3ABN Worship Hour

Who Is Suppressing The Truth

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: WHO

Program Code: WHO200019S

00:26 Hello and a great big welcome to each and every one of you.
00:28 Thank you for joining us, 3ABN Worship Hour.
00:31 And that's exactly
00:32 what we're talking about worship.
00:34 We're going to spend some time in the Word of God.
00:36 We're going to be worshipping Him.
00:37 We pray in spirit and in truth.
00:40 Thank you again for joining us.
00:41 I know you have a lot of other choices
00:43 that you could make,
00:44 but you decided by the grace of God
00:46 to join us today.
00:47 And we're very grateful and thankful for that.
00:49 We're going to be talking about subject
00:51 I believe that you
00:52 you're going to be interested in,
00:54 "Who is Suppressing the Truth."
00:56 You know, who's covering up the truth,
00:58 or is anybody covering up the truth
00:59 or what is truth?
01:01 These are some of the things
01:02 that we're going to be looking at today
01:03 in a very close way.
01:05 In fact, we're going to be looking at some,
01:06 we're going to name some of the subjects.
01:08 And we're going to talk about some of the subjects,
01:10 I believe is being covered up
01:12 and not brought forward to the people of God
01:13 to prepare us for His soon coming.
01:15 So I hope you stay tuned with us.
01:17 First of all, we're going to have prayer.
01:19 Again I invite you where you can
01:21 that you kneel with me but if you cannot,
01:23 you may be in a car listening,
01:24 you may be watching where you cannot, it's okay.
01:26 Just let's pray together, shall we?
01:31 Kind loving Heavenly Father,
01:32 we again thank You for the privilege of prayer.
01:34 We thank You that we can call You
01:35 our Father.
01:36 We just now invite thy Holy Spirit
01:38 in a very special way.
01:39 Oh, Lord, how we need Your Spirit.
01:41 We can't do anything without You.
01:42 We ask that You would now come into the hearts and minds
01:45 of every individual.
01:46 May their mind, ears, heart be open,
01:48 may they receive that which You have in store
01:50 for us today.
01:52 Not man's words but Your words, again,
01:54 may we stand behind the cross of Calvary.
01:56 May Jesus be seen, may He be felt,
01:58 may He be heard, may He be obeyed today.
02:00 Lord, I pray that You forgive me
02:02 of anything in my heart and life
02:03 that needs not be there.
02:04 I need to hear from heaven.
02:06 Your people need to hear Your voice
02:07 and I thank You in Jesus' name, amen.
02:11 Hope you have your Bible.
02:12 I know what you do, because you know,
02:14 when we study the Word, I always mention this,
02:15 have your Bible, have pencil and paper,
02:17 jot these things down
02:19 because you need to study
02:20 to show yourself approved just like I do.
02:22 And sometimes we go rather quickly.
02:24 And we don't mean to but you know, the gospel,
02:26 the good news is, is so good.
02:28 And sometimes we just really run on with it
02:30 and jot them down.
02:31 You can go back and study later.
02:32 Remember, again, we're talking about
02:34 who is suppressing the truth.
02:36 Is anybody?
02:37 Well, let's start with this.
02:39 If you don't mind,
02:40 you know, we hear a lot about revivals and reformation.
02:42 I hear a lot about it,
02:43 I've heard it ever since I've been in the church.
02:45 You know, people will say,
02:46 "Oh, the church is a little bit dead now.
02:48 So it's time we need to have a revival.
02:50 We need to have a reformation.
02:51 We need to have some changes."
02:53 Nothing wrong with that,
02:54 but when somebody talks about a revival, I like it,
02:56 it simply means to be what?
02:58 It means to be revived.
03:00 So there's something maybe that is wrong.
03:02 not always necessarily.
03:03 It's always good because the church needs it
03:05 every once in a while,
03:06 we need to be plugged in,
03:07 you know, to the Word of God,
03:09 we need to be on fire.
03:10 But sometime the church is dying
03:11 and they need a revival and reformation.
03:14 I come back with a question many times is,
03:17 what does it take to have a real revival?
03:20 What does it really take to have a good reformation
03:23 in our lives?
03:24 I know that a revival is what is needed.
03:28 I don't know a whole lot,
03:30 but I know that a real true revival
03:32 is our greatest need here in the church
03:35 and in our individual life, you know.
03:38 Now I'm not talking about just an ordinary revival,
03:40 I'm talking about one of true godliness.
03:43 I'm talking about one
03:44 where even certain teachings are brought out
03:48 that many times are not brought out,
03:50 they're not talked upon, they're not,
03:52 you know, they're not discussed
03:54 because people have problems with them.
03:57 But subject that need to be
03:58 and I think we're going to try it,
04:00 if we have time we're going to bring
04:01 some of those out today by the way,
04:03 we're going to do that because I think it's right.
04:04 Revival, it's just a real solid word
04:07 that we know.
04:08 Think about this.
04:09 I have prayed and thought about it for years.
04:12 I would love to see our church.
04:13 The churches,
04:15 wouldn't say Adventist Church here.
04:16 I'd like to see a real revival where everyone is revived.
04:21 Everyone's going to be saved in the kingdom.
04:25 Huh!
04:26 Will the whole church ever be revived?
04:29 And I see lot of people want to skirt this
04:31 and cover it up and suppress it
04:33 just a little bit because they say,
04:35 well, we shouldn't talk about that,
04:36 but I think we should.
04:37 Will we ever see a time
04:39 when the whole church is revived?
04:41 Will we ever see that?
04:42 I'm going to say no.
04:44 Oh, how I want it to be that way.
04:46 But let me just give you a few reasons
04:48 why I think maybe that will never be
04:49 and you can throw them out if you want to,
04:51 but at least think along with me on this.
04:53 Because when you have a revival and you call for revival,
04:56 and people say okay,
04:58 well let's have revival here in the church.
05:00 First of all, all people need to be,
05:02 everyone coming to the church needs to be together on it.
05:06 That means we need to say
05:07 yes, we want it and we're going to pray,
05:08 and we're going to work, and we're going to do it.
05:10 So it's very...
05:11 Listen, if everybody's not forward,
05:13 it will be bombed, did you get it?
05:16 It's going to be, it's going to be,
05:18 it's going to be doomed to fail.
05:20 Number two reason is a work must be made first
05:23 to clear the rubbish,
05:26 the garbage of sin out of our lives.
05:30 And this simply do this.
05:31 Now when the rubbish and the sin is moved out,
05:34 then you have made a place for Jesus to come in
05:38 and to reside with us.
05:40 Now we need that for the revival, do we not?
05:42 Number three,
05:44 we must be willing to give our all
05:47 for the salvation of souls.
05:49 Now think about it.
05:50 We must be willing to give all,
05:51 so if you're just half-hearted in revival,
05:53 it's not going to work,
05:55 it's not going to be sufficient.
05:57 You know, now think about it.
05:58 Isn't that what our duty is,
05:59 our duty to God and our duty to our fellow man?
06:03 But you know what?
06:04 Most people don't want to be disturbed.
06:07 I've heard it said many times,
06:08 we're going to have a two-week revival.
06:10 We're going to have a three-week revival.
