3ABN Today

From Spectators to Disciple Makers

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: TDY

Program Code: TDY230052A

00:01 ♪ ♪
00:04 ♪ I want to spend my life mending broken people ♪
00:15 ♪ I want to spend my life removing pain ♪
00:26 ♪ Lord let my words heal a heart that hurts ♪
00:36 ♪ I want to spend my life mending broken people ♪
00:56 ♪ ♪
01:08 Hello and welcome to another 3ABN Today program. We are so
01:10 glad that you've joined us today You know you're part of the 3ABN
01:14 family and we just want to say thank you for your prayers and
01:17 your financial support for the ministry, God's ministry, 3ABN
01:20 You know without you 3ABN would not be able to reach the entire
01:25 world. And you know what Jill? Today I'm really excited because
01:28 we have the opportunity, you have the opportunity to get
01:32 involved in evangelism to Africa and actually go to Africa. So
01:37 today's going to be a power packed program. Don't go away.
01:40 This is going to be really fun.
01:42 Absolutely. We're calling it from spectators to disciple
01:47 makers. What does that mean? You have to stay tuned and find out
01:51 how we can become involved in evangelism.
01:54 That's right.
01:55 Our special guest here today is all the way from Africa. This is
01:59 Pastor Emanuel Pelote. I hope I pronounced that correct.
02:02 (Perfect) You are assistant to the president and director of
02:06 communication for the East Central Africa Division. And
02:09 it's a privilege Pastor Pelote to have you here today.
02:12 Thank you so much. It's great to be here.
02:15 And I know you're all about evangelism.
02:17 Amen, amen it's in our blood.
02:19 Amen. We had the opportunity to meet with Pastor Pelote before
02:22 we went on the program here and boy I tell you his eyes just
02:24 light up when we're talking about evangelism and for this
02:27 incredible opportunity that's going to take place this next
02:30 year. And so we're going to tell you a little bit more about it.
02:33 Let's find out a little bit about you personally. Then we'll
02:34 go to some music and then kind of dive into the program but...
02:38 Married? Children? (Yes I am...) You don't look old enough to
02:41 have grandkids but maybe you do.
02:44 Blessings. I have a wife, Karen Pelote and together we have six
02:51 children. Two are grown, one of them actually has given us three
02:56 and a half grandchildren. So...
02:58 Three and a half, they must be pregnant then.
02:59 Three boys and we don't know what's coming next, the next one
03:03 is on the way. And then we have two that are college-age and two
03:07 that are just today going off to start their senior year at
03:11 academy. So we're very excited.
03:14 That's really special. So you've spent your whole lifetime
03:17 serving in the church. Did you always want to be a pastor?
03:20 Or what's a little bit of your history?
03:22 Wow, great question. I...you know I have always wanted to
03:27 walk with the Lord and serve the Lord. I really have felt that
03:29 all my life but I made a covenant I guess with the Lord
03:34 when I was a child and I told him, I don't want to tell you
03:40 what to do with my life Lord. I want you to tell me. So if you
03:45 call me to do anything I will be there. I promise you Lord I will
03:49 say yes. So I went through school. I went to college and
03:56 even had the opportunity to go to Andrews University to the
04:02 Seminary as I was running a software company, a software
04:06 development company.
04:07 Businessman, you're a businessman.
04:08 Yeah. And so I've had many businesses over the years. In
04:12 fact I was an ASI president for the Columbia Union for several
04:16 years before I came to this position. So I was running my
04:20 business, working with ASI and many other organizations when
04:24 the Lord called me to come and be the assistant to the
04:28 president in the East Central Africa Division. So this is
04:31 actually my first employed position within the church. We
04:39 felt like it was challenging because everything was going
04:44 well. The company was going well Was just really enjoying
04:46 ministry and life. But you know when the Lord called I said
04:49 listen, Lord, I have been praying and asking you to do so many
04:54 different things in my life, in my family's life, in my world.
04:59 And God if you're calling me now to also help how can I say no to
05:05 you when I'm busy asking you to help with so many other things.
05:09 So I said Lord, if this is you I'm happy to do anything so we
05:15 left everything, came the follow Him...we didn't know what
05:18 to expect. We had really no plan other than just trust the Lord
05:23 and we believed he was trustworthy and he has been.
05:26 What year did you move over there to Kenya and take that
05:29 That was five years ago in 2018. Everybody said we were crazy but
05:35 you know I think it's crazy not to trust the Lord when he calls.
05:38 Amen, amen. I know I had the privilege of meeting Pastor
05:42 Pelote at the booth, the 3ABN booth, there at ASI, and he
05:45 stopped by the booth and he said we're doing this amazing
05:49 evangelistic opportunity in the East Central Africa Division
05:53 it will be in July of 2024. We want to have, I think it's
05:58 30,000 simultaneous evangelistic sites. And I said, Yes! At 3ABN
06:04 we want to be involved and we want to showcase this and invite
06:08 people. So we're so excited to talk about that initiative here
06:11 today.
06:13 Oh absolutely. Yes. I'm thinking about the initiative of the
06:16 General Conference, I will go. And so I think about 3ABN, Mr.
