3ABN Worship Hour

Heaven’S Archangel

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: WHO

Program Code: WHO210046S

00:28 Hello, I'm Shelley Quinn
00:30 and we welcome you to 3ABN Worship Hour.
00:33 Let me ask you.
00:34 When you think of an angel, what comes to mind?
00:38 Typically we think of angels as winged ministering spirits,
00:42 and while the Bible clearly identifies
00:46 an order of created beings that fit this description.
00:51 Did you know that most people's concept
00:54 of angels is not biblical?
00:57 In the Greek and in the Hebrew,
01:00 the original languages of the Bible,
01:04 what we translate the words that we translate
01:09 angel are also translated "messenger."
01:14 In fact that's what they denote
01:17 and is used of ordinary people, priests, prophets
01:20 and even a special heavenly messenger
01:25 of deity.
01:27 Our Bible study today,
01:28 we're going to answer three questions.
01:31 One, what does angel mean
01:34 in the original Hebrew and Greek?
01:36 Two, who is the Angel of the Lord,
01:40 also known as the Angel of His presence?
01:42 The Angel of the covenant.
01:45 And three,
01:46 who is the only Archangel
01:50 that is named in the Bible?
01:54 You're going to find that our message today
01:58 which is titled "Heavens Archangel"
02:02 is a study that can erase folklore,
02:07 erase myths that are popular about angels
02:11 and we're going to go to the scripture
02:14 and let the Bible give us the answers.
02:17 I sure hope that you have a pencil and a paper
02:21 so that you can jot down the scripture references
02:24 and double check me on your own.
02:26 We're gonna go very fast, but first let's pray.
02:29 Heavenly Father, we come before You
02:31 in the name of Jesus
02:33 and, Lord, we thank You for our Lord Jesus.
02:36 We thank You for the Word and the Holy Spirit,
02:38 please send the Holy Spirit now
02:41 to be our teacher
02:44 as we look at Your Word in Jesus' name.
02:48 Amen.
02:49 What does angel mean
02:52 in the original Bible's languages?
02:55 There's two words,
02:57 the Hebrew word is "malak"
03:02 and the Greek word is "angelos,"
03:05 you can see where we got angel from.
03:07 The Greek word is angelos.
03:09 These original words were translated
03:14 into English
03:15 most often as messenger or angel,
03:21 but in the original languages they signified messenger.
03:27 It seems that English translators
03:30 generally took malak or angelos.
03:34 And if it was talking about an earthly messenger,
03:37 then they called it messenger
03:39 but if it was talking about a heavenly being,
03:42 they most frequently called it an angel.
03:46 When we think of an angel,
03:50 we're thinking of the nature of a being,
03:52 but an angel does not describe,
03:54 the word does not describe the nature
03:57 but they offers the position of the power
04:00 and the authority as a messenger of God.
04:03 He sends forth these messengers to do His bidding,
04:09 as His agents to fulfill His purposes.
04:12 Now as I said, the Bible clearly does identify
04:17 an order of beings that fits our typical understanding,
04:23 but scripture describes seraphim,
04:28 cherubim as winged creatures,
04:32 but did you know not all angels have wings
04:36 and contrary to popular images
04:39 that we see of women angelic angels,
04:43 women and baby cherubs with little fat cheek.
04:47 In the Bible angels were always men.
04:52 They do have different ranks of dignity and power,
04:56 but they are not to be worshiped.
04:59 In Revelation 19.10
05:00 when the Apostle John
05:02 fell at the feet of an angel to worship him,
05:05 do you know what the angel said to him?
05:07 "See that you do not do that, I'm your fellow servant,
05:11 worship God."
05:13 So angels are not be worshiped.
05:18 The Hebrew word "malak,"
05:21 the same word that is translated
05:24 messenger or angel,
05:25 is used to describe ordinary messengers,
05:29 human messengers.
05:30 Let me give you a couple of examples,
05:33 in 1 Samuel 11.3,
05:35 1 Samuel 11.3,
05:37 the elders of Jabesh came to Samuel
05:40 and they said, "Hold off for seven days,
05:42 that we may send messengers."
05:45 Malak,
05:46 it could have been translated angels.
05:48 "To all the territory of Israel.
05:50 And then, if there is no one to save us,
05:53 we will come out to you."
05:54 And then in Luke 9:52, when Jesus...
05:57 It came time for Jesus to be received up to heaven,
06:01 he said his face determinedly to go to Jerusalem.
06:06 And Luke 9:52 said, "He sent messengers."
06:11 In the Greek, angelos,
06:13 but these were human messengers,
06:15 so they didn't get translated into English as angels.
06:20 "He sent messengers before His face.
06:22 And as they went,
06:24 they entered a village of the Samaritans,
06:26 to prepare for Him."
06:28 Malak, same word translated as angel
06:32 is used to describe prophets.
06:34 Listen to this, Haggai 1:13,
06:37 "Then Haggai, the Lord's messenger.
06:40 His malak spoke
06:42 the Lord's message to the people.
06:45 And in Luke 7:27,
06:47 Jesus was speaking of John the Baptist
06:51 and it repeats and says,
06:53 "Behold, I send My messenger."
06:57 In the Greek that's angelos, messenger.
07:00 It could have been translated
07:02 according to our English translated,
07:04 it could have said, "Behold, I send My angel."
07:07 But it was translated as messenger
07:11 who's going to go before you to prepare the way for you.
07:15 Malak is used to describe priests.
07:21 In Malachi 2.7,
07:23 it says, "The lips of a priest should keep knowledge,
07:26 for he is the messenger, the malak of the Lord."