06:11 And you hear people moaning and groaning in the pews,
06:14 saying, well, I can't give two weeks every night
06:17 for two weeks or every night for three weeks.
06:21 That's why it will never be successful
06:22 until we're willing to do
06:24 what it takes for the salvation of soul.
06:26 Number four, many people I've heard, say,
06:29 when it comes to bringing other people in,
06:31 they'll say, "Well, you know, that's an awful lot of trouble.
06:32 I don't know.
06:34 We'd like to keep things just like they are."
06:36 We'll talk about maybe things suppressed,
06:38 maybe things that are covered.
06:40 You know, as all people say,
06:42 "Oh, well, you know, it's my church.
06:44 I want to keep it a certain way.
06:45 They're my friends or they're my circle.
06:48 We are okay where we're at."
06:50 And some people say in the church,
06:51 "Well, we have our little clique
06:53 and we just want to keep it that way."
06:54 Hey, forget the cliques.
06:56 We need to be reaching out as it were for others
06:58 to come into this message before it's too late.
07:01 Number five,
07:03 we must approach true godliness and a reformation or reform.
07:07 Notice this,
07:08 to a point that we're much more
07:10 than a spectator.
07:12 If you're just going to be a spectator
07:14 remember that's why we'll never see
07:15 the whole church reform,
07:17 we'll never see it will change,
07:18 because we have to be more than spectators.
07:20 We have to be more than,
07:21 well, I can't come but I can give.
07:22 Nice to have the givers, praise God for that.
07:25 But nothing will take your place.
07:27 We've got to be involved.
07:29 This we know, this I know and we know for sure
07:32 we need right now a spirit filled movement
07:36 of primitive godliness like we have never seen,
07:39 like they,
07:40 it's not been witnessed since apostolic times,
07:42 don't you believe that?
07:44 This is what we really need.
07:45 Oh, well, we talk about,
07:46 we talk about, we talk about it,
07:48 but has it happened?
07:49 Are we really there?
07:51 We need a revival through power of godliness.
07:55 But you know if we look now right now,
07:56 I'm going to make the statement here
07:58 and you can disagree if you'd like to,
07:59 but you know, the power of godliness has almost,
08:02 almost completely is departed from many churches.
08:08 But you know what I'm saying to you today?
08:09 I want it back
08:11 and you want it back, don't you?
08:12 We want it back.
08:14 I don't want the spirit and the power of God
08:15 to be departed from our churches.
08:17 What kind of a church we have
08:18 without the Spirit of the Living God?
08:21 Let me ask you a question now.
08:22 Have you ever invited a friend to church?
08:25 Have you ever invited a friend to church?
08:27 You say, "Oh, yeah,
08:28 I've invited an awful lot of people to church.
08:30 Yeah, I had that."
08:31 Well, interesting, you know, you invite a friend,
08:35 and they came the week that you were gone.
08:39 I wonder if that's ever happened to you.
08:42 But later they came in service,
08:44 but later they wrote you a little letter.
08:47 We're going to go over that in just here in a few seconds.
08:49 It's going to take,
08:51 it's going to take a little bit of time,
08:52 but I think there's some principles here
08:53 that we need to really look at.
08:55 So later on after they visit the church,
08:56 you weren't there for whatever reason.
09:00 They want to tell you about their visit and how they,
09:03 you know, how they liked it or they disliked the service.
09:09 Now, remember that we think about this
09:11 in our mind all the time.
09:13 It cannot be overstated how important it is
09:16 for us every day of our life
09:18 to hold up the standards of God's Word.
09:22 It's life and death issues.
09:25 Think how important that is.
09:27 Now remember, you invited somebody to church,
09:28 they came to church, you weren't there.
09:30 They went through all the services
09:31 by themselves.
09:33 How did the rest of the church treat these people?
09:35 Was it something
09:36 that maybe they have ever written you a letter
09:38 or this letter was written right here one?
09:40 So we have one such person.
09:42 We wrote one such letter to one such friend.
09:46 Notice what it said, it started out this way.
09:49 "I attended your church yesterday.
09:53 Although because you invited me,
09:56 but you only invited me one time
09:57 but I felt that you were sincere
10:00 in wanting me to come.
10:03 I came alone.
10:05 I look for you.
10:07 I wanted to sit by you, but you were not there.
10:13 As a stranger
10:14 coming into the church for the first time,
10:17 I thought I just kind of come in the back door
10:19 and sit close to the back of the church.
10:22 But I couldn't sit in the back of the church
10:25 because the rows were all filled.
10:28 And so as a stranger there,
10:29 it made me feel a little bit strange here.
10:31 The usher had to lead me all the way to the front.
10:37 I was kind of embarrassed and I felt kind of strange.
10:42 I even kind of felt like
10:43 they were parading me down there
10:45 so everybody could see that I was a visitor there.
10:49 And then we sat down and pretty soon they say,
10:51 let's turn to such and such song.
10:53 And so we had a song service,
10:54 the congregation began to sing the song,
10:56 but I didn't know one of them.
11:00 And so I didn't want to appear strange.
11:02 And so I began to hum a little.
11:04 I've done that myself, begin to hum a little bit.
11:07 Then I begin to kind of mumble as it were some words along
11:12 and finally I just began to pretend
11:15 like I was singing.
11:17 Why?
11:18 Because I never heard the hymns before.
11:22 And I must confess,
11:23 I was very surprised
11:26 to note that some of the people
11:29 of the church weren't singing.
11:34 Some of the people in the church were not singing
11:37 and so between their size
11:40 and between their yawns and their moans,
11:43 and they just kind of like stared into space.
11:46 I didn't quite understand it.
11:50 And three of the kids that I had respected on campus
11:54 were whispering to one another.
11:58 What could they be talking about in the house of God?
12:02 And I looked,
12:03 another one of my friend was over
12:05 and she was kind of giggling and laughing.
12:10 I just really didn't get it.
12:12 I didn't expect that, not in your church.
12:18 Pastor's sermon, well, was good.
12:21 It was interesting.
12:23 And, you know, but I thought I looked around at the choir
12:27 behind the pastor,
12:28 and the choir didn't seem to think so.
12:33 They look bored, they look restless.
12:36 And somebody in the choir just kept smiling
12:39 at someone else there in the congregation.
12:44 I like the message,
12:45 the pastor spoke about the reality of faith.
12:49 And the message got to me.
12:53 It began to work on my heart.
12:56 And I made up my mind right then and there.
12:58 I need to speak to someone about this after the service.
13:03 But after the service, oh, look what happened,
13:06 there was utter chaos.
13:10 As soon as the closing prayer was said,
13:12 people begin to mull around,
13:14 they begin to talk, they begin to joke,
13:15 they begin to have fun in the sanctuary
13:17 and there was no one for me to talk to.
13:22 And I asked myself the question,
13:24 what has happened to reverence in the sanctuary,
13:28 in the church?
13:29 Where's reverence? What's going on here?
13:34 I even said, good morning
13:36 since very few ever said anything to me at all.
13:38 I said good morning to one couple,
13:40 but they greeted me
13:42 with somewhat cold and indifferent.
