3ABN Worship Hour

Gods Prophetic Alarm Clock, Enduring Love

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: WHO

Program Code: WHO210075S

00:27 Hello, friends, and welcome to 3ABN Worship Hour.
00:30 So glad that you could join us
00:32 for this worship hour in the Word of God.
00:34 We are going to be studying Matthew Chapter 24.
00:38 There are three basic stages
00:40 of deception laid out for us in Matthew Chapter 24.
00:44 And these stages of deception help us to know
00:47 where we are in present earth's history.
00:51 So it's vital for us to be able to study the Word of God
00:54 and navigate our present time and situation
00:57 because we live in tremendous times.
00:59 And we need to be able to rely on something
01:02 to help us to recognize where we are,
01:05 where we're going
01:06 and what is coming ahead of us.
01:09 Matthew Chapter 24 gives us a tremendous insight
01:13 into the times in which we live.
01:14 And this, of course, was a special discourse
01:16 given by Jesus to His disciples
01:19 who are concerned about the times before them,
01:24 the destruction of Jerusalem and the end of the world
01:26 is covered in Matthew Chapter 24.
01:29 You know, when I was a young man,
01:30 I used to fill my gas tank with maybe five dollars
01:35 or 10 dollars worth of gas.
01:36 I never filled my tank up.
01:39 And that's because I didn't have a lot of money.
01:40 And it's also because back in the day,
01:43 gas was about well 65 cents a gallon and it was pink
01:48 when it came out of the nozzle.
01:50 So I could put about five dollars
01:52 worth of gas in my tank and have maybe a quarter
01:55 to a half a tank
01:56 somewhere in there is where I always used to sit.
01:58 I was always, it seemed like running on empty.
02:02 Nowadays, when I get to a half a tank, I want to fill it up.
02:04 But back then just getting to a half a tank
02:07 was almost impossible.
02:09 I was running on empty and at times I would run out of gas.
02:14 So today we want to look at this illustration
02:16 and understand how it is that we can fill our gas tank up?
02:20 How it is that we can make sure
02:22 that we are not running on empty
02:23 because according to Matthew Chapter 24,
02:26 we're going to need enduring love
02:29 to get through these last days.
02:33 We're going to start in Matthew Chapter 24.
02:35 Do a little summary
02:37 of what we've covered so far in a previous meeting
02:38 and the first deception in Matthew 24:1-10.
02:42 And then we're going to pick up in Matthew 24:11.
02:45 So I hope you can hang in there with us
02:47 as we study these important subjects.
02:49 Before we begin, we're going to pause
02:51 and ask the Holy Spirit to be here with us
02:53 to guide direct and instruct us.
02:55 Father in heaven, thank You again so much for Your Word.
02:58 Thank You for this opportunity to study together
03:00 with the viewers, those who are listening,
03:02 those who are wanting to know
03:05 and to navigate the times in which we live.
03:07 Father, we're lifting up our hearts to You right now.
03:10 We're lifting up our situations to You right now.
03:13 You know, our circumstances, the difficulties
03:15 that we're facing.
03:17 We need a word from the Lord.
03:19 We need Your direction in our lives.
03:21 We need Your Holy Spirit to throw a path before us,
03:25 a path of light and understanding
03:27 so that we can navigate the darkness
03:29 and the difficulties that we're presently facing
03:31 not only in this country, but all over the world
03:34 we are facing perilous times.
03:36 We are facing pressure.
03:38 And it seems overwhelming at times.
03:40 And, Father, we're asking that You would please help us
03:43 to understand where we are now
03:45 and where we are attending.
03:47 Do this for us we pray in Jesus' name.
03:50 Amen.
03:52 All right Matthew Chapter 24.
03:53 Let's just, if you have your Bibles with you,
03:55 let's just open up there to Matthew Chapter 24.
03:58 And just a quick summary
03:59 of what we've covered in a previous meeting.
04:01 We talked about God's prophetic alarm clock
04:03 and how God wants to wake us up
04:05 and we see that in the context of Matthew Chapter 24.
04:08 Actually, verse, Chapter 25 there are 10 versions
04:12 which represent God's people and they're all sleeping
04:14 and there's a cry made at midnight
04:16 and it causes them all to wake up.
04:19 And, of course, we look in Romans 13:11.
04:21 We're also told there that it's high time
04:24 to wake out of sleep.
04:25 Well, what is it that wakes up
04:27 the sleeping virgins in Matthew 25?
04:29 What is it is going to wake us up in this,
04:31 in this time and this urgent time
04:34 that we wake up out of sleep?
04:35 Well, according to Jesus, the things that are going
04:37 to wake us up are the signs of the times.
04:39 Matthew Chapter 24,
04:41 the signs that are fulfilling and telling us
04:44 where we are in earth's history.
04:46 I was in a meeting not long ago
04:47 and we were talking about all the things
04:49 that are happening in the world today
04:50 and in our country and a young man
04:52 that was there was interacting with us
04:54 and he said to the group, you know,
04:56 there's no way we can figure out truth from error.
05:00 There's no way that we can figure out
05:02 the fake news from the true news
05:03 because there's so many counterfeits.
05:05 There's so many conspiracy theories all over the place.
