3ABN Worship Hour

Jesus Offers You His Righteousness

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: WHO

Program Code: WHO210037S

00:26 Hello, and welcome to the 3ABN Worship Hour.
00:30 We want to thank you for joining us.
00:32 And we want to encourage you to follow along
00:35 as we read and study God's Word together.
00:39 The title for the message today is
00:42 "Jesus Offers Us, Offers You His Righteousness,"
00:47 Jesus offers you His righteousness.
00:50 This is really a very important message
00:52 because every single person in the world
00:55 needs the righteousness of Jesus Christ.
00:59 And we're gonna talk about that today.
01:00 So I hope you get yourself ready
01:02 with Bible and something to write with,
01:04 so that you can continue this study,
01:06 which is of great benefit
01:09 to all who dedicate time to study this topic.
01:12 Before we begin,
01:14 I would like to invite you to pray.
01:16 I'm going to kneel,
01:17 and I would like to invite you to pray for me as well,
01:20 for God to bless each and every one of us,
01:22 because we need His blessing.
01:24 Let us pray.
01:27 Our loving Heavenly Father, we want to thank You, Lord,
01:30 because the door of mercy is still open today.
01:34 We want to thank You that
01:35 we can come to you with confidence,
01:38 because You will not shut the door.
01:41 You will not cast us away.
01:43 But You are open to hearing us,
01:46 You have an open door for us.
01:49 And, Lord, we ask at this time,
01:52 that You will bless us with an understanding
01:54 of the message You have for us.
01:57 I place myself in Your hands, Lord.
01:59 And I ask that You will bless me
02:01 with Your Holy Spirit,
02:02 that you will speak to Your children,
02:04 and that everyone will be blessed
02:06 according to their need.
02:08 And I ask You for these blessings
02:09 in the holy and blessed name of Jesus.
02:12 Amen, and amen.
02:16 When you begin to read the Bible,
02:18 in the Book of Genesis,
02:19 you will discover that
02:20 God created the heavens and the earth in six days.
02:24 Not only that He created
02:25 the heavens and earth in six days,
02:27 He created everything that you can see,
02:32 that is not manmade.
02:34 And everything that you cannot see,
02:35 because there are things that are so tiny,
02:39 they are microscopic.
02:41 Were it not for microscopes,
02:43 you could not see these wonderful things
02:46 that God has made.
02:48 In Genesis 1:31.
02:51 This is what the Bible tells us,
02:53 "Then God saw everything that He had made.
02:56 And indeed, it was very good.
03:00 So the evening and the morning,
03:02 were the sixth day."
03:04 And you will notice that
03:06 after He created the world in six days,
03:09 He rested on the seventh day,
03:11 because He had done all the work of the creation
03:15 of this world.
03:17 One of the things He created that is like
03:20 the crowning work of creation is human beings.
03:23 And He created Adam and Eve.
03:27 As time went on,
03:29 you begin, continue reading
03:30 in the Book of Genesis Chapter 3,
03:31 you will notice that
03:33 Genesis Chapter 3 reveals that Adam and Eve sinned.
03:38 Unfortunately,
03:39 this has brought misery and suffering upon this world.
03:43 And I would like to read to you from Genesis Chapter 6,
03:46 I'm gonna read verse 5 and 6.
03:50 And this is what the Bible tells us.
03:52 "Then the Lord saw
03:53 that the wickedness of man was great in the earth,
03:57 and that every intent of the thoughts of his heart
04:02 was only evil continually.
04:04 And the Lord was sorry
04:06 that He had made man on the earth,
04:08 and He was grieved in His heart."
04:12 So we see here,
04:13 that the Lord looking all over the world,
04:19 the only thing that He saw was evil continually,
04:21 even in the minds of the people,
04:25 not only their words and their actions,
04:26 but even in their minds was only evil.
04:29 What next horrible thing can I do
04:32 was in the thoughts of people.
04:36 As you continue reading,
04:37 you will notice that, of course,
04:39 God had to make a drastic decision
04:40 and that is to destroy the earth
04:43 and the inhabitants with a flood.
04:46 It is a known story, "Noah and the flood."
04:51 And it is because
04:52 Noah found grace in the eyes of the Lord,
04:55 that humanity could continue.
04:57 In other words,
04:58 God extended mercy to the human race
05:02 through Noah and his family.
05:04 In essence, we are all related,
05:07 even going down, going back as far as Adam
05:10 or going back as far as Noah.
05:13 Now today,
05:14 the situation is according to the way it is described
05:18 in Romans 3:23.
05:23 In Romans 3:23, we have a very clear and short message,
05:29 but it speaks of the reality of this human life on earth.
05:36 Romans 3:23,
05:37 "For all have sinned,
05:40 and fall short of the glory of God."
05:44 All have sinned,
05:45 and fall short of the glory of God.
05:47 You might ask yourself, well, how do you define sin?
05:50 How do you know what sin is?
05:53 And without this, you will not know what sin is?
05:58 Let us head to 1 John Chapter 3,
06:01 and we're gonna verse 4.
06:04 1 John 3:4,
06:05 In 1 John 3:4,
06:09 we have the following words.
06:13 It is written,
06:15 "Whoever commits sin also commits lawlessness,
06:20 and sin is lawlessness."
06:22 In other words,
06:23 disobeying the law.
06:25 What law? The law of God.
06:28 But you see,
06:30 the Bible tells us something powerful
06:33 that we need to understand,
06:34 every human being needs to understand
06:38 the message that is written in Romans 6:23.
06:41 Now, I am only going to read
06:43 the first part of Romans Chapter 6 this time.
06:46 And the first part of Romans 6:23,
06:48 the Bible says,
06:50 "For the wages of sin is death."
06:54 That's what it is.
06:56 So if everyone has sinned in this world,
07:00 everyone is subject to death.
07:03 And because of this, everyone needs a savior.
07:07 You see, we cannot save ourselves.
