3ABN Today

Final Days International

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: TDY

Program Code: TDY230053A

00:01 ♪ ♪
00:04 ♪ I want to spend my life mending broken people ♪
00:15 ♪ I want to spend my life removing pain ♪
00:25 ♪ Lord let my words heal a heart that hurts ♪
00:36 ♪ I want to spend my life mending broken people ♪
00:56 ♪ ♪
01:07 Hello and welcome to 3ABN Today. I'm Jason Bradley and I'm
01:11 excited about this power-packed hour that we have in store for
01:13 you. You know time is short so we're going to dive right in. I
01:19 have here with me Tom Sullivan Final Days International Officer
01:23 It's great to have you here Tom. Yes and sitting next to you we
01:27 have Wesley Wilbanks Final Days International President. It's
01:31 great to have you here. And then we have Pastor Pat Milligan,
01:35 Final Days International Officer It's great to have you on the
01:40 program.
01:41 It's great to be here.
01:42 Yes, yes. So what is Final Days International and what's its
01:46 mission?
01:47 Well about three years ago in the year 2020 in the spring
01:52 right when COVID was coming out I was giving out videos at an
01:59 estate sale I was having and the people were ripping them
02:02 out of my hand. They were wanting to know this truth. We
02:06 were giving out The Great Controversy and they were taking
02:09 them. And I could understand that they were thirsting for the
02:15 truth. Now I also understood as I thought about it that there
02:20 wasn't a single video that had the complete
02:23 three angels' message
02:24 upon it. It had the sea beast, land beast, mark of the beast,
02:27 i.e. the antichrist, the mark of the beast and the USA in
02:31 prophecy all on one video. So Pastor Patrick and Tom and I got
02:36 together and discussed this and we thought you know you're right
02:41 there isn't a single video, all of these subjects on one video
02:45 and we were just impressed that we needed to do this for
02:50 whatever reason, we know now why And we claimed a promise, Patrick
02:56 and Tom and I. We knelt on our knees and there's a promise in
03:01 Jeremiah 33 verse 3 and it says: Call to me and I will answer you
03:05 and I will show you great and mighty things which you do not
03:08 know of. And after that point God started to lead us and we
03:13 were led to Dustin Pezlin with Hope Through Prophecy and he had
03:17 three different videos that did the antichrist, the mark of the
03:20 beast and the USA in prophecy. And we got with him and he
03:24 edited these videos and put them together in such a way that he
03:29 had never planned on doing. And then we decided that we wanted
03:34 to blanket the world with this video. And so we have a hundred
03:41 Facebook pages plus and we've started it in to send it out on
03:46 these Facebook pages to an area of the world. We can send it to
03:50 a country, to a nation, to a city and on each one of these
03:54 Facebook pages we have a WhatsApp number and that's
03:59 connected to somebody's phone number so for each page there's
04:02 like a person that is manning it and we send the video down to
04:06 New York, to Uganda, to a place in India, to all of India. And
04:14 the responses come in and we found a flood, an amazing
04:20 avalanche of
04:21 responses that have come in as a result of us sending this out.
04:25 Today we're going to talk to you about the amazing things
04:29 that God has done in the past three years. We've sent out
04:34 25 million videos but we had 50 million views. Now...
04:39 Whoa, whoa, whoa, wait a minute we can't go past that (multiple
04:44 voices) You sent out 25 million videos but you had 50 million
04:49 views. That's huge.
04:51 This is huge. In 2021 the number one Facebook video was 199
04:58 million and it's like Godzilla eating superman. It's just this
05:02 mundane and useless drivel. But this video we have found people
05:07 watch from the start to the finish. It's not some 20 second,
05:11 30 second. It's against conventional wisdom to send out
05:15 a video that's an hour and a half long. And as we've sent
05:19 this out we found that 20 percent of the people watch it
05:23 all the way through.
05:24 We're still going to catch that video by next year. Next year
05:29 year we're going to catch... we're going to make it the
05:30 number one video.
05:32 Oh yeah. We'll blast past them See we are actually paying
05:35 to send this video out. We're not just posting it, but we're
05:39 paying and we'll talk more about how this all works.
05:42 So you're being intentional is what you're saying.
05:44 We're intentionally sending it out on Facebook and on other
05:47 social media platforms, but Facebook is the big dog on the
05:50 block right now. There's three billion people on Facebook. And
05:57 there's a quote from the Spirit of Prophecy it says: In order to
06:00 reach all classes, we must meet them where they are. So let me
06:04 ask you, where are people nowadays. They're on their phone
06:08 and they're looking at Facebook. So we are sending them the three
06:13 angels' message. And the response has been fantabulous
06:19 amazing, humungous, every other conjugated word you want to put
06:22 together. It will blow your mind I want you guys to understand
06:27 and girls and ladies and men to understand what we're about to
06:32 say, what we're going to tell you. This is unprecedented.