06:19 Danny Shelton, of course, founder of 3ABN. He's always talking
06:23 about the Go Ye, right? God called all of us to go into all
06:27 the world. So when he asks the question, when Danny's always
06:29 asking the question, How many yes's are in the room, he said
06:32 every hand should go up right. God's called each one of us to
06:35 a mission. It could be in your neighborhood, it could be going
06:37 to the East Central Africa Division for this project. The
06:40 Lord knows and I'm thinking about you too. You were willing.
06:42 You said God I want to be a vessel that can be used by you
06:45 and look at where God has taken you and you're happy. I can see
06:48 the joy in your face. But Jill before we dive into more details
06:52 shall we go to some music right now.
06:53 Absolutely. We have Carlot Dorve with us. He's an amazing trumpet
06:58 player. The song he'll be ministering is The Lord's Prayer
07:00 ♪ ♪
10:03 Amen. Thank you so very much Carlot. Again, he's a great
10:08 friend of the ministry of 3ABN. What an incredible song, The
10:11 Lord's Prayer. Again we're here with Pastor Pelote, Pelote, make
10:16 sure I get that right. So glad that you're here from East
10:19 Central Africa Division. Tell us a little bit about your
10:22 responsibilities and what the East Africa Division is all
10:24 about, because some people may be like what is that a division
10:27 it sounds like there's a divide Why is the church divided?
10:32 Jesus prayed for unity. (Yeah Exactly) So let's find out
10:33 a little bit and what your responsibilities are in the team
10:35 over there, your leadership team
10:37 Well the East Central Africa Division of the Seventh-day
10:43 Adventist church just means it's a sector, or a region, of the
10:48 worldwide church of the Seventh- day Adventist church. And so the
10:53 headquarters for the East Central African region is this
10:58 division headquarters. Now I work there as the assistant to
11:01 the president for that region. In that region, there are about
11:04 410, 420 million people living in that part of the territory
11:11 (four hundred?) about 410, 420 million people.
11:16 What countries does that encompass?
11:18 It's 11 countries and it covers countries like Ethiopia, Uganda,
11:23 South Sudan, Eritrea, Djibouti, Somalia, Uganda, Tanzania,
11:31 Burundi, Rwanda, the Democratic Republic of Congo, Kenya of
11:36 course where I live. Hopefully I didn't forget anyone.
11:39 That's a lot of countries.
11:41 It is a lot.
11:43 And so that represents about 420 million people there.
11:47 Yeah, Yes and so it's a vast territory but God has blessed it.
11:54 Ah, the Seventh-day Adventist work has been going on in that
11:58 region for just over 100 years. And within the division which
12:04 was officially organized 20 years ago this year there are
12:11 just over five million Seventh- day Adventist members in that
12:16 territory.
12:18 Five million Seventh-day Adventists in this one division.
12:19 That would be the largest division as far as members...
12:23 I believe at the moment this is the largest division in the
12:26 world, yes, yeah. The Lord's really been doing a really
12:30 tremendous work. But the challenge that we have that we
12:35 feel before I tell you even about the leadership because I
12:38 want to be sure and convey that the heart feeling that I get
12:43 from our leaders. Their feeling is yes we may be the largest
12:48 division but the work is far from finished. And you know they
12:53 have such a zeal and such a passion. I mean all three of our
12:57 officers are serious evangelists and they feel like complacency
13:02 is the last place we want to be. We really want to grow and...
13:05 I can see them here. So who are we looking at?
13:07 So in the center, there is the President of the division. This
13:11 is Dr. Blassis Raguri and he has been a strong leader in that
13:18 division. He has been the President, now this is his third
13:22 term as the president. And then there's...
13:26 Strong support then from the people?
13:29 And he...this is a very Spirit- led man. I have to tell you.
13:35 It's something that's hard to explain. You know the title
13:37 doctor doesn't capture it. This man really hears from God and
13:43 it's pretty amazing. The secretary of the division is
13:48 Dr. Mousa Mitcaro and he was recently elected to that
13:54 position last year at the General Conference session and
13:57 then...
14:00 Is he the one on the left in the picture?
14:01 Yes he's the one to the...on the right. He's to the left of
14:06 Pastor Raguri. And then the tallest of the three is Pastor
14:13 Havimanna, Jerome Havimanna. He is executive treasurer there.
14:17 Okay. Wow. Fantastic. What a blessing to have a leadership
14:20 team that's in harmony, going for the same goal, all about
14:23 evangelism and this initiative that we just mentioned, I think
14:26 you said you want 30,000, is that right, simultaneous
14:30 evangelistic series going on? That's an incredible undertaking
14:34 It's amazing.
14:36 It is very extraordinary. Let me I'll tell you a little bit of a
14:39 story behind the scenes, kind of what happens here. So every year
14:43 the world church leaders always gather at the world headquarters
14:48 which is in Maryland in the United States. So these officers
14:51 were all in Maryland and they called us all that were still in
15:00 Kenya, they called us one day while they were under conviction
15:03 at these meetings of the General Conference, and they said listen
15:08 we feel led strongly to do an extraordinary work for the Lord
15:14 between now and 2025. And we didn't even know what to say, we
15:21 just knew it was a God-size vision but it turned out to be
15:25 this incredible campaign that we're calling ECD, Evangelistic
15:30 Impact 2025. And so I've already shared with you the work has
15:37 been there for just over 100 years and now there are these
15:43 five million you know wonderful hard-working members in that
15:46 territory. But the officers are saying now No we don't have 100
15:54 years to wait for the return of Jesus. We want to see the Holy
15:58 Spirit fall and Jesus be able to come as soon as possible. And so
16:03 they have issued the call that every member of the church go
16:09 from being spectators to actual disciple-makers and we double
16:14 the size of the membership in this division from five million
16:18 to 10 million members by 2025.