13:46 I look for some teens with whom I could discuss,
13:50 notice this,
13:52 I could discuss the sermon with,
13:55 but when I look for them and want to talk with them,
13:57 they were over in the corner,
13:59 talking about the newest fashions
14:01 and the latest music
14:03 and what are we going to have for lunch?
14:09 I would just say my parents didn't go to church,
14:12 they've never went to church.
14:15 That's why I came alone.
14:17 But I was hoping to find a friendly congregation
14:21 in which they would feel not so out of place
14:24 that they would feel comfortable.
14:28 But as I left, but as I left,
14:31 I wasn't too impressed with the sign
14:34 outside the church door,
14:36 which read the friendly church
14:41 with the warm welcome.
14:45 But I'm sorry, she wrote, I won't be back.
14:50 You know, that's pretty heavy duty
14:51 if you just really think about this letter.
14:54 I'm sorry, but I just won't be back
14:58 because we maybe didn't handle ourselves
15:00 the way we should have as Christians.
15:03 We weren't focused in on the Word of God
15:05 like we should have been.
15:07 We did not set the right example.
15:10 And there may be a soul that's lost for eternity.
15:14 You might say, and if you do so, say so what?
15:16 Oh, shame.
15:19 There's accountability.
15:22 One man said this, "I fear God.
15:28 And next to God, I chiefly fear him,"
15:32 notice this, "who fears him not."
15:37 Did you get that?
15:38 I fear God and next to God,
15:40 I chiefly fear him who fears Him not.
15:44 John Wesley said this and I believe it
15:46 and I think we need a little this
15:47 in our own church, in our own home
15:48 and in our own life.
15:50 He said, "Give me 100 men," you remember ever reading it.
15:52 Give me 100 men who fear nothing but sin
15:59 and you desire nothing but God, and I will shake the world."
16:03 We know the Holy Spirit will do
16:05 the shaking of the world.
16:06 But notice this,
16:07 a full commitment is what is needed,
16:09 we know that.
16:10 Who is suppressing the truth?
16:12 As I mentioned before, we long to see reformed,
16:15 we know that, we want a change,
16:17 we want a change in our life, we want a change in our church.
16:19 See, I think about it,
16:21 I think about a change every day of my life.
16:23 Not well, things are going good right now
16:25 and then your relationship with God
16:26 seems to be good and so on right now,
16:28 though, it can be better.
16:29 It could be a whole lot better.
16:31 We're not there yet.
16:33 There's a road to travel yet that you've not been down
16:35 that I've not been down
16:37 and we're going to need extra help.
16:40 But if we really desire to see some changes take place
16:44 and some reforms and others,
16:47 we our self then must practice
16:49 those same principles instead of pointing and say,
16:52 they need it.
16:53 How about looking in the mirror and say, we need it.
16:58 You know, some people, they could say a word
17:01 and it's like it's polished.
17:03 You know, I just say words they just come out,
17:06 but somebody can polish the words
17:07 but now I'm not saying that's bad,
17:09 but a polished word will not have any power,
17:13 if they're not lived out in our life.
17:15 Polish them all you want,
17:16 unless they're lived out they'll have no power.
17:19 Bible said, 1 Timothy 4:16.
17:21 1 Timothy 4:16.
17:23 The Bible says here, notice, "Take heed to thyself,
17:28 and to the doctrine."
17:30 Do what?
17:31 Take heed unto thyself.
17:32 Notice that means kind of mind your business,
17:35 can I say it like that?
17:36 Take heed to yourself, do some self-examination here.
17:39 This is what it's all about.
17:42 Examine self,
17:43 set a good example here with yourself and then you,
17:46 you focus in on the doctrine
17:48 or the teachings of the Word of God.
17:53 So we cannot,
17:54 we just cannot excuse sins or faults in ourselves
18:00 and try to reprove others.
18:03 You see it done all the time,
18:04 it's not the right way to go about as you will know.
18:07 God is quiet,
18:08 God's given us great light on many subjects.
18:10 So we are now more responsible than,
18:13 you know, to Him now than may be other people are.
18:16 I say that but lot of time people say,
18:18 "Well, they've got a good brain,
18:19 they memorize so many of these things."
18:20 I say, "Well how wonderful that is,
18:22 but they're more responsible to God,"
18:23 aren't they?
18:25 Along with that brain power comes responsible,
18:27 right, responsibility.
18:30 And if we didn't neglect this life that God gives us,
18:34 and we refuse to give it to others,
18:37 there are consequences, my, heavy duty consequences.
18:41 Luke 12:48.
18:43 Luke 12:48,
18:45 now you jot them down if you have to, whatever.
18:46 Luke 12:48, says this,
18:49 and the Bible backs this up what we just said,
18:51 "But he that knew not,
18:53 and did not commit things worthy of stripes,
18:56 shall be beaten,"
18:57 notice this, "with few stripes.
18:59 For unto whomsoever much is given,
19:02 of him shall be much required."
19:06 My, that makes such good sense, doesn't it?
19:08 And the Bible talks about what,
19:09 you know to him that knoweth to do good
19:11 and do it not,
19:12 to certainly to him it is sin.
19:14 Here we see that a person will be beaten
19:17 or much will be required with many stripes
19:20 if he neglects to do the will of his master.
19:25 Remember we're looking at who is suppressing
19:28 or who is covering up or you know,
19:30 maybe not presenting what we should
19:32 the truths for today.
19:34 We're talking about maybe present truth.
19:38 Now I want you to keep this quote in mind
19:40 as we go over here in just a moment here
19:41 because
19:43 you don't want to suppress truth in any form or fashion.
19:46 Even though most people would,
19:48 I'm gonna say many don't want to really hear it.
19:51 I love this book, Desire of Ages, page 441.
19:54 Desire of Ages, 441 gives us quote,
19:57 it says notice this,
19:58 "For the evils that we might have checked, "
20:02 you've read it before,
20:03 "we are just as responsible
20:05 as if we were guilty of the what?
20:08 Of the acts ourselves for the evils we what?
20:11 For the evils we might have checked.
20:14 You know, a lot of times we see things that are going on
20:16 maybe it's in the church where it might be and we sit,
20:18 but we don't want to deal with it.
20:19 We don't want to take sides.
20:21 We don't want to do anything here.
20:22 Notice if you had,
20:23 if you could have checked it
20:25 by the power of the Holy Spirit,
20:26 and we did not do it we become responsible,
20:29 guilty of that very act.
20:31 Think how many acts possibly,
20:33 or maybe evils that you could have helped
20:35 to prevent that you didn't do
20:37 that's registered beside your name.
20:41 That's heavy duty when you think about it.
20:44 I thought myself,
20:45 I don't need anybody else's sins
20:47 against my name.
20:49 I'm battling for eternal life.
20:50 How about you?
20:52 We're fighting the good fight of faith.
20:54 See, God's called His people out of darkness,
20:56 we've said many, many times into what?
20:58 Good, into marvelous light for a reason.
21:01 You're God's special people, you are His chosen generation.
21:06 Now why?
21:08 Because you have the law, God's given us the law of God.
21:10 He's written it in our hearts,
21:12 and He's written it in our minds.
21:13 And it makes each one of us His representative
21:17 upon this earth.
21:19 Therefore, think with me minute,
21:20 any sin that separates us or separate them,
21:24 whoever it might be from God,
21:26 in a manner dishonors His name.