05:08 There's no way we're going to be able to sort it all out.
05:10 And he said that twice.
05:12 And then he said it a third time.
05:13 And I finally had to speak up and say to him, you know what?
05:16 I believe that we can navigate through all of these theories,
05:20 we can navigate through all of the fake news,
05:22 we can navigate all of the misinformation
05:25 and we can know exactly
05:26 where we are in earth's history.
05:29 But even more important than that,
05:31 not only is the Bible help us to navigate where we are
05:34 and where we're attending,
05:35 but the Bible also instructs us as to what we need to do.
05:39 In our previous session, we talked about
05:41 the Jesus huddle, that's what it was called
05:43 the Jesus huddle.
05:44 And that is what we see in Matthew 24:3,
05:49 it says there that "As He sat upon the Mount of Olives,
05:51 the disciples came on to Him privately saying,
05:54 'Tell us, when shall these things be
05:56 and what shall be the sign of Thy coming
05:59 and of the end of the world?'"
06:01 Now Jesus here is talking specifically to His disciples
06:05 who are really troubled, why?
06:07 Because He's just told them that the temple
06:09 that they see is the center of their worship,
06:12 the center of their religious life is going to come down
06:14 and not one stone will be left upon another
06:17 that will not be thrown down.
06:18 And so Jesus basically is telling them,
06:21 that the end of all that they cherish religiously
06:25 is going to come down.
06:27 And they are troubled by this.
06:28 And so they asked Jesus privately, they say,
06:31 "What is this going to be?
06:32 When is this destruction going to take place?"
06:34 And to them, it's the end of the world
06:35 and what is the sign of the end of the world?
06:38 And Jesus begins to declare to them,
06:41 to lay out for them a step by step outline
06:45 of the events that are going to take place,
06:47 preceding His second coming
06:49 and the destruction of Jerusalem.
06:51 So Matthew 24 is like a parallel...
06:55 A dual prophecy, we should say.
06:57 It applies to the destruction of Jerusalem,
07:00 which took place in AD 70.
07:02 All the signs in these first verses
07:04 were fulfilled and then it applies
07:06 to the end of the world,
07:08 which is just before Jesus comes the second time.
07:11 And so we're going to see here in Matthew Chapter 24,
07:13 the most important thing for us to do in the context
07:17 of the signs is to huddle with Jesus.
07:19 Before Jesus gives any signs, His disciples come to Him
07:22 and they say, privately, "Tell us about these things."
07:26 And that's what God wants us to do, friends.
07:28 God wants us to connect with Jesus.
07:31 God wants us to come to Jesus.
07:32 God wants us to be in the huddle with Jesus.
07:36 You know, we talked about the idea
07:38 that if Jesus were here today,
07:40 He would say the kingdom of heaven
07:41 is like unto a football team.
07:43 You know, in a football team, you have the quarterback
07:45 and everyone huddles around the quarterback.
07:47 They get the play from the quarterback.
07:49 And they know the play
07:50 because when the quarterback calls it out,
07:52 they've been, they're familiar with the playbook.
07:54 The Bible is our playbook as Christians as believers.
07:57 They're familiar with the playbook.
07:58 And when the quarterback calls out the play,
08:00 they know what route to run,
08:01 they know what position occupying the line,
08:04 they know what block to make.
08:06 That's what the Bible is for. It's the playbook.
08:08 It tells us what it is we need to do,
08:11 what route we need to run
08:12 and how it is that we are going to get
08:14 to the end zone in this,
08:17 well, in this game for life, in a sense.
08:19 And so Jesus, first and foremost,
08:22 the disciples huddled with Jesus and Jesus tells them
08:24 all about these events.
08:25 And then just a quick summary, He tells us,
08:28 it's going to be wars and rumors of wars.
08:30 First of all, He tells us in verse 4,
08:31 there's going to be deception.
08:33 And that deception is going to cause a lot
08:36 of people to misunderstand what's going on.
08:39 The wars and rumors of wars, the famines, the pestilence,
08:43 which is a disease, infectious,
08:44 contagious disease and natural disasters,
08:47 earthquakes are going to be everywhere.
08:49 And it's going to lead all of the world
08:51 to unite in a hatred for God's people.
08:55 God's people are going to be afflicted
08:56 and they're going to be hated for My namesake, Jesus says.
08:59 And the name of God, of course, is love.
09:01 And love involves freedom.
09:04 It involves risk, it involves choice,
09:06 you can't force someone to love.
09:09 And therefore, love automatically denotes
09:13 the freedom to choose or not to choose.
09:16 God has given us His Son
09:18 because we chose to sin against Him.
09:20 And he's given us His Son to die on Calvary,
09:22 to preserve that freedom of choice,
09:24 even if we choose against Him,
09:26 God still gave His Son to die for us.
09:28 God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son.
09:31 And so we see this as a main issue,
09:33 essential issue in Matthew Chapter 24.
09:36 Stage one of deception, verses 1 through 10.
09:40 And that's where we are today.
09:42 Today we are seeing the fulfillment of Matthew 24:1-10.
09:47 Now, we've already covered this in a previous meeting,
09:48 if you'd like to review that
09:51 you can look for God's prophetic alarm clock,
09:53 the Thompsonville Church.