07:32 So who is the Angel of the Lord,
07:38 the Angel of His presence,
07:41 the Angel of the covenant?
07:44 Old Testament,
07:45 when you see in the Old Testament
07:48 sometimes it will say, "An angel appeared,"
07:51 that's an ordinary created winged being,
07:54 but when you see that the Scripture says,
07:58 "The Angel of the Lord."
08:01 This is without a doubt
08:04 a manifestation of God's divine presence,
08:10 and we're gonna prove that from Scripture
08:12 in just a moment.
08:14 God came as the angel,
08:17 the messenger of the Lord
08:20 and reveal to humans
08:24 who He was without exposing His full glory.
08:28 Every time that God took on a visible form
08:34 in the Old Testament,
08:35 this was foreshadowing
08:39 the incarnation of God
08:43 when God, the second person of the Godhead
08:46 came down and became a man
08:49 in the person of Jesus Christ
08:52 and lived among us as Immanuel, God with us.
08:57 But even when Christ came to earth,
09:00 His deity was not fully exposed,
09:05 His glory was veiled with flesh.
09:09 No one has seen the unveiled glory of God.
09:13 Paul says in 1 Timothy 6.16,
09:17 "God alone has immortality,
09:20 dwelling in unapproachable light,
09:24 whom no man has seen or can see."
09:30 So here's the question.
09:32 Have you ever heard the word Christophany?
09:35 That's a big word, Christophany.
09:38 It's C-H-R-I-S-T
09:41 Christ O-P-H-A-N-Y.
09:45 Bible scholars used that term
09:48 to describe
09:50 when the pre-incarnate appearances
09:54 of Jesus Christ.
09:55 In other words,
09:57 when the second person of the Godhead
09:59 came down in a visible manifestation
10:04 where people could see Him, touch Him, talk to Him,
10:08 these were actually appearances
10:12 in the Old Testament of Jesus Christ
10:15 before He was incarnated.
10:18 And we're gonna see in a moment,
10:20 when the Angel of the Lord showed up on this scene,
10:23 it was our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.
10:27 The Angel of the Lord appeared regularly
10:31 in the Old Testament,
10:33 but after Jesus was incarnated and became a man,
10:38 there are no more appearances of the Angel of the Lord.
10:41 Jesus, God,
10:44 the second person of the Godhead,
10:46 get this in your mind, came to earth, took on flesh,
10:51 God became a man.
10:53 He became the Son of man
10:55 and the covenant Son of God
10:58 but never doubt
11:00 that Jesus Christ was eternal God.
11:04 We can see that in scripture John 1:1-3 says,
11:07 "In the beginning was the Word, the Word was with God,
11:09 and the Word was God.
11:12 He was in the beginning with God.
11:15 And all things were made through Him,
11:17 nothing was made except through Him."
11:20 And then in John 1.14, he says,
11:22 "And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us."
11:26 Paul writing of Jesus said in Philippians 2:6-7,
11:31 "That though he was in the form of God,
11:33 He did not count equality with God,
11:37 something to be grasped."
11:38 That means something to hold on to.
11:40 "But He emptied Himself by taking the form of a servant
11:44 being born in the likeness of man."
11:48 God became a man.
11:51 Micah 5:2 speaking
11:54 of Jesus' birthplace in Bethlehem,
11:57 says, "Out of you shall come forth to Me
11:59 the One to be Ruler in Israel,
12:03 whose goings forth are from of old,
12:06 from everlasting."
12:07 From eternity past Jesus existed.
12:11 And in John 10:30, He says, "I and the Father are one."
12:15 And in John 14 and He told Philip,
12:17 "If you've seen Me, you've seen the Father."
12:21 Now here's one that I just have to include.
12:24 Colossians 1:15, speaking of Jesus, it says,
12:28 "He is the image of the invisible God,
12:32 the firstborn over all creation."
12:35 Oh, some people say, "Uh-huh, see He was born."
12:39 No, no, no, no,
12:40 firstborn does not mean that Jesus was born,
12:44 just as the original language malak
12:48 can be translated and understood in two ways,
12:51 a messenger or angel.
12:54 The word firstborn and the word begotten
12:59 also have two meanings.
13:01 Firstborn can mean the order of birth,
13:05 but it's also a covenant term
13:09 that signifies preeminence,
13:11 superiority, being above all others
13:15 and the word begotten,
13:17 it can mean
13:18 that you've been given birth to,
13:21 but in covenant language
13:23 it means chosen for a covenant purpose.
13:28 Let me prove that with one example.
13:30 The nation of Israel is called God's first born son
13:35 in Exodus 4:22-23
13:38 and was said to be begotten of God
13:42 in Deuteronomy 32:18.
13:46 So let's continue now.
13:48 Colossians 1:16 says,
13:50 "For by Him all things were created
13:53 that are in heaven and that are on earth,
13:55 visible and invisible."
13:58 The Lord, Jesus Christ,
14:01 the Angel of the Lord is no ordinary angel.
14:06 He is not a created being.
14:09 He is God Himself,
14:11 the divine messenger.
14:15 Now, we're gonna look at some Christophanies real quickly
14:18 and this is all gonna string together,
14:20 so that you will understand who is heaven's Archangel.
14:26 Many commentators believed in Genesis 18,
14:30 it is a pre-incarnate,
14:32 that means before Jesus came and took flesh,
14:35 it's a pre-incarnate appearance of Christ.
