3ABN Today

From Atheist to Adventist

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: TDY

Program Code: TDY230054A

00:01 ♪ ♪
00:05 ♪ I want to spend my life mending broken people ♪
00:15 ♪ I want to spend my life removing pain ♪
00:26 ♪ Lord let my words heal a heart that hurts ♪
00:37 ♪ I want to spend my life mending broken people ♪
00:57 ♪ ♪
01:07 Hello and welcome to 3ABN Today. I'm Jason Bradley and I'm so
01:11 excited for our program today. I'm going to be talking to my
01:15 guest who used to be an atheist and he is now a Christian. And
01:21 so we're going to hear about his powerful conversion story. His
01:25 name is Michael John Marta and you used to be a former
01:30 literature evangelist and a Bible teacher and the author of
01:35 Christian books. Welcome to the program.
01:36 Well, thank you very much, Jason.
01:39 Yes, yes. I can't wait to dive into your story and I've had a
01:43 chance to kind of get a glimpse of your testimony. But before we
01:47 do we're going to be blessed in song. It's going to be by
01:51 Matt and Josie and it's I Love You Anyway.
01:55 ♪ ♪
02:02 ♪ To my gentle searching eyes There have been no disguises ♪
02:12 ♪ Nothing that you have done that you can hide ♪
02:22 ♪ I've seen you in your darkest sin ♪
02:24 ♪ And know the pain and guilt within ♪
02:27 ♪ But the question on your mind am I worth saving anyway ♪
02:33 ♪ I see you, child for who you are ♪
02:37 ♪ Now that sin has left it's ugly scars ♪
02:40 ♪ But I know who you were meant to be ♪
02:43 ♪ And my love will set you free ♪
02:46 ♪ So come weary child rest beside me for a while ♪
02:55 ♪ I know your care, the burdens that you bear ♪
03:02 ♪ Abide in my love hide in my love ♪
03:09 ♪ Don't push me away ashamed and afraid ♪
03:15 ♪ I know who you are and I love you anyway my child ♪
03:24 ♪ ♪
03:32 ♪ So bring me all your wants and needs ♪
03:35 ♪ I promise they can't burden me ♪
03:38 ♪ Most desperate one cannot exceed my care for you ♪
03:43 ♪ And bring me all those doubts and fears ♪
03:48 ♪ The hurt you haven't faced in years ♪
03:51 ♪ The wounded heart you stuffed inside ♪
03:54 ♪ The tears you tried so hard to hide ♪
04:01 ♪ And come, weary child Rest beside me for a while ♪
04:07 ♪ I know your care The burdens that you bear ♪
04:14 ♪ Abide in my love, Hide in my love ♪
04:20 ♪ Don't push me away Ashamed and afraid ♪
04:28 ♪ I know who you are and I love you anyway my child ♪
04:36 ♪ So come to me just the way you are ♪
04:40 ♪ Though you've fallen hard and wandered far ♪
04:45 ♪ So stop trying to be so brave, so strong ♪
04:48 ♪ It's okay to cry, child, tears aren't wrong ♪
04:55 ♪ Come weary child, rest beside me for a while ♪
05:02 ♪ I know your care, those burdens that you bear ♪
05:08 ♪ Abide in my love, hide in my love ♪
05:15 ♪ Don't push me away Ashamed and afraid ♪
05:22 ♪ I know who you are and I love you anyway my child ♪
05:31 ♪ Yes I love you always my child ♪
05:37 ♪ ♪
05:53 Wow, what a powerful message. God loves you anyway. He desires
05:59 a relationship with you and you know Mike as I think about your
06:03 testimony, how you went from atheist to Christian. What led
06:09 to you being an atheist?
06:12 Well it's an interesting question I can tell you. I was
06:14 raised in a Christian home, but my mother died when I was 13
06:21 years old and because I'd heard all the Bible stories about how
06:24 God raised people from the dead I figured he could still do that
06:29 so I kept praying all through the funeral that God would raise
06:36 her from the dead to glorify himself and of course I wanted
06:40 to have my mom back too. And but it didn't happen so when we got
06:45 to the graveyard and they threw the dirt on I figured it wasn't
06:49 going to happen. The devil you know puts thoughts in your head
06:54 so I started thinking things like I wonder if there really is
06:57 a God. If there is one why would He do something like that to me?
07:01 And pretty soon I started suspecting that probably the
07:08 story about God was like Greek mythology, just a good story
07:13 that explained things and so I decided I was no longer a
07:18 believer. I was going out the other direction as far as I
07:21 could.
07:23 Yeah, so you said you were no longer a believer but then what
07:27 did you believe...So you were an atheist but like what was
07:31 your belief on the state of the dead or you know any of those
07:35 things. What happens when you die?
07:36 That's a good question. I actually didn't care. (Yes) When
07:42 you're an atheist you live for today and what you can get, what
07:47 you can do, how much fun you can have. You really don't think
07:52 about the future because as far as you know there is no future.
07:54 When you're dead you're dead. So that was my philosophy at
07:57 that time.
07:59 So you were living in the here and now.
08:00 Exactly, that's all you have.
08:05 Did you feel a sense of emptiness, I mean you know not
08:09 believing in anything? Did you feel empty?
