3ABN Today

From Atheist to Adventist

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: TDY

Program Code: TDY230054B

00:01 Wow I can't believe our time is just about up. I know that this
00:05 program has been a tremendous blessing to me. I've enjoyed
00:07 hearing all of these wonderful stories about how God has been
00:10 moving and now I just want to give you a moment to share some
00:14 final thoughts with us.
00:15 I want to tell you a story about the witch I prayed with. The
00:22 state of Wisconsin because God blessed me so much he wanted me
00:24 to run a student program one summer and so they subsidized
00:29 me and I went down the Janesville, Wisconsin, an area
00:32 that needed to be evangelized. And we just started knocking on
00:37 doors. First I gave the students a small example of how to sell
00:42 and I told them don't depend on yourself. Ask God every day to
00:46 give you the words to say and that's the only way that it
00:49 works. So we're knocking on doors, I think her name is Carol
00:53 We knocked on the door and I was talking about juvenile
01:00 delinquency and how the Bible Stories could help and the lady
01:02 opened the door, nice lady, 36, 38 years old. I'm a witch. I
01:10 didn't know this but I found out later that Janesville's got one
01:13 of the largest covens of witches in the country and I was taken
01:20 back but God put something in my head. Why don't you let me just
01:23 step in for a minute. I'd like to talk to you about that.
01:25 So she let us come in. We sat on the couch. We talked a little
01:30 bit. She said she was a white witch. She doesn't cast spells
01:35 that hurt anybody, just to benefit herself. So I told her
01:39 that would you like to see the power on the other side?
01:43 So I showed her the Bible story books.
01:44 She bought a set of Bible Story books for herself.
01:47 She bought a set of Bible Story Books?
01:49 And she let me pray with her.
01:51 That is incredible.
01:53 I prayed that God would open her eyes. I said you know if you
01:55 read through this you have the same Bible knowledge as if you
01:57 spend a year in the seminary.
01:59 That's beautiful. Thank you so much for coming on and sharing.
02:02 Thank you for joining us. Until next time God bless you.
02:06 ♪ ♪


Revised 2024-07-10