3ABN Today

2023 Year End Giving

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: TDY

Program Code: TDY230068A

00:00 [MUSIC]
00:04 >> I want to
00:17 [MUSIC]
00:26 >> too.
00:31 [MUSIC]
00:36 >> I'm
00:42 >> and
00:47 >> I want to stand
00:52 too.
00:54 [MUSIC]
00:59 [MUSIC]
01:06 >> Hello and welcome to another 3 ABN today program. Merry
01:10 Christmas. Happy holidays to each one of you. You know,
01:12 we're here with our 3 Avian family today. Of course,
01:15 you're part of the 3ABN family and we look forward to spending
01:18 this one hour with you each and every day. Thank you for
01:21 allowing us into your living room or maybe your listening on
01:25 radio and driving your car and not watching. Okay. All right.
01:29 Yes, you're driving in listening to 3ABN. You're a
01:32 part of the family and thank you for your continued prayers
01:35 and your financial support for 3ABN, you know, because the you
01:39 that this gospel of the kingdom is able to go, the Gospel of
01:42 Jesus Christ is able to go to the entire world. And Joe,
01:45 I'm so excited about today's program. You know, it's amazing
01:49 to me because here we are and the last few days of December
01:53 2023, it's absolutely incredible how time flies.
01:58 And I'm excited for multiple reasons. I'm excited about what
02:00 we're getting ready to talk about here today.
02:02 >> I thought you're excited that I was sitting next to you.
02:04 Well, Yahoo.
02:06 >> And that I want to tell myself out, yes, that's what
02:08 was going to get to it. That's one of the other reason why I
02:11 signed today because you're sitting next to a 2. I think I
02:16 got myself her excited year with the half. My family.
02:20 Yes, but I'm also excited that we're one day closer to Christ
02:23 soon return. You know, there's so much in this world, so much
02:26 negativity. It seems like we're just bombarded with that.
02:29 But, you know, we have so much to look forward to. And of
02:30 course, that's Christ in return for what a message each one of
02:33 us has to share.
02:35 >> With the world and, of course, is the word of God.
02:37 And so today we'll be talking about really focusing on
02:39 evangelism. We are indeed, you know. I mean, I'm excited
02:42 because Jesus came 2000 years ago as a baby lived a perfect
02:46 life, died as our substitute. And you and I have the gift of
02:50 eternal life through the blood of Jesus. A wedding gift set is
02:54 a man. And at this time a year, we just think back. How is God
02:59 letting this ministry? What is God doing through your
03:02 ministry? 3ABN, we thank you for partnering with us.
03:07 Evangelistic Lee as the Gospel has broken new barriers and
03:11 gone to new places and new avenues with new methods.
03:16 We want to talk about that today. It's all about
03:18 evangelism because it's really all about Jesus and she sharing
03:22 the truth in the word while there is still time, we believe
03:26 Jesus is coming, says, right? And now is our time of
03:29 opportunity to share this gospel. So we have some family
03:33 here.
03:34 >> There were glass next to yes, right across most, of
03:36 course, is a Mister Danny Shelton, founder, 3 Avian new
03:39 course. Your wife, a doctor. Yvonne, so cloud, have both of
03:42 you here. Happy to be here. A great, great time to be alive
03:46 in the closing moments of Earth's history for sure.
03:49 And I'm with you can hardly believe can hardly believe this
03:52 year is almost over in credit and but water privilege that we
03:56 can talk to you no matter where you are in the world, through
03:59 modern technology and we can only do this because of you.
04:03 So thank you for your love and prayers and financial support
04:06 of 3 ABN. An incident, of course, next to you all as
04:10 right, kind of front and center and the Burk case in France
04:13 saying yes, so good to have both of you. The CFO, of
04:16 course. And Francine near the general manager of the Kids
04:19 Network. You had a busy year here as well. Spend fun.
04:22 Haha, you Jason's been fun.
04:25 >> It's been the start of the year was really good with the
04:29 wind, Ann says and all that. And then, you know, the market
04:31 take a nice hit.
04:33 And then within 16 days, the market recovered in November.
04:36 And it was it's been it's been doing well ever since praise
04:40 the Lord. And the Lord is really good to us. And
04:44 we, you know, seeing with 3ABN is doing in the last year and
04:48 and the evangelism that we're able to accomplish and your
04:52 support your financial support and you're sharing with other
04:55 people that 3ABN is here to increase the Kingdom of heaven
05:00 is it is a wonderful opportunity that we can have
05:03 together to witness Jesus in return.
05:06 >> So I'm excited. Oh, yeah, that's good. I think where the
05:09 key word is said to is together, you know, it's
05:12 together the 3 again, family that includes you at home.
05:15 But then we look to Jesus Christ, of course, as the
05:17 captain, you know, of our ship, right? So he's the one that
05:21 continues to provide and what a blessing. And then.
05:24 >> Let's start a little different direction today.
05:26 I know we have projects. We have a lot of talk to about
05:29 what God has done. What God is going to do in ways that you
05:33 can partner evangelistic Lee b*** out, start with some
05:36 stories. So let's kind of go around and we have some
05:39 letters. We have some e-mails or just some things that people
05:43 have told us of ways that the ministry of 3ABN has impacted
05:48 their life. So I don't know who wants to jump in first with the
05:51 story.
05:52 >> Our letter? Yes, well, I would share with you that I was
05:57 recently I'm interviewing for an employee
06:00 and to my interview process, I was talking with different
06:04 members of the churches and I found out that many of the
06:08 people came to the church because of 3 ABN. It was cool.
06:13 Quite remarkable to see how many I thought maybe one or 2,
06:16 but it was that it was it was quite a few. That was because
06:19 of 3ABN the influence of the donors like you to allow these
06:23 programs to go that these people became 7 day Adventists
06:27 and Christians, you know, with with a wonderful message that
06:31 Jesus is coming. So, yeah, so it was it's really need to see
06:35 all these. I never expected it. But as I'm interviewing them
06:37 and and sharing this information in them sharing
06:40 with me, it was it was it was wonderful to hear these people
06:44 excited about 3 D and that's the impact.
06:47 >> Yeah, 3 ad. And you know, we will not know that in fact,
06:50 you know, until eternity to get that full impact. The what,
06:53 3, even the reaches of 3 been around the world. Absolutely
06:55 maze that well, and we know when we travel and we don't
06:59 travel every weekend, there's much as even we used to.