08:12 Well, that's a good question. I felt busy. When you don't
08:23 believe that there's a God you entertain yourself, you stay
08:28 busy. And if you're busy and having fun like most of the
08:32 world does today it kind of takes your thoughts of God out
08:35 of the picture and you don't even worry about it.
08:37 Yeah, so you didn't really have any real rest.
08:41 No, no there's no peace. You just live for the moment what
08:46 you can. Enjoy life, so to speak
08:51 Did you encounter any challenges that stand out to you during
08:55 your time as an atheist?
08:59 Well there were a lot of challenges that would come up.
09:04 I actually, in my book I can tell you I had one near-death
09:09 experience after another and I pretty much attributed it to I'm
09:14 a really lucky guy. I worked out on heavy equipment and running
09:20 bulldozers and things like that and one time when we were
09:24 bringing a bulldozer back from Minneapolis to the Upper
09:27 Peninsula where I was working and it was on what they call a
09:32 high boy. It's about 40, 45 inches off the ground, not the
09:35 ones you can just...we had to put it on a loading dock to get
09:39 it on, (Oh okay) and the teamster who was driving the
09:42 truck was pretty much drunk most of the time so he showed me how
09:47 to drive. This was one time when he was driving. He pulled off
09:50 the road because he had to have a nature break and he went out
09:54 in the woods and when he came back found out the truck was
09:56 stuck in the sand on the side of the road. And he said Mike you
10:04 think you can twist the Cat around if we unchain it and
10:07 back up real quick and then push me out of this and then build a
10:12 ramp up so you can get back up. Of course, at that age, I had a
10:19 confidence totally. Of course I can do that. So we're at a
10:23 little bit of an angle on the side of the road and we undid
10:28 the chains that were holding the caterpillar down and I started
10:34 it up. The minute I lifted the blade it slid sideways right off
10:39 into about a six or seven-foot ditch and the caterpillar
10:47 started to roll on top of me. And all of a sudden, Leonard
10:52 told me, there was just like a giant hand pulled it back over
10:55 and it didn't crush me. It just came back the other way and so
10:59 Now I know that was God intervening to watch out for me
11:03 but at that time I thought wow am I lucky?
11:09 Wow! That is his hand on your life the whole time.
11:13 The whole time. I can't tell you how many near-death experiences
11:16 I had and God brought me out of every one of them.
11:21 Yes. You mentioned your book here. It's called God Want's
11:23 Your Shoes: The Journey Back. So we have God Wants Your Shoes:
11:33 The Journey Back. Excellent, excellent book here. How did God
11:38 change your mind about atheism?
11:41 Well, it was one step at a time. I can tell you I got married up
11:46 in the Upper Peninsula and my wife didn't want me to work in
11:51 the pipeline anymore because there was dangerous work. So we
11:55 moved down to the Appleton area in Wisconsin and I went to work
12:01 in the mill. We rented an apartment, I know now that we
12:09 found it in the paper but I know God led us to that
12:11 apartment because we were upstairs to a nice Christian
12:16 Baptist lady, Doris. And she was very friendly. We had to go
12:23 right by her door, she had a sliding door so it was a house
12:30 with an apartment built upstairs So every day I'd go up and Doris
12:34 was very friendly, talked to me, asked me how things were going
12:35 and I'd say fine. Then she started witnessing to me.
12:42 And I said, Doris, I'm not interested. I'm an atheist.
12:45 She said, Really, why would you be an atheist? I said well when
12:51 my mom died when I was 13 if God really loves me why did he
12:53 do something like that? And on top of that Doris, the Bible
12:56 contradicts itself, everybody knows that. And I went upstairs
13:01 and I thought that's the end of that. I'll never hear another
13:03 thing. She'll leave me alone like everybody else always did.
13:06 So the next day I came back from work. There's Doris standing
13:12 there at the bottom of the stairs with a book and a marker.
13:15 She said you know Mike, I've been thinking about what you
13:19 said about the Bible contradicting itself. And so I
13:24 want you...this is The Good News for Modern Man. I'm going to
13:27 give you this. It's a New Testament in simple English. I
13:31 want you to read it and take this yellow marker and you mark
13:34 every place you find it contradicts itself. If you find
13:38 it in three I'll be an atheist with you. (Wow!) I took the
13:43 challenge. I thought it was one way to get her off my back. So I
13:46 was working shift work. I'd come home I'd read that Bible. No
13:50 contradictions no contradictions I went through Matthew.
13:53 Actually, it was interesting. I had never really sat down and
13:57 read through the Bible before. So I read Matthew and I read
13:59 Mark. I read Luke. I'm starting to think this might be true.
14:05 I'm not finding any contradictions. And so
14:09 I got to the book of John about how much God loves each of us
14:14 It touched me. I never prayed for his Holy Spirit because I
14:20 didn't believe in it. But God touched me anyway. And when I
14:25 got through that I pretty much believed there was a God now and
14:29 I'd better do things differently And when I got to the book of
14:34 Acts I wondered why don't miracles happen anymore? Why was
14:38 it just back then. And that was a question I had.