06:36 There has never been a single video with the three angels'
06:40 message and it has never been that somebody has sent it to the
06:45 world. And with the Lord's blessing it is happening and
06:50 it's amazing. Now we're going to get into all of that but before
06:53 we go much further we've told you about this wonderful video.
06:57 We want to give you three different clips that are back to
07:02 back. The first one starts with the antichrist, then the mark of
07:05 the beast and then the USA in prophecy, its enforcement of the
07:10 mark so at this time.
07:11 Wonderful. I'm looking forward to seeing that. In fact, let's
07:13 check it out right now.
07:15 The antichrist receives a deadly wound that is later healed.
07:19 ♪ ♪
07:28 The Bible speaks of this beast power receiving a deadly wound
07:31 which would later be healed. We will shortly reveal how this
07:35 very thing happened to the antichrist. Second the
07:41 antichrist receives worship.
07:43 ♪ ♪
07:48 Clearly, this beast power is different from other nations as
07:52 it receives worship. The antichrist would be some sort of
07:56 religious/political power. Eight the antichrist persecutes God's
08:01 people. ♪ ♪
08:08 The antichrist would be guilty of mass bloodshed against God's
08:11 very own people.
08:14 The mark of the beast. The most urgent warning in all of human
08:20 history and it is given by God himself. If anyone worships the
08:25 beast and his image and receives his mark on his forehead or on
08:29 his hand, he himself shall also drink of the wine of the wrath
08:34 of God. Many Christians are confused on what this
08:39 mysterious mark is. This knowledge is essential because
08:41 whoever receives the mark will be eternally destroyed. We will
08:47 go straight to the Bible to reveal with 100 percent
08:49 certainty the mark of the beast and how you can avoid it. Before
08:55 we reveal the mark of the beast we will first review the
08:58 identity of the beast itself and also God's mark or seal for his
09:03 people in the last days of which the mark of the beast is a
09:07 direct counterfeit. First, let us travel back to the courts of
09:11 heaven where this conflict between good and evil began.
09:15 The United States was a very unique nation when it first
09:19 began. It had two different aspects of its government that
09:23 the world had never quite seen before: Civil and religious
09:27 freedom. That is why the second beast is characterized as having
09:31 two horns. The US was known to have a government without a king
09:35 and a church without a pope. This unique combination of
09:40 freedoms has allowed the United States to become the most
09:43 powerful and influential nation in the world. I'm proud to be an
09:47 American and believe that God Himself was leading in the
09:51 creation of the Constitution and the beautiful freedoms that it
09:55 provides. But friends I must be honest. That is not all the
09:59 Bible says about the United States of America. The following
10:03 information may be startling or even shocking but remember
10:07 if it's in the Bible. We want it. If it's not in the Bible
10:11 it's not for us. We go on to read the following about the
10:15 second beast, the United States of America...he had two horns
10:20 like a lamb and spoke like a dragon.
10:24 Wow! Now that is a very informative, what, three clips
10:28 that we saw. But you know the quality of it and the powerful
10:33 content. I can see why people stuck with it for, what, an hour
10:36 and a half.
10:38 Yes. There's 400 graphics in this video with Bible on it.
10:43 This video is chock full of the Bible. It's full of multiple
10:52 calls for people to give their heart to Jesus. This video is
10:57 Christ-centered even though it it is full of prophecy. Jesus in
11:02 prophecy was given to lead us to Jesus. Jesus said in John
11:06 Chapter 14 verse 29: I have told you these things before they
11:10 come to pass so that when they come to pass you might believe.
11:14 And the prophecies that are in these videos right now we see
11:19 coming to pass in this world and we as Seventh-day Adventist
11:24 Christians have been given a special commission and I want to
11:28 read it to you right now. And is says from the book nine
11:32 Testimonies that: In a special sense Seventh-day Adventists
11:36 have been set in the world as watchmen and light bearers. To
11:41 them has been entrusted the last warning for a perishing world.
11:44 On them is shining wonderful light from the word of God. They
11:50 have been given a work of the most solemn import, the
11:55 proclamation of the first, the second and the third angels'
12:00 message. There is no other work of so great importance. They are
12:04 to allow nothing else to absorb their attention. So we believe
12:09 this is exactly what God wants us to be doing is to be giving
12:13 this message to the world and Habakkuk 2 verse 2 it says:
12:19 Write the vision and make it clear upon tables that he that
12:23 reads it may run with it. And back then it was written on clay
12:28 tablets. Now it's written on digital video and those people
12:32 that are receiving it are running with it and you're going
12:37 to hear about that in this program.
12:39 That's incredible. I'm excited already. I want to find out
12:43 about India. What's going on, what took place in India?