07:10 Let us say you only commit one sin
07:13 in all of your lifetime,
07:14 whether you live 101 year or whether you live 1000 years,
07:18 or 10,000 years,
07:19 you only commit one sin,
07:21 the fact still remains that the wages of sin is death.
07:25 So what can you do
07:27 to escape this penalty for committing sin?
07:32 You can do,
07:34 you can spend the rest of your life
07:36 doing good deeds,
07:38 giving money to the poor, feeding the hungry,
07:42 building houses for people that don't have homes,
07:45 the homeless.
07:47 Whatever good deed you could do could not change the fact
07:51 that you committed that one sin
07:53 because no amount of good things
07:55 cancel out the sin itself.
07:58 So this is why the next part of Romans Chapter 6
08:02 is of great importance as well.
08:05 Let's begin, Romans Chapter 6 in the first part,
08:08 and let's read the second part as well.
08:10 Romans 6:23, says,
08:14 "For the wages of sin is death,
08:17 but the gift of God is eternal life."
08:21 How do you get it?
08:23 "In Christ Jesus our Lord."
08:26 So this is the gift of God, eternal life.
08:30 So the only way to regain what was lost
08:34 is through Jesus Christ.
08:36 And see, Romans Chapter 5 reveals to us
08:41 the wonderful love of God.
08:43 Notice what Romans 5:8 says,
08:47 "But God demonstrates His own love toward us,
08:52 in that while we were still sinners,
08:56 Christ died for us."
08:59 Yes, while you were still a sinner,
09:02 Christ died for you.
09:04 This means that God has extended mercy to you.
09:08 Every single person in the world
09:11 has the opportunity to have salvation
09:14 through Jesus Christ.
09:15 No one in this world is born, to have to die for their sins.
09:22 Because Jesus Christ died to save the whole human race
09:27 from the first one till the last one
09:30 Jesus Christ died for their sins,
09:32 so that all could have the opportunity of eternal life
09:35 through Jesus Christ.
09:37 But what must you do?
09:38 How do you get this eternal life?
09:40 Please pay close attention
09:42 so that you may learn
09:43 what the Bible says concerning this.
09:46 Now, here are the facts.
09:47 The reality is
09:49 that without Jesus, you are completely lost.
09:52 And there's absolutely nothing you can do
09:55 without Jesus to save yourself.
09:57 Let's look at Isaiah 64:6.
10:01 In Isaiah 64:6, the Bible tells us these words,
10:08 "But we are all like an unclean thing.
10:14 And all our righteousness are like filthy rags.
10:19 We all fade as a leaf
10:21 and all our iniquities like the wind
10:24 have taken us away."
10:27 That is the condition of every single human being.
10:32 You see, even the very best you could possibly do
10:36 is not good enough to save you.
10:40 And all our righteousness,
10:42 the very best you can do are like filthy rags.
10:45 So in trying to explain the idea of filthy rags,
10:51 I've come to the conclusion that
10:54 this is the best way I can present it.
10:55 You see, in the time of Jesus,
10:58 there was a disease that was a dreaded disease.
11:01 It was highly contagious.
11:03 Anyone that would get it,
11:04 whether father, mother or children
11:06 had to be separated from their families.
11:08 And these people lived outside of the city in caves
11:11 away from all the rest of society.
11:14 Why?
11:15 Because even the very breath contaminated the air.
11:21 And so these people were separate,
11:22 even kings have to step down from the throne,
11:25 and go live in the wilderness, go live in caves.
11:29 And the people would wrap their hands
11:32 and their limbs
11:34 with clothing or rags,
11:40 so that they would try to keep their limbs together.
11:45 And people would even have these rags on their hand.
11:48 And only to discover that as they unwrapped,
11:52 the flesh was rotting,
11:53 a finger had fallen off or part of a finger.
11:56 And there was a lot of stench, it just smelled horrible
12:00 because of the blood and rotting flesh.
12:03 And you see,
12:04 this is the best description I can find
12:06 to tell you that all our righteousness,
12:08 the very best we can do are like filthy rags.
12:11 Perhaps in your mind,
12:13 you can, you know of another rag
12:15 that you can say, well, that's a filthy rag.
12:18 Some mechanics may be able to say,
12:19 "Well, that's a filthy rag,"
12:21 because of all the grease and all the stuff
12:22 and the grime from the vehicles.
12:24 But all our righteousness,
12:26 the very best thing we can do are like filthy rags,
12:29 they cannot do anything to save us.
12:32 As a matter of fact,
12:34 I want to bring to you what Job 14:4 says.
12:39 Job 14:4 says,
12:42 "Who can bring a clean thing out of an unclean?
12:45 No one,"
12:47 says the Bible,
12:48 "No one can bring a clean thing out of an unclean
12:51 and we are all unclean."
12:53 That's what we read in Isaiah 64:6,
12:57 "But we are all like an unclean thing."
13:01 So when we go to Isaiah 64:12,
13:05 in Isaiah 64:12, we have the following words.
13:10 In Isaiah 64:12, it says,
13:16 "I will declare your righteousness
13:20 and your worth, for they will not profit, "
13:25 I will declare your righteousness and your worth,
13:29 for they will not profit you.
13:32 And this is a message that we have in the Bible
13:37 concerning our righteousness.
13:39 Our righteousness cannot save us at all.
13:42 We need a savior, we need Jesus Christ.
13:48 Please consider Jeremiah 13:23.
13:53 In Jeremiah 13:23,
13:56 the Bible tells us that we cannot change ourselves.
14:02 Notice what it says in verse 23.
14:04 "Can the Ethiopian change his skin
14:07 or the leopard its spots,
14:10 then you may also do good
14:14 who are accustomed to do evil."
14:18 In other words,
14:19 the person that has not given his or her heart to the Lord
14:24 cannot change themselves,
14:26 or they may make some outward reforms
14:30 because they are losing respect.
14:35 People don't want to be around them.
14:36 They may make some behavioral changes,
14:38 but inside they are still evil and wicked.
14:42 The first opportunity to do wrong,
14:43 they will do wrong.