14:46 Yes, yes. How has your life changed since accepting Jesus
14:49 Christ as your Lord and Savior?
14:50 It's a wonderful difference. Before when you had a struggle
14:58 you just had to tough it out. You had really no hope, it was
15:02 all on you, do it or don't. And you tend to blame other people
15:08 for your problems when you don't know God. And after I found God
15:15 and was able to talk to him about my problems just life was
15:21 so much lighter, so much better. Because I had a friend I could
15:26 talk to now.
15:29 And what were some of the experiences that took place you
15:31 know because as you accept Jesus into your life you know it's not
15:38 like all opposition stops or anything like that. You know you
15:43 start facing some other opposition as well. So what was
15:47 some experiences that you faced?
15:49 Well I'm no different than anybody else. I had some friends
15:55 I used to after the shift work they'd come play cards at night
16:00 and drink. And when I quit drinking with them, I'd still
16:09 play cards but I quit drinking and they kind of started to
16:12 tease me a little bit. And when I began to really talk more
16:19 about my Christianity, they kind of left me by the wayside and
16:24 started calling me Holy Roller and things like that, but I took
16:29 it because I had a better way now.
16:30 Yes, yes, absolutely. Now this book you wrote here, God Wants
16:37 Your Shoes: The Journey Back. Where can people go to get this
16:42 book?
16:43 Well, it's available on Amazon...
16:47 Off of your website right, @Mike-Books.com
16:54 Yeah, www@Mike-Books.com, that's correct and there's testimonials
17:01 there from people that have read the book and in quoting the
17:06 Amazon editor who was not Christian who wrote a letter and
17:10 you can see it there how impressed he was with the way
17:14 that when I was working in literature evangelism the people
17:17 how they responded, how I was able to help them find God. It
17:20 was a...it kind of touched me, that somebody that wasn't a
17:27 total believer would write something like that.
17:29 Yes, will praise God. That was another witnessing opportunity.
17:32 Was it hard to write the book?
17:35 First I have to tell you why I wrote it. I have a pastor in
17:41 Sarasota. I go to Florida in the winter and Pastor Jerry
17:46 Rosario, I did a favor for him. He was selling his van so I
17:50 drove down to Inglewood and asked me if I'd come and pick
17:54 him up and drive back. I'd take him home to Sarasota. So I did
17:58 and on the way back I started telling stories about all the
18:02 miracles God had done in my life And he said, Mike, you need to
18:05 write a book. And I said, Pastor people have been telling me I
18:09 should write a book for 20 years And he said I'm going to tell
18:14 something different. He said, if you don't write a book to share
18:17 what God has done in your life and what he can do in modern
18:20 days, it's almost like sacrilege And that kind of hit me. So I
18:27 thought about it and I decided you know we don't know what we
18:31 can do until we try for God and so started writing down stories
18:35 that I had as a literature evangelist and things that had
18:39 happened in my life and pretty soon I had a book full.
18:45 Yes, yes. What are some stories that you can share? You know we
18:49 love story time, so let's have a little story time right now.
18:53 I'm going to tell you one. I might get choked up because it's
18:59 an incredible experience. I used to get cards for the
19:04 doctor's office, lead cards, right, for people interested in
19:06 the Bible Story. So I got a card it was probably a town 15 miles
19:14 from where I lived. So I went there. There was nobody home.
19:17 I kept stopping back through there for almost a year and
19:22 nobody ever was there. And one day had the thought as I'm
19:28 driving through...the town was New London, Wisconsin...I had
19:30 the thought I should go to that house again, this upstairs
19:35 apartment. But I pushed it off and kept on driving. I was going
19:38 to go someplace else. I went 10 miles down the road and it just
19:43 really started nagging at me that I need to go and knock at
19:48 that door. And I kept going. I went another 10 miles. I
19:53 couldn't take it anymore it was so strong. I turned around and
19:57 drove back. So I went upstairs to this upstairs apartment and I
20:00 knocked on the door. No answer. I thought Lord did I just mess
20:06 up. I'm sure you wanted me to knock on the door. So I knocked
20:10 again. No answer. I thought I was going to keep knocking, so I
20:14 kept knocking. All of a sudden I heard a noise inside the door.
20:18 So now I knew I was supposed to be...I'm knocking till that door
20:22 opens. So I kept knocking. Pretty soon the door opened and
20:26 a young gentleman came out, probably 35, or 36 years old. He
20:34 said, What can I do for you? And I said well I'm here with
20:38 information about the Bible Stories that you sent in.
20:40 And he said well I'm not really interested anymore. I said well
20:47 there must be a reason. Why don't you just let me step in
20:48 and talk to you and show you what it is and you can know
20:51 whether you're interested or not So he opened the door, kind of
20:54 sheepish looking which I couldn't understand. We sat down
20:57 at the table and I started showing the books and talking
21:00 about God and how good he was and he started crying.
