3ABN Worship Hour

Eternal Flame

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: WHO

Program Code: WHO210042S

00:26 Hello, friends, welcome to the 3ABN Worship Hour.
00:29 I'm Pastor John Lomacang, and I have the privilege
00:32 and responsibility of bringing the Word of God to you today.
00:36 I'd like you to bow your heads with me
00:38 as we consider the topic "Eternal Flame."
00:42 How important and how imperative
00:45 is it for us to maintain
00:47 and even to begin if you haven't done so,
00:49 thus far, a relationship
00:52 with the unchanging Word of God,
00:54 we'll find out,
00:55 but let's first go to the Lord in prayer.
00:57 Loving Father in heaven,
00:59 we thank You that You have sustained us,
01:01 You have directed us, You have enlightened us
01:06 through Your all-powerful word.
01:10 As we take the time to consider
01:11 its relevance to our lives as Christians.
01:14 And even if we're not a Christian,
01:16 the relevance of leading us to You
01:19 through the written and living Word,
01:21 we pray that Your Holy Spirit will speak and guide
01:25 those who hear and those who listen.
01:28 In Jesus' name we pray. Amen.
01:33 Eternal flame.
01:35 I want to begin with a passage in the Book of Psalm 119:105.
01:40 It's a very short passage, but it's extremely potent.
01:44 Listen to the words of David the patriarch,
01:46 he says, "Your word is a lamp unto my feet
01:51 and a light on to my path."
01:55 According to what David just said,
01:58 there should never be a time that
02:00 the journey before you is one that is obscure
02:04 or in the darkness.
02:05 When we follow God's Word,
02:07 we will discover that it is, in fact, an eternal flame.
02:12 By the 1960s,
02:14 during the time of the 35th president
02:16 John Fitzgerald Kennedy,
02:19 he was assassinated November 22nd,
02:22 1963 at 12:30 PM.
02:25 Central time in Dallas, Texas,
02:28 while riding in an open motorcade
02:31 in Dealey Plaza.
02:33 It was a tragic event.
02:35 I was a very young boy and I emphasize very young boy
02:39 not understanding what was going on,
02:40 but I never forgot hearing the cries of my mother
02:44 as she vacuumed the carpet
02:46 and there on the black and white television,
02:49 she stopped the vacuum and just stood there.
02:51 And I heard her muttering through her voice.
02:54 Kennedy was shot.
02:56 Kennedy was shot.
02:59 What a tragic day it was for the country of America,
03:02 for this great nation was shaken to its core
03:04 by his untimely death.
03:07 Following that though, two days later
03:10 on November 24th, 1963,
03:13 his wife, Jacqueline Kennedy requested
03:16 something unusual about the place
03:18 where her husband was going to be buried.
03:20 She said, "I would like to have there an eternal flame."
03:25 And the question is, why would she suggest that?
03:28 While I discovered further,
03:29 that that side of his burial place
03:31 became chosen because President Kennedy
03:35 and his friend architect,
03:37 John Carl Warnecke had visited that place.
03:41 And this was in March of that year in 1963.
03:44 And Kennedy said,
03:46 "If ever I was going to be buried,
03:48 this place is,"
03:50 and I quote, "a peaceful atmosphere
03:53 and a wonderful location."
03:55 Never knowing that between March and November,
03:58 his life would be snuffed out untimely.
04:02 But I asked the question,
04:04 I asked the question, what makes the flame eternal?
04:07 And I did some homework.
04:09 The flame was built to withstand rain and wind
04:13 that eternal flame that you just saw in the picture.
04:16 That is what John Kennedy
04:17 talked about this eternal flame.
04:19 His wife suggested, let's put an eternal flame
04:22 so that the light of my husband's life
04:24 will never go out.
04:26 According to the Presidential Library,
04:29 it's referred to as eternal, because quote,
04:33 "There is a constantly flashing spark
04:36 near the tip of the nozzle,"
04:38 because of this if the flame is extinguished,
04:41 it reignites almost instantaneously.
04:44 In other words, if the rain is coming down
04:46 and the wind is blowing heavily,
04:48 it can blow it out.
04:49 But the clicking
04:51 of the ignition switch never stops.
04:53 So you really never see the flame going out.
04:56 That's what makes the flame eternal.
04:58 And I read that story, I said, "Wow,
05:00 what an analogy for the Word of God?
05:03 You see God's Word is an eternal flame.
05:06 It is built to withstand
05:09 the extinguishing winds and rains of its adversaries.
05:13 It is connected to the constantly
05:15 flashing flicker
05:17 of the power of the Holy Spirit.
05:18 Every attempt to extinguish
05:20 its flame has resulted in an instant re-ignition.
05:25 Friends, think about that.
05:27 God's Word will never be denied.
05:30 Its flame will never be extinguished.
05:33 It will never go out.
05:34 Even though atheists deny it, agnostics doubt it,
05:38 and sinners disagree with it, that flame still burns.
05:42 Some call it a fable, some call it fiction,
05:45 some call it a fabrication,
05:46 but the Word of God still burns.
05:50 God's Word is endless, everlasting and eternal.
05:54 That is why it continues to burn.
05:57 But listen to how Isaiah the prophet
06:00 describes the Word of God in Isaiah 40:8.
06:04 This is what he says about God's Word.
06:06 He says, "The grass withers, the flower fades,
06:10 but the Word of God stands forever."
06:15 God's Word will never go out.
06:17 Kings and prelates,
06:20 people that have hated God's Word,
06:22 people that have disagreed with God's Word
06:24 have made attempts through the centuries to get rid of it.
06:27 But God's Word is an eternal flame.
06:31 Praise the Lord for that.
06:33 On that note, God's Word is unchanging,
06:35 undeniable, and unequivocal.
06:38 And today in our day above all the books
06:42 that have ever been written,
06:44 the Word of God still stands firmly.
06:47 When you follow the power of God's Word,
06:49 you can't help but to go to the day of Pentecost.
06:51 What made the day of Pentecost so powerful?
06:54 It was the proclamation of the Word of God
06:57 by a converted fisherman named Peter.
07:01 As Dr. Luke records the events of the day of Pentecost,
07:04 listen to what he says about the power of God's Word.
07:08 In Acts 4:31,
07:11 he says these words to us today.
07:13 "And when they had prayed, the place where
07:16 they were assembled together was shaken,
07:20 and they were all filled with the Holy Spirit,
07:24 and they spoke the Word of God with boldness."
07:28 They spoke the Word of God with boldness.
07:29 How?
07:31 Because there's power in the Word of God.
07:33 There is dunamis in the Word of God.
07:35 It is a constant ignition
07:37 between heaven and earth flaming the heart
07:40 of the proclaimer
07:42 and igniting the lives of those that listen.
07:44 And when you study the New Testament church,
07:46 you find something very interesting.