14:45 So the person that has not given
14:46 his or her heart to the Lord
14:48 cannot change at all.
14:51 So what can we do?
14:53 How can we change?
14:55 The solution, the answer is Jesus.
14:58 Notice what it says in Romans Chapter 3,
15:01 I'm gonna read verse beginning in verse 10.
15:05 Romans Chapter 3, actually, verse 10 and 11.
15:09 This is what the Bible says,
15:11 "As it is written,
15:12 there is none righteous, no, not one."
15:17 How many are righteous?
15:18 No, not one.
15:20 Verse 11,
15:21 "There's none who understand,
15:23 there's none who seeks after God."
15:27 You see, it's not that we search for God,
15:31 is that we respond to God drawing us.
15:35 And how is it that God draws us?
15:37 Does He force us? No.
15:39 He draws us with His love, He draws us with His mercy,
15:43 because it is by the grace of God
15:45 that we are saved.
15:46 And I want to ask you to consider
15:49 perhaps you have heard
15:51 of the parable of the lost sheep.
15:54 Jesus tells a parable about the lost sheep,
15:57 that a shepherd has 100 sheep, and he counts all the sheep.
16:03 And he knows them by name,
16:04 and he realizes he's missing one.
16:07 When he realizes he's missing one,
16:08 he leaves 99 safe,
16:11 and goes out to find that lost sheep.
16:14 This is a picture of what God does for us.
16:17 This is a picture of what Jesus came to do for us,
16:20 because the Bible says that God so loved the world,
16:23 that He gave His only begotten Son,
16:25 that whosoever believes in Him will not perish,
16:28 but have everlasting life.
16:30 And I want to point you to the Book of Ezekiel
16:34 that brings to us the message just as described.
16:39 Ezekiel 34:11-12.
16:41 Notice the words here.
16:44 "For thus says the Lord God:
16:46 'Indeed I Myself will search for My sheep
16:51 and seek them out.
16:53 As a shepherd seeks out his flock
16:55 on the day he is among his scattered sheep,
16:57 so will I seek out My sheep
17:00 and deliver them
17:02 from all the places where they have scattered,
17:05 where they were scattered on a cloudy and dark day."
17:08 Yes, please understand that
17:12 Jesus has been searching for you, seeking for you.
17:15 And when I say "searching"
17:17 means that He's trying to get you to respond
17:20 to the offer of salvation.
17:24 Jesus has been in different ways
17:28 and in different situations,
17:31 through people, through circumstances,
17:32 trying to help you understand
17:35 that you are not happy with the way your life is.
17:39 He's trying to help you
17:40 see that without Him, there is no real happiness.
17:44 Without Jesus, there is no real peace.
17:46 Throughout your life,
17:48 He has been sending these messages,
17:50 bringing you these messages,
17:51 boarding people in your way
17:53 to help you understand, you are not happy,
17:56 unless you give your heart to Jesus.
17:59 So I want to encourage you to let Jesus find you.
18:03 Because when you let Jesus find you,
18:07 your joy and happiness will begin.
18:10 And it will continue to grow
18:12 as you get closer and closer to Jesus.
18:15 And I want to encourage you
18:16 to give your heart fully to Him.
18:18 Notice what the Bible says in the Book of Romans 2:4,
18:23 "Or do you despise the riches of His goodness
18:27 and forbearance and long suffering,
18:29 that is patience and mercy,
18:31 not knowing that the goodness of God
18:35 leads you to repentance?"
18:36 You see, God is the one that takes the first step,
18:41 and the next step, and the next step,
18:42 and the next step
18:43 to try to lead you to repentance.
18:45 Well, what is repentance?
18:46 Repentance is sorrow for sin,
18:50 and a desire to turn away from that sin
18:54 from doing that evil.
18:55 In other words,
18:57 you don't want to do that anymore,
18:58 you prefer to do what is good.
19:01 This is repentance.
19:02 And it is something
19:03 that God initiates in our hearts,
19:06 so that we can desire to do better, to speak better,
19:11 to treat others better, and to follow Him.
19:14 The goodness of God leads us to repentance.
19:17 God is the one
19:18 that has been leading you to repentance.
19:21 And I encourage you to take heed,
19:24 listen to Jesus.
19:26 Because you see, there is a warning
19:28 that I need to give you.
19:30 We already read one, "The wages of sin is death."
19:33 Notice what the Bible tells us in Romans Chapter 2.
19:36 I'm going to read verses 5 through 8.
19:38 Romans 2:5-8,
19:40 "But in accordance with your hardness
19:43 and your impenitent heart
19:45 you are treasuring up for yourself
19:47 wrath in the day of wrath
19:49 and revelation of the righteous judgment of God,
19:54 who 'will render to each one according to his deeds':
19:59 eternal life
20:00 to those who by patient continuance in doing good
20:05 seek for glory, honor, and immortality,
20:09 but to those who are self-seeking
20:12 and who do not obey the truth, but obey unrighteousness,
20:16 indignation and wrath."
20:18 That's what is waiting for those
20:20 that choose to follow a course of evil.
20:23 And remember, we read that the wages of sin is death.
20:28 But don't take that for yourself,
20:30 accept the second part, the gift of God is eternal life
20:34 through His Son, Jesus Christ.
20:36 And now, I invite you to go with me
20:39 to Ephesians Chapter 2.
20:42 Let's go to verse 8,
20:44 a very well known verse among Christians,
20:47 "For by grace, you are saved through faith,
20:51 and that not of yourselves, it is the gift of God."
20:58 Praise the Lord, that it is a gift.
21:00 If it would cost us any money, some of us could not pay it.
21:06 Because when you're talking about eternal life,
21:08 that has infinite value.
21:11 Eternal life cannot even be purchased
21:14 by the richest among us,
21:17 not even all the rich people in the world can get together
21:21 to buy eternal life.
21:23 It cannot be purchased.
21:25 It is a gift from God,
21:27 and all who are willing,
21:29 can receive eternal life, because it is a gift from God.
21:34 What will you do?
21:36 What will you do?
