3ABN Today

From Spectators to Disciple Makers

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: TDY

Program Code: TDY230052B

00:01 I have been inspired and encouraged by today's program.
00:03 From spectators to disciple makers. Pastor Palote in closing
00:08 would you like to share with our audience at home. Look in
00:10 this camera.
00:11 Sure. I'd like to say that all of us have prayer requests. All
00:14 of us have needs from the Lord. But the answer to those needs
00:18 for you, for your church, for all of us is to say I will go
00:24 and trust the Lord. You will never regret, no matter how
00:28 challenging the adventure may seem, you will never regret
00:32 saying yes to God. Trust him. It's worth it.
00:35 Amen, thank you so much, Pastor Palote for being here. Thank you
00:39 for your ministry. Know that we are praying for our brothers and
00:43 sisters in the East Central Africa Division. We thank you
00:47 for joining us as well. We will see you next time.
00:48 God bless you. Amen.
00:51 ♪ ♪


Revised 2024-06-27