21:04 I couldn't understand. I was taken aback. I didn't know what
21:10 to do. He said come with me, I want to show you something. And
21:15 so he took me down the hall... we were sitting at the kitchen
21:16 table...and on the right-hand side there was a doorway that he
21:23 had a big nail spiked in a belt and a chair. He was standing on
21:27 that chair getting ready to kill himself when I knocked on the
21:31 door. (Wow, wow, wow) We both got touched and I said well
21:38 let's go back and pray. So we went back to his table and I
21:39 started praying with him. And I said tell me why would you want
21:44 to do that. And he said well my wife and my children left me and
21:48 I've got no reason to have the books anymore. And so I just
21:54 going to do away with myself and I had this thought pop
21:56 into my head. I said
21:57 you know if you do something like that your children will
22:01 always wonder if they did something to make Daddy kill
22:05 himself. And I said you'll ruin their lives. Besides you don't
22:08 even know if they're coming back or not. They could come back in
22:12 a week or two and so you need to stay alive. I'm whispering
22:18 little prayers to God, help me I don't know what to do. And all
22:21 of a sudden, I had another thought and I started telling
22:25 him about how his life could affect other people in many ways
22:31 that he never even thought about So we prayed together and I said
22:36 would you talk to a pastor if I have a pastor come over and help
22:41 you understand that Jesus still loves you and he said, Yeah I'll
22:46 do that. So I tried to call my pastor and I couldn't get ahold
22:49 of him but I had an Assembly of God pastor who lives in the town
22:53 next to me and he needed somebody now. So I called him up
22:55 and he went over and started working with him and having
23:00 Bible studies. Somebody had bought Bible Story books from me
23:03 before so I knew them very well. I stopped after about a month
23:08 later because I wanted to give him time to get adjusted and I
23:11 knocked on the door again. This time a lady from across the hall
23:14 said he's not here, he moved. And I thought what if his wife
23:23 came back. I wonder about all those things. I'm a total optimist so
23:26 I felt that God sent me there that day to save his life and
23:30 that his life had probably turned around and who knows, he
23:34 might be up in a pulpit some place telling somebody how God
23:37 sent somebody to save his life that day. That just made me feel
23:42 awesome. I still get chill bumps when I think about it.
23:46 Yes, that is incredible. You know you never know...that's why
23:51 it's so important to answer the call that God places on your
23:54 life too, because you don't know how it's going to impact others
23:58 You know what if you didn't knock on the door.
24:02 I thought about that. In my book I wrote about that story that
24:06 said what if I would have neglected another 10 minutes
24:10 to turn around? He would have been done for. So when you feel
24:16 God urging you to do something just do it whether it feels
24:21 right or doesn't feel right you need to follow the impulse.
24:24 Yeah, yes, amen. Have any souls been won to our church once you
24:29 accepted God and started working for him?
24:32 I have given lots of Bible studies I'm going to
24:36 tell you just
24:37 briefly: I had a card that I went to...I have fair booths
24:43 always I give away a big family Bible and the kids would sign up
24:46 if they're interested in Bible Story books and so I had some
24:51 leads from the fair and it took a few months before I'm able to
24:56 get to them because I have so many of them. And the Post
25:01 Offices back there are wonderful They have post office boxes. I'd
25:02 go in there. The Post Master in Appleton called me Reverend and
25:07 I said no I'm not a reverend, I just work with Bible Storybooks
25:10 helping people find God. Well that's okay, you're reverend as
25:13 far as I am concerned. She'd give me addresses and how to get
25:16 there and everything. Well I went to this place out near
25:21 Black Creek, Wisconsin, and the lady opened the door. I showed
25:25 her the little card, obviously her little daughter had signed it
25:28 and she burst into tears. And I said I'm sorry. She said,
25:34 somebody just hit and killed Sarah, that was her daughter.
25:38 And they don't know who it is so it was hit and run driver who
25:42 lived in the country. And I said Oh, I'm very sorry. She said I
25:47 just can't talk to you now. Can you come back and so I said I
25:49 would in two weeks and so I went back in two weeks. Shared God
25:54 with them, prayed with them. I told them you know the nice
25:58 thing about this bad thing is that you know that Sarah the
26:03 last thing she had in her mind was she wanted to know about God
26:05 and the Bible. And I say, that should give you some kind of
26:09 comfort. And they were comforted by that. I prayed with them and
26:13 then I showed them the Bible Story books and they bought
26:15 everything I had which was a blessing. But before I left they
26:20 said you know Mike we have these nice Jehovah's Witnesses who are
26:26 giving us Bible Studies. Would you come and join us. It's a
26:30 Friday night and I said sure I'll come. So I came to the
26:34 Bible study. They had eight or nine different people around the
26:39 table, different families from the area, all with the Jehovah's
26:42 Witnesses. That particular night they were talking about the
26:48 second coming. And they said that it already happened. You
26:53 might not know that, I didn't either. But they said that Jesus
26:57 was already present in the books the Watch Tower Press and if you
27:05 have your eyes open spiritually you'd know that that's what he
27:10 wants you to read. It's his word I'm that kind of guy, I couldn't
27:16 keep quiet so I said what about Revelation 1:6 where it says
27:21 behold he's coming in the clouds and everyone will see him.