21:38 Will you realize that God loves you?
21:41 What will you do?
21:42 When will you take the decision?
21:44 Will you make the decision to give your heart to Jesus?
21:47 And I'm gonna talk now to some people
21:50 that are here listening, watching,
21:53 you were a Christian,
21:55 you read the Bible in the past,
21:56 you follow Jesus for a while, but something led you astray.
22:00 Maybe someone led you astray.
22:03 And by my voice, the Lord is telling you,
22:06 "Come back, come back."
22:09 Remember the joy you had in following Jesus.
22:13 And I encourage you to accept the love of the Lord,
22:18 to accept the forgiveness of the Lord,
22:20 to accept the mercy of the Lord.
22:23 And His mercy
22:24 is as high as the heaven is from the earth.
22:26 His mercy is as far as the east is from the west,
22:30 and He's extending that mercy to you today.
22:32 Come back to the Lord.
22:33 And if you never have given your heart to the Lord,
22:35 come to Jesus.
22:37 Discover the blessing of knowing Jesus,
22:40 the happiness of knowing Jesus,
22:42 and not only the happiness in this world,
22:44 but in the world to come.
22:46 When there will be no more pain nor suffering,
22:49 no sickness or death,
22:50 a world without suffering.
22:52 That is what God has for us, accept the gift of Jesus.
22:57 When you give your heart to the Lord Jesus Christ,
23:00 when you by faith say "Yes, I accept Jesus, "
23:04 the promises of God become yours.
23:07 And God will forgive you for your sins,
23:09 give you a brand new start,
23:11 the Bible says you become a new creation.
23:14 All of the things you have done in the past
23:19 is like beginning a new.
23:21 Nothing that you have done in the past
23:24 will matter to the Lord
23:25 because now you have become His son, His daughter,
23:28 give your heart to the Lord Jesus Christ.
23:31 But please understand,
23:33 the Lord doesn't save you
23:34 so that you can continue in sin.
23:36 Notice what the Bible says in Romans 6:4.
23:39 Romans 6:4,
23:41 "Therefore we were buried with Him
23:43 through baptism into death."
23:45 When you give your heart to the Lord
23:47 and you're baptized,
23:48 you are buried under the water.
23:51 And then you are brought back up
23:52 like you're coming from, you're arising from the dead,
23:57 you are being born again.
23:59 Reading again.
24:00 "Therefore we were buried with Him
24:02 through baptism into death,
24:03 that just as Christ was raised from the dead
24:07 by the glory of the Father,
24:08 even so, we also should walk in newness of life."
24:14 So when we are born again,
24:16 we must walk in newness of life.
24:20 A newness of life means that you're not going to work
24:24 according to what you used to do in the past.
24:26 You're not going to talk the way
24:28 you used to talk in the past
24:29 with all the bad language and cursing people
24:32 and condemning people.
24:34 God will be transforming you, changing you.
24:38 I want to read to you from a book called
24:40 Acts of the Apostles,
24:41 written by Ellen G. White, page 482.
24:44 Notice the words described here,
24:46 the experience of salvation.
24:48 "The work of gaining salvation is one of copartnership,
24:53 joint, a joint operation.
24:55 There is to be cooperation
24:57 between God and the repentant sinner.
25:00 This is necessary
25:01 for the formation of right principles
25:04 in the character.
25:06 Man is to make earnest efforts to overcome that
25:09 which hinders him and her from attaining to perfection.
25:14 But he is wholly dependent upon God for success."
25:19 Only through Jesus can we have success.
25:22 Notice how it continues,
25:23 "Human effort of itself is not sufficient.
25:28 Resistance of temptation must come from man,
25:32 who must draw his power from God."
25:36 See, because without Jesus, we can do nothing.
25:39 And it finishes by these words.
25:41 "On the one side there is infinite wisdom,
25:44 compassion, and power,
25:47 on the other, the side of evil,
25:50 weakness, sinfulness, absolute helplessness."
25:54 We are literally helpless without Jesus.
25:57 So I encourage you, let Jesus in,
26:01 so that He can give you victory and make you brand new.
26:08 I'm going to read to you from a book called Revelation.
26:12 And I'm going to Revelation Chapter 3.
26:15 And if you follow me along, we are going to read verse 5,
26:19 Revelation 3:5,
26:22 this is what the Bible says, notice,
26:25 "He who overcomes
26:27 shall be clothed in white garments.
26:31 And I will not blot out his name
26:34 from the Book of Life,
26:36 but I will confess his name before my Father,
26:41 and before His angels."
26:43 So what did we read here?
26:46 The person who overcomes
26:49 will be clothed in white garments.
26:51 What are white garments?
26:53 The white garments
26:54 are talking about the robe of righteousness,
26:57 a robe of holiness,
26:58 that God will give to all who come to Jesus,
27:02 just as they are.
27:04 But it says here,
27:06 he who overcomes will be given this.
27:08 So we must cooperate with the Lord Jesus,
27:12 to receive this white garment.
27:15 What happens if you don't?
27:17 What happens if you don't cooperate?
27:18 What happens if you don't overcome?
27:20 Well, the opposite of this is true.
27:22 Notice again,
27:23 "He who overcomes
27:25 shall be clothed in white garments."
27:26 What happens if you don't overcome?
27:27 He who does not overcome
27:29 will not be clothed in white garments.
27:31 And what will happen?
27:33 The one who overcomes according to this,
27:36 his name will not be blotted out
27:38 of the Book of Life.
27:39 What happens to the one that does not overcome?
27:42 His name will be blotted out of the Book of Life.
27:45 So I encourage you,
27:46 allow Jesus to give you victory,
27:49 because it is through Jesus,
27:51 that we can be victorious
27:52 and cooperating with Jesus, we cannot fail.
27:57 Because with Jesus, all things are possible.
28:01 Praise the Lord.
28:02 In Hebrews 2:14.
28:04 Hebrews 2:14, the Bible tells us,
28:08 "Pursue peace with all people, and holiness,
28:12 without which no one will see the Lord."