12:47 In India, we were boosting in India, we were boosting on
12:51 Facebook and in February of 2023 a pastor saw the video and he
12:57 called us after seeing the video and this pastor was an engineer
13:01 that gave up his job to become a pastor and he's a pastor/
13:07 trainer. And he said I believe everything that I see here. I
13:11 have told my churches, my two churches of over a hundred in
13:15 each congregation that we are going to come next Sabbath, next
13:18 Saturday, not next Sunday, and he told his churches that. And he
13:23 said I train 20 to 30 pastors per week and that I am starting
13:28 to train them of what this video said. And he said but that's not
13:33 the reason I'm calling. The reason I'm calling you is I'm
13:37 over 500 pastors in India and I want you to come and teach all
13:42 500 of those pastors what I saw in that video. And so none of us
13:49 had ever been to India before None of us have ever thought
13:52 about going to India before but we started praying about it and
13:58 we felt God was leading us to go to India. And so we said okay
14:02 and within two months God had brought everything together and
14:07 we arrived in Mumbai, India in April of 2023 and we took our 30
14:16 minute Uber drive, three-hour Uber drive over to Lonavala,
14:21 India and in Lonavala, India we had 175 Sunday pastors coming
14:29 from all around the area. As I talked to them during the
14:34 meeting some of them were riding on the train for 12 hours, some
14:36 for 18 hours. I talked to one brother that rode for two days
14:42 to get there. And these 175 Sunday pastors came together
14:45 here in Lonavala, India, and we taught them for three days. We
14:52 had five meetings per day and so we had approximately 15 meetings
14:56 where we taught the present truth that we know to them.
15:01 Daniel 2, Daniel 7, Revelation 12, Revelation 13. three angels'
15:06 message of Revelation 14, the second death, the state of the
15:12 dead. We taught everything and we were absolutely blown away
15:16 by how much they loved what they were hearing.
15:20 And we showed the video at the end and that tied it all
15:24 together. And we were amazed that these pastors came up to us
15:30 constantly in between breaks and stuff and said we've been in
15:34 theological school for three years and we've never heard
15:36 anything like this. We don't know these things. We need to
15:40 hear these things. We want to teach these things to our people
15:44 And so amazingly these 175 pastors we had 70 of them tell
15:52 us that we have accepted the Sabbath. We are going back this
15:56 week to our congregation and we are going to tell them these
16:01 truths and so 70 of those pastors already have told their
16:06 people that they are going to keep the Sabbath and they're
16:09 changing their churches over just like that pastor that we
16:12 met that told us to come over. He changed their churches over.
16:15 See that's huge and you mentioned something that I want
16:18 to point out. They haven't teen taught that and so like it's
16:21 important for us to recognize that there are people that don't
16:25 know the truth. It's not just that they were like well no
16:28 we're not going to keep it, you know not going to keep the
16:31 Sabbath, but they didn't know about it.
16:34 And they were absolutely drinking it in. We have some
16:38 pictures that will come up that show the pastors. Those pastors
16:41 for three days...these are Sunday pastors that had been
16:44 preaching for 20 and 30 years in some of the churches some of
16:47 them have. And they were just completely enthralled by...And
16:52 so we met at that meeting in Lanavallo we met a brother that
16:58 was over 20,000 Sunday pastors. And he said what I'm seeing here
17:04 I want you to come back and I want you to teach my 20,000
17:09 Sunday pastors that same message And we said we're going to give
17:14 it to them all. We can't hold back. And he said I want, to bring
17:18 it. We want all 20,000 of these pastors to hear that. And so we
17:22 said wow. We couldn't help but see that God is throwing open a
17:28 huge door here and just like Paul in 1 Corinthians chapter 16
17:32 verse 9 said for there is a great door opened and effectual
17:38 unto me and there are many adversaries. And we just felt
17:40 like that God was leading us. So we said well by the grace of
17:44 God we're going to go back. And so we left India in April and in
17:52 July of 2023 we came back and God had put together four
17:58 meetings now. We have four meetings in four different
18:02 cities in India. We have Hyderabad we have Magpoor, we had
18:07 Vijayawada
18:08 and in Bangalore, India. We had meetings in July in each of
18:13 those places and we're saying, you know what God as this was
18:18 going on it was bringing together all the pieces to help
18:22 bring these meetings off. We had Amazing Facts India come in. We
18:28 had Adventist World Radio come in, we had the conference
18:34 President of the Indian conference comes in. He was
18:37 speaking for us. We brought in...God just put all these
18:41 pieces. We really didn't know too much what we were doing here
18:44 God had this all figured out and he brought all these pieces
18:47 together. We'll see some of the brothers that came together to
18:50 help with these meetings. But in July we had four sets of
18:57 meetings in four different weeks (a thousand Sunday pastors)
19:01 a thousand Sunday pastors that we were going to be meeting with
19:04 in these four meetings averaging about 200 or so pastors in each
19:10 meeting. And so we saw the same thing happen. As a matter of
19:14 fact not only did we see the same thing but we saw that God
19:17 was working even mightier, even stronger in these meetings. They
19:20 got more and more interested as we went along.
19:25 And we got a graphic of the results.