14:40 What happens, Genesis 18:1,
14:43 it says, "Then the Lord appeared to him,"
14:46 speaking of Abraham,
14:47 "by the terebinth trees of Mamre,
14:49 as he was sitting in the tent door
14:51 in the heat of the day.
14:52 So he lifted his eyes and looked, and behold,
14:56 three men were standing by him."
14:58 And one turns out to be the Lord.
15:00 "And when he saw them,
15:02 he ran from the tent door to meet him,
15:03 and he bowed himself to the ground."
15:06 And then as he should have,
15:07 he gave some refreshments.
15:09 God had come down to tell Abraham,
15:12 Sarah's gonna have a son.
15:14 I told you that you were gonna be
15:16 the father of many nations.
15:18 Sarah is way too old to have a son,
15:21 but we see now that one of these men
15:25 when it says, "The Lord appear to him."
15:27 Genesis 18:13 says,
15:29 "The Lord said to Abraham."
15:32 Why did Sarah laugh, saying,
15:34 "Shall I surely bear a child, since I am old?"
15:38 And then the Angel of the Lord, Jesus Christ says,
15:43 "Is anything too hard for the Lord?
15:48 At the appointed time I will return to you
15:51 and Sarah shall have a son."
15:54 Now Genesis 32 reveals another Christophany.
15:59 This is when Jacob wrestled with what appeared to be a man
16:04 but was actually God and they wrestled all night.
16:07 Genesis 32:26 says
16:09 that the man that Jacob is wrestling with says,
16:12 "Let Me go, for the day breaks."
16:15 But Jacob says,
16:16 "I will not let You go unless You bless me!"
16:20 And then the man
16:21 that Jacob is wrestling with asks,
16:24 "What's your name?"
16:25 Not that he didn't know,
16:27 the man knew what his name was,
16:30 but he wanted Jacob to say, "My name's Jacob."
16:33 which means deceiver and then he says,
16:36 the man says,
16:38 "Your name shall no longer be called
16:41 Jacob but Israel."
16:43 He gives him a new spiritual name.
16:46 He says, "Because you have struggled
16:49 with God and have prevailed."
16:52 He was wrestling all night with God.
16:54 And then in verse 29, it says, "He blessed Jacob there,"
16:59 and Jacob recognizes this man was God
17:03 and he exclaims in verse 30,
17:05 "I have seen God face to face,
17:09 and my life is preserved."
17:12 You know, when Hosea recounts this story
17:15 in Hosea 12:4,
17:17 listen how he describes this man.
17:20 He says,
17:21 "Jacob struggled with the angel and prevailed."
17:26 It was the Angel of God, heaven's messenger
17:31 who struggled with Jacob.
17:33 Now in Exodus 3-4,
17:37 God appeared to Moses in a burning bush
17:41 and undoubtedly this reveals
17:44 that the Angel of the Lord is our Lord and Savior,
17:49 Jesus Christ, a Christophany.
17:52 Exodus 3:2 says this,
17:55 "And the Angel of the Lord appeared to Moses."
17:58 Now I wanna stop,
17:59 Young's Literal Translation says,
18:02 "The messenger of Jehovah appeared to Moses,"
18:07 but anyway,
18:08 "The Angel of the Lord appeared to Moses
18:10 in a flame of fire from the midst of the bush."
18:12 So Moses beholds that the bush is burning
18:16 and that it is not consumed.
18:19 And then he says to himself,
18:21 "Hey, I'm gonna turn aside and see this great sight,
18:26 why the bush does not burn?"
18:29 And God called him from the midst of the bush,
18:33 this is verse 4, "God called to him"
18:37 who's in the midst of the bush?
18:39 The Angel of the Lord.
18:41 And now it says, it identifies him as God,
18:44 "God called to him from the midst of the bush."
18:47 So here the Angel of the Lord is identified
18:50 as God and he says, "Moses, Moses!"
18:53 And Moses says, "Here I am."
18:55 Then the Angel of the Lord said to him,
18:59 "Do not draw near this place.
19:01 Take your sandals off your feet,
19:03 for the place where you stand is holy ground."
19:08 Moreover he said,
19:11 this is the Angel of the Lord still speaking,
19:13 "I am the God of your father,
19:15 the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac,
19:17 and the God of Jacob.
19:19 And Moses hid his face,
19:22 for he was afraid to look upon God."
19:26 Now further in Exodus,
19:28 we see in Exodus 13:21
19:32 that "The Lord went before the Hebrew children
19:36 in a pillar of cloud by day to lead them
19:40 and a pillar of fire by night to give them light."
19:45 Who was in this pillar of fire and the pillar of cloud?
19:50 Well Exodus 33:14,
19:53 God said, "My presence will go with you,
19:57 and I will give you rest."
20:00 So let's consider this,
20:03 the Angel of the Lord is also identified
20:07 as the Angel of His presence.
20:10 In Isaiah 63:8-9,
20:13 God said, "Surely they are My people"
20:16 and then it says, "So He became their Savior.
20:18 In all their affliction He was afflicted,
20:21 and the Angel of His presence saved them.
20:24 In His love and in His pity He redeemed them.
20:28 And He bore them and carried them
20:31 all the days of old."
20:33 Many commentators believed
20:36 that the Angel of His presence
20:38 was none other than the second person
20:40 of the Godhead,
20:42 who we know as the person of Jesus Christ.
20:45 He is so closely related to His people that,
20:48 their suffering was like His own suffering.
20:52 In all of their afflictions He was afflicted
20:56 and this covenant God, the Redeemer, the Savior,
21:01 the Messiah carried
21:03 and cared for His people.