28:15 So we need to pursue peace with all people.
28:18 Now, some people will not want peace.
28:21 So we must walk away.
28:23 And it says here
28:24 "Pursue holiness,
28:26 and without holiness, we will not see the Lord."
28:29 So how do we do this?
28:31 By coming to Jesus,
28:33 by allowing Him to transform us,
28:36 and our part is to trust in Him,
28:39 depend on Him to give us the power.
28:42 This is why Paul was able to say,
28:44 "I can do all things through Christ
28:46 who strengthens me."
28:48 We can do all things through Christ.
28:50 Now please understand
28:52 that when we come to Christ, He wants to change us.
28:57 Without Christ, we cannot be changed.
28:59 So I want to encourage you, daily give your heart to Jesus,
29:05 daily say to Jesus, come in,
29:07 take complete control, lead my life.
29:10 As we cooperate with Jesus,
29:13 we will see that we will have the peace
29:15 that passes all understanding.
29:19 Let's go now to Hebrews 5:9.
29:23 Hebrews 5:9.
29:25 In Hebrews 5:9, we have this message,
29:29 "And having been perfected,
29:31 he became the author of eternal salvation
29:34 to all who obey Him."
29:37 This is talking about Jesus.
29:39 Having been perfected,
29:40 He became the author of eternal salvation
29:42 to all who obey Him.
29:44 You see, those that choose to obey.
29:46 Those who choose to cooperate with Jesus
29:49 are the ones that are going to have salvation.
29:53 Because if you choose not to cooperate with Jesus,
29:55 that means you want to continue doing
29:57 whatever evil you desire to do.
30:00 Those who choose to cooperate with Jesus
30:03 are the ones that have victory
30:04 because He will give us power to overcome.
30:09 And the Bible says in 1 John 2:1, it says,
30:14 "My little children, these things write I unto you,
30:18 that ye sin not."
30:19 And if any man sin,
30:21 we have an advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ,
30:25 the righteous.
30:27 1 John 2:1.
30:29 This means that if we happen to fail,
30:32 we have an advocate,
30:35 we have a Savior, Jesus Christ in the holy place,
30:39 most holy place in heaven.
30:41 He, through His blood
30:43 will give us forgiveness for our sins.
30:46 So what must we do?
30:51 We must open the heart to Jesus,
30:53 so that He can change us.
30:54 And this can only happen if we allow Jesus in.
30:58 I'm reading to you now from Colossians 1:27.
31:02 In Colossians 1:27,
31:04 the Bible tells us the following.
31:08 "To them, God willed to make known
31:11 what are the riches of the glory
31:14 of this mystery among the Gentiles,
31:16 which is Christ in you the hope of glory."
31:21 You see, without Christ in you, there is no hope of glory.
31:24 So to have hope of glory, we must let Jesus in.
31:29 And when you let Jesus in, you have all power from heaven.
31:34 Notice what it says in Hebrews 4:14-15.
31:39 Hebrews 4:14-15.
31:42 "Seeing then that we have a great high priest,
31:46 who has passed through the heavens,
31:48 Jesus, the Son of God,
31:50 let us hold fast our confession,
31:54 for we did not have a high priest
31:55 who cannot sympathize with our weaknesses,
31:58 but was in all points tempted, as we are yet without sin."
32:04 Now I encourage you to consider Jesus,
32:07 consider Jesus, He came to this world,
32:11 lived 33 and a half years, lived a perfect life,
32:16 a life without sin.
32:18 That's what He's talking about here.
32:19 He was tempted in all points, like as we are,
32:22 yet without sin.
32:23 And because He lived without sin,
32:26 this life, He puts for our record.
32:31 In other words, He takes away our sinful life,
32:36 and gives us His life of holiness and perfection.
32:40 This is the robe of righteousness
32:42 that Jesus wants to give you.
32:44 This is what Jesus offers you,
32:46 His robe of righteousness takes away your sin.
32:51 This is what John said, in John 1:29.
32:55 "Behold, the Lamb of God
32:57 that takes away the sin of the world."
32:59 And if you allow Him, He will take away all your sin,
33:03 not only will He take away your sin,
33:04 but He will take away that desire to sin."
33:08 Praise God. God is so good.
33:11 So we must consider Jesus lived a perfect life.
33:17 So that it that can be on your account.
33:20 Let's go to the Book of 1 Peter 2:22.
33:26 Notice what it says here, something similar.
33:28 1 Peter 2:22.
33:31 Speaking about Jesus, it says,
33:33 "Who committed no sin,
33:35 nor was deceit found in His mouth."
33:40 So let's back up a little bit.
33:43 The Bible tells us in Genesis Chapter 6,
33:48 that God was able to look upon the earth,
33:50 and saw that the thoughts and intents of people's hearts
33:53 was only evil continually.
33:55 When Jesus was upon the earth, living as a man,
33:58 God could take a look at Jesus,
34:00 and see that the thoughts and intents of His heart
34:03 was only good continually and continued living that way,
34:08 lived a perfect life,
34:09 so that He could die as a perfect sacrifice for us,
34:13 so that that perfect sacrifice can count in our behalf.
34:18 And we could be forgiven.
34:19 Not only that,
34:21 give us the opportunity
34:22 to become sons and daughters of God.
34:26 Praise the Lord.
34:29 I'm going to read to you from Matthew Chapter 17.
34:33 In Matthew Chapter 17,
34:35 and we're talking about
34:36 the white robe of righteousness of Jesus,
34:40 and for a moment,
34:42 for a moment
34:43 there was kind of a glimpse of that
34:45 in Matthew 17:1-2.
34:47 Notice what it says there
34:49 because this is what the people call,
34:50 "the Mount of Transfiguration."
34:52 It says here,
34:53 "Now after six days
34:55 Jesus took Peter, James, and John his brother,
34:58 led them up on a high mountain by themselves,"
35:01 and it says,
35:02 "and He was transfigured before them.
35:05 His face shone like the sun,
35:07 and His clothes became as white as the light."