16:21 Oh, that's an impressive goal. (multiple voices)
16:25 This is a God-size vision. So we are fully dependent upon the
16:32 Holy Spirit to see a work like that done and we know that the
16:36 Holy Spirit doesn't just work through church leaders, not just
16:39 through pastors but through the entire body of Christ and so the
16:44 entire campaign centers on the idea of every single believer
16:49 who trusts in the name of Jesus to receive the gifts and the
16:54 empowerment of the Holy Spirit to share their testimony, their
16:58 witness, their walk with Christ, with one family member, one
17:04 neighbor, one coworker, one friend. Every year just share
17:09 your faith and help them to meet Jesus every year. We want every
17:15 member winning one soul every year and just nurturing them as
17:19 their friend every year. So that's the vision of how we
17:26 would go from five million to 10 million members in three
17:30 years.
17:31 Total member involvement, each member being involved in
17:34 evangelism.
17:35 This is total member involvement This is the priesthood of all
17:38 believers really writ large. And so the campaign next year, we're
17:44 calling it ECD Homecoming Impact 2024 and we're having several
17:54 campaigns in the division where it's not the church that is
17:58 having programs and we're asking members to support It's actually
18:02 now turned on its head. We're asking the members to go out and
18:07 share their faith with their community and the church is now
18:14 creating programs and initiatives to support them to
18:19 help them to harvest those souls that they have been praying for
18:22 and serving and witnessing to all this time. So this campaign
18:29 for next year has really already begun. Church members are
18:33 already out witnessing to so many different people but we are
18:38 organizing a large harvest campaign and this campaign we
18:42 just want the entire world. It won't just be pastors preaching
18:45 We're asking for Spirit-filled church members who love the Lord
18:50 to come and just share a message of faith and belief that Jesus
18:56 is returning soon. That message needs to be proclaimed but it's
19:00 going to be over 30,000 evangelistic campaigns from July
19:06 6 to July 20th. I think it's the largest campaign that has ever
19:10 happened in the history of our church, maybe of any church ever
19:15 So we're really all ready. Prayer is the key. Already we
19:19 are praying heavily over this.
19:21 So this is July 6 through July 20 next year, 2024.
19:25 That's right, that's right.
19:28 So we were mentioning at the beginning of the program about
19:29 you our viewer/listener, family of 3ABN how you can get involved
19:33 So kind of tell us how they could get involved, because
19:36 you're actually talking about you need people again three_
19:38 around the world to come to the East Central Africa, right?
19:42 Yeah actually...
19:43 To preach evangelistic series.
19:44 Absolutely...
19:46 Or be involved some way.
19:47 Yes. Or there are other people that may be called to
19:50 do other things. Pastor Raguri is issuing his personal
19:55 invitation to 8,000 of our church members from around
20:00 the world to come from outside of our division to assist us,
20:06 to lead these evangelistic campaigns. You know this
20:10 vision is from God. It's not about our division. This is
20:15 about the body of Christ coming together in unity and in power
20:19 to impact the world. You know we you know coming from you know
20:24 America everybody could probably tell that my accent is not
20:27 exactly Kenyan or Ethiopian right? So I was born and raised
20:32 here in the United States and you know I have seen all of the
20:38 infomercials about Africa needs this and that and so forth. All
20:41 of these things all of my life. But you know the answer for
20:46 Africa, the answer for the problems in Africa and in Asia
20:50 and in America and South America, everywhere, it's not to
20:55 be found in government, it's not to be found in policies or you
20:59 know and as good as it is to protect the environment and all
21:05 these different things, the answer for the world is Jesus.
21:08 Yeah, that's right, amen.
21:09 It's in the transformation in hearts that change people and
21:15 families and then churches and communities are transformed. The
21:21 Lord loves every human being on this earth. We are all his
21:25 children and he wants to be reunited with us. And when the
21:29 Lord is able to do that one thing we will see nations change
21:32 we will see Africa change. And so this grand invitation from
21:38 Pastor Raguri is for people to come and help us and I tell you
21:44 when people from the African community hear that someone has
21:47 traveled from somewhere to come and just minister to them. I've
21:52 never really seen such gratitude and joy in people than I've seen
22:00 there. And I've been in so many different parts of the world but
22:03 there is something special about that gratitude that people
22:07 express when you come to serve them there in Africa. So he's
22:12 invited people to come. I think many more people will come and
22:15 hear the gospel simply because they're saying wow someone from
22:19 Germany, someone from Japan, somebody from Canada and from
22:24 Mexico has come to share the gospel with us. We have to come
22:28 and see this. So it's a grand invitation from Pastor Raguri
22:32 and the division is saying this: To anyone that the Holy Spirit's
22:36 speaking to you maybe even right now we want you to feel welcome
22:42 to town. We're asking you to go to ECDhomecoming.org because
22:49 there's a website set up there with a personal invitation
22:50 direct from the president of the division and he'll share
22:54 probably much more eloquently than I can his invitation for
22:59 people to come. And there's a form that people can fill in.