09:55 We're going to look to the second part of this series now.
09:58 And that is stage two of deception.
10:00 The reason why I say there are three stages of deception
10:03 is because we see this in Matthew Chapter 24.
10:06 We see Jesus warn about deception three times.
10:09 He warns about it in verse 4.
10:11 And then He warns about it again in verse 11
10:14 and He warns about it again in verses 22
10:17 and 20 or 23 and 24.
10:19 So those three warnings set up for us three basic stages
10:24 of deception.
10:26 And what I'm suggesting to you today is,
10:28 is that each stage brings us
10:30 a heightened level of deception.
10:33 Each stage builds upon the next.
10:35 We are in the first stage,
10:37 the wars and rumors of wars stage,
10:39 the famines and pestilence and disease stage,
10:41 the natural disaster stage that leads to all nations
10:44 uniting to put pressure on God's people.
10:47 We're going to be moving to the next stage,
10:50 which we're not into yet.
10:51 We're going to be moving to the next stage,
10:52 which we're going to study right now.
10:54 And that second stage is defined here,
10:57 beginning in Matthew 24:11.
11:01 It says, "And many false prophets shall arise
11:04 and deceive many.
11:06 And because iniquity shall abound,
11:09 the love of many shall wax cold."
11:12 But verse 13, "He that endures until the end,
11:16 the same shall be saved.
11:18 And this gospel of the kingdom is going to preach in all
11:20 the world for a witness unto all nations
11:23 and then shall the end come."
11:26 Now I love what Jesus is doing here.
11:28 Because in each stage of development,
11:30 He tells us what we need to focus on.
11:33 And what we need to focus on in this stage of development
11:36 is enduring love, he that endures unto the end.
11:41 Many people will have their love wax cold,
11:44 but he that endures unto the end.
11:46 And so the title of this presentation
11:48 is enduring love, because God is encouraging us
11:52 to have a love that endures unto the end.
11:54 And we can see this parallel a little bit in the parable
11:57 of the 10 Virgins because five of them
11:59 have extra measure of oil, extra measure of Holy Spirit
12:02 presence in their lives and that gives them
12:04 that enduring love.
12:06 You know that old habits die hard and even though
12:10 I like to have my gas tank filled now,
12:12 as opposed to when I was a young man,
12:14 there have been still been times when I like to,
12:16 on long trips on long journeys, I like to let my gas station,
12:20 my gas tank get all the way down
12:22 to as low as it can before I'll fill up
12:24 and I'm always looking to get as much mileage out
12:28 of the gas so that when I pull into a gas station,
12:31 I can fill it up and then go as many miles
12:33 as possible on the journey.
12:35 Now my wife gets a little bit nervous about that.
12:37 And as we journey down I-5 which we've done so many times
12:40 because we've always lived in Washington State
12:42 or Oregon State and gone down to California
12:44 where her family lives.
12:46 There are many times
12:47 when she's getting nervous she's saying,
12:49 "James, should we fill up now.
12:50 James, should we fill up now?"
12:51 And I'm always looking to get as many miles
12:54 as possible out of the tank.
12:55 And then I'm also looking for that Love's Gas Station
12:58 because that's got the best price.
13:00 So I'm looking for Love's Gas Station,
13:02 I'm looking to get as many miles as possible.
13:04 My wife's getting a little bit nervous.
13:06 Finally we see a Love's Gas Station we pull in.
13:08 We get the best price and we fill the tank
13:10 with that gasoline from Love's Gas Station.
13:14 And that's exactly what God wants us to do.
13:16 He wants to fill the tank with His love.
13:19 He wants to feel, He wants us to fill our tanks
13:21 with His love and use the Holy Spirit credit card.
13:24 He wants to fill us with a love that is enduring
13:28 that endures through the hatred,
13:29 that endures through the pressure,
13:31 that endures through the iniquity
13:33 that abounds that endures through the love
13:35 of many waxing cold, through the coldness of others.
13:39 He wants us to have a love that is so filled,
13:42 a love tank that is so filled up,
13:44 that we can endure through all of that.
13:46 And at the same time we can preach the gospel
13:49 to all nations as a witness so that He can return.
13:53 So this second stage
13:55 that we're moving into in Matthew Chapter 24
13:57 also comes with an answer.
13:59 It comes with encouragement,
14:00 it comes with directive from God.
14:02 God is directing us.
14:03 He wants us to be in the playbook.
14:05 He wants us to be in the huddle.
14:06 He wants us to know what we need to do.
14:08 And what we need to do is fill up
14:10 with that Holy Spirit credit card,
14:12 fill up the tank with a love of God.
14:13 Don't be overly anxious about what's happening in this world.
14:16 Don't be troubled, Jesus says
14:18 about what's happening in this world.
14:20 We need to stay focused on God.
14:23 We need to stay focused on the Word of God.
14:25 We need to stay filled with the Holy Spirit.
14:28 That's the directive from heaven.
14:29 So if you're out there and you're wondering,
14:30 what is the future going to hold?
14:32 Maybe you've, you personally have had some losses
14:35 in the deal, the situations that are developing here
14:38 and you've been dealt some difficult blows
14:41 and you're not sure what to do?