35:12 In other words, pure.
35:14 In another part of the gospels, it says, that, it says,
35:20 "As no fuller on earth can lighten
35:23 his clothing was so white and bright,
35:25 because it had no spots of sin upon it."
35:29 And that spotless robe of righteousness
35:33 is what Jesus wants to give you.
35:36 Will you accept it? Will you take it?
35:39 Jesus wants to give you this robe.
35:42 Notice what it says in Revelation 3:14-18.
35:47 Revelation 3:14-18.
35:50 There is described,
35:51 even people that are said to be lukewarm.
35:56 And I'm gonna read Revelation 3:14-18.
36:01 Here, this is what the Bible says, notice,
36:05 "And to the angel of the church of the Laodiceans write,
36:09 'These things says the Amen,
36:11 the Faithful and True Witness,
36:13 the Beginning of the creation of God:
36:16 'I know your works,
36:17 that you are neither cold nor hot.
36:19 I could wish you were cold or hot.
36:22 So then, because you are lukewarm,
36:24 and neither cold nor hot,
36:26 I will vomit you out of My mouth.
36:28 Because you say,
36:29 'I am rich, have become wealthy,
36:32 and have need of nothing,'
36:33 and do not know that you are wretched,
36:36 miserable, poor, blind, and naked."
36:39 And that's the way we are.
36:41 When we consider our righteousness,
36:44 we are poor, miserable, blind and naked.
36:48 All our righteousness are as filthy rags.
36:50 These people considered lukewarm,
36:53 they said they felt they had no need,
36:56 no need of anything,
36:57 they felt they had all they needed.
37:00 And they were lacking Jesus in their lives.
37:03 And this is what the Bible says in verse 18,
37:07 "I counsel you
37:09 to buy from me gold refined in the fire,
37:14 that you may be clothed,
37:15 that the shame of your nakedness
37:16 may not be revealed,
37:18 and anoint your eyes with eye salve
37:20 that you may see."
37:23 I'm gonna read verse 19 as well.
37:25 "As many as I love, I rebuke and chasten,
37:28 therefore be zealous and repent."
37:32 So I encourage you to consider the words of Jesus.
37:36 If your condition is like this,
37:39 you feel like you don't need anything.
37:40 You feel like you don't need Jesus,
37:42 you are completely wrong and you do need Jesus.
37:45 Every one of us needs Jesus Christ.
37:49 If you have riches, and you don't have Jesus,
37:54 you have nothing,
37:56 because riches can end in a matter of moments.
37:59 This has happened to people,
38:01 they have become bankrupt in seconds,
38:04 and they have nothing.
38:06 Some of them commit suicide as a result of this.
38:09 But when you have Jesus, you have everything.
38:13 Because when you have Jesus,
38:14 you become a co-inheritor with Jesus.
38:21 You can become a child of God, a son and a daughter of God,
38:25 and you are counted as part of the family of God.
38:30 And you will have riches beyond your imagination.
38:34 And this is what we want to focus on now.
38:37 This verse made reference to gold tried in the fire.
38:40 What is that gold tried in the fire?
38:42 Why does Jesus counsel us to get gold tried in the fire?
38:45 It's not talking about physical gold,
38:48 it's talking about faith.
38:50 This is what He's talking about here.
38:52 Gold tried in the fire is faith.
38:55 Faith that is tried and comes out untarnished,
38:59 gold tried in the fire, white raiment,
39:01 the white raiment is a symbol of righteousness.
39:04 This is what the Bible describes to us
39:06 in the Book of Revelation 19:8.
39:09 Chapter 19, verse 8.
39:10 Revelation 19:8, says,
39:12 "And to her it was granted to be arrayed in fine linen,
39:16 clean and bright,
39:17 for the fine linen
39:18 is the righteous acts of the saints."
39:22 You see this fine linen, this righteousness,
39:25 remember that Jesus says, Buy of me, what?
39:29 White raiment.
39:31 To buy of Jesus?
39:33 Can you afford to buy of Jesus?
39:36 And you say, "Well, I have nothing."
39:38 I have good news for you.
39:39 When Jesus says buy of me, white raiment,
39:43 He offers it to you
39:44 at a price that you can afford,
39:46 because it is free.
39:48 You see, by grace are we saved through faith
39:51 and that not of ourselves, it is the gift of God.
39:53 In the same way,
39:55 the white robe of righteousness is free.
39:58 Praise the Lord.
40:00 Notice, this is described in these words in Isaiah 55:1,
40:06 Ho, it says there
40:08 "Everyone who thirst come to the waters,
40:11 and you who have no money come buy and eat."
40:16 Yes, come buy wine and milk
40:18 without money and without price.
40:19 In the same way, God says to you,
40:22 take the white robe of righteousness,
40:25 it is offered to you freely
40:27 without money and without price,
40:30 in the sense to you
40:31 is without money, without price, it is free,
40:33 but it cost an infinite price to Jesus,
40:37 it cost the very life of Jesus.
40:40 So even though it is offered to you freely,
40:45 it costs an infinite price.
40:47 So it is of infinite value.
40:48 I'm reading to you from a book called Gospel Workers,
40:51 page 161.
40:53 Notice what the Bible says here,
40:55 what it says here in this book, Gospel Workers.
40:58 "The thought
40:59 that the righteousness of Christ
41:01 is imputed to us
41:03 not because of any merit on our part,
41:05 but as a free gift from God is a precious thought.
41:09 The enemy of God and man is not willing,
41:12 that this truth should be made,
41:14 should be clearly presented,
41:15 for he knows that if the people receive it fully,
41:19 his power will be broken.
41:22 If he can control minds,
41:25 so that doubt and unbelief and darkness
41:27 shall compose the experience of those
41:30 who claim to be the children of God,
41:32 he can overcome them with temptation."
41:36 The simple faith which takes God at His word
41:40 should be encouraged.
41:41 And I want to encourage you to take God at His word,
41:45 the spotless white robe of righteousness of Jesus,
41:51 He offers to you.