19:30 Yes we do and we want to show that and then you'll talk about
19:31 that. Yes and so here we have the
19:34 results. In the first meeting we talked about Lanavala it was a
19:38 40 percent of those pastors at that time said we are ready
19:43 right now. Now we know the Holy Spirit is still working with
19:46 those pastors but 40 percent at that date said we are ready
19:49 right now. We're changing our churches over to Sabbath keeping
19:51 churches. We want to become Seventh-day Adventists.
19:55 Then if you put all five meetings together 57 percent
19:59 of those Sunday pastors had marked the same thing, 57
20:03 percent. And then we have the last meeting was in Bangalore.
20:10 Well first the last four meetings we were just getting
20:12 better as we go. (multiple voices) We went back to India
20:16 because it was a prototype, a pilot program. The first meeting
20:21 we were blown away by how many people had responded and we said
20:27 we have to go back and see if this was an anomaly or was this
20:30 real? So if they'll put that graphic back up we want to
20:33 finish with it and show what happened at the end. So we have
20:36 yeah, we had at the last meeting in Bangalore, we had 183 Sunday
20:43 pastors there. Now you know I understand...see we're just like
20:47 some of the viewers that are seeing this, are sitting there
20:50 thinking what are you talking about. We've never seen such
20:53 things. We have neither but we had 183 Sunday pastors at the
20:58 last meeting in Bangalore and 79 percent of them, 144 of them,
21:02 said, marked on the paper that we hand out, We accept the
21:07 Sabbath, we believe it, we are going to go back and teach it to
21:11 our people...
21:12 A hundred and forty-four. That's 144,000 (multiple voices)
21:17 You got it. It was like goose bumps city, walking on water
21:22 stuff. It was the Holy Spirit drenching us. It was amazing.
21:26 Now this, this was real. Patrick he's dying to tell you about
21:31 Africa and the rest of it. This is happening all around the
21:35 world and it was just amazing. It was beyond. What words do you
21:41 have? I've never seen anything like
21:43 this. I've never seen anything like this and I want to say this
21:45 I know some of the people that are watching are saying it's not
21:50 comprehending. If somebody wants to go with us. If somebody
21:53 really thought you know what I think I could really get into
21:56 this, if they wanted to go with us we can probably arrange
22:00 (Multiple voices) We're going back for more
22:02 meetings again and again and that's going to be dependent on
22:04 things. But we've got multiple meetings lined up because the
22:09 Lord is leading us. We were busy enough sending out three billion
22:12 videos to the world and then the Lord said well I want you to
22:17 send this to 20,000 Sunday pastors on the ground in India.
22:21 Now Patrick's over here. He's holding himself back from
22:25 wanting to get out.
22:26 Yeah, I want him to tell us about Africa, Mexico, and other
22:28 parts of the world in a minute, but go ahead you're onto
22:32 something.
22:34 So we would like other people to join with us. This ministry as
22:39 Tom already said it's a whole bunch of ministries getting
22:44 together: AWR and Amazing Facts. We couldn't do...
22:47 Now 3ABN (multiple voices) we're so glad 3ABN is in there.
22:51 And AWR, this is the way I say it in Oklahoma vernacular terms
22:57 We tag 'em, they bag 'em. You know so we knock these guys down
23:03 and AWR is following up with all the leads systematically and all
23:09 of these Sunday pastors are being put into Zoom meetings
23:11 and being nurtured. We have people all along the continuum
23:16 at different spots. People that are just coming on, but we've
23:20 got tons that have seen this video one time and they join
23:25 (multiple voices) Well praise God, praise God for
23:26 the way that he's moving through your ministry. Now what is the
23:29 web site. You mention that people want to join you. What's
23:33 your website?
23:34 The website is simple. The video's name is Final Days. The
23:39 website is FinalDays.video. If you have a problem put a www in
23:45 front of it but it's FinalDays.video and there you
23:48 can see the video. It's right there and it's...got to say this
23:52 right now. It's in multiple languages, about a dozen of
23:55 them. Some of them are stuck up and some haven't put on yet
23:59 because they're just flowing in but we've got it in English, in
24:01 Spanish, in Italian, in Greek. We've got it in Russian, we've
24:05 got it in Chinese and we've got it in Hindi and Urdu and Tamil
24:12 and these other languages that are just coming in as we're
24:15 speaking. We're going to put it in Portuguese. We're putting it
24:19 in every language...We are sending this to the world. We believe
24:23 in the fourth angel's message. We believe that the angel the
24:29 messenger is going to lighten this world with power and glory.
24:33 (Yes) We want to be a part of it
24:34 Amen. Now what's going on in Africa and other parts of the
24:38 world?
24:39 Oh same thing. I mean it's exploding in Africa and we
24:43 started boosting it in Africa and Wesley found these two
24:48 gentlemen, Aaron and David, and Wesley was so impressed with
24:51 them that they were so excited to want to win souls that we
24:57 hired them. They're our Bible workers in Africa. And so far
25:01 they're leading a hundred people a month into the church. And
25:08 they have over 8000 people on WhatsApp Bible study groups.