07:02 But when we do, we rarely go to church. Someone doesn't come up
07:06 and say thanks to 3ABN I'm in the church today that I gave my
07:10 heart to the Lord Jesus Christ through watching 3 a man and
07:13 then some as we were talking before, says things like 3ABN,
07:18 save my life. Now we know 3 ABN doesn't do that, but the
07:21 message that we're giving. That's right. But all of us,
07:23 24 7 around the world is reaching its the holy spirit.
07:27 Of course, it's doing it. But literally people say save
07:30 my life from people that depressed one person. We know
07:35 we became friends with the last few months. He lost his wife
07:39 and said every night you go to bed and I pray, Lord, don't let
07:43 me wake up for year and a half to take at least a year and a
07:47 half and said he just tuned in and started watching 3ABN and
07:51 it's so when we met him, he said just recently said 3,
07:55 a man saved my life. And, you know, and that kind of takes
07:58 you back. You realize he's had an impact most at all, save
08:01 July yet, say many people that we're going to take their own
08:05 lives and turned on just in time. And some of them at they
08:09 say accidentally one knocked is remote off of his chair just as
08:14 he was going and he was going to city had, I guess going o o
08:17 D and F in the bathroom in a setting in the darkened
08:22 I got up in the remote fell on the floor and said the TV
08:26 popped on. And that's the one where Mark family was looking.
08:29 We were down alive with mark and I said, Mark, maybe
08:33 somebody is contemplating suicide. He looks into the
08:35 camera and says friend, if you're contemplating suicide
08:39 tonight, don't Jesus loves you to start on? The guy said he
08:42 was shocked as young, 18, 19 years old now and I've never
08:46 watched a channel. He didn't know I had it on his TV.
08:48 We've seen that over and over and over. And Greg and you
08:52 know, and Yvonne and maybe all too about all the dishes people
08:55 watching on the satellite to get stuck, literally stuck on
09:00 some of those stories over the years and that no ones, you
09:03 have a friend, you become really good friends. And yeah,
09:06 recently, you may want to share about that. Time is going to
09:09 share about that.
09:10 >> Over the past year. So last this this past year, this year,
09:14 I received a letter from a viewer and she said that she
09:19 was a widow and that she was watching TV and she her
09:25 television just wasn't working, right? She just had this green
09:29 screen. Everything was breaking. And so she was the
09:32 first she had on this one station at 3, a B, a and
09:36 somebody was singing and she said she loved the singing,
09:40 but she couldn't see what was that was seeing. And so she
09:43 just she just kept wanting that she would go to another
09:47 channel. But the TV just wasn't working right on that
09:51 particular child. She could not get it. So finally, she held a
09:55 remote up before the Lord. She said my husband's not here
09:58 anymore, though, but you promised to men that you would
10:01 be my husband and he used to fix these things for me.
10:04 So please, would you please fix it? She held a remote up and
10:08 right away the TV, the reception with the Lord and so
10:13 praise the Lord. And so she she wrote and she became she's a
10:17 donor, a wonderful donor and a wonderful friend. She's become
10:20 assistant in the Lord. And we talk regularly. And so what a
10:25 blessing, because she's she said that and she's not and
10:27 have been as Christian. She's she's pet hospital. She said my
10:31 beliefs are not very different from yours. I think she's she's
10:35 from watching 3 ABN. Yeah. She has believes that of
10:39 someone. So so proud of the law. And she's a wonderful
10:42 sister. She won. Wouldn't mention it. But she was.
10:45 >> The voice that she heard. She turned on the screen
10:49 television just this little green. Let's see and hear this
10:52 voice then should turn on another time, heard the same
10:55 person singing. And I think even the 3rd time is right now,
10:59 how often would you do at home ever turn on 3ABN the same
11:04 person saying maybe days apart or what have you know, this
11:08 when she heard the voice and said, man, I really want to say
11:11 so it would get her back in Manas humble enough. She would
11:14 second that. But but it turned out that who it was. And so
11:18 they become good friends. And she's a great supporter,
11:21 pair warrior and financial supporters. Well, and way up in
11:25 the north country, a man, you know, those are just really
11:27 encouraging because those are divine appointments. You
11:29 mention that. And Mister Dan is not by accident. That's not by
11:33 accident because she was really touched by your music.
11:35 >> And so is he would go through it again. You said a
11:37 day or 2 later there you would be again, though she couldn't
11:39 see it. You can hear you. Yeah. And what a ministry that
11:41 was to her. So you think about that like you said yesterday.
11:44 That doesn't just happen. Yeah. Happenstance that now has
11:48 she connected with your voice that she couldn't see you in
11:50 here? Every time she flip through the channels there you
11:52 were with the voice and then what a miracle to, you know,
11:56 to be raising that remote. And that is, you know, I just
11:59 think about God, he must just have fun white, but it's part
12:03 of their spiritual journey. And so it's perfect timing,
12:06 you know, for her. I think about that, the little dog.
12:08 I'm just calling the call him Fido when that guy was slipping
12:11 through from those rabbit ear antennas with the remote
12:12 control out in Oregon, a I think it was out in Oregon and
12:15 he was just going through the channels discourages in the low
12:18 point in his life and when he would go through and you would
12:20 see and hear 3 ABN, his dog would get really excited.
12:23 Start, you know, jumping about and wagging his tail is so
12:25 excited. And of course, the man loved his dog and he was
12:28 curious why his dog, we get so excited about this particular
12:30 channel. Not the news on other channels and not other. Yeah.
12:34 Chris Chun network, only 3 ABN Suisse said Finals. Got
12:37 something intriguing about watching 3 aetn. So he started
12:41 watching himself and I think he actually was just baptized this
12:44 year. The man was thanks to his dog show an interest in 3.
12:48 Haha, you know, like Bela talked in the Bible.
12:51 >> He yes. Are the document of a love story that you're going
12:57 to talk about. The one where somebody wrote me and said that
13:02 3 and came on the intro came on, the dog would run and
13:07 start.