21:07 Now in Malachi 3:1,
21:09 there is a prophecy of two messengers,
21:13 both words are malak,
21:15 could have said messenger or angel in English,
21:18 but here's what it says, Malachi 3:1,
21:21 Behold, I send My messenger, my malak,
21:24 and he will prepare the way for Me."
21:26 This is a prophecy about John the Baptist,
21:29 the voice that is crying in the wilderness.
21:32 Isaiah foretold it
21:34 and it is fulfilled in the gospels.
21:36 But then it continues on in Malachi 3:1
21:40 and it introduces a second messenger.
21:44 "And the Lord, whom you seek,
21:46 will suddenly come to His temple,
21:49 even the Messenger of the covenant."
21:54 Messenger, malak,
21:56 a word that's translated messenger or angel.
22:00 "Even the Messenger of the covenant,
22:03 in whom you delight.
22:04 Behold, He is coming," says the Lord of hosts.'"
22:08 So this second messenger
22:10 who is gonna come in to His temple
22:12 is a prophecy of the appearing of the Messiah Himself.
22:19 Now, if you're a Protestant pastor,
22:23 most likely in your library,
22:25 you have a copy of Matthew Henry's commentary.
22:30 I want to read his commentary
22:33 on Malachi 3:1
22:37 about the messenger
22:39 that is coming into His temple.
22:44 "He is the messenger of the covenant
22:46 or the angel of the covenant.
22:48 That blessed one
22:49 that was send from heaven to negotiate a peace
22:51 and settle a correspondence between God and man.
22:54 He is the Angel, the Archangel,
23:00 the Lord of the angels
23:02 who received commission from the Father
23:05 to bring man home to God by a covenant of grace."
23:11 You know it's interesting that Matthew Henry
23:14 here refers to Christ as the Archangel.
23:19 We've already established that Jesus is the God.
23:23 He is our creator, the creator of all things.
23:27 He certainly not a created being.
23:31 We've established that in Greek and Hebrew that angel,
23:36 that messenger describes not the nature of a being
23:39 but the office of the being
23:41 and it can refer to ordinary messengers,
23:43 priests, prophets,
23:45 even our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.
23:50 But what does "Arch" mean?
23:52 In the original language Arch means chief,
23:57 principal, greatest, highest.
24:01 So archangel in the original language
24:05 is the highest
24:07 or greatest messenger
24:11 that's why Matthew Henry said, "He is the Archangel."
24:15 So let's look at our third question.
24:17 Who is the only Archangel mentioned in the Bible?
24:23 This is gonna surprise you.
24:25 First let's see who is not.
24:28 Canonical scriptures that's the authorized books
24:31 of the Bible that have...
24:33 are accepted to be genuine.
24:37 In Canonical scripture
24:39 there's only three named messengers
24:43 in the Bible
24:44 who are referred to as angels.
24:46 One is Gabriel,
24:48 he's mentioned by name twice in Daniel
24:51 and twice in Luke.
24:53 In Luke 1:19, Gabriel says,
24:55 "I am Gabriel,
24:57 who stands in the presence of God."
25:00 Gabriel was a covering cherub
25:04 at the throne of God,
25:06 a created being.
25:07 Remember when the temple was made,
25:10 it was made according to the pattern
25:11 of the heavenly sanctuary
25:13 and the ark in the Most Holy Place
25:17 was the throne of God and above the ark,
25:21 the mercy seat is on the ark and there's two cherubim,
25:24 two cherubs, plural always is cherubim,
25:28 who have their wing spread over the mercy seat.
25:31 Well, that's what Gabriel's office
25:33 is in heaven.
25:35 And the second named created angel is Lucifer,
25:41 also known as Satan or the Devil, the fallen angel.
25:47 And guess what?
25:48 Did you know that God tells us
25:51 what Lucifer's position was in heaven
25:54 before he rebelled?
25:56 In Ezekiel 28:14,
25:58 he says, "You were the anointed
26:02 cherub who covers."
26:05 He says, "I established you."
26:08 So Lucifer was at one time
26:11 on one side of the throne,
26:12 Gabriel was on the other
26:14 and evidently being a covering cherub
26:18 is the highest position of authority
26:22 that an angel can attain.
26:27 Gabriel and Lucifer are two of the only three
26:32 named angels in the Bible.
26:36 The third is the Archangel.
26:39 So who is heaven's Archangel?
26:42 You recalled,
26:44 Archangel means highest or greatest messenger.
26:49 In Hebrews 2:10,
26:53 Christ is called the Captain of our salvation,
26:58 He's our Creator, the Author, the source of our salvation.
27:01 He's the head of the Church, the Commander-in-Chief.
27:04 He leads the army of...
27:08 God's army of His covenant people
27:10 on earth.
27:12 Christ, the angel messenger
27:14 who manifested Himself to Abraham,
27:17 to Moses in the burning bush,
27:20 who came as the Angel of the Lord
27:22 is also called the Captain
27:26 or Commander of the Lord's host,
27:30 the heavenly army of created angels.
27:34 Let's look at Joshua 5:13,
27:39 Joshua 5:13.
27:41 Joshua is by Jericho
27:44 and he looks before this great battle,
27:47 he looks up and he sees a man.
27:51 And in verse 13, it says,
27:53 "Behold, a Man stood opposite him
27:56 with His sword drawn in His hand.
27:58 And Joshua said to Him,
28:01 'Are You for us or for our adversaries?'
28:05 So then this man said, 'No.'"
28:10 But as Commander,
28:12 Captain of the army of the Lord,
28:14 Commander of the army of the Lord,
28:17 "I have now come."