23:01 just telling us a little bit about themselves so that we can
23:06 know about them and try to see which countries would be the best
23:10 fit for them and then we can get back to them about how they can
23:14 participate.
23:16 So I want to talk the person at home right now that'd saying,
23:18 No, I feel impressed to be a missionary. I want to be a
23:21 missionary. Maybe this is an opportunity. I'm just not a speaker
23:23 I'm just not a preacher. Maybe they're only wanting like
23:26 ordained pastors to come. Is that true? Or is this for any
23:31 lay evangelist for the Lord?
23:34 Listen, you know, I don't think you know when we get to heaven
23:36 I don't think you know when the Lord calls us all home, He's not
23:40 going to have a section in heaven for the ordained pastors or
23:44 over here an elected church leader, or were you...You know these
23:47 are all...the Lord just simply says you know I knew you. You
23:52 were my friend. I have a relationship with you. You were
23:56 willing to surrender all to Jesus. And the Bible actually
24:01 says don't worry about what you're going to say if you are
24:04 called before kings. Don't even worry about that. The Holy
24:08 Spirit will give you what to say So this is actually...if you've
24:12 ever wanted to grow in your faith, if you ever wanted to
24:16 grow in your faith, you can't grow in your faith until you put
24:20 your faith is put to the test and you actually say yes to the
24:24 Holy Spirit. Yes I will go and you're in a situation that is
24:28 beyond your capacity, beyond your control. You're having to
24:32 stress yourself a little bit and say Lord I trust you that in
24:35 this situation you're going to come through and you begin to
24:40 give what the Holy Spirit has given to you.
24:43 Question for you: So has your faith been tested because you
24:48 moved, big move right? So Tell us a little bit about that. I
24:50 know you've also been challenged your faith.
24:53 No doubt, for sure. When I went...I left, really I think
24:59 God probably said I was a little too comfortable. You know when
25:02 we're comfortable we tend to rely on ourselves and trust
25:06 ourselves and trust the money we have in our bank account, or you
25:10 know I've got these friends and I've made a nice life for myself
25:12 and I don't have to...you know. But that is not the place where
25:17 we come into an interface with Christ himself. You know the
25:24 places, where we meet Jesus, is outside of our comfort zone. You
25:28 know Jesus was here on the earth doing the will of his Father
25:31 outside of the comfort zone of Heaven, you know. So the place
25:35 where we're drawn into a connection and an interaction
25:41 with the Holy Spirit is a place that is outside of our
25:45 dependency on the things of this world. And I can tell you, for
25:50 me going into countries where I don't speak the language I don't
25:55 know the culture, you know... and I've heard stories that said
26:00 maybe we'll get to this but you know you hear stories about
26:02 Africa. You may be concerned. I'm not sure I can go to Africa,
26:05 that might be you know a little bit you know...but it's not
26:09 about do I trust Africa, or the people there or anything. It's
26:13 do I trust Jesus, and I have had to trust Jesus. And I think we
26:20 don't trust the Lord sometimes because we never allow ourselves
26:24 to be in a position where we need to trust the Lord.
26:28 It's stepping outside of our comfort zone.
26:29 That's great, yeah great advice.
26:31 The Lord is always calling us
26:33 outside of that comfort zone and the challenge that I have is
26:38 that so often times I have told the Lord, no I can't do that
26:42 because I'm not...I'm not comfortable. And the Lord has to
26:46 make us comfortable before we're going to obey him. The question
26:51 we have to ask is that really obedience? You know if my
26:54 children say yes Dad I'll obey you as soon as it's comfortable
26:58 As soon as I have it all figured out and everything's taken care
27:02 of and I know the end from the beginning, then Dad I'll do what
27:08 you ask. But I love my children and I challenge them because I
27:13 want to see them grow. So they'll never learn to ride that
27:18 bicycle, they will never learn how to swim and they will never
27:21 know the depths of walking with the Lord until they dive in with
27:27 both feet and just trust him to go where you know naturally they
27:31 would not have gone on their own
27:32 Yeah, wow, that's powerful. Thank you for sharing that.
27:36 You mentioned how it can seem scary for some people. Oh I
27:40 don't know the country, I don't know the culture, I don't know
27:43 the language. I'm a little apprehensive. What would you
27:46 tell somebody who's maybe thinking of coming and they say
27:48 I want to be involved, I want to speak, I want to come. Will they
27:53 be...will someone pick them up at the airport? Will there be...
27:55 What about the practical logistics. Will someone be with
27:58 them at all times to walk them through that culture and help
28:02 them acclimate or who does that work?
28:04 Absolutely, great question. There's this thing that I
28:08 just...it's called African hospitality. And let me tell you
28:12 don't know hospitality until you've experienced that. And yes
28:16 the leaders in the division are saying if the Holy Spirit is
28:21 calling you and you are invited to come and lead these campaigns
28:26 ECD, the church, will pick you up from the airport, carry you
28:33 back and forth wherever you need to go...
28:34 You don't have to arrange Uber (multiple voices) and figure
28:38 out how to...okay.