14:42 Well, maybe this time is perfect for you
14:46 to get deeper into God's Word
14:48 and to find more of the Holy Spirit's presence
14:51 in your life and it becomes stronger
14:53 as a Christian.
14:54 You know, trials can make us stronger as Christians.
14:58 In fact, there's a verse that I want to consider now
15:00 in the context of this that is found in 1 John 4:18-19.
15:04 1 John 4:18-19.
15:06 Here's what it says.
15:07 It says, "There is no fear in love but perfect love casts
15:13 out fear because fear has torment.
15:16 He that fears is not made perfect in love.
15:19 We love Him because He first loved us."
15:22 1 John 4:18-19.
15:24 So you see what God is saying here,
15:26 love casts out fear.
15:28 God wants to fill our tank with love,
15:30 so the fear goes out.
15:32 My wife would be a little bit fearful.
15:33 And I have to be honest with you,
15:35 sometimes I'd get a little fearful too
15:37 because I was letting that gas tank get down just
15:39 a little bit too low, you know, when the lights coming on
15:41 and there's no gas station in sight.
15:43 God wants to fill our tank with His love,
15:47 so that it casts out all of that fear.
15:50 And that's exactly what we need today
15:52 because when you look at the world around us,
15:53 when you look what's happening with the wars
15:55 and rumors of wars, with the famine
15:57 and with the pestilence and disease,
15:59 when you look at the natural disasters,
16:01 the earthquakes and natural disasters and the things
16:03 that are being pushed upon us, as a nation and in the world,
16:07 it can cause you to be anxious, it can cause you to be fearful,
16:11 it can cause you to be filled with anxiety about the future.
16:14 And God says there's a remedy for that.
16:16 And the remedy for that is to allow His love
16:19 to come into our hearts,
16:21 to fill that tank at Love's Gas Station
16:24 with the Holy Spirit credit card
16:26 and allow that love to come in to saturate us
16:29 so that we can endure, so that we can have that love
16:32 that endures unto the end.
16:33 You know, Jesus even says it this way.
16:35 He says, "See to it that you be not troubled.
16:37 See to it that you be not, be not troubled."
16:40 In other words, it's something we have to set our mind to,
16:42 it's not going to be natural for us,
16:43 it may not be easy for us but we need to set our mind
16:46 to not be in trouble, which means we need
16:50 to be in the Word and allowing the Holy Spirit
16:52 to come in, God's love to come
16:54 in so that fear can be expelled,
16:57 fear can be pushed out.
16:59 We can't get rid of fear ourselves.
17:01 We are going to be naturally tend
17:03 to be filled with fear and trouble.
17:05 We can't get rid of that ourselves.
17:07 Only God's love coming in can get the fear out.
17:11 And the other thing I like about the Bible
17:13 is it's not only the playbook for God's team
17:16 but it also shows us some of the plays of the other team.
17:21 And that's what we see here in Matthew Chapter 24.
17:24 We see Jesus Christ telling us about deception,
17:26 He tells us what it's going to look like.
17:28 And you know, when football teams play other teams,
17:31 they also spend some time looking at the plays
17:33 of the other teams, looking at their games,
17:35 their previous games, to figure out
17:37 what kind of plays they run, what they like to run,
17:39 what's successful for the other team
17:41 so that they can be prepared,
17:43 their defense can be prepared for the other team's offense.
17:47 And that's exactly what the Bible does.
17:48 The Bible not only tells us
17:50 what we need to be doing offensively
17:52 but it also tells us what the plays of the enemy
17:54 is that we need to be prepared for.
17:57 And one of the biggest plays of the enemy
17:59 that works over and over again,
18:01 according to Jesus in Matthew Chapter 24, is deception.
18:06 Deception is a hugely successful play
18:09 that the devil pulls on us almost every time.
18:12 The word deception means to make someone believe
18:15 something that is not true, to practice deceit.
18:20 Now, let me just repeat that, to make someone believe
18:23 something that is not true, to practice deceit.
18:27 Now I know in this country,
18:29 and I'm talking about the United States of America,
18:31 and I think in many countries today,
18:33 there's a lot of deception going on.
18:35 There's a lot of being convinced or people trying
18:38 to convince you about something that is not true,
18:42 that is to practice deceit.
18:44 There are synonyms for this to beguile,
18:47 to buffalo, to con, to delude, to dupe, to fake,
18:51 to mislead, to snooker, to take in, to trick.
18:56 I think one of the first deceptions
18:57 I have experienced as a young man
18:59 was the idea of Santa Claus.
19:01 Yeah, I remember when I was seven or eight years old
19:04 and finally realized there was no such thing as Santa Claus
19:06 and it was devastating to me.
19:07 I had believed that lie for seven or eight years ago
19:12 and my mother was the one that told to me.
19:14 And so my confidence, my trust in her was shaken
19:18 at that young age.
19:19 And I started to learn as I got older and older that,
19:22 you know, you can't trust everything that people tell you
19:25 because sometimes they're going to tell you
19:27 what's called a noble lie.
19:29 This was what Santa Claus was in my young years.
19:32 It was a noble lie.
19:33 It was supposed to be something that was good,
19:35 you know, for kids to believe in Santa Claus
19:37 that brings these presents, et cetera, et cetera.