28:19 And Joshua fell on his face
28:21 to the earth and worshiped, and said to Him,
28:25 "What does my Lord say to His servant?"
28:28 And then in verse 15, it says,
28:31 "Then the Commander of the Lord's army
28:34 said to Joshua,
28:35 'Take your sandal off your foot,
28:38 for the place where you stand is holy.'"
28:41 And Joshua did so.
28:44 Who is this Commander of the Lord's army?
28:48 Well, I believe it was the Angel of the Lord.
28:51 I believe
28:53 this is a pre-incarnate appearance
28:56 of Jesus Christ
28:57 and many noted Protestant commentators
29:01 agree with this,
29:03 including McArthur and Matthew Henry,
29:06 that this was a Christophany and Joshua...
29:10 And here's why Joshua knew this man was God,
29:14 he worshiped the Commander of the Lord's army,
29:17 this divine being accepted worship.
29:20 He did not stop Joshua from worshiping Him.
29:24 He encouraged it and created angels
29:28 are not allowed to receive worship.
29:31 Remember Revelation 19:10,
29:34 when John Paul is at the feet of the angel
29:38 and the angel says to him,
29:39 "Stop, don't do that.
29:42 I'm your fellow servant, worship God."
29:46 The Commander-in-chief of the created angels,
29:50 Jesus Christ means
29:54 He is the Archangel.
29:56 He is above all whom He created.
30:00 He is not a created being, He is Lord over all.
30:04 Now we've already established
30:06 that Bible scholars see the Angel of the Lord,
30:09 the Angel of God
30:10 as pre-incarnate experiences of Christ.
30:13 This special messenger,
30:16 the Angel of the Lord
30:17 appeared to Hagar, Abraham, Jacob, Baalam,
30:19 Gideon, Manoah, Zechariah,
30:22 and let Israel through the wilderness
30:24 in a pillar of cloud and a pillar of fire.
30:29 Here's what's important for you to understand.
30:32 If you look up
30:34 any of these passages in context
30:40 when the Angel of the Lord was speaking,
30:43 it was always Yahweh who was speaking.
30:47 Jehovah, the covenant God
30:51 who was speaking.
30:54 Okay.
30:56 Now, I'm gonna tell you something
30:59 that might surprise you.
31:01 We hear so much about archangels.
31:04 Did you know that the term Archangel
31:07 is only used twice in the Bible, only twice?
31:12 Please don't pay attention
31:14 to all the falsehoods that you see on the internet.
31:17 I got on the internet and look it's amazing
31:20 what some people teach and believe
31:22 about the angels and the archangels.
31:25 It is only mentioned twice in the Bible
31:29 and we're going to look at these only two times
31:32 that mentions the Archangel.
31:35 The first is 1 Thessalonians 4:16,
31:39 it says,
31:41 "The Lord Himself will descend from heaven with a shout,
31:44 with the voice of an archangel"
31:46 and by the way
31:47 Young's Literal Translation says,
31:50 "He's gonna descend with in a shout,
31:53 in the voice of a chief-messenger,
31:57 and with the trumpet of God and the dead in Christ
32:00 will rise first at His return."
32:04 Jesus Christ, the Commander of the Lord's army
32:08 will shout with the voice of the chief-messenger,
32:12 the voice of the mighty conquering king
32:15 and the dead in Christ will rise first.
32:19 Jesus said in John 5:28-29,
32:23 "Do not marvel at this,
32:24 for the hour is coming
32:26 in which all who are in the graves
32:28 will hear My voice and come forth
32:30 those who have done good, to the resurrection of life,
32:35 and those who have done evil,
32:37 to the resurrection of condemnation."
32:41 Now, that's the first of two references
32:47 to the Archangel.
32:49 Let's look at the second one.
32:51 And I'm just gonna have to tell you upfront,
32:53 this one muddies the water for many.
32:58 Jude 1:9,
33:00 there's only one chapter in Jude
33:02 so I could say just Jude 9,
33:05 it says, "Yet Michael the Archangel,
33:10 in contending with the devil,
33:11 when he disputed about the body of Moses,
33:14 dared not bring against him a reviling accusation,
33:19 but said, 'The Lord rebuke you!'"
33:24 We've learned the voice of the Archangel,
33:28 the victorious shout
33:30 of the Commander of the Lord's army,
33:32 the chief and greatest messenger
33:35 when he return sets the voice of Jesus Christ
33:38 but now if that's the Archangel, hmm,
33:43 the Archangel is given a name, Michael,
33:46 which means who is like God.
33:50 It's both a question and a challenge.
33:53 Is it possible this name Michael
33:58 is just another title
34:00 for our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ,
34:03 like the Word of God,
34:04 the Lamb of God, the Bread of Life,
34:06 the Door of the Sheep, The True Vine?
34:10 Some think
34:12 because the Archangel Michael says,
34:16 "The Lord rebuke you" that it cannot be Jesus.
34:19 Well, if we study Zechariah 3,
34:23 we clearly see the Angel of the Lord,
34:26 the pre-incarnate Jesus Christ
34:31 use these exact words
34:35 when He was disputing with Satan about Joshua.
34:40 Let's look at it.
34:41 Zechariah 3:1-2,
34:44 "Then he showed me Joshua the high priest standing
34:47 before the Angel of the Lord."
34:50 Who's that?
34:51 That's the pre-incarnate Christ.
34:53 "And Satan standing at his right hand
34:55 to oppose him."
34:57 Now listen what the Angel of the Lord says.
35:00 "The Lord said to Satan,
35:02 'The Lord rebuke you, Satan!'"