13:08 >> He said wailing it through. I thought it was funny. But he
13:13 said he sings with the all the time and then they kind of let
13:16 me hear it in a viral river. I don't like saying intimate
13:20 said, like I said, no, no, I love that. Every time we turn
13:24 it on here is that today? Yeah. The open mending broken
13:28 people. He comes running into the TV and said he'll put his
13:31 head up and there are no hope. That's good.
13:36 >> It shows you is that God cares for every that's right.
13:41 And the gospel is to go to the world. But it's to go to each
13:45 and every person individually. You know, we say the 3 inches
13:49 messages and revelation 14. You can read that if you're not
13:52 familiar with that and this is the gospel is to go to every
13:55 nation kindred tongue in people. And that word POS in
13:58 Greek means each and every one. So it's not just that the
14:01 gospel is to be blanketed around the world, which it is.
14:04 But the gospel is to go to specifically each one of those
14:07 how many billion people are in the world because God cares for
14:11 you and God cares for each one of us. I'm reminded I think my
14:15 story of how are you sure story would be a lady. I think you
14:18 met her as well. Yvonne. We met her in Texas. She had
14:22 said she'd been living in a different state and she was
14:25 just really brokenhearted. And 2 of her children had died
14:29 of natural causes. The other one was murdered
14:32 and she said she just cried out to God. One night she fell
14:35 asleep with the TV on. She didn't know about 3ABN. She
14:38 wasn't watching TV and it was on some other channel and she
14:41 fell asleep crying out for you there. God. I need something
14:45 when she woke up in the middle of the night 3 up and listen.
14:49 Yeah. How does that happen? How does this happen? Channels
14:52 which to 3 ABN when she didn't even know what that's because
14:56 cop cared for her. Yeah. God saw her in her time time of
15:00 need and God reached out and she discovered the truth and
15:04 the word a must-back ties. What an incredible story.
15:07 Yeah, France. So no, we haven't given you my centers around
15:11 children. Of course that, you know.
15:13 >> I'm one of one of those stories that really stands out
15:16 for me is that we had kids camp this summer house fun. And we
15:21 had one single mom.
15:24 They came
15:26 and she wanted to come and she her car was
15:31 needed to be repaired. She didn't know how she was
15:33 financially going to do that. And yet she wanted her children
15:37 to come
15:38 and she put forth that faith and still came
15:42 and she was blessed. And she was a beautiful letter and
15:45 saying thank you so much. And, you know,
15:48 I see time and time again where it's the faith that we put in
15:52 for that, like even our children and the dedication
15:56 because something happens when we totally dedicated eyes
16:00 light. I lost my grandmother this year. And, you know,
16:06 it's putting your money for the Kingdom of heaven is more
16:10 important than anything else because it's our relationship
16:13 with God and that she was 4th and the ministry for others.
16:17 And, you know, there's other older people as we get.
16:20 >> More mature. I should say, I'm getting older. And you
16:23 know, when you when you started.
16:25 >> Haha.
16:34 >> I'm just saying that as we were growing it as we were
16:39 maturing, I am and we had our daughter, for example, you
16:42 start accumulating a lot of things. And then we're getting
16:46 to the point where you don't need a lot like you want to get
16:49 rid of it. And then there's other up
16:51 mature audience, you know, that are listening. And and they've
16:54 collected a whole a bunch of things. And it's like
16:59 some of them want to give them away while they're alive and
17:03 others want to keep it. And that's what I'm trying to come
17:06 back to it.
17:08 >> You know, there's another lady that road she's 96 years
17:10 on. She wrote a beautiful letter, you know, of how even
17:14 the kids network is making that difference, you know, and how
17:18 we're changing lives.
17:20 And that to me shows no meadow how old we are, whether it's
17:24 young. How old at how much are we are?
17:28 It's really giving unselfishly to God and the more
17:33 you give why you can while you're alive, the more good
17:38 comes out of it. And sometimes we all hold on to things.
17:41 And that's why I'm thinking, you know, some of us that are
17:44 much Iran like thinking, hey, we have a donation center,
17:47 you know, giving away our we have, you know, and this is the
17:50 time of the year that you really evaluate what your
17:53 priorities on time and to see it's really the kingdom of
17:57 heaven and how many children, young and old can we bring to
18:01 the cost of tunnels that so to me, that's just I know we talk
18:06 about how and James, you know, thing spoil, but it's really
18:11 for the coming of the law. And what can we tune now?
18:14 >> With what we have. That's excellent. Yeah, I like what
18:18 you're saying far as giving away now where your life,
18:20 too, because I was talking to a donor just recently is
18:22 interesting. You bring that up. They said, you know, I want to
18:25 give to 3ABN actually know what's happening with the money
18:27 in the funds to I don't need it. And the Lord always buses
18:30 meetings with the donor saying I want to give away. I want to
18:32 go to different projects. I want to talk to the people 3
18:34 of us where you have your biggest need. I want to help
18:36 here and they want to hear about the updates.
18:38 >> On how the project succeeded. Yeah. So we wanted
18:41 that they were same time. I see that.
18:43 >> Yeah, you know, it's great to is not. Everyone is an
18:47 evangelist. So has been going out as gets corrected speaking.
18:51 So when you partner with us and donate your either items or
18:56 your money, we converted into ministry goes around the world.
19:01 So when you think that you're partnering with 3ABN,
19:04 your money is going to 3ABN,
19:07 we're covering it for you to evangelize around the world for
19:10 365 days. 24 7. So it's a shooting at a real blessing.
19:15 >> Yeah, I have to say something. We have all the
19:17 several kids that come. I mean, we had several for kids cam.
19:21 We've had 67 and kids express, for example, and a lot of these
19:26 parents coming
19:28 and donating their time to come and, you know, taking time off
19:32 work because their parents and then coming in and financially
19:36 supporting themselves to come here and they want to give some
19:39 of them saying I would love to give, you know, to ministry.
19:42 But, you know, they're trying to make ends meet. And then
19:46 there's others that say, you know, I use this money. We
19:49 have, you know, several of them. They are still making a
19:52 sacrificial gift and that again shows how much that is
19:56 impacting the lives of
19:58 >> young people and adults. Good sound now.
20:02 >> Yeah, I think that's fantastic because I think about
20:05 these parents or your center sacrificing to come and
20:07 actually they're making then have the means the means to
20:10 financially necessary. This is was so neat, though, is that
20:13 they are actually in a way, right 0.4 in the ministry
20:16 because of people are blessed. We're blessed by the program
20:18 and there's tremendous program that you've been doing this
20:20 year, but also that's going to start airing next year to brand
20:23 new program. Excited. Oh, yeah, but that comes back to you.