27:23 They said well everybody that's got spiritual eyes can see him
27:26 right now in this Watch Tower Press. I said what about the
27:29 rest of the verse that says the people would be afraid and
27:32 they'd hide and call for the rocks and mountains to fall on
27:36 them. And they didn't say a word Everybody at the table started
27:40 asking me questions and so I told them about Corinthians
27:44 where when Jesus comes he'll come in the clouds and people
27:46 will be raised from the dead. And Jehovah's Witness people
27:51 never said another word. Those people all started asking me
27:53 questions. They said Mike would you come back. And I said yes I
27:57 will. The Jehovah's Witness never showed up but I went there
28:01 for about a year every Friday night and had Bible studies with
28:05 them. Eight people joined the Seventh-day Adventist Church
28:09 because of that. I wrote about them in the book because not
28:14 only them, the farmer. He was a farmer just not somebody that
28:24 could speak publicly or anything like that but when he found
28:28 Jesus as his personal Savior he would tell everybody. You
28:31 couldn't drive by his house without if you stopped somebody
28:36 he'd say do you love Jesus? He's just that way. And it's exciting
28:41 He actually...somebody came to sell him farm equipment and he
28:44 started to talk to him about it and Ken started him on a Bible
28:49 study and that person was baptized, Stan and Martha, and
28:56 they went on to become ministers someplace in the southern
29:02 conference. So no matter what talent you have God can use you
29:08 if you're just willing to I say stick your neck out. Because
29:11 sometimes you have to stick your neck out to see a miracle.
29:16 Miracles don't happen if you stay in your safe comfort zone.
29:19 You have to do something for God and he'll do something in return
29:23 Yeah, absolutely. When did you come into the Adventist faith?
29:28 You know I don't think we really touched on that part. When did
29:32 you learn of the Adventist message?
29:34 My grandfather, my grandfather was Seventh-day Adventist. I was
29:38 the first grandson and we fished together. I was just special to
29:44 him. And he was always talking about church and after my mom
29:48 died, that was my mother's father. And I said, Grandpa it
29:52 just doesn't work for me anymore I mean, I love you and we'll
29:58 continue but I'm just not interested. There is no God
29:59 as far as I'm concerned.
30:01 He never gave up on me. He kept talking to me about
30:04 God. One day there was an evangelism series coming and it
30:08 was a fellow from Alaska, Lynn Martell was his name and Grandpa
30:15 said Mike would you come? And I said Grandpa I, I, just you know
30:19 He said would you come for me? He said we're having slides from
30:24 Alaska. Grandpa and I like the outdoors, always interested in
30:27 that. So I said, Okay Grandpa I'll come just for you but I'm
30:31 shutting my ears off as soon as the slides are done. I don't
30:34 want to hear anything else. Well just so happened he was talking
30:39 about Daniel 2 (Oh wow) and I had my eyes opened to the fact
30:43 that God predicted the future centuries before it ever
30:47 happened. I kept my ears open. At the end of that series my
30:51 wife and I were baptized, became Seventh-day Adventists.
30:55 (Wow, wow) God worked with me all the time you know.
31:00 Yes, yes I see that and he was putting people in your path
31:04 to lead you back to him.
31:05 Even Baptist people.
31:07 Yeah. Yes, yes, yes. That lady she was in your apartment
31:10 building? (yes) Yeah that's incredible. Why do you think
31:16 people don't experience miracles today?
31:20 You have not because you ask not. I'll tell you it's a miracle I'm
31:25 here today. I'll tell you this. My car...I've got a Suburban.
31:34 On Thursday it started shaking really bad and I thought oh oh
31:35 is the universal joint or something going out. Of course
31:41 this was on Thursday night so I've got no place to take it.
31:44 All the mechanic shops are full so I took it to Walmart and
31:49 the change my tires and things like that and thought maybe that
31:53 was the problem so I drove it home and I was supposed to go to
31:56 a family reunion on Sunday so I went and it was still shaking
32:01 And I said Lord I have to go down to 3ABN. Can you just take
32:07 this shake away till I get back. And just like that, it quit. Just
32:14 because still answers prayers today.
32:16 You ask, He's there to deliver
32:18 just like he was in the Old Testament.
32:21 Absolutely. You know what I think that miracles take place
32:25 every day. People just don't attribute them to being miracles
32:28 sometimes too. They don't attribute them to God and I find
32:31 it fascinating that sometimes people will blame God for things
32:37 but they won't give him the credit for things. (Exactly)
32:41 That one kind of blows my mind.
32:45 Well that's the way the devil works. When something bad
32:49 happens he always elevates it to make it seem worse than it is
32:53 and if God really loved you, He would never let this happen.
32:57 That's the kind of...the way it goes.
33:00 What are some other miracle stories you can share?
33:01 Ah (sighs) Well those are pretty good ones. Other miracles. I can
33:05 tell you this. I drove a Datsun, (chuckles) I never had to do
33:14 anything to that Datsun mechanically except by changing the
33:19 oil. One morning I was supposed to see somebody...I'm kind of
33:22 mechanical. The starter wouldn't work so I dropped the starter
33:27 just two bolts in a Datsun took it into my house in the garage
33:30 and opened it up to see what the problem was, maybe it was just
33:33 dirty. And I opened it up and a handful of wires fell out in my
33:36 hand off the armature. I thought Ug, Lord I have an appointment
33:41 I have to see these people. Can you make this work? So I put it
33:45 back together just like that with the wires falling out. I
33:49 said Lord help this to work and I put it back in. Started like a
33:53 charm. I put 360,000 miles on that vehicle...