35:06 Christ uses the exact same words
35:10 as the Michael,
35:12 the Archangel said in Jude 9.
35:16 Hmm.
35:17 We need more study on this mysterious Michael.
35:22 There are five references in the Bible
35:27 to a heavenly being named Michael.
35:30 Two are in The New Testament
35:31 and three are in the Book of Daniel.
35:35 We just read the first reference to Michael
35:38 referring to him as the Archangel in Jude 9.
35:43 Now, let's look at Michael,
35:48 the second reference in the New Testament.
35:52 Revelation 12:7 says, "And war broke out in heaven:
35:56 Michael and his angels fought with the dragon
36:01 and the dragon and his angels fought."
36:03 Let me do a sidebar here.
36:05 This, what we're seeing here
36:06 is the origin of the great controversy
36:09 between Jesus Christ and Satan, Lucifer.
36:14 He was a...
36:15 Lucifer was a created being
36:17 who was the covering cherub at the God's throne
36:22 and you know what happened?
36:24 Ah, poor Lucifer,
36:26 he got filled with pride
36:29 and he wanted to be worshiped like the Lord,
36:33 he envied that worship.
36:35 In Daniel 14:13-14,
36:38 referring to Lucifer, he says,
36:41 "I will ascend into heaven,
36:43 I will exalt my throne above the star of God.
36:47 I will be like the Most High."
36:50 And in Daniel 8:11, it says,
36:52 "He even exalted himself
36:54 as high as the Prince of the host."
36:59 You know what that word Prince means?
37:00 The Commander, the Chief of the Host,
37:04 who have we seen as the chief of the Lord's army,
37:07 the Commander of the angels?
37:10 And in Daniel 8:25, says of Satan,
37:15 "He shall exalt himself in his heart.
37:18 He shall even rise
37:21 against the Prince of princes.
37:25 But he shall be broken without human means."
37:30 Prince is a Messianic title for Jesus Christ.
37:35 Isaiah 9:6 says, "He is Wonderful, Counselor,
37:39 Mighty God, Everlasting Father,
37:43 Prince of Peace."
37:46 Michael, the Chief Messenger
37:50 and Commander-in-Chief over the created angels
37:53 battled with Satan and prevail.
37:55 Let's read a little more through there,
37:57 Revelation 12:7-9, "War broke out in heaven:
38:01 Michael and his angels
38:02 fought with the dragon and the dragon
38:04 and his angels fought,
38:06 but they did not prevail,
38:07 nor was a place found for them in heaven any longer.
38:11 So the great dragon was cast down,
38:14 that serpent of old, called the Devil and Satan,
38:18 who deceives the whole world.
38:20 He was cast to the earth,
38:23 and his angels were cast out with him."
38:28 Angels in heaven were called Michael's angels.
38:34 Michael as their Commander,
38:37 as the Archangel leads his angels
38:41 in battle against the Devil.
38:45 You will recall Joshua 5,
38:48 when Joshua saw the heavenly man who said,
38:51 "I'm the Commander of the Lord's army,"
38:54 and then Joshua worshiped that being
38:57 and the being accepted worship.
39:02 We know this was our Lord Jesus Christ.
39:06 So it's interesting
39:09 the name Michael
39:12 only appears in the Bible five times,
39:16 but it's always in a apocalyptic sense
39:22 when the Angel of the Lord
39:26 or when Michael is in direct conflict
39:31 with Satan.
39:32 So that's the two New Testament references to Michael.
39:37 Now, let's look at the three remaining
39:40 that are in Daniel
39:41 where Michael is referred to as The Great Prince,
39:45 a Messianic title.
39:46 Daniel 10:5-6,
39:49 Daniel sees a vision of Christ,
39:51 and a certain man he sees, it says in verse 5.
39:57 Daniel 10:5,
39:58 he sees, "A certain man clothed in linen,
40:02 whose waist was girded with gold.
40:05 His body was like beryl,
40:07 his face like the appearance of lightning,
40:11 his eyes like torches of fire,
40:14 his arms and his feet like burnished bronze in color,
40:20 and the sound of his words
40:24 like the voice of a multitude."
40:28 Who is this that Daniel is seeing?
40:32 This so closely resembles
40:35 John's description of Jesus Christ
40:38 in Revelation 1:13.
40:43 So what happens?
40:45 Daniel has this vision, he passes out.
40:47 Boy, he gets the vapors.
40:49 It's like, "Oh, Oy veh!" He passes out,
40:53 then an angel comes and taps him on the shoulder
40:56 and this is most likely the Angel Gabriel
40:59 because Gabriel had been communicating
41:02 with him,
41:03 identified as Gabriel, the angel in Chapters 8 and 9.
41:07 But he tells Daniel,
41:10 he says,
41:11 "As soon as you prayed, we heard,
41:13 God sent me to answer your prayer."
41:16 But, boy, there's been a 21 day battle
41:19 in the heavenlies.
41:20 He was battling with the Prince of power,
41:24 the powers of the heir,
41:26 God's angels were,
41:28 and Gabriel had let this down and he said,
41:32 "We've come to answer your prayer."
41:34 In Daniel 10:13,
41:37 the angel tells Daniel
41:39 that, "Michael, one of the chief princes,
41:42 came to help me."
41:44 Now people will say, "One"?
41:47 Well first of all the word there is echad
41:51 which is a uniplural word,
41:54 this is, that word one is applied.
41:58 It means to have several parts
42:01 that are unified as one and it is applied to God
42:05 in Deuteronomy 6:4
42:06 when He says, "Hear, O Israel, the Lord our God is one."