07:48 Twelve times in the Book of Acts,
07:50 the success of the early church is described.
07:53 And every time it is described,
07:56 it is linked to the preaching of the Word.
08:00 Every time, you think about that,
08:02 how powerful is God's Word?
08:04 Every time the Word of God was proclaimed,
08:07 the church continued to grow,
08:09 but every attempt to neutralize the Word of God failed.
08:12 Look at Acts 12:24,
08:14 when they tried to neutralize God's Word,
08:17 look what Dr. Luke wrote.
08:19 He said, "But the Word of God grew and multiplied."
08:25 Well, here's the question.
08:27 If the Word of God was needed
08:28 for the inauguration of the church,
08:30 how much more is the Word of God
08:32 needed as we prepare
08:34 for the coronation of the church?
08:36 If the Word of God was needed
08:37 in the beginning of Christianity,
08:39 how much more is it needed
08:41 as we come down to the latter days
08:44 of the Christian Church?
08:46 It is needed now more than ever before.
08:49 Here's the reason why?
08:51 Effective discipleship begins
08:53 with a relationship to the living Word,
08:57 but we cannot be connected to the living Word
08:59 and be disconnected from the written Word.
09:03 Look at John 1:1, if you're going to be
09:05 connected to the living Word Christ,
09:07 you got to be connected to the written Word, His Bible.
09:10 The Bible says in John 1:1, these powerful words,
09:14 "In the beginning was the Word,
09:17 and the Word was with God, and the Word was God."
09:22 If the Word of God was in the beginning,
09:24 let me make a suggestion.
09:25 If the Word of God is in the beginning
09:27 of your walk with Christ and you keep it there,
09:31 your walk with Christ will never become boring.
09:35 It will never grow dim.
09:37 It will never lose its power.
09:40 In the beginning was the Word,
09:42 but it's going to be there in the very end also.
09:44 Look at Revelation 19:13,
09:48 the Apostle John writes these powerful words
09:51 concerning the Word of God.
09:53 Describing the second coming of Jesus,
09:56 he says, "He was clothed with a robe dipped in blood,
10:00 and His name is called The Word of God."
10:05 Notice that, in the beginning the Word,
10:08 in the end the Word,
10:10 all the way through from the creation of humanity
10:13 to the recreation of the perfect world,
10:16 the Word of God is needed.
10:18 You think about the life of Christ.
10:20 When He was in the wilderness of temptation,
10:22 He faced every temptation with the phrase,
10:25 it is written, it is written, it is written.
10:29 And then when the disciples
10:30 went forth to proclaim the reason
10:32 why they proclaimed the Word of God, unerringly,
10:35 undiluted, and with passion and conviction is John 17:17.
10:40 The Bible says,
10:41 and these are the words of Christ.
10:42 He says, "Sanctify them by your truth.
10:46 Your word is truth."
10:49 Well, how much do we need truth in these last days?
10:52 We live in a day and age
10:53 where people make up theories
10:56 that are not connected to God's Word.
10:58 People have doctrines and ideas
11:00 that are not found in God's Word.
11:02 Christianity has been diluted.
11:04 It has been redesigned.
11:06 It has been made fashionable rather than biblical,
11:10 more than ever before.
11:12 We need to follow the words of Christ,
11:13 sanctify them.
11:15 What does that mean? That means make them holy.
11:17 Sanctify them by your truth, your word is truth.
11:22 Now more than ever before, we need the application
11:27 and adherence to the Word of God,
11:29 because we are in a battle against biblical erosion.
11:34 Look at Revelation 12:17.
11:37 Why is the devil angry?
11:39 The Bible says, "And the dragon
11:40 was enraged with the woman,
11:42 and he went to make war with the rest of her offspring,
11:46 who keep the commandments of God
11:48 and have the testimony of Jesus Christ."
11:51 He's angry, he's upset.
11:54 He doesn't want God's Word to be stood upon.
11:57 He doesn't want God's Word to be
11:58 the defense of the church and so he's angry.
12:01 In God's Word, you find instruction for daily living.
12:05 In God's Word, you find the Ten Commandments of God.
12:09 And unlike the experience in the Garden of Eden,
12:11 the devil comes back again and finds that this time
12:15 the woman has a different attitude.
12:16 She's standing on the unerring Word of God.
12:20 Think about the power of the church.
12:22 The power of the church
12:24 is when we put on the whole armor of God,
12:27 but the weapon of the church
12:29 is when we fight with the living Word of God.
12:32 Let me repeat that again.
12:35 The armor or the uniform of the church
12:37 is when we put on the whole armor of God.
12:40 But the weapon of the church
12:41 is when we use the living Word of God.
12:45 The writer of Hebrews 4:12 says it this way,
12:50 listen to these powerful words.
12:52 He said, "The Word of God is living and powerful,
12:56 and sharper than any two-edged sword,
13:00 piercing even
13:01 to the division of soul and spirit,
13:03 and of joints and marrow,
13:05 and is a discerner of the thoughts
13:08 and intents of the heart."
13:11 I read that and I thought to myself,
13:12 wow, what a powerful book.
13:14 Here's the point.
13:15 When we are reading the Word of God,
13:17 the Word of God is reading us.
13:19 Isn't that powerful?
13:21 It is a discerner of the thoughts
13:23 and intents of the hearts.
13:24 It is sharper than any two-edged sword.
13:27 It can cut away error and it can surgically remove
13:31 those things from our lives that does not need to be there.
13:33 That's how powerful God's Word is.
13:36 It pierces the issues of our lives.
13:38 It divides us from the things
13:41 that should not be in our walk with Christ.
13:43 And it even decides and knows
13:46 what we're going to do before we do it.
13:49 It discerns our thoughts and intentions.
13:52 I like what the astronomer Galileo said
13:54 about God's Word.
13:55 He says, this is powerful.
13:56 He says, "The Bible shows us the way to go to heaven,
14:00 not just the way the heavens go."
14:03 He was a man that had a wonderful relationship
14:05 with the stars of the heavens,
14:07 but he said, "When I read the Bible,
14:09 I can find my way to heaven.
14:11 But when I look at the stars,
14:12 I simply see how the heavens go.
14:14 I don't want to just know how the heavens go,
14:16 I want to know how to go to heaven."
14:19 In these last days, friends, the Word of God is needed.
14:22 I have become very moved by the ideology,
14:26 but the conviction has come to me
14:28 that the church today needs to get back
14:31 to the simplicity of the Word of God.
14:33 Let me say that again.
14:35 The church needs to get back to the simplicity
14:38 and the power of the Word of God,
14:40 because there's so many things
14:42 that have entered into the Christian experience.
14:44 We have music on one side, drama on the other,
14:47 community outreach on one side, helping the poor on the other,
14:51 building buildings, doing missionary work.