20:27 >> God uses I challenge whatever we can give. And then
20:30 hopefully in when they mature, you know, they're going to be
20:33 supported when they can. That's right.
20:35 >> No, I'm I'm glad to be doing a program like this towards the
20:39 end of the year because if you turn on a number of other
20:43 religious networks, they're done news programs every day on
20:46 their family needs your money. Back to you. My yeah. Call
20:49 Megatons of Co praise at times and when I was impressed to
20:52 build a television station to reach the world, I want to make
20:56 sure it was God. So I said, Lord, if this is, you know,
20:59 go forward on 2 conditions. One won't borrow money and to
21:02 never beg for money because I've been singing on some of
21:05 these other melanin, made these other out gospel Christian
21:09 stations. And so this is a show to Lord. The one was easy.
21:13 I didn't really have any credit. The timing couldn't
21:15 borrow too much anyway. And but the Lord has supplied so here
21:19 at the end of the year, this is a great time because I can say,
21:23 hey, look, we really appreciate your love and your prayers near
21:27 financial support. And right now I know that 3 ABN
21:31 financially and this happens quite a bit as Myisha Lee is a
21:34 summer and into fall. You get towards the end of the year and
21:37 we're running way behind. But by phase as we continue to
21:41 go forward because of you and your willingness to give
21:45 by January, then we have a phrase report how we ended up
21:49 in the black. So we're dependent on the holy spirit
21:51 who were dependent as the Holy Spirit works on you, your heart
21:55 and mind. So I'd ask you to pray about something. Maybe a
21:58 giving already. You say I can give us more. Maybe you haven't
22:02 been giving. You've been watching that. You've been
22:03 blessed by the program are gone closer to Jesus. This would be
22:07 a time that you can give a tax deductible of gift and because
22:11 it takes a tremendous amount of money. But I'm amazed there are
22:14 evangelicals and others. I look at theirs and come.
22:18 We don't even totally received the ties to what some of these
22:23 independent ministries not. I mean, speakers not hold
22:26 television networks, the semi a big name evangelicals in on
22:30 like they're getting. And I just read the other day.
22:32 One of them, they get to they do twice a year, though,
22:36 do a special praise that on the call. And they raise 90 million
22:40 each time 180 Million. You know, they're not even the tide
22:44 of that. And, yeah, we're reaching the world as much as
22:49 these other networks, what we're doing and we're doing
22:54 doing fraction of the cost. So I know there's a lot of
22:58 options out there, but we were really would ask you to pray,
23:02 do something special because right now, if we look at the
23:05 physical, it doesn't seem like by the end of the year,
23:08 everything's going to be caught up. But by faith going on,
23:11 you know, 39 years, right? It happened. So just again,
23:15 Ukraine as the Holy Spirit, what he would have you
23:18 >> to do. And we thank you in advance. Yeah, amen. And you
23:22 know, you're talking about that going forward in faith that is
23:24 with 3ABN does. So we have meetings here, of course,
23:27 administratively and that, you know, was all kinds of projects
23:30 that are coming up and we're going forward and we do because
23:33 going to provide away because when he opened the door,
23:35 evangelistic lead to reach the world with another and through
23:38 another avenue, another way we have to go forward and God
23:42 continues to provide join thinking about languages.
23:44 That's one thing that we didn't really
23:46 we called a budget, but we don't really know because the
23:48 Lord on the provider needs. So we put it down on paper,
23:50 right, Jason there, you know, we try and, you know, gives us
23:52 a good way to gauge where at the still rely on every day,
23:55 every week, every month.
23:56 >> For you and the holy spirit, you know, to just to provide
24:00 for needs. But something about the language is I was one
24:02 project that we lost this year and got to provide for the
24:04 needs of time in the Loop land. As we talk about that project,
24:07 I just want to put the Ravens website right now. Good that
24:10 you can go online to donate. We're talking about donating so
24:12 you can go to Phoebe and DOT TV will talk more about different
24:16 ways that you can donate. Just go to CBN, DOT TV. Click
24:19 on the donate happened. You can give your tax-deductible love
24:23 gift right now or you can call us at 6, 1, 8, 6, to 7, 4,
24:28 6, 5, 1, That number again is 618-627-4651, now moving to the
24:35 languages. It's 2.2 billion people and the world, 2.2 speak
24:42 either Chinese
24:44 or Arabic or handy 2.2 billion people. We now have 3ABN
24:50 available both on 3ABN plus which would be you can go
24:56 online. You can watch it on Roku or Amazon Fire or you on
25:00 your smartphone all or any one of those Apple TV. You can
25:05 watch TV and in Chinese or 3 new Arabic for 3ABN in Hindi or
25:12 you can go to YouTube and we have YouTube landing pages
25:15 already there for any one of those 3 languages. So we want
25:19 to reach the the world with the Gospel. We want this gospel to
25:24 go to the entire world. So so very excited about this new
25:29 opportunity. We have several sermons already translated.
25:32 They're moving to have more in additional programming as we
25:35 speak. But it's already up in 3 bins available in those
25:38 languages, the price alone.
25:39 >> And that's where we didn't have the funds necessary there.
25:42 But we just put it out there. And you all have been, again,
25:44 just faithfully supporting that because it again does cost
25:47 money to do that. Translation, we didn't want to just do like
25:50 the lower thirds, the caption part. We actually then hire
25:54 somebody to actually do the expo can part 2 in Hindi and
25:58 Chinese and Arabic. So it's it's well done. May I say it
26:02 was done professionally and so it represents the gospel.
26:05 Well, so thank you again for support for this project.
26:08 Very excited again. Got asked to put the word out there.
26:10 Doctor, Van, I know you're all excited about this to you had a
26:13 passion for the languages as well.
26:15 >> Every time I hear in this, it's so exciting to me because
26:19 these are people that you can't openly proselytize open it up
26:23 and go over there and set up openly. You know, Chris Ryan
26:28 sites you to to be able to get into a home and to reach people
26:34 individually, they could not ordinarily hear the gospel.