21:28 None of us want to dishonor the name of God, do we?
21:32 We must be very careful here. Notice why?
21:34 What happens here
21:35 when we dishonor the name of God?
21:37 We call ourselves a Christian, we're in the church,
21:38 we're in good standing,
21:40 and we're out fiddling around doing this and doing that.
21:41 You know, what happens
21:43 when other people see this going on?
21:45 It gives the enemies of Christ an occasion to bring a,
21:50 notice this, a reproach against God.
21:53 And we don't want to do that.
21:55 Now let's answer at least the first part.
21:57 Maybe we'll get into the second part
21:59 of a question we're going to ask here,
22:01 who is suppressing the truth, the first part.
22:04 Second part would be,
22:05 what truth or what truths are being suppressed?
22:08 Or are there any, are there any, some people say,
22:11 "No, no, we hear all we need to hear."
22:15 I love Prophets and Kings,
22:16 it's a beautiful book, page 141.
22:19 I want you to read this with me,
22:20 this is very, very important
22:22 that we grasp what's being said here.
22:24 The Lord's messengers should not complain
22:28 that their efforts are without fruit until,"
22:31 notice this,
22:32 "until they repent of their own love
22:35 of approbation, "
22:37 or what is that as approval
22:39 "and their desire to please men,
22:42 which leads them to," notice this, sermon title,
22:45 "to suppress the truth."
22:47 Now notice who is it talking about here?
22:48 The Lord's messenger,
22:50 if you feel like
22:51 maybe you're the Lord's messenger,
22:52 and I'm the Lord's messenger,
22:54 whoever might be here,
22:55 notice this, we shouldn't complain at all.
22:57 There's no fruit until we repent
23:00 of our love of approbation,
23:01 that means what?
23:03 We're listening to other people,
23:04 we don't want to hurt their feelings.
23:06 We don't want to, you know, say anything
23:07 that might get them to get all upset with us
23:09 and write somebody
23:10 or we might lose our job over it,
23:12 because we want to please men rather than to please God.
23:16 And this causes them to suppress the truth.
23:20 Oh, how sad.
23:22 We'd rather get along with the world
23:24 and things in the world
23:25 or maybe our church members
23:27 all rather than wait to please God.
23:29 Well, I wonder maybe would we agree
23:31 maybe today just food for thought today,
23:33 is there a need of, now notice this word,
23:36 some people can't stand it,
23:38 but I'm going to say it anyway, of stern rebuke.
23:41 Is there a demand?
23:43 Is there a need of voice of stern rebuke
23:46 in the church?
23:48 Now people don't like the word stern
23:50 because you know, they're just, they're different.
23:52 They think about their upbringing
23:54 and what happened in their home
23:55 and what happened you know,
23:57 some people stern them is, is tell the child,
23:59 "Go stand in the corner for 10 seconds."
24:03 Stern to them is, I want to count to three.
24:05 And if you don't,
24:06 I think you get what I'm talking about.
24:08 But stern rebuke is pretty...
24:10 I think you would agree with this.
24:11 I'm going to read something Why?
24:13 Why do we need stern rebuke in the church?
24:16 Certainly, because there's grievous wrongs
24:18 that are being done that,
24:19 you know, that separating us from God.
24:22 So that's the whole thing
24:23 is not trying to point this out,
24:24 or this is right and this wrong.
24:26 It these things are separating us from God,
24:28 and they separate us from God,
24:29 we need to have those things rebuked,
24:31 or at least the truth needs to be
24:32 brought forward.
24:34 Many will say,
24:35 Well, again what need is there to speak so plainly.
24:38 Couldn't you do it in another way?
24:40 Couldn't you do it more like Jesus would do it?
24:43 Or, oh, just let it go.
24:44 It'll work its way out.
24:48 Let me just ask you a couple questions here
24:50 and think with me, if you will.
24:52 Why did John the Baptist say to the Pharisees there
24:56 in Luke 3:7?
24:58 Now notice the question,
25:00 why did John the Baptist say to the Pharisees in Luke 3:7.
25:04 Here's what he said.
25:05 He said, "O generation of vipers
25:09 who hath warned you to flee from the wrath to come?"
25:13 Whoo, man, those are strong words.
25:15 Are they not strong words?
25:16 He said, O you generation of viper.
25:18 O you poisonous snakes.
25:21 Who would have the goal, the audacity to use that today?
25:26 You poisonous like you vipers.
25:30 Who's warned you to flee from the wrath to come?
25:33 And then think along with me.
25:34 How about John the Baptist?
25:36 Listen, John the Baptist lost his life
25:39 by plain speaking.
25:43 How about Nathan?
25:45 When he spoke to David, you remember,
25:47 he confronted him with his sin there in 2 Samuel 12:7.
25:53 And just a couple of words here all we need from that.
25:55 It said here,
25:56 he said when he pointed David he said,
25:59 "Thou art the man."
26:02 Wow, that took a lot of courage,
26:04 a lot of love for Jesus to point out sin
26:08 that was separating David from his God.
26:13 Do we really love people
26:14 if we don't bring these issues up?
26:17 Are we trying to cover up or suppress the point
26:20 that the word?
26:22 Prophets and Kings 141 makes this statement
26:24 so see what you think about it.
26:26 It says, when, it starts with a question.
26:28 "When will the voice of the faithful rebuke
26:31 be heard once more in the church."
26:34 Notice when will what?
26:35 The faithful rebuke
26:36 be heard once more in the church.
26:38 It's hard to get a faithful rebuke in the church
26:39 because of people don't want to hear it
26:41 most generally.
26:42 The pastor gets himself in trouble,
26:44 the elders get themselves in trouble,
26:45 leadership gets himself in trouble.
26:46 I'd rather be in trouble with the church
26:48 as I had been in trouble with God.
26:50 How about you?
26:51 Now remember, we need this faithful rebuke
26:55 is to be heard in the church
26:57 and we don't need to call as we say,
27:00 a special board meeting to decide what sin is.
27:05 The Bible has already told us what sin is.
27:08 What we need is a God meeting.
27:12 We need to meet with God
27:14 and what He has said in His Word.
27:15 Now remember,
27:17 this is why this is needed so much among us as a people.
27:19 Remember,
27:20 if you're fighting this right now and saying,
27:22 well, we really don't need, everything is well,
27:23 all is well.
27:25 Something's wrong.
27:26 Jesus has not come.
27:28 He could have been here air long,
27:29 but we have not been what people that we need to be.
27:32 Have done what He'd asked us to do.
27:33 He's given grace and mercy now,
27:35 to give us an opportunity
27:37 to get this message to the world,
27:38 change needs to take place.
27:40 When the people are ready, He will come, right?
27:44 When His character is fully reproduced in us,
27:46 He will come.
27:48 That might tell you something,
27:49 evidently His character is not really reproduced in us
27:51 just yet,
27:53 because He's not come yet.
27:55 So notice this with me again, Prophets and Kings, 141.
27:59 Here's what it says.
28:00 It's talking about, remember the voice
28:02 of a faithful rebuke here.
28:04 It starts out this way,
28:06 "If they were not so rare, " now what?