14:54 The Word of God could get so caught up in doing things
14:58 and forgetting that
15:00 the most important power of the Christian life
15:02 is not what we do for the Lord,
15:05 but what the Lord is able to do within us.
15:07 And only by His Word are the works
15:10 in the Christian's life accomplished.
15:12 How much more do we need the Word of God?
15:15 Galileo said it well, the Bible shows us
15:19 not only the way that the heavens go,
15:21 but the Bible shows us the way to go to heaven.
15:24 Why is that so necessary?
15:26 In these last days, friends,
15:27 we are living in critical times.
15:29 We are not in a turf war,
15:31 we are not in a drug war or not even in a political war.
15:34 We are not in a competition for the new world order.
15:37 It is a battle for the human mind,
15:40 a struggle for the human heart.
15:43 We are in a combat against darkness
15:46 and we are soldiers of the light.
15:48 We preach to the spiritually dead
15:50 that are marching to Christless graves.
15:52 And we use God's Word to do it.
15:55 We are physicians to those that are affected
15:57 by the terminal illness of sin,
15:59 and we use the Word of God to diagnose their condition.
16:02 And the only reliable weapon in this war is the efficacious,
16:08 all powerful, undiluted Word of God.
16:12 I like surveys.
16:14 And in 2018, April 25th, 2018,
16:18 the New York Times did a survey
16:20 and they asked the question about Bibles.
16:23 And they said, "Do you believe in God's Word?"
16:25 It was under the article.
16:27 Most Americans believe in a higher power,
16:30 but not always in the God of the Bible.
16:33 Listen to the statistics.
16:35 Out of 4,729 people polled,
16:39 they were asked the question.
16:40 Do you believe in God or not?
16:43 Now 80% said yes, but let's break that down.
16:47 Fifty six percent believe in God
16:50 as described in the Bible,
16:53 but 24% believe in
16:54 some other higher power or spiritual force.
16:58 So the 80% doesn't mean they all believe in God.
17:01 Some said, I believe in God,
17:02 just like the Bible describes Him.
17:05 But 24% said, "I believe that
17:07 there is a higher power out there somewhere."
17:09 That's why sometimes you hear people say
17:12 the universe or mother nature.
17:15 Friends, the universe is not in control of anything.
17:17 God is in control.
17:18 Mother nature doesn't call the shots,
17:20 God call the shots.
17:21 By the Word of the Lord were the heavens made.
17:25 And if the Word of the Lord was used to make the heavens,
17:29 the Word of God can be used to make you.
17:32 Now let's look at the rest of the survey.
17:35 What about the other 20% of people?
17:38 Well, 19% of them said,
17:40 "No, they do not believe in God,
17:42 or they do not believe in God at all."
17:44 But let's break that... Let's break that down.
17:47 Nine percent said,
17:49 "They believe in a higher power,
17:51 but do believe in some higher power
17:53 or spiritual force."
17:56 Ten percent said,
17:58 "They do not believe in any higher power
18:00 or spiritual force."
18:02 Let me repeat that one more time.
18:05 Nine percent said, "I believe in God,
18:06 but I do not believe
18:08 in some higher power or spiritual force."
18:10 So the question I had to ask myself is then
18:11 what God do you believe in?
18:13 If you believe in some higher power
18:15 of some spiritual force, but not the God of the Bible,
18:18 what power can you possibly believe in?
18:21 So the 10% said,
18:22 "I don't believe in any higher power
18:24 or any spiritual force at all."
18:27 Now, why is that tragic?
18:29 Because the Apostle Paul raised the curtains
18:32 on the last days and he describes a pandemic
18:35 that has become a worldwide concern.
18:37 And this pandemic is something that has affected Christianity.
18:42 Listen to what he says.
18:43 2 Timothy 4:3-4.
18:46 These are powerful sobering words.
18:49 He says, "For the time will come..."
18:51 And I like to say, "The time has come
18:53 when they will not endure sound doctrine,
18:56 but according to their own desires or lusts,
18:59 because they have itching ears,
19:01 they will heap up for themselves teachers
19:05 and they will turn their ears away
19:08 from the truth and be turned aside to fables."
19:12 Has that happened?
19:14 It surely has happened.
19:16 You can't find a secret rapture in God's Word.
19:19 When Jesus comes, it's going to be audible,
19:22 visible and earth shattering fables.
19:25 You can't find a hell in the Bible
19:27 where people are going to be burning eternally forever
19:29 and ever and ever and ever without rest.
19:32 They're going to burn until everything
19:34 that can be consumed is consumed.
19:37 And the Bible says they will be ashes
19:39 under the soles of our feet in Malachi Chapter 4.
19:42 These are fables. Where did they come from?
19:45 Fables that are gifts from the dark ages.
19:48 When the Word of God was muted,
19:50 when the Word of God was taken from the common man,
19:53 that's the best way to introduce fables.
19:56 But today it's even more diabolical than that.
19:59 We have the Word of God today.
20:01 We can buy a Bible at any store, Walmart,
20:03 any local convenience store,
20:06 almost every place you go, you can find a Bible.
20:09 So what's the problem?
20:11 Men are willingly ignorant.
20:13 Entertainment has taken
20:14 the place of the study of God's Word.
20:16 And we live in the day and age
20:17 where people would rather make up their minds
20:19 about what they believe based on a movie
20:22 rather than studying God's Word.
20:24 I mean, years ago
20:25 when The Ten Commandment movie came out with
20:27 Cecil B. DeMilles.
20:29 And we looked at the Moses' character
20:31 there with Yul Brynner as the Pharaoh.
20:34 People thought that that was an actual depiction
20:36 of how it happened in God's Word,
20:38 but that's not.
20:40 But people would rather look at movies.
20:42 Then when Noah, a movie came out
20:44 not too many years ago about the flood.
20:46 They made it look like Noah was angry with God,
20:48 but that's not what the Bible teaches.
20:51 When you think about the movie, The Passion of the Christ,
20:54 Mel Gibson depicts it as though Christ
20:57 had been beaten to death.
20:59 But when you read the Bible,
21:00 Jesus died for your sin and mine.
21:02 He said, "I have power to lay down my life
21:05 and to take it again."
21:06 But once again, fables are being developed
21:08 because people are not reading God's Word.
21:11 They would prefer to look to movies
21:13 to understand what they believe.
21:15 And that's creating a misconception
21:17 about the Word of God.
21:19 And that's why I say,
21:20 if the Bible does not endorse it,
21:22 don't preach it.
21:23 If the Word of God is not its origin,
21:26 leave it where you found it.
21:27 Do not trade scriptural clarity for intellectual vagueness.
21:32 Allow the Word of God to be your guide.
21:35 Allow the Word of God to be your teacher.
21:37 Do not allow the Word of God
21:40 to have a question mark where God has put a period.
