21:59 eating room in the same room with the same tables for
22:02 classes and eating. But it worked out.
22:04 We had the first class. We had seven students. We did not have
22:09 much time to prepare. Seven students from six countries.
22:13 We actually got the key
22:15 to the last house the day the students arrived and we
22:20 really had to...we got the bank account when it was one month
22:21 left on the course. And we had two volunteers. It was an
22:25 interesting beginning. But pioneer, it has the charm
22:28 and God blessed
22:30 and we considered him in everything throughout the
22:32 process. You know one thing we have a prayer meeting
22:36 with the extended team.
22:37 One thing we prayed for was a van. Two days later a van I've
22:41 never seen was parked outside the AFCOE place and was donated
22:44 to us. We're very thankful for to God for getting us that van.
22:49 And since we started, we started small but it has been
22:53 growing ever since. And one of the students from the first year
22:56 Nadja is her name, she has an exciting testimony. She was a
22:59 18 when she came. It was a miracle how she ended up there
23:02 but that's another story. Anyway she was 18. After the course she
23:06 went back to Austria where she is from and she was on fire. She
23:09 started preaching in the church you know and she revived the
23:12 Church and engaged them in evangelism. She preached like
23:15 a couple of times every month for the next half a year like in
23:19 different churches when she came back and people made decisions
23:22 through her preaching. She was giving Bible studies to lots of
23:25 people. And less than a year after she came to AFCOE they had
23:31 11 baptisms, one of them is the next one on the picture that you
23:34 saw there a girl with a Catholic background. Four of those 11
23:40 people she started with in this camp were baptized with a local
23:44 church and one of them was a Catholic background, young lady,
23:48 and yeah it's an interesting story. So they studied for many
23:50 months so they prayed for her and she actually got a dream
23:53 in the end that helped her
23:55 like God spoke to her through a dream as well and convinced
24:00 her this is the place I want you to go. I want you to join this
24:01 church and it was exciting to see.
24:04 So God's hand has been all in this, I mean, from the van being
24:08 parked outside that's incredible You just prayed for a van and
24:12 then the van is parked outside. Yes, that is absolutely amazing.
24:16 Tell us about the church plant because you're working with a
24:19 new church plant, correct?
24:20 Yes we are working with the Lund church and South Sweden.
24:25 It's actually a newly planted church. It's two years old
24:32 actually and it's actually the first planted church in Sweden
24:36 in like 10-plus years. It's not very common to
24:37 plant new churches.
24:39 It's a small church with like 26 members, very young, only two
24:42 people above 50 average maybe a bit less if you count the kids
24:46 But probably the most evangelistically active church
24:51 in the Nordic countries, I would say. It's a great church to work
24:55 a very good synergy with the school. And it's interesting.
25:00 According to statistics from the Swedish Union 2021, 20 percent
25:05 of all Bible studies conducted by laypeople in this Swedish
25:08 Union of the Adventist Church, 20 percent of Bible Studies are
25:12 conducted by this small church. So there's something about how
25:16 active this church is something about how you could do much
25:18 more in Sweden if
25:19 you learned how to do it. You know one of our inspirations for
25:25 our school is you know Ellen White talks about the best way
25:27 to conduct a school is to
25:30 have it combined with this work in the city where you have this
25:34 outreach going on and you combine a school with...
25:37 That works really well in this church
25:39 following this evangelism cycle all the time
25:42 and Christ's method. We were joining hands and reaching the
25:47 the city there.
25:49 Yes. So how did the church plant come about? Like what did that
25:53 look like? Give us a glimpse into that.
25:56 Yeah. One thing that's interesting about that it was it
26:01 actually started by a student you know it's a university town
26:03 a student from
26:05 Africa. You know before Europe used to send all these
26:09 missionaries around the world but here we actually had an
26:12 African student that started a little Bible study group that
26:16 eventually turned off into a church plant from the neighbor
26:20 church. They were praying for the city and like we should do
26:22 something and eventually some of the families decided to move to
26:27 this church to start the plant something new there.