28:09 If they were not so rare, these rebukes,
28:12 or when something's going wrong,
28:13 we need to, you know, bring it forward
28:14 and get it changed.
28:16 Notice this,
28:17 "We should see more of the power of God
28:20 revealed among men."
28:22 Man, how many of us,
28:23 we want to see the power of God, do we not?
28:26 Man I want to see the power of God
28:27 working in your life and in my life,
28:29 and in the church and the movement
28:30 around the world today.
28:32 But one of the reasons
28:34 that the power of God is not let loose
28:35 on the church
28:37 is because we're not getting faithful rebuke,
28:39 we're letting sin go unrebuked.
28:41 Man, that means this is heavy duty stuff
28:43 when you look, it's rare, power of God.
28:47 I've often thought about this,
28:48 you know, true love seeks first,
28:51 true love seeks first
28:53 the honor of God and the salvation of souls.
28:58 Where have we,
28:59 maybe we've missed something here,
29:01 I don't know.
29:02 I'm going to give you a little book called mount,
29:05 you know, thoughts from the Mount of Blessing,
29:06 page 91.
29:09 Mount of Blessing, page 91.
29:10 Here's what it says.
29:12 I mean, it's pretty heavy duty, just a few words,
29:14 but it says, "Real piety,"
29:16 that means what?
29:17 Real devotion,
29:18 "begins when all compromise with sin
29:21 is at an end."
29:22 Did you get that?
29:24 Listen, this says,
29:25 real piety is what we have to have those,
29:27 a real devotion to God and to His cause, and to the,
29:29 you know, the work that we're doing for Him,
29:31 it's when we quit compromising sin,
29:34 when it's at an end,
29:35 when we are willing to go forward
29:36 and read the Word of God in the church,
29:38 whether somebody is guilty or whether somebody is not
29:41 just simply reading what God said in His Word,
29:44 and being willing to act on it.
29:47 Please keep this in mind as we go along here.
29:50 1 Selected Messages, 122.
29:52 Man, you've heard this read so many times
29:54 and some people get
29:56 oh, you know, oh, man, that's scary.
29:59 No, it's not. No, it's not.
30:00 In the Spirit of Prophecy, hey, let's read it, right,
30:02 it's in the Bible, hey, let's read it.
30:04 Let's enjoy these things
30:05 which helps us to prepare for His coming.
30:07 1 Selected Messages, 122.
30:09 It says, "We have far more to fear from," were?
30:12 Good,
30:14 "from within than from without."
30:16 Now that's usually all you hear.
30:18 I'm not, I'm gonna give you some more.
30:20 Somebody's been suppressing a little something here,
30:21 notice,
30:23 "We have far more to fear from within than from without."
30:26 It goes on.
30:27 "The hindrance to strength and success
30:31 are far greater from the church itself
30:35 than from the world."
30:37 My, my, my.
30:40 Now most people don't want to think,
30:41 you don't want to hear that but why not open our ears,
30:43 eyes and our hearts and our minds and say, look,
30:46 either this is right or it's not right.
30:49 Remember, strength we need and success of the church
30:52 in the movement of God.
30:54 It says here, the hindrance of these things
30:57 is far greater from the church than it is from the world.
31:01 Well, if something is wrong,
31:03 wouldn't it be best to confess that
31:05 and change and just move on?
31:07 God will forgive us,
31:09 will He not rather than try to cover it up
31:10 or to try to suppress it?
31:12 Not that anyone is, but think about it,
31:13 something's not right here.
31:16 Because this is exactly what you can expect
31:20 from anyone who is suppressing the message
31:23 we are to give to the word
31:24 or the truths that we are to give.
31:27 Now think about it,
31:28 what can we expect
31:30 from those who are suppressing the message
31:32 we are to give
31:34 or the truths that we are to give?
31:36 Now suppressing,
31:37 we realized when we suppress the truth
31:39 and we covered up,
31:40 we're going to have to deal with God, aren't we?
31:42 There's going to be some issues there.
31:43 There's some responsibility,
31:44 there's some consequences that will have to be paid.
31:47 But you know, when you are,
31:49 are going out and you're advocating reform
31:52 and you're advocating reformation,
31:54 you're advocating revival
31:55 and you're wanting things to be right in the church
31:58 and you look at what the Bible says,
32:00 and that's what you do on your board meetings.
32:01 You look at the Bible and say,
32:03 we don't know how to deal with this,
32:04 brother and sister, we don't know how to deal.
32:05 Look in the Word of God,
32:07 the Word of God will tell you exactly
32:08 how to deal with the situation.
32:10 But notice,
32:12 how you might be accounted a strange thing.
32:14 You may be asked to maybe get off the board.
32:18 Never been fired from the board,
32:19 but may be.
32:21 2 Testimonies 377 says this, 3 Testimonies,
32:25 2 Testimonies 377 says this,
32:29 "All who leave the common track of custom,
32:34 and advocate reform will be, "
32:36 notice the words, they are going to be,
32:38 "opposed, accounted," oh-oh, "mad, insane," and what?
32:44 "Radical."
32:46 If you dare to be a Daniel, if you dare to be different,
32:50 if you dare to stand up
32:53 and to be counted in the cause of Christ,
32:55 you're going to be opposed.
32:58 You're going to get yourself in trouble.
32:59 That's okay, notice this, and it even gets worse.
33:02 You're going to begin, while they're just mad,
33:04 while this is aggravating, they're out of their mind.
33:06 They're insane, that's the word here.
33:07 They're insane.
33:08 Well, these are radical people.
33:10 Why?
33:11 Because you want to stand for what is truth
33:13 and what the Bible said is truth and right.
33:17 Now let's move right on to Desire of Ages, page 356.
33:20 Desire of Ages, 356 gives us this information.
33:26 Now, keep this in mind if you are one of those
33:28 that God is calling you to stand.
33:33 And when you know what truth is to stand for that truth
33:35 and present that truth,
33:36 while the man will change or not,
33:38 God still requires that of you.
33:39 Desire of Ages, 356 says,
33:41 notice, "No man can be true
33:44 to principle without exciting opposition."
33:48 No man can what?
33:50 No, you can be true to principle
33:51 without exciting opposition.
33:52 So when you stand for what is right,
33:54 you're going to have opposition.
33:55 Look what Jesus stood for.
33:57 He stood for what was right, look at the opposition,
33:59 man, it cost Him His life, He died.
34:01 Look at disciples,
34:03 look at throughout the whole Bible,
34:04 through the Scripture
34:06 and you'll see that when you stand
34:07 for what is right,
34:08 all of a sudden people start getting excited,
34:10 there's opposition there.
34:11 No longer they want you around anymore.
34:13 You're not going to be singing in the choir as it were.
34:14 You're not going to be on the board anymore
34:16 because you're just causing trouble.
34:17 You're a troublemaker.
34:21 You know, these last several quotes
34:24 that we read are,
34:26 you know, they boil down,
34:28 they just kind of boil down to these familiar words,
34:31 found in 1 Testimony 181.
34:34 1 Testimony 181.
34:37 Again, you see, these are powerful thing.
34:39 This is a gift that God has given the church
34:41 and many of us throw it out the window,
34:43 we throw it in the waste can and I can't understand why.