21:44 Some people say, "If you love Me,
21:46 keep My commandments?
21:49 Should we keep the commandments?
21:50 No, Jesus didn't put a question mark.
21:52 He says, "If you love Me, keep My commandments."
21:55 No question mark there.
21:56 Remember the Sabbath to keep it holy."
21:58 But people put a question mark,
21:59 should we keep the Sabbath holy?
22:01 God's Word didn't put a question mark there.
22:03 Remember the Sabbath to keep it holy.
22:05 But once again,
22:06 in this age of developing fables,
22:09 men have veered away from God's Word.
22:12 That's why I'm saying,
22:13 this is the hour to come back to God's Word.
22:16 And why is it so important?
22:18 Friends, think about it,
22:19 the first attack and the last attack on humanity
22:23 and on the Christian Church is going to be the same.
22:26 It was started by questioning what God said.
22:29 Serpent said to Eve, has God said,
22:32 and to the Christian Church today,
22:33 think about it.
22:35 Has God said that He changed the day?
22:37 Think about it.
22:39 Has God's Word said that men will never die.
22:42 They'll burn eternally never to go out.
22:46 Has God's Word says that sinners receive immortal life.
22:49 We have to trace our beliefs back to God's Word.
22:53 Satan rejected the truth
22:55 and the authority of God's Word in heaven.
22:57 Then he led Eve to doubt
22:59 the truth of God's Word in the beginning.
23:01 He's seeking to do the same thing again.
23:06 That's why when we think about God's Word,
23:09 we have to consider
23:10 what our position should be about God's Word.
23:13 Where should we stand
23:15 when it comes to relating to God's Word
23:17 and what kind of attitude
23:19 should we have toward God's Word?
23:21 I think about the story of David
23:23 and Saul, King Saul and David,
23:25 and they were facing the opposition
23:28 a great battle against Israel,
23:31 and then Saul seeking to be of help to young.
23:34 David said these words in 1 Samuel 17:38-39.
23:39 Saul gave David his armor, but look what the Bible says.
23:43 "So Saul clothed David with his armor,
23:47 and he put a bronze helmet on his head,
23:51 he also clothed him with a coat of mail."
23:54 That's a metal coat.
23:56 Verse 39, "David fastened his sword,"
24:00 that is Saul's sword,
24:01 "to his armor," that is Saul's armor,
24:03 "and he tried to walk, for he had not tested them.
24:08 And David said to Saul, 'I cannot walk with these,
24:12 for I have not tested them.'"
24:16 And what did David do the Bible says,
24:17 "So David took them off."
24:21 What a powerful analogy
24:24 about the untested doctrines of our day.
24:27 You see Saul gave David his armor.
24:31 It was Saul's armor, not David's armor.
24:33 It was Saul's sword, not David's sword.
24:37 It was Saul's coat of mail, not David's coat of mail.
24:42 What's the lesson here?
24:44 Don't try to walk in your Christian life
24:47 with somebody else's armor.
24:49 Get used to using your sword.
24:51 Don't look for victory with somebody else's sword.
24:54 But even more than that, even more powerful
24:56 than the sword and the armor is if you have not tested
25:00 what you are wearing, if you have not tested
25:04 what you are believing by God's Word,
25:06 do what David did.
25:09 He took it off.
25:10 I would say these are the days
25:12 to take off the error and put on the light,
25:15 to take off the lies and embrace the truth,
25:18 to take off the fables and begin to embrace
25:21 the unerring truths of God's Word.
25:23 If it has not been tested
25:25 and proven by the Bible, take it off.
25:29 Here's what the Apostle Paul says
25:31 in 1 Thessalonians 5:21.
25:35 Look at what he said.
25:37 He said, "Test all things, hold fast what is good?"
25:43 Test all things, hold fast what is good?
25:48 When we preach the Word of God,
25:51 we've got to test what we believe
25:53 based on God's Word
25:55 and let God's Word have the final say.
25:57 Don't file down God's Word to believe what you believe.
26:02 But if you have to abandon your own ideologies,
26:05 your own philosophies, even the things
26:08 you may have learned by your church doctrines
26:10 or your minister or where you worship.
26:13 If you have to abandon those things,
26:15 you'll never go wrong
26:17 when you embrace the unerring Word of God.
26:20 I remember years ago, when I was preaching in
26:23 one of my churches in California.
26:25 I was giving a Revelation seminar.
26:28 And on the opening night,
26:30 a wonderful couple walked in, a Spanish couple.
26:33 I never forgot the couple's name
26:34 was Helen and Thomas.
26:36 We say Thomas, but she said, "This is my husband Thomas."
26:40 And she says, "I came to the Revelation seminar
26:42 because my husband does not want to go to church,
26:45 but he is interested in the Book of Revelation."
26:48 So, I invited him to come and there he is stood
26:51 just kind of uninterested,
26:53 kind of slouching, seeming not to even care.
26:56 And he came in and he registered.
26:58 He got his book.
27:00 He got his very first lesson about the Revelation seminars.
27:03 And he sat there from night to night,
27:05 seeming disinterested.
27:07 But when the Word of God
27:09 was being preached, a seed was being sawn.
27:11 Another seed was being sawn. Another seed was being sawn.
27:16 Speed, fast forward to six weeks later.
27:18 Yes, we used to have
27:20 evangelistic series six weeks long.
27:22 Times have changed tremendously.
27:24 At the end of six weeks and I made an appeal for people
27:27 to give their lives to Christ and to embrace the things
27:30 that were taught from God's Word,
27:32 Thomas stood up and it was to his wife's shock
27:37 that he stood up.
27:39 She came to me and she said,
27:40 "Pastor, pastor, my husband stood up.
27:42 I'm concerned."
27:44 And I said, "Helen, why are you concerned?"
27:46 She said, "Because he wants to join your church."
27:49 I said, "No, he's joining God's church."
27:51 He's made his decisions
27:53 based on what God's Word has said.
27:55 He's not joining Pastor John's church.
27:57 I just preach here. But this is God's church.
27:59 If it's in God's Word, Helen,
28:01 you have absolutely nothing to worry about.
28:04 Well, Thomas or Thomas took another step.
28:07 He said, "I want to get baptized."
28:08 That really concerned her because she said,
28:11 "I've been a Christian all my life.
28:13 And I don't believe that
28:14 God is going to judge me for just one thing."
28:17 I said, "What one thing are you talking about?"
28:20 And she said to me,
28:22 "Do we really have to remember the Sabbath to keep it holy?"
28:25 I said, "Well, Helen, it's one of the Ten Commandments."
28:27 She said, "But do we have to remember it?"
28:29 I said, "If I was answering you,
28:32 I would say, maybe you have an option,
28:33 but I can only answer what God's Word says."