26:31 Now at AFCOE, you believe that you need a discipleship
26:36 revolution. Tell us a little bit about that. What is that? What
26:39 does that look like?
26:41 Yes. You know Revelation 22 verse 17 we read about...
26:47 The Spirit and the Bride say come and let him who hears
26:51 say, come. And let him who thirsts come. Whoever desires
26:56 let him take the water of life freely. So in other words God's
27:00 plan is when we hear the gospel invitation, he who hears let him
27:03 say, come. He wants us to pass that invitation on to others
27:06 that they can pass it on to others. So that's kind of God's
27:10 plan and I think in the early church they followed that plan.
27:12 And that was one of the keys to their success. You know, I
27:15 mentioned in the video Acts Chapter 8 in the beginning there
27:18 you see how all of the members of the church are scattered
27:21 abroad and all of them are preaching the gospel. The word
27:24 is evangelist, it's
27:25 sharing the gospel with their mouths. The leaders are
27:27 stuck in Jerusalem but the members they are spreading out
27:30 sharing the gospel. You know I like this illustration.
27:34 Imagine you have one super Evangelist,
27:35 says super Mark Finley or something
27:37 over here and he's reaching a thousand people every day. In
27:41 year he's like baptizing 365,000 people. Imagine if you have one
27:47 guy that can do that every day. But on the other side here you
27:51 have one active lay person but that person reaches one soul
27:56 each year. But not only that he doesn't stop there. He teaches
28:00 that person to do the same. So after one year you have two
28:03 people, after two years you have four people, after three years
28:06 you have eight people. Now when you look at this model
28:11 illustration after 10 years of work Super Mark Finley the total
28:16 amount of converts will be 3.65 million people after 10 years.
28:22 While in this group, the active members, well they are starting
28:26 to get something going but they will only have reached 1024
28:30 people only. it's also in 10 years.
28:33 How long time do you think it would take before this group
28:38 with active laypeople will be bigger than this group? Guess.
28:42 No idea. How long?
28:44 It would be basically 24 years 24 years it would actually have
28:50 doubled, it's 23.something and then it's doubling. For this
28:54 group to reach the entire world it would take more than 19,000
28:58 years to reach the total world population. For this group in
29:03 33. something years the whole world would have been reached.
29:06 So this illustrates the power of active members, multiplication.
29:12 So how are you figuring it out. So with that group are you saying
29:16 because they're not trained properly. They were just reached
29:20 baptized and that's it. And then this group was trained, and you
29:24 know they're becoming disciples and going out and multiplying.
29:28 Basically having, of course, hopefully for these people
29:31 instead of adding. Sometimes that happens. We add people to
29:34 the church but they don't bring in new people.
29:36 We have to nurture them.
29:38 We should nurture them, to train them to become disciple-making
29:41 disciples. There are some actually, a few statements that I
29:46 think are really inspiring, well actually, I guess I mentioned it.
29:52 Acts of the Apostles, 111: When the members of the church of God
29:55 do their appointed work the whole world will soon be warned.
29:59 And then it says, it is a fatal mistake, this is page 110. It is
30:03 a fatal mistake to suppose that the work of soul-saving depends
30:06 alone upon the ministry. Sometimes we think ah that's
30:11 only for the pastor, it's only for the Bible workers. But we
30:16 are told, actually one more statement from Ellen White. She
30:17 Ministry 97 she says, How can the great work of the third angel's
30:23 message be accomplished? It must be largely accomplished by
30:27 persevering individual effort by visiting the people in their
30:33 homes. In other words, a big part in the finishing of the
30:35 work would be personal ministry personal evangelism. Yet this
30:40 great super evangelist you know we had Paul and Peter, and they did
30:43 great work at that time but a key
30:49 secret, a key...essential component to the finishing of
30:51 the work is a personal effort. It's multiplication, it's
30:55 discipleship revolution that we need to see and that's the key
30:59 thing that we want to contribute to.