42:11 But listen how Young's Literal Translation
42:16 says this, the angel tells Daniel that,
42:19 "Michael the first of the chief heads
42:23 came to help me."
42:25 Sometimes I wonder
42:26 if we lose things in translation,
42:29 little nuances that help us understand better.
42:33 Daniel 10:21, the angel Gabriel tells Daniel,
42:37 "No one upholds me against these"
42:41 against these powers of principalities
42:43 that I'm fighting with
42:45 "except Michael your prince."
42:50 Michael is the one
42:52 who came to help Gabriel and the angels,
42:55 Michael is the Commander-in-Chief
42:58 of the angels.
42:59 He is the champion of the cosmic conflict
43:02 against good and evil.
43:04 Oh, please listen to this, I found this fascinating.
43:08 Have you ever heard of The Talmud?
43:10 The Talmud is a large collection
43:13 of Jewish writings
43:15 and it identifies Michael
43:20 with the angel of Jehovah.
43:24 The Talmud says,
43:25 "Michael is the Angel of Jehovah"
43:29 Now, of course, they don't believe
43:30 in Jesus Christ
43:32 but who have we seen in The Old Testament?
43:35 Who is the Angel of God?
43:37 The Angel of the Lord is Jesus Christ,
43:40 but the Talmud describes Michael
43:42 as the true representative of God
43:45 who vindicated Israel against Satan's accusations.
43:49 So now, let's look at the last reference
43:52 to Michael.
43:54 Boy, I think this one is really revealing.
43:56 Daniel 12:1-2,
44:00 Daniel is speaking of the end times
44:03 or the angel is speaking of the end of the world.
44:06 And here's what he says,
44:08 Daniel 12:1,
44:10 "At that time,"
44:12 when the end of the world comes,
44:14 "Michael shall stand up, that great Prince who stands
44:18 watch over the sons of your people.
44:20 And there shall be a time of trouble,
44:23 such as never was.
44:25 And at that time, when Michael stands up,
44:29 your people shall be delivered,
44:32 everyone who is found written in the book.
44:38 And many of those who sleep in the dust of the earth
44:43 shall awake, some to everlasting life,
44:48 some to shame and everlasting contempt."
44:54 Doesn't this remind you
44:57 of what Jesus said?
45:00 Let me repeat, in John 5:28,
45:04 he says "The hour is coming
45:07 when all who are in their graves
45:10 will hear My voice
45:13 and they will come forth,
45:17 those who have done good, to the resurrection of life,
45:21 and those who have done evil,
45:23 to the resurrection of condemnation."
45:26 Now we don't have time to study this,
45:29 but I pray that you'll take some time.
45:33 If you have Strong's Concordance,
45:35 look in Revelation, there's four times
45:39 that it talks about the second death
45:44 and the second resurrection.
45:48 So there's gonna be two resurrections.
45:51 Jesus is gonna stand up
45:53 and He's going to say those who are righteous,
45:57 let them be righteous still,
45:58 those who are wicked, let them be wicked still.
46:02 I'm on my way
46:04 and when He comes and descends with a shout,
46:07 with the voice of the Archangel of God,
46:11 the greatest and highest messenger,
46:13 all who are dead in Christ will rise first.
46:18 This is the first resurrection and then it says,
46:21 "And those who are alive and remain,"
46:24 this is 1 Thessalonians 4:16-17,
46:27 "will be caught up in the air."
46:29 Hallelujah.
46:30 This is exciting,
46:33 the second resurrection not so.
46:36 The second resurrection is after the 1000 years
46:42 and those come up as Jesus said
46:45 to the resurrection of condemnation,
46:48 those are the ones who will be destroyed in hell.
46:52 But what we see here
46:55 is that Michael watches over Israel
47:01 and he leads the holy created angels
47:05 as their Commander-in-Chief,
47:08 thus the Seventh-day Adventist
47:12 Bible commentary concludes
47:16 that Michael is another title for Jesus
47:21 and that Jesus Christ is Michael,
47:25 the Archangel.
47:27 Remember there's only two references
47:30 to archangel in the Bible.
47:34 Seventh-day Adventist commentary,
47:36 volume four, page 860 says this,
47:42 "The name Michael as the name of a heavenly being,"
47:47 this is a quote,
47:48 "the name Michael
47:49 as the name of the heavenly being appears in the Bible
47:53 only in apocalyptic passage
47:57 then they give the reference of Daniel 10:13-21, 12:1,
48:02 Jude 9 and Revelation 12:7,
48:05 the five times when Michael is mentioned.
48:09 In instances
48:11 where Christ is in direct conflict
48:16 with Satan,
48:17 the name in Hebrew signifying
48:22 who is like God is at once a question
48:25 and a challenge.
48:27 Now continuing with the quote, it says this,
48:30 "In view of the fact
48:32 that Satan's rebellion is essentially an attempt
48:36 to install himself on the throne of God
48:39 and be like the Most High."
48:42 We saw that in Isaiah 14:14,
48:45 "The name Michael
48:47 is a most fitting one for Him,
48:52 referring to the Messiah,
48:54 who is undertaken to vindicate the character of God
48:57 and disprove Satan's claims."
49:03 Likewise, Matthew Henry,
49:06 that great Protestant commentator
49:10 concludes that Michael is Jesus,
49:16 the Archangel.
49:18 Listen to this.
49:20 Matthew Henry, quote "Michael, our Prince,
49:25 the eternal word,
49:28 the Angel of the covenant
49:30 who is indeed the Lord of the angels
49:35 who often appeared in a human shape
49:39 before He assumed
49:41 the human nature.