28:36 He says, "Remember the Sabbath day
28:38 to keep it holy."
28:39 Well, it was a Friday evening,
28:41 I was getting my baptismal certificates all filled out.
28:44 And my wife came into my office
28:46 and I didn't take long with Helen on the phone.
28:49 I said, "Your husband
28:50 has decided to put his baptism off
28:52 for one more week
28:53 because he wants to wait for you."
28:55 And she said, "But I love the Lord."
28:56 And I said, "This is the reason why God is revealing to you
29:00 from His Word,
29:02 those things He wants you to remember."
29:04 And I prayed with her and I said,
29:06 "Let me pray with you.
29:08 Father, teach me to love You this much."
29:10 And we prayed and hung up the phone.
29:13 Well, when I hung up the phone,
29:14 I began to fill out her baptismal certificate.
29:17 And my wife asked me, she said, "Did she say yes?"
29:20 I said, "No, she didn't say yes,
29:21 but she's going to."
29:23 And she said, "Well, how do you know that?"
29:24 I said, "Here's what she said."
29:26 She said, "I love the Lord and I want to follow his Word."
29:29 And I said, "There's no way that
29:30 she can really love the Lord
29:32 and not make a decision about following his Word."
29:35 That was Friday evening, Sabbath morning came
29:37 and I cut my Sabbath school class short
29:39 to get all the baptismal candidates ready.
29:41 We had about 27 baptisms
29:43 that Sabbath morning and I had to meet with them.
29:46 I had all the baptismal certificates in my Bible,
29:49 tucked away in my Bible.
29:51 Well, when my class was done,
29:53 Thomas had his bag ready for the baptism.
29:55 And his wife came to me.
29:57 She said, "Pastor, pastor," I said, "What?"
29:59 She says, "I've got to tell you something."
30:01 I said, "What?" She said what?
30:02 Sorry. I said what.
30:04 She says, "I made my decision to give my life to the Lord.
30:07 I'm going to be baptized with my husband."
30:09 I said, "I know."
30:11 And I took out her baptismal certificate.
30:14 She smiled and I smiled.
30:15 Here's what the Lord showed me.
30:18 When you truly love the Lord, His Word will not offend you.
30:22 When you truly have given your life to Christ,
30:25 you will give your life to His Word.
30:27 It is impossible to be connected
30:29 or say you are connected to the living Word
30:32 without being connected to the written Word.
30:34 Well, I went back to California,
30:36 my wife and I did on a few occasions.
30:37 And guess what?
30:39 That couple is still in the church
30:41 some 25 years later.
30:43 They're still in the Lord serving God
30:46 in that very same church there in Northern California,
30:49 in the conference there, and my heart is thrilled.
30:52 Every time I see them, I never forgot that story.
30:56 Now, why is that story important?
30:58 Isaiah 55:11, listen to what
31:00 Isaiah the prophet says about the power of God's Word.
31:03 He says, "So shall My word be that
31:07 goes forth from My mouth, it shall not return to Me void,
31:13 but it shall accomplish what I please,
31:16 and it shall prosper in the thing
31:18 for which I sent it."
31:21 He is saying, friends, God's Word,
31:23 when we sow with God's Word, it will not return to Him void.
31:27 God's Word is like a check
31:29 that doesn't need your signature
31:31 because God has already signed it.
31:33 It's like a credit card with no limit.
31:35 It is like taking hold of a supply
31:37 that never runs dry.
31:40 It is like embracing the power that never is unplugged.
31:44 The Word of God is living and powerful.
31:47 That's what happens when your life is connected.
31:49 It transforms your life.
31:51 And that's why I say this,
31:52 and I say this humbly and very sober-minded.
31:55 Worship without Bible based truth is a deception.
32:00 Let me repeat myself.
32:02 Worship without Bible based doctrines is a deception
32:07 because you can never be saved by the song you sing.
32:11 You can never be saved
32:13 by the feeling you get when you worship.
32:16 The Lord says,
32:17 "We shall not live by bread alone,
32:19 but by every word that proceeds
32:22 from the mouth of God," Matthew 4:4.
32:25 Worship that is based on man's word
32:27 cannot replace God's Word.
32:30 Look at the words of John the Apostle
32:32 in John 4:23-24.
32:34 What does he say to the Christian today?
32:36 He says, "But the hour is coming, and now is,
32:41 when the true worshiper," notice what kind of worshiper,
32:45 "will worship the Father in spirit and truth,
32:49 for the Father is seeking such to worship Him.
32:53 God is Spirit, and those who worship Him,"
32:57 look at the next word,
32:59 "must worship in spirit and truth."
33:03 Notice He didn't say should worship
33:05 in spirit and truth.
33:06 He said, must worship in spirit and truth.
33:09 So what is our commission? 2 Timothy 4:2.
33:13 Here's our commission. This is why I preach the Word.
33:16 Paul the Apostle said to Timothy,
33:18 his young protege.
33:19 He said, "Preach the word!
33:21 Be ready in season and out of season.
33:24 Convince, rebuke, exhort,
33:26 with all longsuffering and teaching."
33:30 But something's happened in modern worship.
33:33 The emphasis is placed on experience and not on truth.
33:37 So let's talk about it.
33:38 Let's talk about the most powerful weapon
33:40 on earth, the Bible.
33:42 It can outlast any onslaught and transform any life,
33:45 the Bible.
33:46 It can humble the exalted and educate the simple.
33:49 That's what God's Word can do.
33:51 It is a light in the darkness and a pathway to the lost.
33:54 It can encourage the weak and comfort the weary.
33:58 If you are hungry, it will feed you.
34:01 If you are thirsty, it will soothe you.
34:03 I speak of nothing other than the Holy Bible,
34:06 the book of truth.
34:07 This book reveals the mind of God,
34:09 the state of man and the way of salvation.
34:12 It reveals the doom of sinners and the happiness of believers.
34:16 Its precepts are binding.
34:18 Its history is true
34:19 and its decisions are immutable.
34:22 Listen carefully, read it to be wise.
34:24 Believe it, to be saved
34:26 and practice the Bible to be holy.
34:28 It contains light to direct you,
34:30 food to support you, and comfort to cheer you.
34:34 God's Word is the Traveler's map
34:36 and the Christian charter,
34:38 it cannot lie, but it can detect one.
34:41 It has no pulse and yet it is the living Word.
34:44 In the Bible, paradise is restored.
34:47 Heaven is open and the gates of hell
34:49 are permanently closed.
34:51 Christ is its grand theme.
34:53 Our good its design
34:55 and the glory of God is its end.
34:58 Read it slowly, frequently and prayerfully.
35:01 In it is a mind of wealth,
35:03 a paradise of glory and a river of pleasure.
35:06 It will reward your labor and condemn all
35:10 who trifle with its sacred contents.
35:13 Paul turned the world upside down with it.