28:39 You don't even need to figure out arrange food. You know they
28:43 will make sure that you have good food and let me tell you
28:45 this is good food that you will have in Africa. I'm telling you
28:50 I love being there. I'm even a little bit afraid of coming back
28:54 to the States because over there you know actually, let me tell
28:59 you a funny thing. As a kid and growing up you know my fear was
29:03 I always heard that there's no food in Africa, there's no food
29:05 anywhere in Africa. But I was amazed. I got there. There's
29:09 food everywhere but it was in the garden this morning and
29:14 today it's in the market. And so you're eating what is fresh. I
29:18 mean amazing, amazing food. So trust me. Anybody that comes
29:23 they're going to have excellent food. I'm speaking as an
29:27 American. I can tell you the food is excellent. We will feed
29:31 you. We'll even provide a place for you to stay. The local
29:34 Church, you know whoever's sponsoring that particular event
29:37 will provide accommodations. Maybe it's with a host family
29:40 that you know has the resources to provide the good
29:45 accommodation for visiting guests or maybe in a hotel. But
29:48 don't worry if some of us may say listen I really only want to
29:51 stay at the Marriot or whatever is available. The things that
29:57 the local church is providing will all be free. But if
30:01 somebody wants an upgrade they can certainly choose to do that
30:03 on their own if they want to. There's no problem with that.
30:06 So pay to travel over, you obviously, pay for the ride to get
30:09 over and then to travel back home. And also if they want an
30:12 upgrade they can pay for that. But once they get to Africa
30:14 everything will be taken care of.
30:15 Yeah and I will give you for free, I've never seen this
30:20 myself, it's usually in the States during July, the month of
30:23 July, but every July and early August there is something that
30:28 is known as the Great Migration where thousands or millions of
30:33 wildlife they migrating from one area to another and it's this
30:38 great sight to see. I've never seen it but next year because of
30:41 this campaign I'm going to be there in July and when that
30:44 campaign is over I'm going to go see the great migration. So I
30:47 think people should try that. I'm certainly going to do it.
30:50 Wow. Yeah, praise the Lord. I think about this opportunity and
30:54 it's absolutely incredible. So again maybe give us that website
30:56 We say oh wow that sounds really good. I missed the website. What
30:59 is that again? They can find more information, fill out the
31:01 application.
31:03 ECDhomecoming.org. There it is on the screen right now.
31:07 ECDhomecoming.org Now what about the preaching. I know some
31:11 campaigns people follow...I'm just throwing this out like a
31:15 Share Him campaign or other campaigns where all the speakers
31:19 are kind of following the same outline. Are you going to have
31:22 something like that for all 30,000 sites or do people just
31:26 pick and choose or how is that orchestrated and set up.
31:29 We're very excited about that aspect of this campaign.
31:33 Normally we do and I've done Share Him, I've done Share Him
31:37 in the past and it's been excellent. I was in the
31:39 Philippines for that. It's a great program. We're going to
31:42 do something similar to that. This time we're going to have a
31:48 campaign that is really tailored to speak to the heart needs of
31:53 people who are Indigenous to that region. So people from
31:56 Africa are really going to hear how does the gospel really
32:01 issues that they are dealing with as Africans growing up in
32:06 their nations. We're asking for people to come and preach at
32:10 either in English or we will have translators prepared for
32:15 them. But if there are people, maybe they're originally from
32:19 the East African areas and they speak one of the languages
32:22 there then they won't need a translator. They'll welcome to
32:25 come and preach in their language. But we will have a
32:27 full series that is been produced by the division that
32:32 they can share, they don't have to plan really anything. They
32:37 can just prayerfully study those things, pray, and ask the Lord to
32:40 really do something in their discipleship, to even transform
32:43 them so that they come back home they will be even more powerful
32:48 agents and soldiers for Jesus Christ in their home area than
32:53 even they will have been able to be even in Africa. We're looking
32:58 for a world transformation by the power of the Holy Spirit.
33:00 What are some of the specific means, you referenced that. I'm
33:04 so glad that it's going to be tailor-made specifically for the
33:06 culture and the people and that you've already prepared it or
33:09 will have prepared it by next year. But what are some that you
33:12 referencing needs, what are some of the specific needs for the
33:15 people there? What do they deal with?
33:17 Well you know in fact let me go into a previous
33:22 question you said along with this one. Because you were
33:26 asking me about some of the concerns that people have
33:29 sometimes going to Africa and you know rumors and all those
33:33 things. We want to really address those things. You know
33:38 you hear in Africa about you know there are wars and you know
33:44 different problems of violence. You hear about corruption, you
33:47 hear about you know starvation and all those different kinds
33:50 of things that are happening. Well those kind of things do
33:53 happen even everywhere around the world but it was something
33:58 that was in my mind before I went for sure. But the gospel
34:03 has a remedy for those things. This was not God's plan for any
34:09 human being to ever have to deal with. And so the answer to
34:16 corruption, to crime and all those things are found in the
34:19 gospel in Africa you think about tribes and different countries
34:25 and maybe tribal warfare, tribalism and those things
34:31 really are there but does the gospel has an answer for that?
34:34 Absolutely. Yes.
34:36 Does it speak to that? You know there's tribalism actually
34:38 everywhere in the world possibly except for the United States.