26:38 This is what we've been called to do. And the fact that it's
26:41 in these languages with people are being persecuted over this
26:44 country and the sharing the gospel. So to be able to do it
26:48 in people's homes and just reach people with these
26:52 languages is super exciting. And
26:54 >> I just love and things are changing here, too. And we need
26:58 to all the doors open, do it when you talk about a minute.
27:01 But in the book that we have a new one just literally came in
27:04 this the week
27:06 few. I think 2 and a half million coming in. Can the
27:10 Christian church from LGBTQ? I've had people write me this
27:14 sermon. We did this. If you are in Canada, be arrested already
27:17 or if you are in this country, right, already be arrested,
27:20 should be jailed for telling the truth. And so it's going.
27:24 It's it's it's amazing the rights and privileges that we
27:28 have even here in America for years we've had. But the
27:31 opposition that you get when you preach the truth and so 7th
27:35 avenues, Christians, we have a message to give to the world.
27:39 And I think that's why God is continue to bless 3 a man.
27:42 It's the message we always say not the messenger. That is the
27:45 message. That's right. And that's the and diluted 3 and
27:48 those messages that would counteract the counterfeit.
27:51 So anyway, right now is the time we have open. I don't know
27:56 the year 2 or 3. Yeah. It's going to be the same thing.
27:59 Here is these other countries. You can tell the truth. So
28:04 pretty soon you won't be able to talk about sand at all,
28:07 according to what the government and a lot of
28:09 countries are doing that and people that I do think a lot of
28:12 people realize the rights that are being taken away even in
28:16 this country because of people who are just so determined to
28:20 build one political side or the other, they're not really
28:22 looking at the big picture, especially Christian. We just
28:26 want to jump on this side of that. We should be sticking to
28:28 the word of God made eyes. And when we're a Christian,
28:31 whatever church here and you have a mission and that's to
28:34 take you take the gospel into all the world. And so while we
28:39 can, we should do it. And we should talk about the written
28:42 word.
28:43 >> The evangelist I was just going to say that because you
28:45 can partner with U.S. Angeles, likely with this book even
28:48 right now, you can order them. We have donors who have stepped
28:52 forward to pay for the printing costs. So all you pay is
28:55 shipping $28 per case of these and then you can pass them out
28:59 in your community cases. 200 cases, 200, thank you.
29:02 100 booklets in a case. So what an incredible evangelistic
29:06 opportunity. We want to get this in the hands of church
29:08 leaders, specifically elders and deacons deaconess is people
29:13 within the church pastors, the and this can go across the
29:16 nomination a line. So speaking of the printed word, we also
29:19 have the focus untruthful clipped we have for them.
29:22 Now at this point, there's the truth about Salvation, 10
29:25 Commandments, health fire as well as the Lord's Day. So
29:30 those are available as well. These are ways that you can
29:33 evangelistic. We partner with 3ABN and helping to get the
29:37 gospel. And when you order them, you can. I know we say
29:40 that it's the shipping costs, but you could also say I'm
29:43 going to give an extra donation to help support the the Lord's
29:47 work at this going forward.
29:49 >> You know, Mister Danny, I just received this text from
29:52 David Birthing is a friend of ours. And he was traveling no,
29:56 so through particular state. And he stopped at a hotel.
29:58 New just sent me this picture as probably kind of hard to
30:01 tell. And someone actually has in the hotel set up there with
30:04 the literature. I'm one of that focus on truth books, Hellfire
30:08 and the city right there. She took a picture of say he
30:10 was staying at a hotel. There were right there and the hotel
30:14 lobby sitting next to a bunch of maps and looks like some
30:16 other stuff there. So there again is someone took it
30:20 seriously and said I'm going to be evangelist the books and put
30:24 them out there. And so who knows how many people pick
30:26 these up just in the nick of time, God's timing in make a
30:30 difference in their life.
30:31 >> And that's why it's so important for each of us.
30:34 You know, it's one thing for 3ABN, to do this. We've written
30:37 the book got printed. We're putting it out there. But for
30:41 those of you who say we're willing, yes, we won. Some of
30:44 these were willing, in fact, box of these, if you 200,
30:48 I didn't figure that, Greg, but I think it's less than the
30:52 price of a stamp. I mean, look, right, directed at all. If I if
30:55 I got an envelope on the send your letter right now on a boat
30:58 and vote in the paper to write it on that and put the stamp,
31:01 I'm not, I'm sure is it what's a stand that they may know.
31:04 I'd like to keep going up, but it's like the say 60%. So
31:09 that's just if I want to send your letter. But these focus on
31:12 truth, books and news, others literally are less than the
31:16 price of a stamp and they were mailed to the homes before.
31:19 I mean, that's amazing. So here we got books of 200, this
31:23 particular one. I want to mention these others gone out
31:26 by the millions. I think some up to 5 or 6 million this book
31:30 when just coming out. But I've had a lot of people write us
31:34 and say, oh, we love it. We just badly needed in the
31:37 church, but they're not so excited about handing it out
31:40 because it's such a controversial topic and the
31:44 Christian Church affirm LGBTQ. That is exactly the reason why
31:48 you should be putting it out because it shouldn't be
31:50 controversial. Is Justin keeping in line with the
31:54 mission of the Bible and the 10 Commandments. And so it with
31:58 something is in our churches. We believe that we should keep
32:02 all the commandments of God. So there's no exceptions.
32:05 But we've tried to write something that's and love.
32:08 It's biblical. It's not what I think. Are you thinking on?
32:11 And so we really want you all to step up to the plate.
32:14 We've done what we can do. So now it's up to you to say we
32:18 want to box or 2 boxes or whatever for your church.
32:21 And I think every pastor should get it. They should need it.
32:24 But some of them do. Even in our own church. We found out so
32:28 hard kinzer elders, you know, church board members, all of
32:32 our members, and we need to get these out to universities.
32:35 And so you can do that when you know how to answer. They don't
32:39 know how they answer the question. That's exactly right.