31:01 Absolutely. In addition to that, I want to add this right here,
31:03 this Matthew 28 verses 18-20: And it says: And Jesus came and
31:07 spoke to them saying All authority has been given to me
31:09 in heaven and on earth. Go therefore and make disciples of
31:13 all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of
31:15 the son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all
31:19 things that I have commanded you and Lo I am with you always even
31:22 to the end of the age. Amen. It doesn't say go pastors. You know
31:28 We're all given that responsibility. It's The Great
31:31 Commission and we need to be out there spreading the gospel. So I
31:34 love, I love that discipleship revolution. I think that is
31:38 absolutely incredible. What are the students doing today?
31:41 Yeah, I'll share some more testimonies. Some of them are
31:46 Bible workers. Some are... actually one is serving with
31:49 AFM. Another one is going next year many are involved with
31:53 Impact. Actually a week ago they had the Impact in Sweden. It was
31:58 started by one of our alumni's half of their team is AFCOE
32:03 alumni's. And they're actually some are involved with Impact
32:08 Denmark Impact which is basically mission trips across Europe
32:10 inspiring people to serve God. Then you have there are some
32:16 other quite
32:18 recent testimonies. One is a story of Emma and Jonas. It's
32:22 quite nice testimony. So both of them were students. And then
32:28 also, they were Bible workers with AFCOE living to this spring
32:31 And one thing well Emma prays also so she used to think that
32:35 she's from Spain, She used to think that you know winning
32:40 souls, you know leading someone to make the decision is for the
32:42 pastor, that's the Bible worker. But now she has learned, no it's
32:46 not only them. It's a privilege we can also take part in. And
32:50 God has blessed her Bible studies, she was a student
32:52 last year and several of the people, one person she studied
32:56 with is Marcus from Argentina and God really
32:59 transformed his life.
33:00 His mom was a mess. She had been praying for him for years, now
33:03 his life is transformed.
33:04 He wants to get baptized. He is actually coming
33:06 as a student this fall and he's really keen on coming. He really
33:10 he wants to learn how he can do the same, as how he can spread it
33:13 to others. Another person she studied with and again
33:15 it's a team effort through students
33:17 that were involved there but he has worked as a
33:21 businessman close to AFCOE house, Daniel is his name,
33:24 He also has said he wants to get baptized. And you can imagine
33:27 if she would have this thought I mean that's what a pastor
33:29 needs for a Bible worker, she would have missed that
33:31 that wouldn't happen Jonas too.
33:33 Actually, he's from Finland. He's a young man.
33:35 And he was not an Adventist at all. And he actually came to
33:39 this Adventist restaurant in Finland and he started Bible
33:42 studies with my colleague Jonathan Carlson and he became
33:45 an Adventist. And he came as a student, then he stayed around
33:49 as an outreach coordinator the next year and he had some great
33:53 Bible studies when he was here. He started really with 10-15
33:58 people. One of the interesting one's was he used to go to
34:01 Hillsong for a while so during AFCOE he visited the Hillsong
34:06 Church in the area and he started to connect with some of
34:07 of the people there. So he started a Bible study group with
34:09 like 10 young adults from Hillsong and they were hungry
34:12 for the word. You know they get the music, they get other things
34:15 but they were really hungry for the word of God and as he was
34:19 studying with them then you know they get him on the floor.
34:21 They're so excited. They were like hey give us another Bible
34:23 study, give us another one. They wouldn't let him go and so they
34:26 started studying several Bible studies every week. They were
34:29 like hungry and hungry and one of them next course, which is
34:34 the last one we had we came as a student to AFCOE actually and
34:38 then he started giving Bible studies to others and has helped
34:41 leading several people to decisions for Jesus. And it's
34:45 just fun to see these several generations. As someone is
34:50 reached then they lead someone else and they start to pass on
34:52 to others. And that's very much in our DNA, that's what we
34:56 need as a church
34:57 that's what being a Christian really is. I don't know if you
35:00 heard about the difference between a member and a
35:03 missionary. (Break that down). It's quite interesting. It goes
35:07 like this. Members soak, missionaries seek. Members seek
35:13 missionaries serve. Of course sometimes missionaries sit also
35:18 right. Members give offerings Missionaries are offerings.