34:42 We know we're just a global melting pot. But the whole world
34:48 is tribes. And I really didn't appreciate that until I lived in
34:52 that context you know for this long. The gospel has an answer
34:56 for that in Genesis. God made one humanity. You know the
35:01 answer to racism, the answer to all those things is that. And
35:04 But people are growing up in these different cultures. We
35:08 don't necessarily appreciate that. So we want to make sure
35:12 that we deal with that issue. We want to deal with the issues
35:15 of poverty or lack of opportunity or even
35:20 corruption where there's pay to play and bribery and all those
35:23 kinds of things. Can the work that the Holy Spirit is doing
35:28 in this world actually address real-world problems, economic
35:34 problems. How do I feed my children or get a good education
35:37 for them? How can they become meaningful citizens and helpful
35:42 citizens in the world? We believe that the gospel has an
35:45 answer for that. These are top priority questions that people
35:48 have in Africa and we want to make sure that we are practicing
35:53 Christ's method of reaching the world which is mingling with
35:57 people as ones who are concerned for the needs of the people on
36:03 the ground. So those are some of the top concerns. And we think
36:07 that Jesus has the answer. We would love for people to come
36:10 share that answer with them.
36:12 Amen! You know how does it look on the local level as far as
36:15 like the local churches. I've wondered that. Or like churches
36:18 like every 10 miles or are churches in some of these areas
36:21 areas of Africa like really spread out a long way apart
36:26 from each other or is it rural? Maybe describe the area.
36:29 You know it really varies so much. You know one of the things
36:33 in the pictures that so many people may have about Africa
36:38 is that it's all rural and that there are you know it's just
36:44 cows and zebra you know everywhere.
36:45 No so describe that to us how this church looks now in all
36:50 those communities.
36:51 For sure, there are places where you will see cows and donkeys
36:56 in the road. You know, you'll see some of that but there are
36:58 also grand cities. Our largest city in the East Central African
37:04 territory which is Kinshasa has over 17 million people in this
37:10 one city. It's a grand urban you know complex. You know sky
37:16 scrapers, banks, businesses. One thing that's unique in Africa
37:21 they have this very robust taxi system using motorcycles. So
37:29 that was new for me. So you have this grand mixture of urban
37:33 settings and you have very rural settings and some of our cities
37:38 like Kigali, Rwanda about one- fifth of that city, one out of
37:44 every five people you run into in that city is a Seventh-day
37:48 Adventist. Isn't that amazing?
37:50 So a big Adventist presence there. Wow.
37:52 But there are so many areas where, in fact, there are some
37:56 areas of our territory you could spend a year meeting people,
38:00 you'll never meet one. So...
38:02 There's a vast disparity.
38:04 A vast disparity.
38:07 There is only one person who can really plan how to reach that
38:11 kind of diversity and that's the Holy Spirit and we're really
38:14 depending on Him.
38:16 So in the cities obviously there are a lot of Adventist churches
38:19 but in some of these communities there may not be an Adventist
38:21 church for miles until the next one then.
38:24 It's very true.
38:25 Are you trying then with this campaign to actually like build
38:28 new churches or actually just grow current churches. Now what
38:31 is the thought? Because to have 30,000 evangelistic series going
38:34 on there's going to be growth. I mean folks you know that right
38:36 We're praying for the Holy Spirit as the pastor was
38:39 mentioning here and there is going to be growth so then
38:42 what's the plan? To expand those churches and make them bigger
38:44 and bigger or to do like branch I'm calling them like churches
38:46 or Sabbath Schools?
38:48 You know I think that what we always have to do...The Holy
38:52 Spirit's always going to call us into a challenge that is way
38:55 bigger than we are. And the result, the fruit, that the Holy
38:59 Spirit wants to give us is going to be unmanageable to us and if
39:03 it is manageable by us then chances are we've not really
39:07 heard him correctly, right? So what he's calling us into is
39:13 enormous, it's extraordinary. So we can't tell you that we
39:18 have it all figured out but here's what we're doing. We've
39:21 decided that we're going to trust God. We're going to go
39:23 back to the Bible and to his plan and when you look at the
39:27 New Testament and the Book of The Acts and the other epistles
39:30 there you see the Holy Spirit calling them into extraordinary
39:34 mission to reach the world. The Bible says that thousands were
39:38 coming to the faith every day and they're a small community
39:41 and it was church members doing it. And you know some of them
39:45 were just meeting by the river you know. Some of them were
39:48 meeting in people's houses. Some of them were you know they would
39:51 go to the temple and come back. We will probably have lots of
39:54 different scenarios like that where we just won't have had
39:58 time to build enough churches for all of those new people but
40:01 it will be member-led, disciple led, a discipleship-led movement
40:06 that'll be fully organized as one body in the community of
40:14 believers. Yeah.
40:15 You know I kind of see, I'm kind of visual. I kind of see like a
40:18 wave, a positive wave, right, just sweeping across the
40:20 continent of Africa, right, because you're talking about the
40:23 early Christian church but just going out, right, going out
40:26 there touching people, making a difference, converting people by
40:28 the power of the Holy Spirit. And that's what's going to
40:30 happen here because like what you say going from five million,
40:33 ten million. When that ten becomes 20, that 20 becomes 40
40:36 right. I'll have 420 million people in just East Africa, the
40:41 part we're talking about, right? That's incredible. That can go
40:43 quickly. I think what you all are doing is what should be done
40:45 around the world. I mean it should be done around the world
40:48 because really each one of us can touch someone and that
40:50 person can touch someone and wow, the work will go quickly.
40:53 Can I give you a couple of stories right here? Directly on this
40:58 topic. Now I was not there at the time. I remember wanting to
41:02 go but I was not able to go to the country of Rwanda in 2016.