32:42 That's what we try to do. Answer the question, why,
32:45 what is different about this? And you know, why are some
32:49 people so, you know, afraid to talk about it? And we asked the
32:53 questions from the Bible and try to do it with love, but we
32:56 really need you to respond and say, yes, I'll take a box of
32:59 days and will pass these out and maybe 2 or more with 2
33:04 churches. They don't mind passing out books about the 10
33:07 Commandments to love doing that or the large day or on
33:11 Hellfire. What have you? This is little more
33:13 controversial. So we want you to to ask the Lord to say,
33:17 OK, give me the courage to go forward and not worry about
33:20 what people say, but let's get the truth out. And I think this
33:23 will make a huge difference. And the church today and in the
33:26 Christian church today because this books written across all
33:30 denominations to mention we have mapped this method is
33:33 Catholic. All of those writing this, some of them saying we
33:36 want some of these books. And so we're hoping that you
33:39 can get these churches books, maybe even the other churches
33:43 in your area, different denominations. And so it's
33:46 here. And for the last in the way to send the price of a
33:50 stamp, I think each each book would be, you know, shipped to
33:53 you when you get 200 at a time. And so I don't know what there
33:57 is a can't say anymore. That's all I can say. It's up to you
34:00 now so.
34:02 >> Yeah, absolutely. You know, I think about you're talking
34:04 about like Catholics and Methodists and Baptists know
34:07 this is the other thing to 3 of an of course, the 7th Avenue
34:09 straight. That's the message. But it's the Bible message that
34:12 we play. But what also is just beautiful to me is that we
34:15 receive donations from Catholics and that we just
34:17 heard there that say, you know what, we appreciate, which were
34:19 3 been where you stand. We support you were financially
34:23 supporting the ministry of 3 been to multiple to those as
34:26 well. So that's just fantastic.
34:27 >> Yes, bring the Gospel. We we've had some big donations
34:31 from people are not seven-day, haven't us? Yes, yeah. Oh,
34:35 yeah. He's a killer. Yeah. Absolutely awful or, you know,
34:38 large donations. But people say we.
34:40 >> Billy Wirth, the ministry us when we believe and most
34:43 powerful and God has people in all churches.
34:46 >> And they're hungry for truth and want to stand with the
34:49 ministry of 3ABN and for claiming truth, whether it's
34:52 the truth about what is the Christian Church supposed to do
34:55 about the LGBTQ issue or any of these other focus? Untruth
34:59 booklets. I'm thinking of Shelley's book that came out to
35:02 us. That's about love, righteousness by Faith from
35:05 Genesis to revelation. Incredible book spotless.
35:09 The Everlasting Covenant that booklet available for sharing.
35:13 We have cleaned his messages in summary with Pastor John Long.
35:16 Okay. That Bookless of L A We have the Bible study guides.
35:19 Yeah. I'm so excited about these Ryan Day of hear hear
35:23 every time I talk to him about it. He says these are the best
35:26 Bible studies in the 7th Avenue. Mister. I happen to
35:29 agree with them and their comprehensive there wonderfully
35:32 designed they have QR codes on the back leading you to more
35:35 information or video about it. They have questions and answers
35:39 biblically solid. So these are available as well. You can
35:43 contact us at the call center because we want to give you
35:45 evangelistic resources that you can use at home in order to
35:50 help spread the gospel. You're using them right now. I am.
35:54 >> These Bible studies a wonderful because you can.
35:59 First of all, again, you don't have to be a little like
36:02 serious below Jen to give a Bible study. You can get these
36:07 Bible studies are user friendly. They they're enter
36:12 active. You can, you know, really engaged. The student.
36:17 Has your study. You can engage them in conversation about
36:21 these things. It's just it is an excellent, excellent study
36:24 and it
36:26 if you if you do it,
36:28 first of all, there are so many people who feel like I can't
36:32 give a bible study because I don't really know enough.
36:35 You know, everything you need is right there. You know that
36:39 all the questions, all the answers. And so I've been using
36:44 them and I've zoomed Bible studies and with different
36:48 people all over and you can summon homes.
36:51 >> As someone every Sunday, her day literally started to walk
36:55 in the morning. Yeah, the studies and it's like 10
36:58 o'clock to 11 at 11, 30 to 12, 30. Then it want to it goes on
37:03 and sometimes and then some of those who have groups of 4 or 5
37:07 or 6 people and others are individuals that shade
37:09 literally take Sunday's all day. And sometimes even I think
37:14 shoes through 7 o'clock was started in 10. Yeah, you know,
37:17 the other day and so last Sunday. So it's good. It's
37:21 amazing. So and she loves is so I do the people understand
37:25 them. And they're very easy to understand. Yes, and the guy
37:28 that it doesn't matter.
37:30 >> The level of Bible student, you know, of a person of people
37:35 who are taking the study is whether they are just being
37:38 introduced to the viable or whether they already know a lot
37:43 about the Bible would cover the gamut. So it it topic, Lee.
37:48 It's really good. It's it's
37:50 it's just these are really, really good. If you want to do
37:53 some evangelism, really get these Bible studies and start
37:57 sharing them with people and is really really good. And and I
38:02 think that so many people once they see it, they'll be willing
38:06 to
38:07 >> get involved with this. Yeah, I think it's a good way
38:09 of them asking questions, too. Yeah, that's right. And hit it
38:14 opens the door for other topics that you remain. Absolutely.
38:18 It is important to them.
38:19 But then the Holy Spirit impresses you in something
38:22 comes out. It's it's amazing to see how the Holy Spirit gives
38:25 you the words to say at the right time.
38:27 >> As yet there is. So that's good. It's like being equipped.
38:30 You know, in other words, you're ready.
38:31 >> You've got something to give you think you do it. And yeah,
38:34 it all planned out, but then got changes. Her savage or
38:39 something will have actually got something.
38:41 >> I can you know, share with you in the new guy. Just,
38:43 you know, you're ready when the opportunity opens Cano, you
38:46 guys are very much and outreach in your neighborhood. And
38:48 that's just being a tummy available, right? Because then
38:51 the question will come up. Yes. So, you know, it's
38:52 interesting if if you're willing to give up some of your
38:55 time, which we all can give up our tile. Yeah.
38:58 >> And build relationships with your neighbors and your
39:00 friends. They'll be asking you questions a will and a new deal
39:04 will have the resources just right for you. In order for you
39:08 to share with people how you can be a blessing to them and
39:12 put it. It takes some effort. It takes investment in working
39:17 with people and sometimes, you know, it takes a while.