49:45 Oh, I feel like
49:47 I have just given you so much
49:54 to think on,
49:56 and I wanna take just a moment to review
50:00 because we went through this rapidly,
50:02 I want to encourage you
50:04 if you weren't able to write down
50:06 all the references
50:07 you can go to YouTube
50:09 and there you can listen to this message and pause it
50:12 where you want to write down something.
50:15 But what did we see?
50:17 Both in Hebrew,
50:20 the word in Hebrew that is translated messenger
50:24 or angel
50:26 that word is malak and then in Greek it's angelos
50:32 that is translated malak.
50:36 Excuse me, angelos that is translated messenger
50:39 or angel.
50:41 So don't be...
50:45 When you look at the word messenger
50:47 in the Bible
50:49 or you look at the word angel in the Bible,
50:51 you have to remember,
50:53 this is not describing the nature of the being,
50:58 it is describing the position of the authority
51:02 as a messenger of God.
51:05 So, that's the meaning for angel,
51:08 a messenger of God.
51:10 The meaning of arch means to be the chief,
51:14 the highest, the commander, the greatest.
51:18 So we put arch-angel together
51:21 and the meaning of archangel is to be the highest
51:27 or the greatest messenger.
51:31 That's why the Seventh-day Adventist Church
51:34 of which I am a member believes that Michael,
51:39 the Archangel is Jesus Christ
51:41 just as many other Protestants believe.
51:47 Michael is another title
51:52 for our Eternal God,
51:54 He is also called Faithful and True.
51:59 I wanna read this to you
52:01 from Revelation 19:11-16.
52:07 John writes, he's gonna describe
52:09 his vision to us
52:11 and he says, "Now I saw heaven opened,
52:14 and behold, a white horse.
52:17 And He who sat on him
52:19 was called Faithful and True,
52:23 and in righteousness He judges and makes war.
52:28 His eyes were like a flame of fire,
52:31 and on His head were many crowns.
52:34 He had a name written
52:37 that no one knew except Himself.
52:40 He was clothed with a robe dipped in blood,
52:45 and His name is called The Word of God."
52:49 Let me pause, these just sounds to me
52:52 like what John wrote in his gospel.
52:54 In John 1:1, when he said,
52:56 "In the beginning was the Word,
52:58 and the Word was with God, and the Word was God."
53:01 He was in the beginning with God.
53:04 He is not a created being
53:06 because John said in 1 John 1:3
53:10 that, "He made all things, nothing was made"
53:15 visible or invisible unless Jesus Christ made it
53:20 and the Word became flesh and dwelt among us.
53:24 Jesus Christ was, is,
53:28 and ever will be
53:31 the living Word of God.
53:34 Now going back to John 19,
53:38 he says in verse 14,
53:40 catch this, "And the armies in heaven,
53:45 clothed in fine linen,
53:49 white and clean,
53:51 followed Him on white horses."
53:56 Who is the Archangel?
53:59 Who is the Commander of the Lord's army?
54:03 From Joshua 5,
54:05 Jesus Christ and the armies of heaven
54:08 are following Him.
54:10 And in verse 15, he says.
54:13 "Now out of His mouth goes a sharp sword,
54:17 that with it He should strike the nations."
54:20 Let me pause there because the Bible says
54:24 that, "The Word of God is like a double edged sword,
54:29 it divides even to cutting us into bones and marrow
54:35 and the intense of our heart."
54:38 So this double edge sword,
54:41 the Word of God is speaking, Jesus said,
54:46 "It is My word that will judge you.
54:50 So again with verse 15,
54:53 "Now out of His mouth goes a sharp sword,
54:56 that with it He should strike the nations."
54:59 And it's talking about His Word.
55:02 And He Himself will rule them with a rod of iron.
55:05 He Himself treads the winepress
55:08 of the fierceness and wrath of Almighty God.
55:13 And He has on His robe
55:17 and on His thigh a name written,
55:21 King of kings and Lord of lords.
55:27 So let's do a quick review,
55:32 today's title is Heaven's Archangel.
55:36 We have seen, we answered three questions,
55:39 what does the word angel mean in the original languages.
55:45 The Bible was written, the Old Testament in Hebrew,
55:47 the New Testament in Greek.
55:49 In the Old Testament,
55:50 the word is malak
55:54 and it is translated both messenger and angel
56:00 by English translators.
56:02 In the Greek the word
56:05 also is translated as angel or messenger
56:09 and the word is angelos.
56:12 So, what it actually meant
56:16 was an angel
56:18 did not describe the nature of the being,
56:22 but the office of the being,
56:24 their position of authority as messengers of God.
56:28 Who is the Angel of the Lord
56:30 who appeared to Abraham, to Moses in the burning bush,
56:34 to Joshua,
56:36 to all of these Old Testament's saints?
56:38 It was none other than Jesus Christ Himself.
56:42 It's what Bible scholars called a Christophany,
56:45 where He appeared in His pre-incarnate nature.
56:50 And who is the only Archangel in the Bible?
56:53 There is only two references that says archangel,
56:57 five of that mentioned Michael
56:59 and as we have seen from Scripture,
57:02 God in the person,
57:05 the second person of the Godhead
57:07 who we know is Jesus Christ fits the description.
57:12 So why did I do this today?
57:16 Because there's so much misinformation
57:18 out there on angels,
57:20 and we need to know to look only to the Word of God.
57:25 Thank you for joining us.
57:26 Join us again.


Revised 2021-05-06