33:56 Three hundred and sixty thousand miles?!
33:59 I never changed the starter. Because God fixed it you know.
34:05 I didn't want to show a lack of faith. So he fixed it. I can
34:09 just relate miracle after miracle after miracle.
34:14 That's huge. Now you know you were going out, you were
34:18 spreading the gospel, you were sharing the gospel. How do you
34:21 recommend that someone share the gospel with someone else?
34:25 That's a good question. First thing is you have to pray that
34:29 God will give you a little bit of courage because people they are
34:35 afraid if they say something about God, they'll offend
34:37 somebody. So what I do is I try to make friends with people
34:42 first. It's like in sales. You make a friend, you sell a friend
34:46 So it's the same concept. You make a friend. You can ask
34:52 leading questions like Jason what do you think of the world
34:56 the way it is today? And get a response. Do you think if we
35:02 were more interested in God that it would be better. And you can
35:06 find out if they're interested. If they've got any interest at
35:09 all you continue with a conversation. And you talk about
35:13 Jesus. You don't talk about all the different doctrines we have
35:16 because if they don't accept Jesus first the doctrines are
35:19 immaterial. Hook them up with the power first and he'll give
35:24 you power to do what you need to do. I can tell you one more
35:28 story. If I have time. I was driving to see my loan officer
35:35 Jerry because I lived in the country and because I used to
35:40 be an operator on a Cat I wanted to build a little pond behind my
35:42 place. So I went in and I was selling Bible storybooks and
35:47 Jerry wanted to make sure I made enough money to be able to make
35:50 payments which is obvious. And so we talked about it and I
35:55 showed him what I had made because God really blessed me in
35:56 the literature evangelism work. And so he gave me the loan and
36:01 I saw on the desk he had a picture of a daughter and a wife
36:04 And I said Jerry you should let me come by sometime and show you
36:09 what I do. I think the Bible Storybooks would be good for
36:11 your daughter at least. He said, Okay, Mike. So we made an
36:16 appointment. And two weeks later I was supposed to show up,
36:20 canceled the appointment. Jerry couldn't make it. A month later
36:25 we made an appointment. Jerry canceled the appointment.
36:28 Couldn't make it. He's a busy guy. So it was almost a
36:31 year before I got to see him
36:32 and it was in the winter. And he said Mike I'm
36:37 going to take of Friday from work. I will be there to see
36:41 these books because I want to see what you do. And so he took
36:46 off and there was a big snow storm and I lived about 30 miles
36:51 away and it was deep slushy snow and I'm driving because I don't
36:56 want to be late because I'm an on-time person. So when I got to
37:03 a stop light in Appleton about three-fourths of a mile from
37:05 where he lived it just turned yellow and I went through it and
37:11 turned my wheels, but the car didn't turn. I ended up in about
37:15 a 10-foot ditch sideways. And as I landed there in the ditch it's
37:23 deep slushy snow I said, Lord I talk out loud like that. I
37:28 said Lord I need to see Jerry. What can I do to get out of this
37:32 ditch. And not even done and somebody knocked on my window
37:35 and it startled me and I looked. It looked like it was a young
37:39 lady, I have to tell you, it looked like a young lady about
37:41 110, 120 pounds I'm guessing. Maybe college-age, a little
37:46 older and she said would like us to push you out of the ditch.
37:50 And I looked at her. There's no way you're going to push me up
37:56 this steep ditch. And she said well let my friend and I try.
38:01 And so I said well okay. So I
38:04 put it in gear. They got behind my car and my car went right up
38:08 on the side of the road and I was just amazed. And I opened up
38:14 the door to get out to thank them and there was nobody there.
38:19 The only tracks in the snow were my car tracks where they had
38:25 pushed me out of the snow. And angels. Everybody says, angels
38:31 come as men I had a couple look like, one looked like a woman to
38:35 me. They pushed me out of the ditch so I contest that.
38:38 That is incredible!
38:41 So I went to the appointment and I told them about it and Jerry
38:45 was amazed. And so Jerry and Sue bought the Bible Story books. I
38:51 started Bible studies with them. Jerry and Sue were Catholic
38:56 before that and it just wasn't meeting their needs and so he
39:01 started studying with me and he said Mike I want to go to a
39:05 church where God sends angels to push you out of the ditch if you
39:07 go in (chuckles) Jerry became a deacon in our church and just a
39:15 fantastic person. His wife taught Sabbath School classes
39:19 and they were just a real joy. They both have passed away since
39:23 But that's another story where God was just able to help me and
39:28 something that only he could do.
39:29 Yes, yes, absolutely. You know I'm thinking about how you've
39:37 been spreading the gospel. I know that you have me by maybe
39:41 just a few years. You know you got a few years.
39:43 A lot of years.
39:47 So how do you go about talking to a younger person or can a
39:49 younger person witness to an older person. How do you
39:53 recommend they go about doing that?