34:46 This is prepared 144,000,
34:49 this is prepared people to stand
34:50 in the side of a holy God without sin.
34:52 These are things that we need.
34:54 And somehow we just don't want to,
34:56 we don't want to be disturbed anymore.
34:57 And I'm asking God, Lord, help me to disturb them.
35:00 Help them disturb myself.
35:01 Get me out of this old rut, put me on some higher ground.
35:06 1T, 181 very familiar to most Adventist,
35:09 anyway it says this,
35:10 "Some will not bear the straight, " what?
35:12 "Some will not bear the straight testimony,
35:14 they will rise up," what?
35:15 "They'll rise up against it,
35:17 this will cause a shaking among God's people."
35:21 There's going to cause a shaking
35:23 among God's people.
35:24 I believe God's people need to be
35:26 shook up.
35:27 There needs to be something happens
35:28 that wake us up out of our laziness.
35:31 Man, we realize we're in the judgment hour,
35:32 do we not?
35:34 We've been there a long time.
35:36 We know there's just a little bit of prophecy
35:38 that is left and Jesus is soon to come.
35:40 And yet we're still asleep,
35:42 saying oh, we're increased with goods,
35:44 we have need of nothing.
35:45 Oh, we're buying miserable poor naked boy,
35:48 we need some help, God help us.
35:53 If we have, if we have this zeal
35:56 for the love of God and for souls,
35:59 we will never ever hold back giving this message
36:04 even though it cost giving this straight message,
36:07 giving this present truth.
36:09 Man, if we ever needed it,
36:10 if we ever needed present truth it's right now.
36:13 Man, I need present truth right now.
36:15 I love all the other truths in there but present truth.
36:17 What is my duty to God right now?
36:21 Present truth, we need to hear
36:22 and people don't want to hear present truth
36:23 because it wakes them out of their sleep.
36:25 They don't want to be disturbed.
36:29 We will present the truth
36:32 from the power of the Holy Spirit.
36:34 We're not going to hold back to obtain favor of any man.
36:39 Oh, boy.
36:40 We've seen people changing things
36:42 around a little bit
36:43 because we want to have special favor of someone.
36:46 Come on now.
36:49 The song that we sang
36:51 maybe many times in your church,
36:53 I don't know if you did or not,
36:54 but you need to be singing if you haven't is,
36:56 we'll hum it, lip it, do something with it.
37:00 It says raise the standard.
37:04 Raise the standard high for the Lord.
37:08 Gird your armor on, stand firm everyone,
37:12 rest your cause upon His Holy Word.
37:15 It likes to make me want to rouse
37:16 the end soldiers,
37:18 rally around the banner
37:19 that makes my feet want to move.
37:21 I don't know about yours, it may not but it does mine.
37:23 That made me want to raise up and shout, right.
37:26 Raise the standard, don't lower the standard.
37:28 Man, what a time we need to raise the standard.
37:30 And when you raise the standard,
37:32 you make yourself an object.
37:34 Because you've got that standard,
37:36 all of a sudden
37:37 people are looking at the standard
37:38 you're going to make yourselves,
37:40 somebody's going to be looking at you.
37:41 They're going to be making comments.
37:44 Now, please keep this in mind.
37:46 Very simple,
37:48 but to disregard lighten our duty
37:51 is simply to reject it.
37:54 It's simply to reject it.
37:55 What are some of these truths?
37:57 We don't have a whole lot of time
37:58 but we've got enough,
37:59 we're gonna cover some of these truths
38:01 that we should be proclaiming more and more and more,
38:05 but we don't.
38:08 Well, it's almost like, well, we do and it maybe a partial,
38:11 you know, in partial way or whatever.
38:13 But we don't do it because they're not popular.
38:16 Because many people will put,
38:17 you know, start pushing against you
38:19 and saying, well, let's not talk about this,
38:21 surely we can talk about something else.
38:24 And so many pastors or leaders fail to mention these things
38:27 that we should be talking about more and more and more.
38:30 And when we skim over them kind of lightly,
38:33 we suppress them.
38:35 We don't really want to talk about
38:37 and we don't want to,
38:38 we don't really want to know
38:40 what our church members are doing,
38:41 because we may have to talk about it more.
38:42 And this is such a simple one, but it's to me,
38:44 it's right top of the list here is Sabbath observance.
38:47 Lord have mercy as a Seventh-day Adventist.
38:50 And some of you, many of you are not,
38:52 but a Sabbath Seventh-day Adventist.
38:54 Sabbath observance is something that we need to have reformed.
38:57 It needs to be some correction there.
38:59 Exodus 31:17.
39:01 It's just to realize this part over here,
39:02 it says Exodus 31:17," It is a," what?
39:05 Good, "It is a sign between me
39:07 and the children of Israel forever."
39:10 There's something about these words right here,
39:12 "Six days, the Lord did," what?
39:14 "He made heaven and earth, and on the seventh day, "
39:16 He did what?
39:17 Good, "He rested, and he was refreshed."
39:20 Not just any day we'll do,
39:22 it's the seventh day that God blessed,
39:24 sanctified and made holy.
39:26 Praise God for that, but somehow think about it.
39:28 Well, we're Sabbath keepers.
39:30 No, maybe we're Sabbath breakers.
39:32 You know what you should be doing
39:33 on the Sabbath,
39:34 but you're doing other things.
39:36 We should not be out buying cars
39:37 on the Sabbath.
39:38 Is it okay for me to go into this?
39:40 I don't know.
39:41 I think it is because this is true.
39:43 We shouldn't be going out eating lunch and buying things
39:44 and selling things on the Sabbath.
39:46 Why?
39:47 Because the Word of God says
39:49 so that's exactly why we'll read that passage
39:50 in just a moment.
39:52 There's a reform that needs to be made.
39:54 You say, "Well, how do you know there's a reform
39:55 that needs to be made?"
39:57 Well, we find this in 6 Testimonies 353.
40:01 6 Testimonies 353 brings this up.
40:05 "He, God, calls for a," what?
40:09 "Reform in the observance of," what?
40:12 "Of the Sabbath."
40:13 That means we need to rethink it.
40:14 Isn't that right?
40:16 We need to see what how God said
40:17 we keep this Sabbath
40:19 because we're not keeping it as He said,
40:20 then we're breaking it.
40:23 My, God calls for the reform, why reform?
40:29 Remember, this reform is directed
40:31 at those who have not kept the Sabbath
40:35 according to the commandments.
40:39 In the letter or in the spirit, think about it,
40:42 in the letter or in the spirit.
40:47 I've often thought about this, you know, a man doesn't,
40:50 man does not love the law.
40:53 Man that doesn't love the law doesn't love the gospel.
40:57 Man that doesn't love the law doesn't love the gospel.
41:01 Both are what?
41:02 Both are mirrors,
41:03 reflecting the true character of God.
41:08 Maybe you haven't thought along that line,
41:09 but maybe it'd be good
41:10 that we begin to think that way.
41:12 The Sabbath hours are to be dedicated to what?
41:15 To the Lord.
41:17 Sabbath hours should be dedicated to the Lord
41:19 that belongs to Him.
41:20 I read this is so familiar,
41:22 but you know, Isaiah 58:13 and 14,
41:24 people say all the time, well, I don't know how.