25:11 And so there was one man, Pastor Gelosi. he had a 400-member
25:19 church. He saw it. He went to his church. He said listen we
25:22 need to be observing the seventh day Sabbath. They all said
25:25 Pastor, we're with you. He knows over 500 other pastors that he's
25:33 befriended, they're part of the ministerial alliance in that
25:35 area, whatever, and he wants a meeting that's going to come up
25:40 this fall, this September, he wants to invite them to these
25:44 meetings. So same thing like India, the same thing in Africa.
25:46 There's one man of another denomination Sunday church. He
25:53 had 17 of his pastor friends they went to their denomination
25:57 tried to get their denomination to see the importance of the
25:59 seventh-day Sabbath. They said listen, we're not interested and
26:03 listen if you're not going to follow what we're saying you
26:05 know you're basically terminated So now he's joined the Seventh-
26:09 day Adventist church. So I just want to say this in closing of
26:13 my part that I've been a pastor/ evangelist for a long time, over
26:17 40 years. I've never seen anything like this. I mean let's
26:21 say your budget at your church is say $6000 a year. If you
26:26 mailed out the brochures in your community you might get 15 or 20
26:30 people showing great interest. But if you put $6000 in boosting
26:35 this in your community...okay let's say you boosted
26:40 Indianapolis or you boosted Boston or you boosted you know
26:43 parts of the other...You would have many thousands, Wesley
26:46 would say no millions. If you delivered 6000 that would reach
26:51 over a million. So you know 20 or 30 people is great but you
26:57 know having thousands, hundreds of thousands is even greater.
27:01 You know and people say well do they all come in a one time?
27:05 Well maybe not but still wouldn't you like your
27:09 investment to reach you know hundreds of thousands of people.
27:12 Because you know some are going to come in now, some are going
27:15 to come in a little bit later but as I told Wesley and Tom
27:19 this is the best bang for your buck. It really is. So I'm
27:23 excited because in 40 years of ministry I have never seen
27:27 anything like this.
27:29 Amen, amen. So you're planting the seed and God is watering it
27:32 and growing it.
27:34 Yeah absolutely. There's something else that should be
27:35 said here is this does work in the United States. It works in
27:39 America, it works in Europe, it works wherever you want to
27:43 use it, it works. It's that we are getting such a flood from
27:50 non western countries that it almost buries our western
27:53 country work but we are doing the same work in America. And so
27:57 you'll find the best results you'll ever find of anything
28:01 in America but God is opening such big doors that we have to
28:06 go through them.
28:08 I mistakenly said per week for those two workers because the
28:13 flood, I mean it just is dependent on how many videos
28:15 we send out. We had 1500 contacts earlier this month just
28:20 from five days in one part of India. And that brings me back
28:25 that we forgot to show the video of the three people that were
28:32 converted because of this video in India. So I think
28:35 this time.
28:36 Wow. Okay well let's take a look at that video.
30:27 Do you believe that this way that we're doing this, sending
30:33 this video out on Facebook, do you believe it works?
30:59 When you saw this video for the first time what kind of
31:02 impression did you have in your mind? What did you think?
31:45 So you say that you found the solemn truth for the first time
31:49 in your life.
31:52 Wow, what a powerful testimony. Raheem converted from Islam
31:56 to Christianity. Pastor Pat.
31:58 Well we were so impressed with him we put him on as a full-time
32:03 Bible worker. He is bringing in so many new people that's
32:07 excited about this message. He is a great asset to the ministry
32:10 But we boosted him with a $10 boost. We found this guy with
32:18 $10. Unpack that because people will
32:21 be like well what's a $10 boost?
32:23 Well it's almost like Jesus you know with taking the loaves and
32:26 fishes. How can you feed so many with just a little. God does
32:31 this. When God's behind something somebody can send in
32:34 say we want to give this much money, let's say it's $25 or
32:41 $250 and we want to advertise our area on Facebook. God can
32:46 take that and he can get the precious souls that are out
32:49 there even with that small amount. Because it's his work.
32:52 It's his work.
32:54 Amen, amen.
32:55 Yeah he was just saying for the money; here's a $100 bill. It'll
33:01 go to $100,000 for $100, 100,000 people, people are much more
33:11 valuable than dollars for sure but it'll go to 100,000 people
33:14 for $100. $1000 goes to a million people. A million
33:22 dollars takes it to a billion people. We are trying to send
33:25 this to three billion people. I know some people out there have
33:29 money, they have $20, $30, $50. Some people have $100,000. We've
33:34 had people give $10,000, $20,000 $5000. One lady sends us $30 a
33:41 month. That goes to 30,000 people. Raheem came as a result
33:47 of $10.
33:49 That's effectual as Paul said in 1 Corinthians. That's a great
33:53 open door and effectual. You can't get any more effective.