35:16 Elijah called down fire through it
35:18 and God created the world by it.
35:21 It can't be stopped, prevented, denied, or destroyed.
35:24 That's how powerful God's Word is.
35:26 It will outlast any novel and outlive any show.
35:30 It is divine, dynamic, didactic
35:32 and delightful at the very same time.
35:35 It is a conundrum to the proud and a solution to the humble.
35:38 It can open and close your eyes at the same time.
35:41 It can confuse the scoffer but enlighten the seeker.
35:45 The book, the book of books,
35:46 the book of life, the book of God,
35:48 the Bible, the Revelation of God to man,
35:51 but it comes with a warning.
35:52 Listen carefully,
35:54 "This book will keep you from sin
35:56 or sin will keep you from this book."
35:59 Reading and confessing
36:00 the Bible will terrify the devil,
36:02 stupefied the rebellious,
36:04 mystify the world, pacify the critics,
36:07 ratify the covenant, edify the church,
36:09 magnify the word and glorify the Lord.
36:12 And, friends, let me take a breath
36:14 and say this.
36:15 It is still the number one best seller of all time.
36:19 Amen. Praise the Lord.
36:22 What a powerful book.
36:25 That's why the Prophet Amos
36:28 reaches out with a word of warning
36:30 to this modern generation.
36:33 And he says to this modern generation,
36:35 you are standing on thin ice.
36:39 When we push aside God's Word,
36:41 we are going out in a torrential downpour
36:44 without the proper covering.
36:46 These are not the days
36:48 where the battlement of hell is light.
36:51 The devil is pulling out every armament
36:54 he can to keep us from studying
36:57 the unerring powerful Word of God.
37:00 And the only way
37:01 to keep the flame burning is to do
37:05 what Amos the prophet says because, friends,
37:08 as sure as I'm preaching this message,
37:10 there is a famine coming on the world.
37:13 While the world is ignoring God where the day is going to come
37:16 when the Word of God will not be found.
37:19 Listen to what Amos the prophet says?
37:22 In Amos 8:11-12,
37:27 he said, "Behold, the days are coming,
37:29 says the Lord God,
37:30 'That I will send a famine on the land,
37:35 not a famine of bread, nor a thirst for water,
37:39 but of hearing the words of the Lord."
37:42 And verse 12,
37:43 "They shall wander from sea to sea
37:46 and from north to east, they shall run to and fro,
37:51 seeking the word of the Lord,
37:55 but shall not find it."
37:58 Think about it.
37:59 Have you ever lost your car keys?
38:01 Well, losing God's Word is a lot worse.
38:04 When you cannot find God's Word,
38:05 you will not find eternal life.
38:07 When you cannot find God's Word,
38:09 the light in your life will be permanently shut off.
38:12 When you cannot find God's Word,
38:14 there'll be no way to understand.
38:15 It's like ripping out a GPS from your car
38:18 and being in a community that you've never been in.
38:21 No one to call, no map to look at,
38:24 no directions from anyone.
38:26 That's how powerful God's Word is.
38:28 That is how much we need to embrace God's Word.
38:32 Don't let it drop because the famine is coming.
38:35 The famine. What is a famine?
38:37 I decided some people say,
38:38 well, it's just a scarcity of food,
38:40 but it's a lot deeper than that.
38:42 I looked up the definition and listen to what I found.
38:45 A famine is a widespread scarcity of food
38:49 caused by several factors,
38:51 including crop failure and population unbalanced.
38:56 Meaning when there's not enough food
38:58 for the population, a famine is going to ensue
39:02 and then malnutrition is going to come.
39:04 This phenomenon is usually accompanied
39:07 or followed by regional malnutrition
39:10 and increased casualties.
39:12 Think about that again.
39:13 When there's not enough food to feed the population,
39:16 the result is population unbalanced,
39:20 regional malnutrition, and increased casualties.
39:24 Increased casualties. Now think about it that way.
39:28 If there's not enough food, will there be casualties?
39:31 The answer is yes,
39:33 but let me make the statement today.
39:34 God's Word contains enough food
39:38 for every man, woman, boy,
39:41 and girl on this planet.
39:44 When you read God's Word, there will never be a point
39:47 where it has no more food remaining in it.
39:50 Every day God's Word becomes more and more nourishing.
39:53 It will empower your life, it will transform your life.
39:57 It'll let you put down the temporal things
40:00 and get excited about the eternal things.
40:03 That's what God Word does.
40:05 And the Apostle Paul makes it clear that
40:08 the only way to prevent famine is to feed on God's Word.
40:14 When I have breakfast in the morning,
40:15 my wife says to me, "Did you have your vitamins?"
40:18 I said, "My vitamins."
40:20 She said, "Yeah, did you get your vitamins yet?
40:22 I said, "No."
40:23 And my vitamins are right there on the table.
40:24 You know, she says,
40:26 "Now take your over 50 vitamins."
40:28 So I take my over 50 vitamin.
40:30 She said, " Don't forget to take vitamin D."
40:32 I take the vitamin.
40:34 She's now, "Take a vitamin B,"
40:36 and she said, "Now go ahead and take it.
40:37 Don't just put on the table."
40:39 And I thought to myself, man, that's probably
40:42 what God is doing to us every day.
40:43 He says, "Are you reading My Word?
40:45 Are you taking your spiritual vitamins?"
40:48 What is He saying?
40:49 You see, unless we ingest God's Word,
40:52 it will never work.
40:54 Here's how the Apostle Paul verifies that.
40:56 1 Thessalonians 2:13,
40:59 we can't just look at God's Word,
41:01 we have to ingest that.
41:02 Here's what he says,
41:03 "For this reason we also thank God
41:07 without ceasing,
41:08 because when you receive the word of God,
41:10 which you heard from us,
41:12 you welcomed it not as the word of men,
41:15 but as it is in truth, the word of God,
41:18 which also effectively works in you who believe."
41:23 Yeah, I could see my wife right now.
41:25 She calls me sometimes during the day she said,
41:27 "How do you feel?" I said, "I'm a little tired."
41:29 She said, "Did you take your vitamins?"
41:31 And I could look right across the kitchen
41:33 and see my vitamins on the plate.
41:34 I get busy in the morning.
41:36 I get all task driven and task oriented.
41:39 She said, "Did you have breakfast yet?"
41:41 She says, "It's like 11:15."
41:43 I said, "No, I didn't have breakfast."
41:44 She said, "Are you going to eat breakfast now
41:46 or wait till I come home for lunch."
41:48 And I want to be very candid and confess sometimes
41:50 I wait too late and I'm tired.
41:53 Friends, that's what happens when we don't eat God's Word,
41:55 when we don't allow God's Word
41:56 to become a part of our morning diet.
41:59 That's why it's called daily bread.