41:26 Remember, somebody is suppressing
41:28 the truth,
41:29 or we know what the truth is,
41:30 but we're not observing those truths,
41:32 because we're allowing it to take place.
41:33 And we know that,
41:34 well, sometime people are doing in the church
41:36 and they're breaking it,
41:37 then that means the word needs to be brought forward
41:39 from the pulpit.
41:41 Because remember,
41:43 the power of God is suppressed in the church
41:45 if we would do not do that.
41:46 I want the blessing and the power of God,
41:48 don't you?
41:49 This is what it's all about.
41:51 Holy Spirit is withdrawing because we refuse to do that
41:53 which we know is right.
41:55 There's going to be a day of accountability,
41:56 you know that and I know it.
41:59 So if you're ever asked, what should I be doing?
42:03 This answers the question very simply.
42:05 Isaiah 58:13 and 14.
42:07 The Bible says, I love it, the Bible says,
42:10 "If thou turn thy foot from the Sabbath,
42:14 from doing thy, " what?
42:15 Good, "Pleasure on my holy day."
42:18 Man, that just sums it up right there, doesn't?
42:20 It's not Seventh-day Adventist day,
42:22 it's not this guy's day, it's not that guy day.
42:24 It's God's day on my holy day.
42:27 Don't do your pleasure, huh.
42:29 What can your pleasure be?
42:30 Some people say, "Hey,
42:32 we're going to go fishing on Sabbath afternoon.
42:33 Oh, I know this is heavy duty.
42:35 I know it's a straight test that nobody wants to hear it,
42:36 we go fishing."
42:38 That's your own pleasure most of it.
42:42 We're going to go out socialize
42:43 and we're going to go to Six Flags.
42:44 We're going to be...
42:48 doing your pleasure on my holy day,
42:50 you call the Sabbath a what?
42:51 It's delight.
42:53 It's not a burden. It's a delight.
42:55 It's holy of the Lord.
42:57 It's honorable the Bible says.
43:00 Yeah, we honor God.
43:01 And you shall, notice,
43:03 "And shall honor him not doing dine own ways,
43:07 nor finding thine own pleasure,
43:09 nor speaking thine own," what?
43:10 "Words."
43:12 Notice this.
43:13 Now after that's done then it says,
43:15 "Then shall thou delight thyself in the Lord."
43:20 Did you get it?
43:21 Then shall thou delight thyself in the world what?
43:24 When you're not doing your own pleasure
43:26 on his holy day,
43:27 you call a Sabbath a delight, it's honorable.
43:29 It honors Him by keeping the seventh day Sabbath,
43:31 not finding your own pleasure on,
43:33 speaking your own words.
43:35 Then thou shalt delight thyself in the Lord.
43:40 I think this passage really helps us.
43:41 I think you catch it to know,
43:43 what is acceptable to God on His holy day.
43:47 Let's just boil it down rather quickly.
43:48 We've talked about it, but boil it down a little bit.
43:51 We should guard our acts and our words.
43:56 Huh.
43:57 That means our ways,
43:58 our own pleasures, those own things.
44:00 So if you're doing something as mine,
44:01 oh, I love to go out and do, da-da, da-da.
44:04 Remember, it's God's holy day,
44:05 only holy things should be done on that day for Him.
44:09 You've got six days to do all the other.
44:11 So two, we should not do any work
44:14 for our livelihood on that day.
44:17 No works what the Bible says.
44:20 Or anything, number three,
44:22 or anything that could have been done
44:23 on the other six working days,
44:26 not speaking your own words,
44:29 for our minds must be disciplined
44:31 to dwell upon sacred things
44:33 because the natural mind doesn't want to,
44:35 the converted mind wants to.
44:37 We don't want to dwell on that fourth commandment,
44:40 but it can be, notice, the fourth commandment
44:41 can be broken by talking about worldly things.
44:47 Just talking in a light and frivolous manner.
44:52 Or that simply means things that are of little value,
44:56 to talk and to act jokingly.
44:59 Talking about anything and everything
45:01 which comes to mind would be speaking what?
45:04 Our own words.
45:07 Little food for thought, if you like food for thought,
45:09 I do, certainly, hope you do.
45:12 If the mind, food for thought,
45:14 if the mind then is thinking upon worldly matters,
45:18 the tongue will reveal it.
45:22 Does that make sense?
45:23 Sure, it does.
45:24 That's so says the scripture in Matthew 12:34.
45:28 Matthew 12:34,
45:30 the Bible comes out said, "For the abundant, "
45:32 notice "for out of the abundance
45:34 of the heart, "
45:35 what happens?
45:37 "The heart, the mouth speaketh."
45:41 See, God is holding us accountable
45:42 for a lot of things,
45:44 but is it being brought to light?
45:45 Is it being suppressed?
45:46 Is it being brought
45:48 before the people of God to say,
45:49 this is what's pleasing to God, this is displeasing to God.
45:52 This is your test.
45:53 This is my test to be obedient to what He's asked us to do.
45:57 Please remember,
45:58 if failure in keeping the Sabbath
46:00 is one of the reasons
46:02 that the first generation
46:04 did not enter the Promised Land.
46:07 And this to me is a warning to modern Israel today.
46:11 Other words, just not keeping the Sabbath,
46:13 they're near the Promised Land.
46:15 If we don't keep it the way God said to keep it,
46:16 we're not going into the Promised Land
46:18 as it were is to heaven.
46:21 1 Samuel 2:30, the Word of God says,
46:25 "Them that honor Me, I will honor."
46:29 Them that honor me, I will honor.
46:32 One way to honor God is by what?
46:33 Keeping His Sabbath holy.
46:36 Of course, that takes the holy people, doesn't it?
46:38 And God help us to be what we ought to be.
46:40 Another little truth is being in the few minutes
46:41 we have here is suppressed, we see like here,
46:43 we got quite a few of them,
46:45 we won't be able to cover them all,
46:46 is we're talking about well,
46:48 what's happened to the reverence
46:49 in the sanctuary.
46:51 What's happened to it?
46:53 Sometime it's almost like a circus.
46:55 Sometimes it's like a social gathering.
46:58 Sometimes it's like fun and games.
47:00 Can't wait to say amen so we can continue on
47:02 where we left off.
47:05 Rather than a worship hour, where we meet with God.
47:10 We must learn to keep the sacred distinct
47:13 from the common.
47:17 If we will follow God's plan,
47:21 He's going to make holy the place of fellowship
47:25 with His presence.
47:26 Well, I want His presence, don't you?
47:28 Man, what would it be a service without the presence of God,
47:31 without the Holy Spirit?
47:33 Notice within 5 Testimonies 492,
47:35 gives us more instructions of the worship
47:38 that would be pleasing to God.
47:39 It's just a reminder,
47:40 some of you may be forgotten or maybe you're not,
47:42 you know, been studying lately, or maybe it's new to many,
47:45 but I think we need to consider it.
47:47 5 Testimonies 492 gives this, about our worship.
47:52 It says, "When the worshipers enter the place of meeting, "
47:54 notice this,
47:56 "they should do so with decorum,
47:58 passing quietly to their seats...
48:02 Common talking and whispering and laughing
48:05 should not be permitted in the house of God."