19:39 But I don't think my mother realized
19:41 how devastating it was for me in my relationship
19:44 with her to realize that it wasn't true.
19:47 And this is what we need to be aware of in relationship
19:50 to society today.
19:51 There's a lot of people telling noble lies
19:53 that they think are good for you
19:55 because well maybe they think you're immature,
19:57 you're not able to handle the truth or,
20:00 you know, you're like kids
20:01 and you just really aren't ready for the reality of life.
20:05 But, friends, we've got to be ready for the reality of life.
20:08 We've got to be ready for the truths of God's Word.
20:10 We cannot neglect the books of Matthew and Matthew 24
20:15 and Revelation and Daniel and the prophecies
20:16 that God has given to us.
20:18 We've got to be awake and aware
20:21 of what's going on in our world today.
20:23 We don't want to be children in this sense,
20:24 we want to be mature, we want to be adults,
20:26 we want to be preparing ourselves for the things
20:29 that are coming upon this earth.
20:30 God wants us to wake up. Why?
20:32 Well, in Matthew 24:11,
20:35 let's just get back to our verse here,
20:37 "Many false prophets shall arise and deceive many."
20:41 That's why there's going to be deception everywhere.
20:45 Now, what's really interesting about this verse
20:47 is that the word many is actually translated a great,
20:51 singular, a great over 30 times in the New Testament.
20:55 In other words, this word many can actually be referring
20:58 to one that is great, many or one that is great.
21:03 And the word prophet is actually in the singular
21:05 in the Greek.
21:06 So a great is probably a better translation
21:09 for the word prophet.
21:10 You could actually read this verse
21:12 that in the end of time,
21:15 a great prophet shall arise and deceive many.
21:19 A great prophet rather than many prophets.
21:21 So I think this is really powerful
21:23 because here we see Matthew Chapter 24,
21:26 connecting us directly with Revelation Chapter 13.
21:30 Revelation Chapter 13,
21:32 also talks about deception in the end of time.
21:35 Revelation Chapter 13
21:37 and I love this because Matthew 24,
21:39 is Jesus Christ huddling with His disciples
21:42 or them huddling with Him,
21:44 telling them about the end time deceptions
21:46 and what's going to take place in the end of time,
21:48 what they can expect.
21:49 And Revelation, the Book of Revelation
21:51 is also the revelation of Jesus Christ
21:54 which God gave unto Him to show His servants things
21:58 which must shortly come to pass.
22:00 Blessed are they that read and hear and keep the things
22:03 that are written therein for the time is at hand.
22:05 Revelation 1:1-3.
22:08 So Matthew 24 and Revelation connect together
22:12 in more ways than one.
22:14 And this is one of the ways they connect together.
22:17 This great false prophet is going to arise.
22:20 Matthew 24:11, connects us with Revelation Chapter...
22:25 Well, I'm going to just say Chapters 13, 16, 19 and 20.
22:30 Now in Revelation 13:11, we read about a beast
22:35 that comes out of the earth.
22:37 It has two horns like a lamb and it speaks like a dragon.
22:42 And Revelation Chapter 13
22:45 is what we first see this beast identified.
22:48 Its lamb-like horns represent Christian principles.
22:53 Principles that are lamb-like or Christ-like
22:57 because the lamb refers to symbolically Jesus Christ.
23:00 And so this beast,
23:01 which is an earthly power kingdom,
23:03 according to Daniel 7:17 and 23.
23:07 This earthly power kingdom has lamb-like principles,
23:10 two of them.
23:12 These lamb-like principles represent civil liberty
23:17 and religious liberty.
23:19 That's what we see in this earthly power
23:21 that rises up here with these lamb-like principles
23:23 but then it says it's going to speak like a dragon.
23:27 There's going to be a transition that takes place
23:30 from the lamb-like principles of civil and religious liberty,
23:34 to the dragon like voice
23:36 that according to Revelation 12:3, deceives.
23:40 According to Revelation 12:11 or 10, accuses.
23:45 According to Revelation 12:17, makes war with God's people.
23:50 According to Revelation Chapter 13, seeks to coerce,
23:54 to control, to force worship.
23:58 So we're seeing a transition
23:59 that's indicated here in Revelation 13:11.
24:02 I believe that we are presently in Matthew 24:1-10
24:08 and in Revelation 13:11, prophetically.
24:11 I believe that we're just seeing the transition
24:14 that's taking place in this lamb-like power
24:18 here in the United States of America.
24:20 We're seeing a transition that's taking place
24:22 from the principles,
24:23 the lamb-like principles of civil and religious liberty
24:26 to the dragon-like principles of deception,
24:30 of accusation and control.
24:33 And that is where we are in Bible prophecy right now.
24:36 Once that transition is made,
24:39 this earthly power in Revelation 13,
24:41 has two lamb-like horns and speaks like a dragon,
24:45 once the transition of the dragon is made,
24:47 this earthly power is never identified as lamb-like again.
24:52 It is mentioned in the Book of Revelation.
24:54 It's mentioned three other times but it's never identified
24:57 as lamb-like because the dragon-like
24:59 speaking causes it to lose those lamb-like principles.
25:03 And I believe that it's a prophetic prediction
25:06 of what is taking place in our country right now.