33:57 Absolutely. One thing I know about you guys is you have a lot
34:00 of incredible stories. God has been moving and that is evident
34:04 What are some of the stories that you can share with our
34:06 audience?
34:08 Well Pastor Patrick he told us about Pastor Joasi and
34:11 Isaac Bencaba
34:12 There's another pastor named Pastor Debek and he has 181
34:18 Church members and they're all keeping the Sabbath now and he
34:23 wants to become a Seventh-day Adventist. Now also another man
34:26 named Pastor Jarrod has 46 Church members and they're all
34:31 keeping the Sabbath. He wants to become a baptized Sabbath keeper
34:35 or Seventh-day Adventist. There's another man named Pastor
34:40 Delbock, Delback and we have a graphic of him here. He saw the
34:45 video in the year 2022. He was kicked from being a Sunday
34:50 pastor because of him finding the Sabbath and teaching to
34:53 other ones. He was making $168 a month as a pastor and he
35:00 started having to go to the street and sell you know wares
35:04 on the street, plastics or blankets as these people in
35:08 India. You see them everywhere selling stuff to scrape out a
35:11 living to make $150 a month. He was willing to give up $168 per
35:18 month so that he would keep the Sabbath and stand true to this.
35:23 Now the list goes on. Another pastor who is also a doctor and
35:27 his name is Dr. Devadonem and we have a graphic of him. He came
35:31 to one of the meetings and he saw the presentations. He was
35:37 there for three days. He got the Great Controversy, went home and
35:40 read the Great Controversy in two days. Called me on the phone
35:44 He said, my eyes have been opened...
35:50 Wait, wait a minute you said he read the Great Controversy in
35:52 two days. That's like 600 pages.
35:54 This guy was on fire, is on fire and he's over a ministry that is
35:59 in the Philippines, in Japan, in Korea and they have stuff
36:04 here in the United States and he said I want you to take this
36:09 to all of my ministry. And it goes on. I mean the list is too
36:14 much just to tell you everything but here's a few more. Pastor
36:18 Dongree who's on another graphic here on the right of the screen
36:21 has 100 Sunday pastors and on the left is another pastor. On
36:27 the right, if you're looking at the screen is Pastor Dongree.
36:31 He came to the meetings. He wants us to take it to 100
36:34 Sunday pastors. The man on the left of this lady is Pastor
36:38 Rajindra. He was persecuted, thrown in jail as a Christian
36:44 came to these meetings and he wants to take this message to
36:48 everywhere. I said to him, I said well we could move you to
36:52 another part of the nation. And he said no, he said I want to
36:57 take this back to my people. These are people who have had
37:01 their livelihoods were taken away, who have been beaten, thrown in
37:04 jail, receive this truth, are ready to stand. One more pastor
37:08 here and I don't know if we have a picture of him or not but
37:11 Pastor Bablu Kumar, found a video and he dug deep into the
37:16 website and started studying, was convinced. He hooked up with
37:20 Raheem. He started Bible studies with Raheem and he was led into
37:24 the truth further and further. But he was ready, voracious took
37:27 it all in and he started teaching his church. He was
37:32 kicked from his church. Fifteen members though went along with
37:36 him and all of the members of his family, they all want to
37:41 become baptized members of the Seventh-day Adventist church.
37:44 Wow. People are coming out of her, come out of her my people.
37:47 That's what Raheem said. He called Wesley, he said Wesley,
37:54 he said I watched that video. He said I want to know how do I
37:58 come out of Babylon. That's what he said.
38:00 Yeah. Pastor Pat, why do you think God is blessing the Final
38:04 Days International so much?
38:06 Well I think he's blessing it so much because we are giving the
38:10 three angels' messages in an unprecedented way. I want to
38:14 read you a quote here from Review and Herald, August 19,
38:18 1890 and it says: When the third angel's message is preached as
38:23 it should be power attends its proclamation and it becomes an
38:28 abiding influence. And I've noticed when people watch this
38:33 they call Wesley and I and Tom and they've said you've changed
38:38 our life forever. We've never seen anything like this. In
38:41 other words it really grabs them and shakes them and in this
38:45 world, especially in America, we need something that kind of
38:49 shakes people a little bit and gets their attention where they
38:52 say man I've never seen anything like this before. I mean, tell
38:55 me more, you know. So that's what I'm noticing is that God is
39:00 behind this and if God is behind it, of course, it's going to have
39:04 you know results and the other thing that I see is you know
39:11 Amazing Facts, because they speak the language, you know
39:13 like Hindi, you know we've yoked up with them and AWR and I think
39:20 because we're working with all these ministries together I
39:23 think God is pouring out his Spirit. It's like that story in
39:26 the Bible. They couldn't get to Jesus so they opened up the roof
39:29 and you know they took four men to bring one person to Christ.
39:34 Here are four ministries working together. God is just blessing
39:37 it because you know people we're not being selfish or anything
39:41 We're just saying we want to all work together to finish the work
39:45 So like Wesley said we're good at really getting the interests
39:49 and then other people will help with Bible work and you know
39:53 because there's only just a few of us. We're like Gideon's band.