39:55 Absolutely. I don't think there's an age barrier. Now they
40:01 told me when you're selling Bible storybooks look for
40:02 somebody that's within 10, 15 you know your best chances are
40:06 there. But I've had grandmothers and grandfathers. You relate to
40:11 people by being friendly to them by telling them what God has
40:18 done in your life. I start off with that. I was told that if
40:23 give them your personal testimony about what God has
40:25 done for you if they're receptive at all they'll listen
40:29 And they do. I've had mayors of cities. I had a U.S. congressman
40:35 that bought Bible storybooks an older gentleman for his
40:39 grandkids. And he said Mike I'm just buying these because I like
40:43 you. (Chuckles) And he said but would you do a favor for me?
40:48 He said I'm flying back to Congress. If I get reelected
40:52 I'm going to fly you out and have you talk to the
40:55 congressional prayer meeting and tell them some of the stories
40:59 about what you have done, what God has done in your life.
41:02 I said I'd be honored to do that I'd be glad to do that. But he
41:07 didn't get reelected and I think that's the devil's way of
41:09 keeping me away from all those people I could have shared God
41:11 with.
41:14 Yes, yes, yes. So speaking of which do you go to churches,
41:17 do you speak at churches?
41:18 Yes, I do speak at churches. I have actually spoken at an
41:24 Assembly of God Church. I had a program where I said if I sell
41:30 10 sets of Bible storybooks I'll give you a set for your
41:34 library. And so I met this pastor who gave me his whole
41:38 list and lots of people gave me their church list and I just
41:41 went down the line and selling people. Well this Assembly of
41:44 God pastor in Osh Kosh who somebody actually had met years
41:48 before that as a child was now pastor of the Assembly of God
41:52 church. So when I got the 10 sets there he said Mike would
41:57 you come to our church and tell us what God is doing in your
42:00 life. And so he gave me the pulpit and I got up and shared
42:05 how good God was and how much he loves us and how he took me
42:07 from being a lost soul to bring me back as somebody who could
42:11 work for him.
42:12 Wow. And he knew you were an Adventist?
42:14 Yeah. He came and had meals with us on Sabbath. He told me, he
42:21 said, Mike, you know what, he said your church has got
42:24 something that no other churches have, the way you get together
42:27 on Sabbath and have meals together. He said other churches
42:30 when they're done with church they're just back to normal
42:33 activity. So he said I appreciate the way that you
42:36 handle things. It's God you know
42:40 That's great. You know I want to share your email address because
42:43 if somebody is watching this program right now and they're
42:46 like I need Mike to speak at my church. They can email you right
42:51 Yeah so your email address is MakeMarta49@gmail.com
43:00 That is correct. I'd be happy to In my own church, I preach and I
43:05 not just in different churches. They love it. They said tell
43:08 us some of your stories. But that's one reason I wrote a book
43:12 because I can't talk to everybody. Someday we're all
43:15 gone but the book can be there telling people about what God
43:18 can do...
43:19 Absolutely and I want to share how to get that book again. You
43:22 can get it at Mike-Books.com and you can order your copy
43:31 today. Mike this is incredible. I'm thinking now of that
43:38 individual that's watching this that's saying you know I want to
43:41 Share God with others but I'm afraid to talk to people. What
43:45 would you say to that person?
43:47 I would say Noah was probably afraid to come out of the ark
43:50 after the flood too because everything he had was in there.
43:54 It's good but you got to take that step out sometimes and
43:58 stick your neck out. God will not let you down. If you want a
44:02 real experience of what God can do in your life you have to take
44:07 a step and show him that you're on his side, that you love him
44:11 and that you want to share and just pray that he'll give you
44:15 the right circumstances because he always answers prayer.
44:18 Amen, amen. If you could start life over fresh what would you
44:23 change?
44:25 Well you know I spent a lot of worldly days out on the dark
44:32 side and I wish I could change that in one way. But you know
44:34 what Jason? Actually, God is able to use me because of those past
44:41 experiences I've had. I can tell people, I was where you are and
44:44 I had no hope and life was just what I could do today, what I
44:49 could get today. But there's far greater experience to be had if
44:53 you really turn your life over to God. So in one way, I got a
44:57 few chinks in my armor because sin does that to you but in
45:02 another way I can relate to people who have not met yet God
45:05 and they know because I was where they were that God can do
45:09 the same thing for them.
45:12 Yes. What would you say would be the best way to approach an
45:17 atheist with the gospel?
45:19 They're tough nuts to crack I can tell you that right now.
45:23 For me, I just told them I was where you were and I wasn't
45:30 happy. And I made 10 times more than anybody else back then and
45:38 money doesn't do it either. And things don't do it because
45:40 you've always got that time when you're wondering what really is
45:46 going to happen. In the back of your mind everybody knows
45:50 someday I'm going to die and... You know I had a stroke actually
45:56 two of them and God brought me back. But after my first stroke
46:01 I was trying to walk to my four wheeler. I got probably about
46:04 three-fourths of a mile deep and I couldn't walk straight. I knew
46:10 what was happening. I thought that might be it for me. I said
46:12 Lord if this is it you and I are good, I know that. But if you
46:17 give me a little more time I'd appreciate it. And I couldn't
46:21 walk straight. So I had the thought aim to the right,
46:24 I'm sure it was God, aim to the right and you'll get back to the
46:27 four wheeler. When I got back to the four-wheeler I was slumped
46:29 over, slurring my words. My son I had texted. He was there. Took
46:34 me to the hospital. But I got to share that experience with
46:39 four nurses, and a doctor. I told them I know God's going to get
46:43 me through this. So I don't worry about it. I said you know
46:46 what, it's not when you go, it's where you go. I'm sure glad I
46:52 had it because I'm able to share that experience with people and
46:55 help them to see, Yeah, we're all going to die someplace but
47:00 what happens afterward.