41:06 This was done in Rwanda in 2016 where we invited the world to
41:12 come you know. And nobody knew what to expect. This was when
41:15 the General Conference was first announcing Total Member
41:18 Involvement, right? And in 2016 the whole world came. I remember
41:23 Elder Wilson was there. Nancy Wilson preached also, she had
41:29 her own site. I mean...Who had never preached before. You know
41:32 I don't think she'll mind me sharing. She was nervous.
41:35 She didn't even
41:37 plan on preaching when she got there. But the embrace of the
41:40 African community there, Pastor Raguri himself invited her. He
41:45 said no we need you to preach. And she surrendered to the Holy
41:48 Spirit and when she did she was blessed. And I believe it was
41:54 something like 400 people were baptized from her ministry there
41:58 just hers. And overall there were 110,000 people that met
42:05 Jesus as a result of that campaign. That was only about
42:08 2,500 evangelistic sites.
42:12 Wow! And 110,000 people there...
42:15 There were 110,000. And there were only about 300 people that
42:18 came from outside of the division to come and preach.
42:20 So now we're saying 30,000 and we're looking for 7,000 or 8,000
42:28 people to come from outside. And I believe the Holy Spirit's
42:32 really going to move. And I'll tell you my personal experience
42:36 with that. In 2019 the East Central Africa Division had
42:43 another campaign similar to the one in Rwanda. It was not you
42:48 know global invitations like it was in Rwanda and like it is now
42:50 So this is just people from within ECD going into another territory
42:56 within that division and preaching. Now at that time that
43:02 country had I think it was around 120,000 members or
43:11 somewhere around there. My numbers are going to be close.
43:13 And the church had been there for some time but it wasn't really
43:19 growing with power and passion. The members were feeling very
43:23 overwhelmed with the size of the mission. There are about a hundred,
43:29 I believe it's 110 million people living in Ethiopia. It's
43:31 a huge population. And you know they weren't really feeling like
43:38 there was a way that they were going to be able to reach the
43:40 whole country. The entire division came, people from every
43:43 one of our countries. We took evangelistic sites, we preached,
43:48 there for two weeks and they went out during those two weeks
43:53 about 20 or 25 thousand were baptized at the end of that
43:58 campaign. Let me share with you what happened as a result of
44:02 that. Because it wasn't just that campaign. Yes it was a
44:06 jump starts and membership came. People met the Lord and we
44:10 praise God for that. But the effects of the Holy Spirit are
44:14 far more powerful when you look at it from a distance because
44:19 Holy Spirit was just planting seeds. Since that time the
44:23 members had been inspired. The members have been working to
44:28 win souls because now their eyes have been opened. Now they see.
44:31 Wow! God is really going to do this and we will just be
44:35 faithful and share a message. So the unions in Ethiopia had a
44:43 plan. Last year they had a plan. They wanted them to plant I
44:47 think it was about 200 churches over these next three years.
44:51 These are new churches?
44:52 New churches. They wanted 200 more churches. And they said
44:56 okay this is what we're going to do and that's big for us but
44:59 we're going to stretch. We're going do this, but we're not
45:01 not going to do it as a church leadership. We're going to train
45:04 and ask our church members to make disciples and we're going
45:10 to start a movement, a disciple making movement and the members
45:15 have taken that up with zeal because now they have seen from
45:19 2019 on they have seen the Holy Spirit is ready to support them
45:22 and instead of taking three years to plant those 200
45:27 churches, my friends, it has already been done. It's already
45:32 given them that goal. They've already planted those and
45:36 they're going for even more now. So what we're talking about by
45:40 having campaigns like this now what we're saying is you would
45:46 ever pray that the Lord would somehow do something to heal and
45:48 bless Africa, that means the Holy Spirit has called you to
45:52 be part of that solution. And maybe it's in prayer and we
45:57 that you for praying for Africa and for the people there. It's
46:01 so important. But through a campaign like this there's
46:05 something more that we can all do. We're all called to pray for
46:09 everyone but the Holy Spirit always
46:10 calls us out of our comfort zone and you may be called to support
46:15 and help someone else to travel to come to this campaign. I
46:20 would love to see every church around the world to pray that
46:24 should we send someone to be part of this historic event that
46:30 will change the Adventist movement around the world.
46:32 How can I
46:33 support or send someone. And for 8,000 of you, 7,000 of you I
46:39 believe the Holy Spirit is calling you. I think the Holy
46:43 Spirit was calling me even before I came five years ago.
46:45 And I just maybe wasn't listening and so now he had to
46:49 come and say no now you leave everything. Come, I want you to
46:54 work.
46:55 Wow. And look at what the Lord has done. Were you going to say
46:58 something. Say you brought some pictures with you too, but go
47:00 ahead, you were going to say something or do you want to go
47:02 to the pictures.
47:03 Go to the pictures...
47:05 You brought some pictures with you about some baptisms that are
47:06 happening right now. Let's go to those. Tell us a little bit
47:08 about what's happening because this is amazing here, the
47:11 pictures that we're looking at. Look at this...
47:15 This is Ethiopia and you can even see the Ethiopian flag on
47:18 the right-hand side of that picture. These are baptisms and
47:23 in fact, these people come from the community that is strongly
47:28 non-Christian so none of these people had even thought about
47:34 being a follower of Jesus Christ before this campaign.