35:24 Members read mission stories. Members are living missionary
35:29 stories. God wants us all to experience the blessing, the joy
35:34 the privilege of seeing God at work. It's when you go out, it's
35:38 when you work for God, that's when you see answered prayers,
35:40 that's when you will see miracles, that's when you will
35:42 see the Holy Spirit at work as never before.
35:45 Absolutely. What are some other testimonies that you can share
35:47 with us.
35:49 Yes so one that is very new is Safari, Elliot Safari, one of our
35:55 students in the first course. During the course, he started
35:57 to study with this young man in the middle and they actually met
36:01 on a bus. In America, they don't travel by bus so much,
36:03 but in Europe we do. They met on a bus
36:06 and they started Bible studies and they came to some of our
36:10 events and a few weeks ago, actually right before I left for
36:13 the U.S. he decided to join the Seventh-day Adventist Church and
36:18 he shared his testimony with the church and he wants to become,
36:21 they have studied ever since. We are praying now that those...
36:24 his decision to keep the Sabbath and that will impact his family
36:27 and friends. Another one, Jonathan Michael, he's shared
36:32 stuff on YouTube, or TicTok rather, YouTube as well.
36:37 But it's quite interesting. So he makes this short apologetics
36:42 so the message is short and it's actually a big in Swedish, but it's
36:46 a big following 10s of thousands of views for many views and he
36:50 has some really on the YouTube and the TicTok he's has gotten
36:54 some very good Bible study contacts. One of them is a group
36:58 Catholics Orthodox people. Their brother died and they wanted to
37:03 talk to a pastor so they reached out to Jonathan because they had
37:07 watched him online. And so he met them and led them to the Bible
37:11 studies. They started studying first, there were like five
37:15 people and eventually it grew to 10 people. And after the study
37:19 about the Antichrist they decided to leave Babylon, they
37:23 were like I don't, we don't want to be part of Babylon anymore.
37:26 By the way the three angels' messages are so relevant today.
37:28 It's coming up in Europe and Scandinavia. Some people think aw
37:31 It's so relevant people with all kinds of
37:35 backgrounds when they understand it if it's presented in a good
37:38 way, in a Christ-centered way. Anyway so they decided they
37:41 wanted to leave Babylon...This is the group. They were studying
37:44 for like half a year or so. They started to pay tithe through the
37:48 Seventh-day Adventist Church. They started to keep the Sabbath
37:50 One of them is actually donating to our ministry like $200 each
37:53 month. And several of them have said they want to become
37:57 Adventist. At least three of them have said they want to get
37:58 baptized. And one of them is actually a famous serial
38:03 musician. He actually competed in the biggest Swedish musical
38:07 competition that is televised where if you win then you get to
38:11 vision sound contest as you may have heard of.
38:14 Is it like Syria's Got Talent or something or what...what do
38:19 you call it.
38:20 It's a bit different. There's mainly quite professional
38:22 musicians but it's quite...So then there's one testimony from
38:26 yesterday actually from the same TicTok channel and so
38:29 this young man, 18-year-old agnostic young Swedish guy,
38:37 Yohanes is his name. And he had basically decided to have
38:41 nothing to do with religion, organized religion One important
38:44 reason is all the bad things the Catholic Church had done out
38:47 through history. Of course there are great Catholics and you know
38:50 they do good things also but anyway he said he didn't
38:53 want to have anything to do with organized religion. But then God
38:57 started to work in his life. You know his grandmother died and
39:00 he had some experiences like maybe there is a God after all
39:04 And he started to watch Jonathan's TicTok videos. He's
39:08 like man this is logical. This is very different than...makes
39:10 much more sense... and when he said something about
39:18 the antichrist and the Catholic Church, how the Bible prophesied
39:19 how they would do many of these bad things, he's like maybe it's
39:23 not Christianity I'm against, maybe it's a false version of
39:26 Christianity. So one day he reached out to Jonathan. He said
39:31 please can we have that conversation about the Bible.