25:08 We're seeing that transition take place.
25:11 Let me just share with you a couple of the verses.
25:13 The first one is found
25:15 in Revelation 16:12.
25:19 And then the next one is Revelation 19:20.
25:23 And the final one is Revelation 20:10.
25:27 And what we find here is that the beast with lamb-like horns,
25:30 once it speaks like a dragon
25:32 is identified as the false prophet.
25:35 Whoa, there's a direct connection now
25:38 between Matthew 24:11 and Revelation 13, 16, 19
25:43 and 20 because the lamb-like power,
25:46 once it speaks like a dragon, is never again identified
25:50 as lamb-like, it is identified as a false prophet.
25:54 So the beast with lamb-like horns makes this transition
25:58 to the false prophet when it speaks like the dragon
26:01 and once that transition is made,
26:03 the beast with lamb-like horns is always identified
26:06 as the false prophet according to Revelation Chapter 16, 19
26:10 and 20.
26:11 And this is what we see in relationship to Matthew 24
26:15 and this great prophet rising up in stage two
26:19 of Matthew Chapter 24.
26:20 And stage two of the deception in Matthew 24.
26:23 Okay, now here's the evidence,
26:25 I'll just share with you a few verses
26:26 so that you can look them up
26:27 and have them in relationship to understanding
26:30 this transition that takes place.
26:32 Matthew 16:13, here's what it says,
26:35 three powers lineup.
26:36 They're the same powers that are described
26:38 in Revelation 13:12-13.
26:41 The dragon, the sea beast and the land beast.
26:43 So the same three powers are identified
26:45 in Revelation 16:13
26:47 as in Revelation 13:11-12, but in Revelation 16:13,
26:50 you have the dragon, you have the leopard-like beast
26:54 or the sea beast and then you have the false prophet.
26:58 No longer lamb-like horns.
27:00 Now it's identified as a false prophet.
27:02 Revelation 19:20, the false prophet there is described
27:06 as working miracles before the beast
27:08 and deceiving the world by those miracles.
27:10 And this is the same beast with the lamb-like horns,
27:14 that speaks like a dragon,
27:15 according to Revelation 13:13-14,
27:18 because in Revelation 13:13-14,
27:20 this same lamb-like beast deceives the world,
27:24 the nations with miracles.
27:26 Revelation 20:10 says the beast and the false prophet
27:30 work with the dragon to deceive the whole world.
27:33 And that's what we see in Revelation 13:11-14,
27:36 it was the beast with the lamb-like horns
27:38 that helps to deceive the world
27:40 so therefore it must be the same power
27:42 as the false prophet.
27:44 So Revelation 16:13, Revelation 19:20,
27:48 Revelation 20:10, all identifying the beast
27:52 with the lamb-like horns as the false prophet,
27:55 once it transitions to speaking like a dragon.
28:00 That's when it fully embodies this prophetic destiny
28:02 of the great false prophet in Matthew 24:11,
28:08 that deceives many.
28:10 And that leads us into Matthew 24:12 and onwards.
28:16 Now we want to look at this in the context of Revelation,
28:19 the Book of Revelation because the Book of Revelation
28:21 talks about this great false prophet that's going out
28:24 to gather the world on the wrong side of a battle
28:28 called the Battle of Armageddon, right?
28:30 He's working with the dragon and with the first beast
28:33 to gather the world to the Battle of Armageddon.
28:36 And we need to understand what this gathering is,
28:39 what that word means and how that gathering
28:41 is taking place.
28:42 And one of the ways we're going to be able to understand this
28:44 is by going back now to Matthew Chapter 24.
28:47 So let's just go back there to Matthew Chapter 24.
28:50 And let's look at a couple more verses here
28:51 that we need to cover in more detail.
28:53 Matthew 24:12,
28:55 "And because iniquity shall abound,
28:58 the love of many shall wax cold,
29:01 but he that endures unto the end,
29:03 the same shall be saved."
29:06 Now this is where we want to land for just a minute here,
29:09 abound in iniquity.
29:10 Where does iniquity abound in our world today?
29:15 And I want to suggest that iniquity abounds
29:18 in the entertainment world today.
29:21 The iniquity that is abounding in our world today
29:24 is abounding in entertainment
29:27 and that is how we are being gathered
29:31 in the Battle of Armageddon, on the wrong side.
29:34 God wants us to understand the principles
29:38 of beholding and becoming changed.
29:42 In 2 Corinthians 3:18, it says,
29:45 "We all, as in a glass, beholding the glory
29:48 of the Lord are changed into the same image
29:50 from glory to glory even as by the Spirit of the Lord."
29:54 This is a principle that holds true not only for good
29:58 but also for bad.
29:59 It's the law of our nature that by beholding,
30:03 we become changed.
30:04 What we focus on, what we watch,
30:07 what we take in, impacts our nature,
30:10 our character, our personality,
30:13 who we are.
30:14 That's why and I'm suggesting that you might
30:16 want to consider this,
30:17 that's why I have shut down media, shut off the TV,
30:21 gotten rid of a lot of my media because there's so much garbage
30:25 coming in that I'm beholding that it's transforming me
30:28 into the wrong image, into the image of the world.
30:31 It's filling me with fear.