47:38 You have other pictures too.
47:39 (Yeah.) There are quite a few. Look at that.
47:41 So this is a community again of even non-Christians. Very
47:46 difficult to reach non-Christian communities. This is in Burundi.
47:49 And these are...by the way, these are campaigns, these are
47:54 crowds of people that have been won to follow Jesus and become
47:57 disciple-makers of Jesus through relationships with lay members.
48:02 There are people in the hundreds
48:04 I'm trying to remember which country. I think this might also
48:07 be Burundi. No, no, this is, it looks like maybe Uganda
48:11 Yeah, that's amazing.
48:14 And these baptisms that we're seeing here you told us are
48:16 actually from members being involved, right, going out and
48:19 getting involved in this work.
48:21 This is total member involvement This is a neighbor that you've
48:24 been praying for. This is that coworker that you've been
48:27 praying for. You know, this is that son or daughter, aunt or
48:31 uncle that we've been praying for and they're coming to the
48:33 Lord as a result of their supportive campaign.
48:36 Amen. I was just thinking of Acts 1:8, you shall receive
48:40 power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you and you shall be
48:45 my witnesses in Judea and Samaria and to the uttermost
48:47 parts of the earth. And we just want to encourage you right
48:50 now and let's go to a time of prayer in just a moment but we
48:53 want to encourage you that we need to pray for the outpouring
48:58 of the Holy Spirit on this coming campaign, July of 2024,
49:04 the East Central Africa Division. The world, the field,
49:09 is ripe for harvest. Where are the reapers? God is calling you
49:13 God is calling us to become involved in evangelism. We can
49:18 pray for the outpouring of the Holy Spirit. We can become
49:21 involved. The Lord is appealing on your heart right now to say
49:25 Yes I want to be involved in this evangelistic outreach
49:30 this historic evangelistic outreach. You can go to
49:33 ECDhomecoming.org, that's ECDhomecoming.org. You can fill
49:41 out that application and you can become involved in evangelism
49:45 I just feel in my heart...I know our schedule is tremendously
49:49 busy but if we can work it out I would like to come. Oh! and be
49:55 involved you know in that evangelistic opportunity. But
49:59 let's have a prayer for the outpouring of the Holy Spirit
50:03 for this upcoming campaign. For those people who are watching
50:06 or listening right now and making decisions. Do I want to
50:10 become involved. Is God calling me. Do you want to pray for us
50:14 today?
50:15 Amen. I'd be very glad to. Let's pray.
50:17 Heavenly Father, Lord we love you and we love you simply
50:24 because you have first loved us. Lord, you've called us into your
50:29 marvelous light, Lord, and we thank you for all that you've
50:32 been doing for us. But God we know that you never just bless
50:37 people so that we can be enjoying our relationship with
50:40 you by ourselves. You always give us these blessings that we
50:44 might share it with others. Heavenly Father, I know, I know
50:48 very well that there are so many people who are experiencing this
50:52 program right now who have needs of their own. They're asking you
50:55 God to touch their life in some way. Maybe it's a health problem
50:59 maybe there's an issue in their marriage or in their family.
51:02 There's somebody that is crying out God will you bless my nation?
51:07 will you bless my work? Will you help the world in one way or
51:12 another and the Holy Spirit has put those burdens on us Lord.
51:15 And we don't know how we can be a part of what you are trying to
51:20 do in the world. Lord, all we can do is just call out to you
51:24 and Lord in response God you call us as well. You say I have
51:32 miracles, great wonders still to show you. Come follow me. I will
51:38 show you my wonders. But my wonders are not to be seen in
51:43 your place of comfort. They're to be seen when you take my hand
51:48 and you go with me on my mission on my journey as I seek to touch
51:53 the hearts and lives of billions of people around the world.
51:56 As you pray for the hungry, as you pray for the lost, as you
52:01 pray for the people that are struggling in places that are
52:04 difficult I am calling you to come and walk with me to meet
52:12 the people, to hear their voices to join me in catching their
52:17 tears. Come with me and then you will know my heart. God, I'm
52:23 praying for everyone that is hearing the program or watching
52:26 this program that you will touch them in a very special way.
52:30 That you will meet them. Lord that you will draw near to them
52:34 and that they will experience your power. And Lord that you
52:39 will call them into a deeper walk with you. Not just
52:43 experience and knowledge of you but the walk Lord God with
52:47 you. That is the only way to truly know you. Lord, I ask that
52:51 you will help them to know clearly, whether or not you are
52:55 calling them to be part of this campaign, whether it's through
52:59 prayer, whether it's through sponsoring someone to go or
53:03 whether it's through saying yes I will go and I'll be a part of
53:07 this thing. And I want you to teach me Lord how to be a
53:11 disciple maker myself. (Amen, Thank you, Jesus) Lord, I pray
53:15 that you will bless them and that they will find healing
53:19 and regeneration Lord God in you A special touch for the Holy
53:24 Spirit in you as they choose to come and walk with you.
53:27 Thank you, God.
53:29 Thank you heavenly Father for hearing our prayers. In Jesus'
53:32 name, Amen.
53:33 Amen. Thank you so very much. Pastor what we're going to do
53:37 right now is to go to a little break and we'll be right back
53:40 with some closing comments.


Revised 2024-06-27