39:33 So yesterday they talked for the first time and Jonathan was able
39:37 to share the Bible study on Daniel 2 with him and he was so
39:42 amazed. He was so touched at the end of the study and by the
39:45 end he said to Jonathan he's like please Jonathan can you do
39:48 me a service. Can you please... it would mean a lot to me if you
39:51 could study the Bible with me. And this is an 18-year-old
39:55 like agnostic Swedish guy, he's like begging, like please can
39:58 you study the Bible with me. Hungry. Of course. We got to
40:02 pray for him. Anyway God is working you know. Oh yeah this
40:08 one story. I need to share this one. There are so many stories.
40:10 Time is running There's time for this. I'm reminded of one really
40:15 cool story. So this is...his name is Robin. He's one of the
40:17 members of our church plant. So basically, Robin lived in one
40:24 of the more dangerous areas in Sweden. Sweden is usually a
40:25 quite safe country. He used to be a gangster. He used to be
40:30 into alcohol, into drugs, women into anything he could like to
40:34 like to do you know as a teenager, young man in Sweden
40:37 And with that also attending all the parties...but also crazy
40:44 experience. He was into drug trafficking, he was into...he
40:48 had been to prison. His dad died of an overdose and a friend of
40:55 Robin died of an overdose in his apartment, in Robin's apartment.
40:58 And it's a miracle that Robin is alive today. Actually one time
41:02 some other people had placed this bomb outside of his
41:06 apartment literally.
41:08 A bomb outside of his apartment!
41:10 But thankfully the police got there in time. They were able to
41:11 remove it. It's a miracle he's alive. He's been to prison, all
41:15 of these things. And he told me a couple years ago he lives
41:19 quite far
41:20 away now but the last time I met him he told me all about
41:23 40 good friends he had in that time, 27 of them are dead today.
41:28 All of them below 30 years old, 27 of 40 friends, all of them
41:34 are dead. It's a miracle that Robin is alive. It's actually
41:38 interesting. So he started Bible studies with Jonathan when he
41:39 was like 14 years old and he was amazed by all the prophecies but
41:43 then he stopped. But then like seven years later or so finally
41:48 Robin got baptized and he said when he joined our church and he
41:52 said after he got baptized, he said in God he found something
41:57 better than he found in all those other things, in the
41:59 alcohol and the drugs and the parties. He said in God he found
42:03 something that gave him more peace you know, more meaning,
42:07 more joy, more happiness than any of those other things can
42:09 give him and he said that he used to feel this emptiness in
42:12 his heart that nothing could fill, that nothing could fill,
42:17 but he realized that God is the only one that can fill it and he
42:21 likes to say that God is better than the greatest high. You know
42:24 the Bible says he's the Most High God. And last time I saw
42:28 him he stood up. He shared his testimony with power encouraging
42:32 others to use Jesus you know. If God can change someone like
42:35 that in secular Sweden, if God can reach these kind of people,
42:39 he can reach anyone. He can work wherever you are in the world
42:42 whatever people, whoever you are praying for. You might think
42:45 this is a hopeless case but God is the God of the impossible.
42:51 He can reach anyone.
42:54 Amen. You didn't tell me we were going to have church today.
42:55 This is great. I'm loving it. I love it. Look Robin was a very
43:02 influential person and God grabbed ahold of his life and
43:06 now he can use his influence for good and for God. This is
43:12 absolutely incredible. I've been enjoying this so much I can't
43:15 believe our time is dwindling. How has being a part of AFCOE
43:20 how has that strengthened your faith?
43:23 It's a good question. It's really a nice place to be. I
43:31 used to...I'm an electrician and tent maker. I wanted to have
43:34 something practical. Actually I worked one year at the mission
43:37 school before I got into that. If you know anything about
43:41 construction sites, the atmosphere there compared to a
43:44 mission school is kind of like night and day. So being at a
43:49 mission school, the environment is like the closest to the early
43:52 church. You pray together, you worship together, you go out
43:56 together. It's like you eat together. It's like really like
43:59 what church was meant to be. It's so inspiring and you
44:04 encourage each other. If you have a bad day going outside to
44:05 reach someone, someone else had a great divine appointment and
44:09 it's like keeping the fire going. It's really a blessing.