39:55 We have a graphic of where we were working in India and all
39:59 the ministries that are working and you can see we're from
40:03 different parts, AWR, Amazing Facts, Independent evangelists
40:08 pastors that are from the conference. This is a group
40:12 effort along with 3ABN.
40:15 Amen. Amen. You know Tom I want to find out a little bit about
40:19 the costs. What are some of the costs involved to accomplish
40:22 your goal.
40:23 Okay, when this ministry is what you might call a low, low, low,
40:27 low overhead ministry. We work out of Wesley's garage apartment
40:31 We're mostly volunteers and so we have a lot of volunteers. We
40:36 have volunteers that continually want to join us that are looking
40:40 for hey I got a couple hours a day I can spend. I can answer
40:44 some of these interests and we have interests. We have
40:48 volunteers doing that. So we're very low overhead so we have
40:55 very efficient work that's going on. So just to kind of give you
40:59 an example: In the meetings that we had in India, the five
41:05 meetings that we had there to bring a Sunday Pastor to that
41:14 city wherever we were having it was costing about $50. Fifty
41:19 dollars transported them on the train fed them, put them up for
41:24 three days. So $50, so as you said to do I want you to
41:29 consider the possibility. We have a brother that is crying
41:32 for us to come and share that. Let's just take a brother that
41:35 has 20,000 pastors. If you take him and you say okay if we have
41:42 20,000 pastors and these meetings are going to continue
41:44 We're having them set up to continue on and it's going to
41:46 depend a lot upon the resources that God provides for us but we
41:51 have the meetings. Just think about the possibilities. You
41:54 have 20,000 Sunday pastors at $50 apiece that's a million
41:59 dollars. Let's just say roughly God did better in our meetings
42:04 we had maybe 50 percent of those pastors accept the message and
42:10 go back to their churches and accept it. So now we have a
42:13 thousand Sunday pastors, I'm sorry 10,000 Sunday pastors who
42:17 have accepted it and their churches are about an average of
42:21 100 people in the congregation. So if you take that, that's a
42:28 million people have been exposed to the three angels' message for
42:32 a million dollars. What's the math there. That's a dollar per
42:38 person. A dollar per person. Now that works on a million dollars
42:43 and that works on the five meetings we had
42:45 in April and July
42:47 It takes about $1 per person that's exposed to the Seventh-
42:54 day Adventist truth that we love and...
42:58 And this is not just people that we were doing these meetings
43:02 for. These are for pastors, Sunday pastors, and when they
43:09 get converted and they're on fire with this message, Let him
43:13 that reads it run with it. Let those that see this video run
43:17 with it. And we're seeing it happen. Remember Revelation 18
43:22 verse 1, it says that the angel lightens the world with power
43:26 and glory. Well down in verse four it says Babylon is fallen,
43:30 is fallen. Come out of her my people. We are seeing this
43:34 happen before our very eyes. And I won't ask these guys if I can
43:39 jump in Jason and do that. Have you ever seen anything like this
43:44 in your life. He's been doing ministry for 41 years. He's
43:48 very old, he's older and he's been doing it for 40 years. I've
43:51 only been doing it for like 20 years, so I'm younger. But have
43:56 seen anything like this?
43:58 No, I've been in prisons for 30 some years, I've had Revelation
44:02 seminars, hundreds because we continue to have them in prisons
44:05 and other places of evangelism and we continue to do that
44:09 That's what God has called us in our part of the vineyard. But
44:13 the thing that we can't help but be blown away is God has opened
44:16 this huge door for us and we don't know how long that door's
44:19 going to be open. That's why Paul said I'm staying here in
44:24 Ephesus, this door is open and it's effective. And we just
44:27 can't help but feel that's exactly what God is doing here
44:30 with us and we are looking for people that want that vision and
44:34 if you have that vision you can help us because the only thing
44:37 that's going to help her back are resources especially
44:41 financial resources and prayer.
44:44 So Pat that brings me to my next question. How long do you
44:50 anticipate it taking for Final Days to make it into all the
44:53 world.
44:55 Well there's what, seven or eight billion people. If we had
45:00 a couple of million dollars I think it would just take off
45:05 like fire in stubble. I think we could do it with a couple
45:07 million dollars.
45:09 How quickly will that happen?
45:10 We have this set up to operate in Africa, anywhere, and this is
45:15 operate this is going, the prototype they have set up we
45:17 have it all operating. So only thing that's going to hold back
45:20 back is how much resources are available because it can go like
45:25 a wildfire.
45:28 I was saying when Tom jumped in. We all three excited and that's
45:31 good. We want to be enthusiastic about this, we want to be
45:35 excited. The word enthusiasm is from the root words in and
45:40 theos, in God. We want to be charismatic. I want to steal
45:44 that word back. I want to be Pentecostal. We believe that God
45:48 is going to bless in a fantastic way and he's going to do it in
45:51 India. And you asked how long would this take in India? It'll
45:55 happen as quickly as the funds come in and everybody throws in
45:59 and gets it done.