41:54 It is free.
41:56 You can have that robe
41:57 and have eternal life through Jesus Christ.
42:01 It is offered to you free.
42:04 And I am going to read to you from a book,
42:10 Christ Object Lessons
42:12 that says this.
42:14 "This robe, woven in the loom of heaven
42:18 has in it not one thread,"
42:21 how many threads did I say?
42:23 "Not one thread of human devising.
42:26 Christ in His humanity
42:27 wrought out a perfect character,
42:30 and this character He offers to impart to us,
42:34 all our righteousness are as filthy rags,"
42:37 Isaiah 64:6.
42:39 "Everything that we of ourselves can do
42:41 is defiled by sin,
42:43 but the Son of God was manifested
42:45 to take away our sins, and in Him is no sin."
42:49 Praise the Lord.
42:52 Now as I read this to you,
42:54 I want to define a word
42:56 because we read that
42:58 the righteousness of Christ is imputed to us.
43:00 This is not a word we use every day "imputed."
43:03 What does it really mean?
43:05 In Merriam Webster,
43:06 it means to credit
43:08 or ascribe to a person or cause.
43:10 In other words,
43:13 consider your account your record of sin
43:18 and the righteousness of Christ,
43:20 it is credited to you
43:22 and all your sins are wiped out and forgiven,
43:25 and you are credited
43:27 with the righteousness of Christ.
43:28 This is what it means to have
43:29 the righteousness of Christ imputed to you.
43:32 You are given this freely.
43:36 Praise the Lord for that.
43:37 Romans 5:17.
43:40 Romans 5:17.
43:41 Notice how it talks
43:43 about the righteousness of Christ here.
43:45 "For if by the one man's offense death
43:47 reigned through the one,
43:49 much more those who receive abundance of grace
43:54 and of the gift of righteousness
43:56 will reign in life through the One,
43:59 Jesus Christ.
44:00 The righteousness of Jesus Christ is free,
44:04 and He offers it to you."
44:07 Take the righteousness of Christ,
44:08 accept Jesus Christ into your heart,
44:11 that you may live
44:12 and enjoy the blessings of salvation through Jesus.
44:17 You know, I heard of a story
44:21 presented by Pastor Alejandro Bullon
44:23 that I'd like to share with you.
44:25 And in this story, Pastor Alejandro Bullon,
44:28 who had a television program in Brazil,
44:30 he was written a letter.
44:31 And in this letter, a man said,
44:34 "I would like to meet with you.
44:37 Please accept my invitation to dinner."
44:40 So Pastor Alejandro Bullon accepted his invitation.
44:43 The man said he watched the programs
44:45 and he was very interested in talking to him
44:47 about the things talking to him.
44:50 So Pastor Bullon arrives at this restaurant.
44:53 It was a very expensive restaurant.
44:56 This man was rich.
44:58 And he sat the opposite of Pastor Alejandro Bullon,
45:02 he's an evangelist,
45:03 Seventh-day Adventist evangelist.
45:05 And he said to him,
45:06 "You know, I watch your program,
45:07 you seem so sincere, so honest,
45:10 and you seem to have something I don't have."
45:13 He says,
45:14 "I want to know how I can get it.
45:16 But I do have some ground rules.
45:20 I don't want you to talk to me about Jesus.
45:23 I don't want you to talk to me about the Bible.
45:25 Just tell me how you got that which I don't have.
45:28 You see, I'm a rich man.
45:31 I can buy anything I want.
45:33 Anything I desire in this world I could have.
45:37 But I don't have what you have.
45:40 There seems to be peace in your heart.
45:41 And I don't have that.
45:43 Tell me how I can get this."
45:45 Pastor Alejandro Bullon answered wisely.
45:48 He says,
45:50 "Look, I can talk to you about the stocks and bonds.
45:55 I can talk to you about sports.
45:58 But none of these things are going to give you
46:01 what you are missing.
46:03 These really are of no value, to reach what you want,
46:07 the peace in your heart.
46:09 If you really want that peace,
46:11 I have to talk to you about Jesus."
46:15 And you see,
46:17 I don't know how your life is right now.
46:20 If you're feeling empty, depressed, unhappy,
46:24 I want to tell you,
46:26 that happiness and peace is found in Jesus.
46:30 And right now,
46:32 Jesus is opening a door so that you can come in.
46:35 You see, Jesus offers you complete peace and happiness,
46:39 forgiveness of your sins.
46:40 You see, in 2 Corinthians 5:21,
46:44 the Bible tells us something remarkable.
46:47 It says this,
46:50 "For He made Him who knew no sin,
46:55 to be sin for us."
46:57 Who is this?
46:59 God made Jesus to be sin for us.
47:02 Jesus on the cross took our sins upon Him.
47:07 He took our sins so that He could die for them
47:09 so that you don't have to.
47:12 And He offers you righteousness, His holiness,
47:16 He offers it so that you can have a right
47:20 to enter into heaven,
47:21 unafraid, with confidence,
47:25 knowing that you will be accepted,
47:26 knowing that you are part of the family.
47:28 And no one can say to you, "You don't belong here."
47:33 Why?
47:34 Because when you are forgiven, you are completely forgiven.
47:37 In this world
47:39 it could be that if you went to prison for something
47:41 that will follow you,
47:42 the record will follow you wherever you go.
47:44 Now there are public records on the internet,
47:46 and people can find out things about your past,
47:48 whether you were a person that did not pay child support,
47:51 whether you committed some crimes,
47:53 these things can be found out.
47:55 But you see,
47:57 God wants to wipe away all of your record,
48:00 all of your past
48:01 and bless you with forgiveness,
48:03 so that none of this will be mentioned unto you,
48:06 and you can have the righteousness of Christ.
48:09 Notice how I finish this.
48:10 I'm gonna read 2 Corinthians 5:21,
48:13 and finish reading the last part,
48:14 "For He made Him who knew no sin
48:16 to be sin for us,
48:17 that we might become
48:20 the righteousness of God in Him."
48:25 You see, God wants to completely transform you.