39:20 >> May take you so make it your one of hey, that's OK, but you
39:24 see the growth. And that to me is enough that you see you
39:28 making impact because it's affecting even though
39:30 grandchildren that, you know, you don't realize it at the
39:34 time that you making that influence. But the cons,
39:37 the consistency, the end, what you do it yeah, is making that
39:41 includes. And and I you know what I think.
39:44 >> Consistency in donating is really important because we
39:48 have programs
39:49 all year around. But we love consistency in your donations
39:53 because that keeps the program that helps us out tomorrow.
39:55 And whether, you know, you think, well, you know, $10 is
39:58 not enough. It is because if we had 1000 people given a $10
40:03 every month, we would have enough money first, a number of
40:06 programs. So please understand. We love your donations, whether
40:10 it's large and we love the $1000 or the $2000 of the
40:14 5,000. But we also like the 10,000 and present $10.10 $1 in
40:19 2010.
40:21 >> Numbers as well.
40:24 >> What's what's interesting is anything that the Lord has
40:28 given us to share that there's where there's true joy. And
40:32 when we have that joy, it will show on our faces and what we
40:36 do neighbors. And then the last question is why you so happy in
40:40 a time that we live in and that's where we can shine.
40:43 >> Just want to go to because here just we're getting down
40:46 just a few minutes left in this program, but about how to get
40:49 to talk about that in just a minute because we've got some
40:50 new things that are coming up Im very excited about. But I
40:54 know many of you have asked. So how is 3 ABN Russia doing?
40:58 How is 3 AB Incubus? Some of the other outreach is that 3ABN
41:02 aspects of 3ABN, we got through the Australia as well and 3
41:06 been Russia in a nutshell. Joe, I know you get reports
41:09 from Julia sister, Julie. He's the director 3 been Russia
41:12 on a weekly basis and it's going well in spite of the
41:16 challenges that are there. 3ABN, Russia's continues to
41:19 grow. Continuing to thrive. I just yes, we're a little.
41:23 Thank you. Note. You know who you are. You sending a nice
41:25 donation for 3ABN Russia. Thank you so very much because
41:28 they depend on those donations to continue to go to grow.
41:31 3, 8, in Cuba is growing. Well, too, a pastor, John does.
41:35 He was just down there. Didn't evangelistic series and
41:38 multiple people were baptized. The churches are excited about
41:41 what's happening in Cuba. He was just down Pastor John
41:44 Donne Z down in Nicaragua and say that right? He did about a
41:47 week long evangelistic series down there. We are on over 15
41:51 innings about 22 cable stations in Nicaragua. You know, there's
41:54 challenges in that country as well. But things are going well
41:56 there to the church is excited. The word of God is being spread
42:00 through these cable stations in that country. And so the Venza
42:03 6 series went well there in Nicaragua, but things are going
42:07 well, I think about 3 in Australia with so many things
42:10 to talk about. We just had the board meetings or on that
42:14 meeting last week and is continuing to grow there.
42:17 There were just talking about how
42:19 the world has so much going on and people are looking for
42:22 stability. And so, of course, it's in the word of God.
42:26 But what they're finding their in Australia, lot of people are
42:28 also concerned about their health, especially post COVID.
42:32 And so they're really reaching out with health seminars and
42:35 health books. And that is an incredible entering wedge for
42:39 them. And then people are like, oh, so tell me more about 3,
42:41 a B in Australia. And so then boom, they can stare about was
42:45 have tell about what's happening there, too. So this
42:47 gospel of the kingdom is truly going throughout the entire
42:50 world in this something, you know, you're good to go ahead,
42:53 Mister Danni. Yes, it just hit me really. You know, we've got
42:56 another week or 2 couple weeks before the end of the year.
42:59 >> And maybe if you never given anything monthly, it really
43:03 helps the big give, you know,
43:06 let us go on the literally the base that's, you know, we had
43:09 the movers and shakers are all of you. But we have to have the
43:12 base amount every month. If you not a monthly donor,
43:16 I would consider. 22. And 24 is literally 40 years since the
43:22 beginning in November 2020 four's 40 years since the idea
43:27 to come to build a television station to reach the world.
43:30 And maybe you could give $40 a month want you to pray and ask
43:33 the Lord and you're not a monthly giver. Some of those
43:37 who are giving already, maybe you could give $40 more a
43:40 month. And again, you know, here is talking like this,
43:42 you know, here made the whole year even thrown out. Any kind
43:45 of figures are numbers. It's at the end of the year. We report
43:48 to you to non we're nonprofit organization. We don't on this.
43:52 None of us to know are all privileged to work and the
43:55 administrators of your finances in getting the message that you
44:00 agree with and support to the world. So if you're not a
44:03 giver, consider $40 a month that left us a few 1000 with
44:06 20, just just add Dennis loners, much, Tony, some
44:10 million. And yeah, 25 or something around the world.
44:13 And so even if you had 10,000 people or 20 of those whole
44:17 amount of millions was giving $40, a mile of the turnout
44:20 would be tremendous when Jason, that would definitely help a
44:23 budget when asked people to do that. That's good. And then
44:27 maybe on impressed of note that said the Lord now. Yeah.
44:31 So to think about it, at least because it's at that giving the
44:35 smaller donations, you know, keep us keep us going. Big ones
44:39 may help us to grow. But without the foundation, you
44:42 know, have anything so that would help us tremendously.
44:45 So consider if you've not been giving monthly, maybe you can
44:48 do $40 a month and then, you know.
44:51 >> Celebration of the 48 member. I like that a lot.
44:54 Yes. And if you donate money to become part.
44:57 >> Our blessing is on the go initiative. So those donors who
45:01 give once a month, so whatever amount. But if the lords put in
45:04 your heart that $40, the island, which Mister Danny just
45:07 threw out to you at home and to us here. But the blessing is on
45:11 the go is a way that we can partner with you. Evangelistic
45:14 Lee. You become part of the 3ABN go team. You get monthly
45:18 evangelistic resources that you can share with your neighbors
45:21 or people in your community. We send them every month to get
45:24 a certificate signed by great. That says you're part of the
45:27 team so you can sign up for that as well on our website,
45:30 Mike Tyson.
45:31 >> Absolutely. And you know, some of the other ways that we
45:34 can give. Of course you can write your check to 3ABN at P o
45:38 Box 2 to 0
45:41 in West Frankfort, Illinois, 6, 2, 8, 9, 6, or you can call us
45:45 and we cake credit card donations. We also have an
45:49 option for you to do in each check. So that's more of the
45:53 ECHR deputy ch. And we're happy to take that information and
45:58 share that with you. And you can call us at 618-627-4651.