48:07 See, why are we talking about these things?
48:09 Because we don't want to drive away
48:10 the Spirit of God.
48:12 We need the Spirit of God.
48:14 And those things that separate us from God,
48:15 we need to come right with.
48:16 No, we want to change.
48:22 Notice, joking, whispering and laughing
48:24 not to be permitted in the house of worship
48:27 before or after the service.
48:33 My brothers and sisters, who's suppressing the truth?
48:39 They may be not talking about a whole lot in the world
48:42 or other churches today
48:43 when they put a title to a man's name
48:46 and they call him Reverend.
48:48 See, that may not mean anything,
48:50 do you think it's not?
48:52 But that the Bible says differently about that,
48:54 the Bible is clear on that, should we not follow it.
48:57 The title belongs to God only.
49:01 The title, what?
49:02 Reverend belongs to God only.
49:05 Any person who uses that has stolen it from God.
49:10 Did you get it?
49:11 You don't want to be a thief, you don't want to be a stealer,
49:13 but you stole it from God
49:15 because the Scripture tells us in Psalms 111:9,
49:19 Psalms 111:9,
49:21 and the scripture says this
49:22 that "Holy and reverend is His name."
49:27 What?
49:28 Holy and reverend is His name.
49:31 We dishonor God by using that term.
49:36 Another quickly, who suppressing,
49:39 who's covering up the truth on health reform?
49:42 Now, if we had a lot more time,
49:43 we get in a lot of health reform here.
49:45 Why is health reform so important?
49:47 We realize health is so important to us
49:49 because what?
49:50 We take into our bodies what we become like, isn't it?
49:53 And God has called His people to be healthy
49:55 and to take those things in that will help them
49:58 but poor God's people
49:59 have been continually backsliding in health reform.
50:03 And so if you know that we have been,
50:05 the Spirit of Prophecy is clear that we've been backsliding,
50:08 then we need to say, God help us,
50:09 we've backslidden and we want to make it right,
50:12 rather than to cover it up.
50:16 Councils on Health, page 578 says this,
50:19 Councils on Health, page 578.
50:23 It says, "The failure," notice this,
50:25 "to follow sound principles
50:27 has marred the history of God's people.
50:30 There has been a continual backsliding
50:33 in health reform,
50:34 and as a result," what's this?
50:36 "God is dishonored
50:37 by a great lack of spirituality."
50:39 So it's our spiritual condition,
50:41 do we see that
50:42 and what we take into our body makes a difference.
50:45 Continual backsliding.
50:48 And it's dishonor God,
50:49 so this is why we're talking about it today.
50:51 Don't look at, oh, this is the do's and don'ts.
50:56 There's a big connection here we understand
50:58 between healthful diet
50:59 and the ability to discern sacred truths,
51:01 you know, and really has to been
51:02 covered up.
51:04 And then we'll just pass on to a couple more,
51:05 we won't have time to really talk about them.
51:06 But you know, we need some changes
51:08 in our dress reform.
51:10 We need to act and dress like we are Christians.
51:14 And we're not doing it, we're not doing it,
51:16 pointing to the counsel
51:17 that God has given us in His Word.
51:18 Why is it that we shun that counsel?
51:21 Maybe because we don't like it,
51:22 maybe because we don't want to make
51:23 the changes,
51:25 maybe because we want to dress a certain way
51:26 or look a certain way, I mean, take right now,
51:28 dress and reformed people are following that today.
51:33 The church in a great degree
51:34 is responsible for the sins of our members.
51:37 There needs to be some changes made.
51:40 We need to follow the counsel
51:41 that God has given in His Word.
51:43 We did not need to come to church half dressed.
51:46 We did not need to come to church
51:47 like we're getting ready to go on a social picnic.
51:50 Is that okay to say that?
51:52 I believe that with my whole heart.
51:53 Why?
51:54 Because there's a lot written about it.
51:56 There's scriptures that study the sanctuary message,
51:58 man, it'll change your heart, change your life.
52:00 For God's going to be up on us,
52:03 if we don't make these changes that He wants us to make.
52:06 Now I'm sure that you want to do that.
52:08 I want to do that by the grace of God.
52:11 And I know you're making decisions right now.
52:13 I noticed a lot of things
52:15 that just went through my mind with you rather quickly
52:16 but we're praying the Holy Spirit now
52:17 will take possession of your heart and your mind,
52:19 and you're going to make some decision
52:20 because we're going to be blessed
52:22 and while the song is being sung,
52:23 "With all my heart" by Brother Ryan Day
52:26 and accompanied by Tim Parton.
52:28 I want you
52:29 to make that decision for Him right now.
52:44 In this quite place with you
52:50 I bow before your throne
52:54 I bear the deepest part of me
53:00 To you and you alone
53:04 I keep no secrets
53:07 For there is no thought
53:10 You have not known
53:15 I bring my best And all the rest
53:21 To you I lay them down
53:30 With all my heart
53:37 I want to love you Lord
53:41 And live my life
53:45 Each day to know you more
53:50 All that is in me
53:54 Is yours completely
53:59 I'll serve you only
54:05 With all my heart
54:12 Amen.
54:20 You faithfully supply my needs
54:25 According to your plans
54:29 So help me Lord To seek your face
54:34 Before I seek your hand
54:37 And trust you know What 's best for me
54:42 When I don't understand
54:49 Then follow in obedience
54:54 Or in every circumstances
55:03 With all my heart
55:09 I want to love you Lord
55:13 And live my life
55:17 Each day to know you more
55:22 All that is in me
55:26 Is yours completely
55:35 I'll serve you only
55:45 With all my heart.
56:07 Praise the Lord.
56:10 Awesome.
56:11 With all my heart,
56:12 that's what it's going to take, is it not?
56:15 Brother Tim, thank you,
56:16 you make that piano just talk to us.
56:18 Brother Ryan, awesome.
56:20 Want a closing prayer what we really need today.
56:24 With the little minute left,
56:25 I'm just going to say it was two men that stood
56:27 on the steps of a little church in Nebraska.
56:30 One said, he looked out over the prairie
56:31 and he said, oh,
56:33 if you've ever lived on the prairie,
56:34 you know, you can see for miles around.
56:37 He said, "I don't believe there's a single unsaved man
56:41 left in any farmhouse in sight."
56:44 The other man's standing close to him said,
56:48 "You know, when did that all happen?
56:51 When did all these changes take place?"
56:54 The other man said,
56:56 "You know, when the Christian get right
56:59 with each other and with God,
57:03 that's when it happens."
57:06 It's when my brothers and my sisters,
57:09 that we serve Him with all of our heart.
57:11 May I just pray with you just quickly,
57:13 for our time is up.
57:14 Let's pray for those decisions.
57:16 Loving Father in heaven,
57:17 we thank You for the decisions that been made right now.
57:19 Thank You that we want to serve You
57:21 with all of our heart, our soul and our mind.
57:23 Thank You for Your beautiful truths
57:24 that You have blessed us now we pray to this end,
57:26 Lord keep us on, I say,
57:27 a narrow pathway that leads to heaven.
57:29 We longed to spend eternity with You,
57:31 in Jesus' name, amen.
57:34 God bless you and we will see you next time.


Revised 2020-09-04