30:33 Even the news is filling us with fear
30:36 and apprehension and anxiety.
30:37 And so God is telling us, you know,
30:39 you've got to take a break from all of that,
30:41 you've got to stop beholding all of that
30:42 because that's just filled with iniquity and filled
30:45 with anxiety and filled with fear,
30:48 you need to behold Me.
30:49 We need to behold the Lord, Jesus Christ,
30:52 and the contents, by the way, of 2 Corinthians 3:18
30:55 and verse 17, you know what it says there?
30:57 It says, "Where the spirit of the Lord is,
31:00 there is liberty.
31:02 There is freedom."
31:04 God wants to free us from addiction,
31:06 to free us from bondage, to free us from sin
31:09 and He also wants to free us from deception
31:11 and fake news and misinformation.
31:14 And the only information, the only news
31:16 that we can actually trust is the news
31:20 that is found in the Word of God.
31:21 The Word of God is our only source
31:24 of truth in these last days because God doesn't lie.
31:27 He can't lie. It's impossible for Him to lie.
31:30 And His Word is true and it's to the point.
31:32 And God is all powerful, omniscient.
31:34 He has seen the past, the present and the future
31:36 with clarity that is greater than 2020 vision.
31:39 He knows what's coming around the corner,
31:41 He knows what we're going to face,
31:43 He knows what we are facing,
31:45 and we can trust Him and we can trust His Word.
31:48 It's right on target.
31:50 The visions of the Word of God are true and they are certain.
31:54 And so God is telling us to be aware of beholding
31:58 the wrong things.
32:00 Why?
32:01 Because when we behold the wrong things,
32:02 we become filled with those things.
32:04 And one of the most powerful ways
32:06 that we're being influenced and affected
32:09 is through the media, is through entertainment.
32:12 And, by the way, that word, gather,
32:15 in Revelation 16:16, that word, gather,
32:18 it says that these three powers are like frogs,
32:21 that means they're everywhere.
32:22 The frogs is a direct connection to the 10 plagues
32:27 that fell in Egypt and one of them
32:29 was the plague of the frogs.
32:30 They were everywhere, they were in the bedchambers,
32:31 they were in the kneading dough, they were everywhere.
32:34 That use of the symbol, frogs,
32:37 is telling us that these powers are gathering,
32:39 they're everywhere and they're gathering that word,
32:41 gather, means to entertain.
32:44 That's what the actual Hebrew word means to entertain.
32:48 In other words, God is telling us
32:50 that the devil is working through all of these different
32:54 channels and avenues to entertain us,
32:57 to pull us into the Battle of Armageddon on his side
33:00 rather than on God's side.
33:01 And we can talk more about that,
33:03 as we study in more detail but let's move on
33:05 with our study right now, in Matthew Chapter 24.
33:09 We want to keep our minds according to Philippians 4:8
33:11 and what is true, what is pure, what is holy, what is good,
33:15 what is right, what is just.
33:17 We want to keep focused on that and not on this entertainment
33:21 of the world.
33:23 So we have here in Matthew 24:12-13,
33:27 the iniquity abounding
33:29 and then it says we need to endure unto the end.
33:31 And the way we endure unto the end is by filling up
33:34 at Love's Gas Tank with the Holy Spirit credit card.
33:37 And it says in verse 14,
33:38 "And this gospel shall be preached in all the world
33:41 for a witness unto all nations and then shall the end come."
33:45 Now, here's another connection between the Book of Revelation
33:48 and Matthew Chapter 24
33:50 because in Revelation Chapter 14,
33:52 we're told about the everlasting gospel.
33:54 Revelation 14:6 then, it says,
33:56 "I saw another angel flying in the midst of heaven,
33:59 having the everlasting gospel to preach unto them
34:01 that dwell on the earth, to every nation, kindred,
34:03 tongue and people saying with a loud voice,
34:06 fear God and give glory to Him,
34:08 for the hour of His judgment has come.
34:10 And worship Him that made heaven and earth,
34:12 and the seas and the fountains of water."
34:14 We are called to worship God as our Creator.
34:17 God created us and He redeemed us.
34:19 We belong to Him.
34:21 We are made in His image.
34:22 We bear His superscription even though we have sinned
34:27 and turned away, God has come through Jesus Christ
34:29 to completely redeem us from that sin.
34:32 And He is calling us to acknowledge
34:34 in the everlasting gospel, what He's done for us
34:36 to respond to the great gift
34:38 of His love in the plan of salvation.
34:41 Well, this is the very thing that Jesus is saying
34:43 in Matthew 24:14,
34:45 "And the gospel of the kingdom will be preached
34:47 in all the world as a witness unto all nations
34:51 and then shall the end come."
34:53 It's so powerful when you think about this
34:55 because what it's saying basically is,
34:57 is the gospel is going to be preached,
34:59 but it's not just going to be preached with words,
35:01 it's going to be preached as a witness.
35:03 We're going to testify, we're going to live
35:05 the gospel in our lives.
35:07 And, of course, we're nearing this time.
35:09 Right now, we're nearing this time
35:11 when the gospel is not just being preached,
35:13 you know, through radio and through television
35:15 and through literature.
35:16 But the gospel is going to be preached as a witness
35:18 that is there are going to be people who live the words
35:22 that are the everlasting gospel.