44:12 Hmm. And so you're faith is growing. You've been seeing all
44:15 of these different conversion stories taking place. You've
44:19 seen people like Robin and all of that, how God's grabbed ahold
44:23 of his life. I mean it has to it has to strengthen your walk
44:27 with the Lord. (Yeah) And really solidify that. What's next for
44:33 AFCOE Europe?
44:35 Yeah, a good question. So when I think for the future one thing
44:39 is we want to continue to run a strong AFCOE course every year
44:42 and that's been the main thing so far that we're in the mission
44:45 training program. And actually our goal is to be the
44:50 best soul-winning training in Europe. And it seems like it
44:52 sounds like a competition but we want to provide the best we
44:56 can give. And people the last few months from six countries
44:59 have asked can you do a course in our country sometime? So
45:02 people already see like well this makes a difference. Like
45:06 how do you get so many Bible studies? Another mission school
45:08 director asked me actually hearing what is happening there.
45:11 We also want to continue with the AFCOE living program which
45:14 is a Bible worker experience in a team. That way they get
45:18 mentored after the course. And then finally one key thing is
45:23 well Amazing Facts they want us to be like AFCOE Europe like
45:25 Amazing Facts Europe. In addition to the school they want
45:29 to try to start to translate, provide, produce evangelistic
45:33 resources and tools in media. I think there's a great
45:37 potential. I think many more people could be reached. We do
45:41 a little bit of that today. I think we could do much more. So
45:45 by God's grace, what has happened so far has been a big blessing
45:47 but by God's grace, we want that to be only the beginning. We
45:50 want to push forward to develop the ministry more and more.
45:54 Amen. And so with all of those things being the case what are
45:59 some of your organization's needs?
46:02 Good question. I think right now two things come to mind. One is
46:05 We need some more monthly donors. We are looking for 24 AFCOE
46:10 elders as I call it. We have 17 today that are contributing
46:14 $100 per month. And then the main prayer right now is we are
46:18 praying for our own facility our own house. So far we only rent
46:22 it so we have to move out from all these houses each year. In
46:25 order to provide resources and basic tools if you have to move
46:28 out all the time it would constantly go to the next step
46:31 in our ministry before we get our own facilities. So that's
46:34 something we are starting to look out there, we are searching
46:36 we are praying for everything we need, we wanted to make up the staff.
46:39 How would you recommend it because I know you give Bible studies
46:45 and all of those things, how would you recommend that
46:48 somebody, maybe they've never opened the Bible before. They
46:52 want to study God's word. Where would you tell them to start?
46:55 The gospel is probably a good one, possibly the book of
46:59 Genesis. Actually the book of Proverbs is great too. Some
47:04 people like that, even atheists enjoy that one. And then if
47:10 you are open to it to pray that God will speak to you and he
47:14 will. He wants to do that. Think of it-it's a message from the
47:17 King and Creator of the Universe to speak to through this book.
47:20 Ask him, what do you want to tell me through this story.
47:22 Absolutely. What have you found to be your greatest joy is being
47:27 a Christian?
47:28 One of them is definitely when you see how God uses you
47:33 to transform
47:35 someone's life and touch someone's life.
47:36 It's like I have a friend that is a firefighter,
47:39 imagine you come back home it's an important
47:42 work, it's a great work, come back home. What did you do today. I
47:44 saved someone's life. My brother is a doctor. What did you do?
47:47 I saved someone's life. That's a noble work,
47:49 that's a great work. We need
47:50 that kind of people. But when you think of it we are working
47:53 for God, we're into soul-winning We saved someone's life. We're
47:56 saving their eternal life. We're leading them to eternal bliss.
48:00 The peace that passes understanding, it's nothing
48:06 cooler or more exciting.