46:03 Mmm, mmm, Amen, amen. So what are your needs?
46:05 Our needs. Well you've heard about the financial needs. We
46:10 also have a need for prayer. A lot of prayer. We have people
46:15 that are on the ground working hard. We can use more people
46:22 that want to be plugged into a Facebook page and are answering
46:28 these calls. So you have a little bit of technological
46:31 skill. My phone actually is ringing off the hook. I can
46:37 scroll down and show you hundreds of people that want
46:41 questions answered, hundreds, thousands of people are coming
46:44 to our phone. The only thing that's limiting us is people
46:47 that are willing to help and funds that are needed. But we're
46:51 going forward with the funds that we have. We have money to
46:54 send it out to hundreds of millions of people and we're
46:58 going to do that.
47:00 Ah Amen. So how can people... Let's say somebody wants to
47:03 boost a DVD in their area. How can they do that?
47:06 A video. Boost a video. Well what they do is call us we will
47:15 hook you up, we will plug into a Facebook page. You have a
47:17 WhatsApp number and we put that WhatsApp number on your Facebook
47:20 page and as Patrick said we can do it here in America or we do
47:25 it overseas in the third world countries. You will be amazed
47:28 at the amount of people that come to your phone that want to
47:33 know. We will train you. We will hook you up to other people
47:36 that are doing this and they will share what you need to say
47:39 what you need to do to lead these people to Jesus.
47:43 Now you said calling you. What's your phone number?
47:45 Our phone number, we've got an address roll right now and our
47:49 phone number is +1(918)616-5333 And that gets hold of yours
47:58 truly and we don't have a bank of phone calls but we will
48:02 answer the phone and get back to you ASAP.
48:06 Okay. Pastor Pat, you look like you wanted to say something.
48:08 Well you know the more funds that come in we hire Bible
48:11 workers and then Wesley and the team they connect with those
48:16 Bible workers. Those Bible workers they will put this video
48:20 on their language wherever they're at and they will follow
48:24 up on these. So we need Bible workers who will follow up. And
48:28 the cost of the Bible worker, for example, for $300, 300
48:34 American dollars I mean they're happy with that in India or in
48:39 Africa. They can make a living with $300. Now you can't in
48:43 America. So the funds that we get, I mean, that money goes a
48:47 long ways. And so the more Bible workers that we have the more
48:51 that's going to be accomplished.
48:54 M- hmm, mhmm so the money's being stretched. How has your
48:57 faith grown as a result of working in this ministry?
49:01 I'll ask that to you Brother Wes
49:05 Well you know as we see the incoming flood, it can only make
49:13 you feel all the more alive. The incoming flood of people
49:16 that want to know these truths. The answer to our prayer, Call
49:19 to me and I will answer you and show you great and mighty things
49:22 It has amazed us, Tom and Patrick, we've all just said
49:26 again and again, we have never seen anything like this in our
49:30 life. We believe in the fourth angel's message. We are not
49:36 waiting for the outpouring of the Holy Spirit. We have been
49:40 commissioned to take this message to the world and as we
49:43 do that the seas have parted, this is happening before our
49:48 very eyes. It's exploding, there's an avalanche, there's a
49:52 flood. Whatever adjective or adverb you want to throw at this
49:56 it is happening in front of our eyes and we can't help but just
50:00 say hallelujah, praise the Lord, amen, come, Lord Jesus, come.
50:04 Amen. So in other words what you're telling me is you're not
50:08 dragging your feet.
50:09 No, we're not dragging our feet. In Peter, it says we are to
50:13 hasten the return of our Lord. We are not trying to actually
50:16 build a ministry, we are trying to end ministry.
50:21 Amen, so you're operating with a sense of urgency then.
50:23 Amen. More urgent.
50:25 Yes and I love the Final Days because what time are we living
50:32 in? We are living in the final days
50:34 and we are sending this video to the world under the action of
50:42 the Holy Spirit moving upon us to do this. This is God's work
50:46 bringing all the people together We've never seen anything like
50:50 it and it almost blows our mind. It's surreal. But we've touched
50:55 it. We've seen these in action these people that are being
50:59 converted is the amazing thing.
51:03 Amen. Well it's so beautiful to see God moving and his word
51:06 going out people receiving it and giving their hearts to the
51:09 Lord. I know that you have to be super excited about this.
51:14 We're going to take a short break, check out the address
51:16 roll and news break and we will be right back.
51:18 If you would like more information about Final Days
51:22 International you can write to them at 1601 South 74th St. West
51:28 Muskogee, OK 74401. That's Final Days International
51:34 1601 South 74th St. West Muskogee, OK 74401 You can call
51:41 at (918) 616-5333. They're online at FinalDays.video or
51:53 you can email them at info@FinalDays.video


Revised 2024-07-03