46:04 And just let the person you're talking with that you want to
46:06 give a donation using a check or even your credit card.
46:10 The other thing I wanted to share is if as wrenching
46:13 shared, you have something that you don't need any more.
46:16 And you just want to convert that into something that we can
46:20 use here at 3ABN.
46:21 We would love to talk with you. We would love to share that and
46:25 convert that for you and increase the king of heaven.
46:28 And, you know, when you hear all the things that we've done
46:31 here, what joy is there to give something that can be converted
46:36 into just took a lot.
46:37 >> And like, what would that be like? What kind of like that to
46:39 be like, jewelry, jewelry or coins or?
46:42 >> You know, you may have a car that you don't use anymore.
46:44 We can sell that car. But we of course, we want those items
46:47 that are valuable to us valuable to you that we can
46:51 convert and change in cash and then changing into ministries
46:54 and programs and all the things that we've done here. I mean,
46:57 if you're excited, please, we want to partner with you.
47:00 You may be been on the sidelines is, as Danny said,
47:04 you know, this would be a great time. Jesus is coming soon and
47:08 it's time for us to get active, get excited. And if you're not
47:11 one of those that like getting out there and you can give the
47:15 money to us and we'll do it for you.
47:18 >> So it's a great opportunity to someone that has. So if
47:20 someone wants to set up a monthly because that that
47:23 really makes it easy to see, I don't have to think about it
47:26 every month. Just let's just set up a monthly.
47:28 >> Donation. Can they do that when they call yet? They can do
47:32 that. When you call, you can also go to our website at 3
47:34 Aetn Dot TV and go to our donate tab which is in the top
47:39 and then you can go down and pick your donations and in
47:41 turn, give either once or you can give more based on the
47:44 questions that you answer. But you can also call us
47:48 at the 618-627-4651. And you can just tell us that we want
47:53 to give this donation for every month whether it be 10 or 20 or
47:57 100 are 1000 and we will take it out of either your bank
48:04 account or your credit card on a regular basis. You don't have
48:08 to think about the.
48:12 >> I mean, this world is getting ready to an office
48:14 should say implode or explode whatever. But it's word there.
48:18 And when you look around us, all you have to do is turn on
48:21 the news and see what's happening and whether it's over
48:23 in the Middle East, whether it's there. So the devil is
48:26 doing all he can do. It's time that we step up aren't so I and
48:30 when play sports, we say state step up your game. We step up
48:33 about as Christians. We really should be doing that because I
48:38 don't want to stand before the before the Lord and and say
48:41 what have you done? You know, man, I want to hear him say,
48:44 well done thou good and faithful servant injury and,
48:47 you know, into the gates of the city. And so each and every one
48:50 of us, I think it's time and we feel especially that was I know
48:55 you do hear meant many of you at home. We have to do
48:58 something quickly while the time is here, while we can
49:01 reach these tremendous amounts of people all around the world
49:05 and we thank you again for your love and your prayers and
49:08 financial support. So give me a lot to think about if we have
49:12 another 2 or 3 hours.
49:13 >> What we're doing.
49:16 >> As the administrators of the finances that use and to 3ABN.
49:22 >> And no doctor van was thinking also, I think we
49:24 should have a prayer in the last minute or so. This is this
49:27 program that we have a couple minutes of the very end of the
49:29 news breaks. We're going to put that up on how you can donate.
49:31 Reiterate, basically was somewhat Jason's already said,
49:34 pray for those a lot of hurting people in this time of year,
49:36 too. And also a lot of people. And you know who you are
49:40 finding truth right now in our convicted like, wow, I need to
49:43 take a stand. I'm afraid so, you know, as well. Yeah.
49:47 >> The only father, we just thank you so much that we can
49:50 come before you the great God of the universe, our creator
49:54 and they are concerns that your feet and more just as Greg just
49:58 said, there's so many people who are hurting right now.
50:01 People who'll maybe haven't made the decision for you or
50:05 have they have made the decision for you and they don't
50:07 know how to proceed. Please continue to send the Holy
50:11 Spirit we need and guide and direct them or God. And those
50:16 who are lonely, those who are without family, those who
50:19 without friends, we just pray that you will sense of pour
50:23 your words. So you could put the solitary and family and
50:27 that can be a a church family. So we just pray that those who
50:31 are hurting will be led by your spirit, Lord, God to feel
50:35 comforted. And then we pray for those who have never given
50:38 before that they will be moved upon to give to your work.
50:42 They might not feel comfortable evangelize in going from door
50:46 to door, but they can evangelize to their resources.
50:49 So we thank you for them as well because we can't move
50:53 forward without them. So continue to be with us. Lord,
50:56 as your ministry, 3, a B in all of us, a part of this family
51:00 and God, we thank you, Lord. We praise you, Lord and we we
51:04 ask you again to continue to lead a slow we want to follow
51:09 EU so that one day we can say low, this is our God. He has
51:13 come to save a sea and thank you. Want to go home with you.
51:17 Thank you for your blessings in Jesus name. We pray.
51:21 >> And we met and then thank you. Thank you. You are
51:24 important to us. You are the heart of the 3ABN, family.
51:28 We love you and we pray for you and we want to be here for you
51:32 as well. You can reach out to us with your prayer needs or
51:35 what's going on in your life. We want to do right now.
51:38 He's put up the contact information like we've been
51:40 talking about on this program for 03:00PM. If you want to
51:43 partner with this ministry, if it's impacted your life and you
51:47 want to give back, here's how you can do just that.
51:53 >> If you would like more information, contact 3.80,
51:56 a post office box to 20 West Frankfort, Illinois, 6, 2,
52:01 8, 9, 6, Again, that's 3 ABM Post office box to 20 West
52:07 Frankfort, Illinois, 6, 2, 8, 9, 6, You can call 6, 1,
52:11 8, 627-4651, that 6.26, to 7, 4, 6, 5, 1,
52:19 We'll find them online at 3. That's the number 3, 3, a B dot
52:25 TV. That's 3 ABM DOT TV.
52:29 [MUSIC]
52:34 [MUSIC]


Revised 2023-12-06