48:09 Absolutely, absolutely, super super rewarding. You know as
48:14 you're going out and you're trying to study with people,
48:16 maybe there's somebody out there that's saying you know I really
48:20 want to be able to give more Bible studies or even give a
48:25 first Bible study. How do you go about establishing that rapport
48:31 with someone to be able to study God's word with them.
48:35 I think one thing is we have to be more bold in asking. The
48:40 worst thing that can happen is to say no. Maybe convince them
48:43 sometimes. Sometimes we get surprised we think they'll say
48:45 no, and they say yes. And especially if you pray before
48:48 and would like to give them a shot It's only one time. You don't
48:51 ask them for 28 Bible studies. Can I show you something? Or
48:54 sometimes can I tell you about a prophecy or whatever. Sometimes
48:57 you give them a little teaser. And then you get going.
49:01 Absolutely. What have you encountered...so let's say
49:03 you're giving a Bible study. What are some of the objections
49:05 that you've faced?
49:07 Ah, the common one of course, is the one that people don't
49:13 believe in God so they don't trust in the word of God and God
49:16 in general. The problem of suffering is a big one. And
49:20 sometimes you know you don't need to be so good. It's easy to
49:23 give a Bible study. Just get some good resources. Amazing
49:26 Facts Bible study guides for instance. You can just read it
49:29 together with someone. It's maybe not the best way but it
49:31 works. The first Bible study I gave I would have been
49:35 embarrassed today. Basically we read through the material. I
49:37 didn't know how to do it. But the guy afterward said, Hey
49:41 can we do this every day? I was like what. I was surprised. One
49:44 thing that inspired me to get going is that God can
49:47 bless a bad
49:48 Bible study but he cannot bless a Bible study that doesn't exist
49:52 Another thing is it's not so much about ability but rather
49:55 availability
49:56 but then, of course, Ellen White talks about soul-winning as a
50:00 desire the great desire. We should try to learn the
50:02 principles as much as possible where he will make us more
50:05 efficient but you don't learn to swim by reading a book. It's
50:08 when you get started, that's when you learn, that's when you
50:10 grow.
50:11 I love that. So basically you're saying jump in. (Yeah, yeah)
50:13 Jump in and get going. Get active.
50:16 Find someone who knows something who knows how to do it. Just
50:19 follow along, and see how they do it Learn by watching them is all.
50:21 So who would you say should go to AFCOE?
50:25 I think...in general I think like every Christian, every
50:29 Adventist should go to a mission school sometime. It's such a
50:33 blessing. I did it actually twice myself and I've seen the
50:35 difference it makes in so many people's lives. I think the
50:38 question shouldn't be should I but when, where, and how.
50:41 The best time I would say is after high school but better
50:45 late than never. Last year at AFCOE we had a student who was
50:47 about 90 years old. So even if you're older (chuckles) come and
50:53 be blessed and have a great time of the fellowship. You'll enjoy
50:56 it and you'll be more useful in the Master's service.
50:59 Amen, amen. Now did you get to meet this 90-year-old?
51:02 That one no but I met some 60, 70 plus that had come for some
51:07 other classes, yeah.
51:08 Okay. And how do you go about reaching people with this
51:11 message?
51:12 About the great commission?
51:14 About going to AFCOE, Yeah.
51:15 Yeah, yeah. I do quite some preaching in different countries
51:18 and I also encourage people to go to some mission. Actually I
51:22 did for many years before I started to work on a mission
51:25 school myself because I say, man this really makes a difference.
51:28 So I often made an appeal. I think Ellen White talks about how we
51:32 should take advantage of every opportunity to get a preparation
51:35 for His work.
51:37 Amen, amen. I'm so grateful for what you're doing. You know
51:40 we're about to take a brief break. We're going to show you
51:44 how to get in touch, how to support this wonderful ministry
51:46 and we will be right back.
51:48 If you would like to contact or know more about AFCOE Europe
51:54 You can write them at Tallbacksvagen 14, 24796
51:58 Veberod, Sweden. You can also call them at +46793-064-803
52:14 You can also visit their website at AFCOE-Europe.com
52:21 Or you can email them at Hello@AFCOE-Europe.com


Revised 2024-06-20