47:03 M- hmm, M-hmm. You know I find great comfort when we study
47:07 God's word. Like you've learned about the state of the dead and
47:12 you're resting in the grave and then Christ returns and then
47:16 boom you know.
47:18 I had a Catholic friend in Bible study who was raised Catholic,
47:22 he's not a Catholic anymore and he's attending our church. He
47:26 said he kind of liked the Catholic version better where
47:29 when you die you go right to heaven. And I said you got to
47:35 think of the other side. If you don't go to heaven you're going
47:37 have an awful long time in the hot place so I don't think I'd
47:40 like those odds. It's much more comforting to know that you're
47:45 just resting waiting for Jesus to come and take you home.
47:47 Yes, yes, that's better. We'll go with the Bible version.
47:51 Exactly. That's right. I think that's the best way.
47:54 Absolutely. What has your family said because they've seen you
47:58 know they've seen you on both sides. They've seen as an
48:00 atheist and they've seen you as a Christian. How has your
48:03 journey impacted your family?
48:05 Well some family members, I just had one family member, it was my
48:13 cousin that we spent a lot of time together and he actually
48:17 read, I gave him the book before I printed it to read it. It's a
48:22 way to witness and actually... And he said, you know Mike you
48:26 have such faith. He said I am so blessed to read of all that
48:32 God has done for you. And he just passed away. And his wife
48:36 told me, Mike you increased Gary's faith so much. He never
48:40 had faith like that before he met you. And he didn't make all
48:45 the commitments but you know there's thief-on-the-cross
48:49 Christians who accept what they know and do what they know and
48:52 God knows their heart. He knows if they'll be safe to save or
48:56 not. And I fully expect to see Gary in the kingdom someday.
49:01 Absolutely. What are some other stories of some touched lives
49:05 that you can share with us?
49:07 Touched lives. There's so many Jason. I can...On the internet
49:15 I'll tell you this. I post a religious post on the internet
49:21 every day on my Facebook account And I put some nature pictures
49:27 and things like that and I have 30, 40, 50 people that like that
49:31 When I post my Christian posts it drops down to 10 or 15. When
49:38 I post something else they're back so I know they're reading
49:40 those posts. I've got lots of positive comments from those
49:45 about people of all different faiths because you know God
49:49 loves people in all different churches and he's calling them
49:53 to come out of her my people but they love God as much as any of
49:56 us do. They just don't have all the facts we have. That's why
50:03 when I go on the internet there's some of these
50:07 evangelists...I'll tell you an experience. One of these guys
50:10 there's thousands of followers was telling people that the 10
50:14 commandments are not valid anymore. I went on his site and
50:17 I started saying well what about where it says in Romans that
50:24 there's no sin until there is a law. So how could we know what
50:29 sin is? And I started telling him the 10 commandments are just
50:32 as valid today and you can't keep them on your own. But God
50:37 gives you the power to do that. And I tell you there was 50, 60,
50:42 I kept watching 70, 80 people started stepping up and saying
50:46 yeah the 10 Commandments are not gone. Don't believe that. He
50:50 deleted the whole website because there were so many
50:53 people that were accepted that and that's the way...People are
50:57 shy. They can go online and put some nice tactful little
51:01 comments in there and just another way to witness.
51:06 Absolutely. You know it's interesting how many people say
51:10 that you know like to 10 commandments have been done away
51:12 with. But really it makes no sense. Like how could the 10
51:17 commandments be done away with you know. If that's the case you
51:21 could steal whatever you want. You know. You could commit
51:25 adultery. You could do all of these things if there are no 10
51:30 commandments. So it makes no sense. The 10 Commandments and
51:34 then the fact that it was written in stone signifies
51:35 permanence. (Exactly) Even the fourth commandment "Remember"
51:38 the Sabbath day to keep it holy. Six days shalt thou work and do
51:42 all thy labor. REMEMBER. Yet it's the one that's forgotten
51:45 the most.
51:46 Exactly that's the devil's plan. You know why? Because he was not
51:51 involved in creation so he's had a grudge against Jesus since
51:54 then. So everything has to do with creation or a memorial of
51:57 creation, The Sabbath, he wants to turn people away from that.
52:00 He doesn't want to remind them.
52:03 That's right. He's trying to lead people away from the Lord
52:07 and rest in Christ but I'm thankful that you've stepped up
52:12 and you're sharing Christ with everyone that you come in
52:14 contact with and I'm looking forward to talking to you a
52:18 little bit more in just a minute But we're going to have to take
52:22 a brief break. We're going to go to a news break and we will be
52:25 right back so don't go anywhere. Stick around. More to come.


Revised 2024-07-10