42:01 When you wake up in the morning,
42:02 try to get that daily bread.
42:05 Try to expose yourself to the living Word of God.
42:07 It will nourish your life.
42:09 And the passage says it effectively works
42:12 in those who believe.
42:14 What is Paul saying?
42:16 Don't just read God's Word, believe God's Word.
42:19 Don't just recite it as you're going through
42:22 a particular exercise.
42:23 Allow what you've just read to begin to permeate
42:26 your thought patterns, highlight.
42:28 My wife and I have our highlight is highlighted.
42:31 Do whatever you can,
42:33 but don't allow God's Word to just go by.
42:35 Because if you think about it, when you open God's Word,
42:39 you are opening your mind to the eternal one.
42:42 You are opening your mind to the omnipotent one.
42:45 You are opening your thoughts to the omniscient one,
42:48 the all powerful, all knowing, all existent God.
42:52 And He's speaking to you,
42:53 but you'll only see the difference
42:56 if you allow the Word of God to come in,
42:58 it effectively works in those who believe.
43:03 But now think of it this way.
43:05 I've gone to homes where I've seen people,
43:06 they have this gigantic family Bible on the kitchen
43:09 or in the dining room table, actually the living room table,
43:13 open to the Book of Psalms right there,
43:15 and I go back again and it's still the same page.
43:17 And I go back again, it's still the same page.
43:18 And I think to myself,
43:20 are they reading that same page over and over and over again?
43:24 And I'll never forget what somebody once said to me.
43:26 They said, "An open Bible does not fear the devil."
43:30 A Bible that is put in our hearts
43:32 is the only thing that the devil is concerned about.
43:34 He's not concerned about Bibles on the living room table
43:38 or Bibles on pretty stands in the corner of our house.
43:41 He's only concerned about the Bible that's in our heart.
43:44 That's why David, the Psalmist says
43:45 "Thy word have I hid in my heart
43:48 that I might not sin against thee?"
43:50 Are you hiding God's Word in your heart?
43:53 Are you content for God's Word just to be on the shelf?
43:57 Are you one of those that have 15 Bibles,
43:59 but you don't know where five of them are.
44:02 Friends, this is the time to get back to God's Word,
44:04 that eternal Word.
44:05 It will ignite your life,
44:07 but it will only make a difference
44:09 if you are allowing yourself to ingest it, chew it up.
44:13 That's why the Bible tells us if you hunger and thirst.
44:17 Let me say those words again.
44:19 If you hunger and thirst
44:23 after righteousness in God's Word,
44:26 you will be filled.
44:27 You cannot be filled
44:28 if you're not hungry for eternal things.
44:30 You'll have those temporary things
44:32 and they'll lose their impact quickly.
44:35 They'll lose their hold on your life quickly.
44:38 When the new phone comes out, you'll toss away the old one,
44:42 but I wanna say something, the Bible never grows old.
44:45 And the life that is taking in God's living everlasting,
44:50 never dying word, never dies.
44:53 Years ago somebody said to me, "How many Bibles do you have?"
44:56 And I said, "Well, I think I've lost count
44:57 maybe about six."
44:59 And they said, "Can I see your Bibles?"
45:01 And I'll be honest with you.
45:03 The reason I have my Bible in the case
45:05 is if I don't have a case, my Bible will fall apart.
45:08 And I never forgot what an older person in
45:10 one of my churches in California said to me,
45:13 he said, "Pastor, a Bible that's falling apart
45:16 belongs to a person whose life is not.
45:20 I'll repeat that again.
45:21 Is your Bible falling apart from continuous use?
45:24 Is your Bible's pages frayed
45:26 because of continually turning them?
45:28 Are you so familiar with your Bible
45:31 that you can see your hand prints
45:33 or are the edges of your page is dirty
45:35 because you are always handling it.
45:38 That's what happens.
45:39 I know an older pastor
45:41 in one of the churches I pastored.
45:42 He's now resting in Jesus, but I remember visiting him
45:46 and I was so impacted by what I saw.
45:49 He opened his Bible and I can see highlights
45:51 of all descriptions, every location.
45:55 And I asked him, "How many times
45:56 have you read your Bible through?"
45:59 And I was shocked when he said, "I've lost count."
46:01 I said, five times, 10 times.
46:04 He said, "Young man, I've lost count."
46:07 But I was moved that day
46:08 when he called me to the foyer of the church
46:10 there in Fairfield, California.
46:13 And he reached up and he took, uh,
46:15 there was a torch made out of some kind of metal.
46:19 And as he was leaving the church
46:21 and putting that church in my hand,
46:23 he says, I'm passing you the torch.
46:25 I want you to keep the torch burning in this church.
46:28 And six and a half years later in that church,
46:30 it was jam packed every Sabbath morning,
46:33 people were growing and thriving in the Lord.
46:34 Why?
46:36 Because by God's grace,
46:37 we kept the Word of God burning in our church.
46:40 You see, friends, famine will only occur
46:42 if you're looking for what God is not giving.
46:45 Waiting for what God is not sending,
46:47 and praying for what God is not answering.
46:50 The world today is selling what God is not manufacturing
46:53 and supporting what God is not endorsing,
46:56 Christianity today has become a concoction of confusion.
46:59 We are living in the days of merging Christianity,
47:03 but the challenge is, common interests
47:06 are not a bad thing,
47:07 but never allow a common interest
47:10 to result in the abandonment of scriptural truth.
47:13 Today, people are deciding to go ahead and join together,
47:17 denominationally to feed the hungry.
47:19 That's okay.
47:21 Or to clothe the naked, that's okay.
47:23 Or to help people build up their community,
47:25 that's just fine.
47:26 But never allow common interest
47:29 to result in abandoning scriptural truth.
47:33 And there is a push today
47:34 for the merging of Christianity,
47:38 but we should never abandon
47:40 the truth of God for the basis of unity.
47:44 God's Word must be loved above ecumenical unity.
47:50 Common outreaches should not require
47:52 the abandonment of God's Word.
47:54 Providing shelter should not result
47:56 in the dilution of God's truth.
47:59 And working together
48:00 with other clergy should not lead us
48:02 to doctrinal desertion.
48:04 Here's what the Apostle Paul says
48:06 in 2 Thessalonians 2:10-11.
48:10 These are the words.
48:11 He talks about how much we must love the truth
48:14 to prevent ecumenical malnourishment.
48:17 Listen to what he says.
48:19 2 Thessalonians 2:10-11.
48:22 He says, "And with all unrighteous deception
48:26 among those who perish," why?
48:29 "Because they did not receive the love of the truth,
48:33 that they might be saved.
48:34 And for this reason God will send them
48:38 strong delusion
48:40 that they should believe the lie."
48:45 Why is that so powerful?
48:46 Why are those words so sobering?