48:28 God wants you to be completely clean,
48:31 completely spotless,
48:33 and this can only be found in Jesus Christ.
48:37 Will you accept the gift of salvation,
48:40 the gift of righteousness of Jesus Christ?
48:43 And when you began this journey,
48:46 you cooperate with Him,
48:47 so that you can be transformed into His likeness,
48:50 so that you here on earth can begin to live in
48:54 what heaven will be like.
48:57 While you consider these things,
48:59 I want to invite our Brother Tim Parton,
49:02 to join us and to sing a beautiful hymn.
49:06 Please consider the words
49:07 as you consider also the message you have heard.
49:19 All I once held dear,
49:23 Built my life upon
49:27 All this world reveres,
49:32 And wars to own
49:37 All I once thought gain
49:41 I have counted loss
49:45 Spent and worthless now,
49:50 Compared to this
49:55 Knowing You, Jesus
50:02 Knowing You
50:05 There is no
50:08 Greater thing
50:12 You're my all, You're the best
50:16 You're my joy, my righteousness
50:21 And I love You, Lord
50:31 Now my heart's desire
50:35 Is to know You more
50:39 To be found in You
50:44 And known as Yours
50:49 To possess by faith
50:52 What I could not earn
50:56 All-surpassing gift
51:01 Of righteousness
51:06 Knowing You, Jesus
51:12 Knowing You
51:15 There is no
51:18 Greater thing
51:23 You're my all, You're the best
51:27 You're my joy, my righteousness
51:31 You're my all, You're the best
51:35 You're my joy, my righteousness
51:40 And I love You, Lord
51:50 I love You, Lord
52:06 Amen and amen.
52:09 I encourage you,
52:11 that this may be the song in your heart
52:13 that Jesus will be your righteousness.
52:18 You see, the door of mercy is still open today.
52:22 And right now you can accept the gift of Jesus.
52:28 If you have been living your life
52:29 as though you were trying to earn salvation.
52:33 Give that idea up
52:36 and allow Jesus to save you by His grace through faith.
52:42 I'm reading to you
52:43 from the Book of Revelation 22:14,
52:49 it says,
52:50 "Blessed are those that do His commandments,
52:54 that they may have a right to the tree of life
52:57 and may enter in
52:58 through the gates into the city."
53:00 They do His commandments because Jesus has sent them.
53:03 Remember,
53:05 we must cooperate with Jesus.
53:07 And as we cooperate with Jesus,
53:09 this can be a reality in our lives.
53:13 I want to read now Revelation 22:14,
53:17 because I said
53:18 the door of mercy is still open today.
53:20 But someday, that door will be closed.
53:25 And Revelation 22:11, these words will be pronounced.
53:30 "He who is unjust, let him be unjust still,
53:35 he who is filthy, let him be filthy still,
53:40 He who is righteous, let him be righteous still,
53:44 he who is holy, let him be holy still."
53:49 You see, the only way you can escape being unjust,
53:55 escape being unrighteous
53:57 is by giving your heart to Jesus Christ.
54:00 The only way you can be righteous,
54:01 the only way you can be holy
54:03 is if Jesus lives in your heart.
54:08 So when these words are pronounced,
54:11 if Jesus is in your heart,
54:13 you will be righteous still, you'll be holy still,
54:16 and you will walk with Jesus.
54:20 I want to encourage you to join me in prayer.
54:24 As we ask the Lord to make a change in our lives,
54:28 as we ask the Lord to forgive us for our sins.
54:33 As a matter of fact, I'm gonna kneel right now.
54:35 And if you can kneel with me.
54:37 Let's go to the Lord in prayer.
54:44 Our loving Heavenly Father,
54:46 we come to You once again in Jesus' name.
54:50 And, Lord, we pray, we ask
54:53 that Your promise will be fulfilled
54:54 in 1 John 1:9,
54:57 that if we confess our sins,
55:00 You are faithful
55:01 and just to forgive us for our sins,
55:05 and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.
55:08 Oh, Lord, there are people all over this world
55:11 that are taking advantage of this opportunity.
55:15 And they're presenting their sins before You.
55:18 And, Lord, if they are inspired to continue praying,
55:21 even after I say, "Amen,"
55:23 continue to be with them.
55:25 And Heavenly Father,
55:27 we pray for that to be fulfilled
55:28 in a reality in the lives
55:30 of all who have taken this opportunity.
55:33 Forgive sins, take away iniquity,
55:37 and give us a brand new start.
55:40 We ask You for these blessings,
55:41 in the holy and blessed name of Jesus.
55:44 Amen, and amen.
55:47 I'm gonna read one final scripture
55:51 that is found in John 1:11, 12, 13.
55:57 Notice what the Bible says,
55:59 "He came to His own,
56:02 and His own did not receive him.
56:04 But as many as received Him,
56:08 to them gave He the right to become children of God,
56:13 to those who believe in His name."
56:15 And before I continue,
56:17 some people are worried
56:19 that the Lord is not going to receive them.
56:21 But here it says,
56:22 "As many as received Him, "
56:24 Jesus is knocking at the door of your heart
56:25 so that you may receive Him.
56:29 And if you come to Him, He will receive you.
56:32 Notice how it ends,
56:34 "Who were born not of blood,
56:38 nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man,
56:41 but of God."
56:44 I encourage you to do this.
56:46 If you give your heart to the Lord Jesus Christ,
56:49 you will be received, you will be forgiven.
56:52 And I encourage you to do so even after we end this program.
56:56 Talk to the Lord from your heart.
56:58 Talk to Him as a friend.
57:00 If you have given your heart to the Lord,
57:03 and you want to share that testimony with us,
57:06 we encourage you to write at mail@3abn.org.
57:11 We want to encourage you to follow Jesus
57:14 with all your heart.
57:16 He wants your complete heart, not part of it.
57:18 Give Him all your heart,
57:20 so that He can make you all new.
57:23 Thank you for joining us.
57:24 God bless you until next time.


Revised 2021-03-12