48:49 Because Satan knows that
48:51 the Lord will not return until the gospel
48:54 is being preached in all the world.
48:55 He said, Matthew 24:14,
48:57 "When that gospel is proclaimed,"
48:59 he says, "then the end will come."
49:02 Well, no wonder, no wonder the enemy tries to stop us
49:06 from reading God's Word.
49:08 An empty car can go nowhere and empty life has no mission,
49:12 but a life filled with the never dying,
49:15 ever powerful Word of God
49:17 has nothing but mission and has a lot of places to go.
49:21 The Lord filled His disciples with His Word.
49:24 And then He says, go and proclaim
49:26 this never dying truth to a dying world.
49:30 And, friends, they turned the world upside down
49:33 in 34 short years.
49:37 If we keep planting the Word of God,
49:39 there will be no crop failure.
49:41 If there's no crop failure,
49:43 there will be no congregational malnutrition.
49:46 And no congregational malnutrition,
49:49 there will be no increased casualties.
49:52 Friends, today, let's get back to our commission.
49:54 The three angels' messages is our commission.
49:57 The restoration of the Sabbath truth
49:59 is a part of that commission.
50:01 The accuracy of the second advent of Christ
50:04 as taught in scripture is a part of our commission.
50:07 And most importantly,
50:09 lifting up Jesus and His righteousness
50:12 by faith is our undying commission.
50:17 But it all comes back to that everlasting eternal flame.
50:22 Is God's Word igniting your life today?
50:24 Is God's Word making a difference
50:27 in your heart today?
50:29 I'm going to invite my good friend, Tim,
50:31 to come and play a song that is so significant.
50:35 He's going to play and sing that song,
50:37 I need thee every hour.
50:39 Now, why is that so significant?
50:40 You know, friends, when you are in God's Word,
50:42 something happens in your life.
50:44 Not only are you in
50:46 an intimate connection with Jesus,
50:48 but you find that your need of Christ
50:50 will continue to increase.
50:52 As he plays listen, when you find Christ,
50:57 you understand your need.
50:59 When you understand your need,
51:01 you have a never broken connection
51:03 with the living and written Word of God.
51:10 I need Thee every hour
51:16 Most gracious Lord
51:21 No tender voice like Thine
51:27 Can peace afford
51:34 I need Thee, O I need Thee
51:41 Every hour I need Thee
51:47 Oh, bless me now, my Savior
51:54 I come to Thee
52:03 I need Thee every hour
52:08 Teach me Thy perfect will
52:13 And Thy rich promises in me
52:20 Oh Lord, fulfill
52:25 I need Thee, O I need thee
52:32 Every hour
52:36 I need Thee
52:39 Oh, bless me now
52:43 My Savior
52:46 I come to
52:54 Thee
53:01 As Tim continues to play,
53:05 I want you to think about your need of Christ today.
53:08 He's waiting and hoping that
53:10 someone would say, I need a change in my life.
53:15 Number of years ago, a young man came to me
53:17 in my office at church,
53:19 and he looked disheveled, he looked confused,
53:21 he looked quite frustrated.
53:23 His face was red.
53:25 And I was wondering, is he upset?
53:26 Or what is the situation?
53:28 And he sat on my couch
53:30 and then tears began to flow from his eyes.
53:32 He said, "Pastor, this morning,
53:34 I went to wake up my daughter for school.
53:38 And I saw her laying on her bed reading her Bible."
53:42 And it was at that moment
53:44 that I walked away and I said to myself,
53:47 "I need what my daughter has."
53:52 He said, "That's why I'm here today."
53:53 He said, "My life is a mess. It's falling apart.
53:56 I can't hold down a really good job.
53:57 I'm struggling with this and that.
53:59 He talked about all the things in his life
54:01 that was pulling him down.
54:03 He said, "I need what my daughter has."
54:06 She wakes up in the morning and reads the Word.
54:08 And I didn't know how much she was connected
54:10 until I saw her this morning.
54:13 And I said, "You want to get into God's Word?"
54:14 He said, "Yes, I do."
54:16 Well, friends, you may want to do
54:17 the same in your life.
54:19 God is waiting for you this morning.
54:21 How much do you need Him?
54:23 And when you embrace Him, you will embrace His Word.
54:26 When you find Him,
54:28 you will find His ever nourishing,
54:31 never dying sharper than any two-edged sword,
54:36 halogen light, divine holiness God's Word.
54:41 But my wife and I travel.
54:44 I always think about
54:45 how much God's Word has opened those doors.
54:49 God's Word takes us from one place to the next,
54:51 from one country to the next, from one city to the next.
54:55 And I think would I be here
54:57 if I wasn't preaching God's Word
54:58 and I could conclude the answer is absolutely not.
55:01 You see, the world was created by God's Word.
55:04 Lives are transformed through God's Word.
55:07 And Jesus will not come again until we proclaim God's Word.
55:13 When I travel, I carry three things with me.
55:17 I don't want to call the Lord a thing.
55:19 I don't want to call my wife a thing,
55:21 but listen to what I mean.
55:23 "We've traveled together.
55:26 My Bible and I, through all kinds of weather
55:30 with smile or with sigh,
55:32 in sorrow or sunshine, in tempest or calm,
55:36 thy friendship unchanging my lamp and my psalm.
55:41 We've traveled together, my Bible and I,
55:44 when life has grown weary and death was even nigh,
55:47 but all through the darkness of mist and of wrong,
55:51 I've found there a solace, a prayer and a song.
55:55 So now who shall part us my Bible and I?
55:59 Shall "isms" or "schisms" or "new lights" who try?
56:04 Shall shadow for substance, or stone for good bread,
56:07 supplant thy sound wisdom, and give folly instead?
56:11 Oh, no, my dear Bible, exponent of light!
56:16 Thou sword of the spirit will put error to flight!
56:19 And still through life's journey,
56:21 until my last sigh,
56:25 we'll travel together, my Bible and I.
56:30 Friends, my commitment is to the eternal flame.
56:34 Is your commitment to the eternal flame?
56:37 God is calling you today to put down the temporal
56:41 and pick up the eternal.
56:43 To keep that flame burning eternally,
56:45 we have to be connected
56:47 to the ever igniting power of God's Holy Spirit,
56:51 so that any attempt to extinguish
56:53 it will result in an instant re-ignition.
56:57 My fellow brethren, let it be said of us.
57:01 Psalm 119:105, "Let it be said of us.
57:04 'Your word is a lamp unto my feet
57:08 and a light unto my path."
57:10 That is my prayer for you.
57:12 The eternal flame, we're going to see
57:14 the eternal flame one day face-to-face.
57:17 Let us become familiar with Him as His Word lightens our lives.
57:22 God bless you, my brothers and sisters.
57:24 May the Word of God strengthen you
57:26 until we see you again.


Revised 2021-04-02