35:25 They actually take in and are representatives
35:29 of those words that they preach,
35:31 those words that you hear.
35:32 And Jesus is saying, when that happens,
35:34 when that witness is proclaimed,
35:36 not just when the gospel is preached,
35:37 but when the witness is proclaimed,
35:39 the witness of the gospel, then the end is going to come.
35:42 And the parallel to Revelation is so clear
35:44 because in Revelation Chapter 14,
35:47 it talks about the three angels' messages.
35:48 Revelation 14:6-7, the first angel's message
35:52 and Revelation 14:8 the second angel's message,
35:55 and Revelation Chapter 14: 9, 10, 11, 12,
35:57 the third angel's message and right after those messages
36:00 are given, the everlasting gospel is preached to the world
36:02 warning against the mark of the beast,
36:05 warning against receiving the mark of the beast,
36:07 identifying the fall of Babylon.
36:09 Right after that happens, we see Jesus Christ returning.
36:12 We see the end coming.
36:14 So you have a perfect parallel here with Matthew Chapter 24
36:18 and Revelation Chapter 14.
36:20 But Revelation Chapter 14 calls us to worship God
36:23 in relationship to His creatorship and that,
36:26 of course, directs us to the Sabbath.
36:27 In fact, the call to worship God in Revelation 14:7
36:30 is almost a direct quotation from the fourth commandment
36:35 of the Decalogue in Exodus 20:8-11,
36:39 "Worship Him that made heaven and earth,
36:40 and the seas and the fountains of waters.
36:42 Remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy.
36:43 Six days thou shall labor, do all the work,
36:45 but the seventh day is the Sabbath
36:46 of the Lord thy God.
36:48 For in six days, He made heaven and earth,
36:49 and the seas and the fountains of waters
36:51 and rested on the seventh day."
36:52 Revelation 14:7 is quoting from the fourth commandment,
36:56 reminding us to worship God and not to worship man
37:00 and earthly powers and earthly governments.
37:02 And, of course, there's a lot of pressure
37:04 that's going to come against God's people.
37:06 Economic coercion, economic pressure,
37:09 we're already feeling it.
37:10 We're already feeling the pressure.
37:12 The issue right now is not necessarily worship,
37:14 but we need to remember that in the Book of Daniel,
37:16 we have this insight, this amazing,
37:19 incredible history that will be repeated
37:22 because there's nothing that has been
37:23 that won't be again and everything
37:25 that is has been once before.
37:27 Daniel was pressured or his friends were pressured
37:30 to worship an image.
37:32 But before they were pressured to worship an image,
37:34 they were pressured in the area of health,
37:37 in the area of their personal health.
37:38 In other words, they were told
37:40 that they needed to eat the food,
37:42 the wine and the food of Babylon,
37:44 and they didn't, in their own convictions,
37:46 they didn't believe that that was going
37:48 to be the best for them, that was going
37:49 to be healthy for them.
37:50 Their conscience said, "I can't do this."
37:53 And they sought for an exemption
37:56 from the wine from the food of Babylon.
37:58 Now, males are the head of Daniel
38:00 and his friends demonstrated with him,
38:04 he said, "Hey, you know, you got to eat this food.
38:07 This food is going to make you healthy, this,
38:09 if you don't eat this food, you're going get sick, right?"
38:11 And he also said to him, "Besides that,
38:14 if you don't eat this food, you're going to risk my head,
38:16 you're going to risk my life."
38:18 Some of the same arguments that he made today
38:20 that we face today in relationship
38:22 to our personal health choices.
38:24 And God is calling us to stand for Him
38:27 in our personal health choices
38:29 and not to take in the food and the wine of Babylon
38:31 if we know that it's not going to do us good.
38:33 If that's our conscientious conviction,
38:36 God is calling us to follow that conviction,
38:37 as Daniel did.
38:39 And God blessed Daniel as he followed that conviction.
38:40 That's where we are in the Book of Daniel.
38:43 This is where we are in Revelation.
38:45 We're in 13:11.
38:46 And this is where we are in Matthew Chapter 24.
38:49 We are seeing the pressure, we're seeing the hatred,
38:53 we're seeing the nations uniting together,
38:56 to restrict liberty of conscience,
38:58 to restrict freedom of choice.
39:00 And that's preparing us for the next stage,
39:03 for the next level of deception,
39:05 for the next level of intense pressure
39:08 and that's going to come in relationship to worship.
39:10 How do we know that?
39:12 Let's read a little bit further in Matthew 24:15,
39:15 "And when ye therefore shall see the abomination
39:18 of desolation, spoken by Daniel the prophet,
39:21 stand in the holy place, whoso read let him understand,
39:24 then let them which be into Judaea flee
39:26 to the mountains, and let him which is on the housetop
39:28 come not down to take anything out of his house,
39:30 neither let him which is in the field return
39:32 back to take his clothes.
39:34 And woe unto them that are with child,
39:36 to them that give suck in those days!
39:38 But pray that your flight be not in the winter,
39:41 neither on the Sabbath day."
39:44 Now here we have the exact same conflict
39:48 that's been described in Revelation Chapters 13 and 14.
39:51 We have the abomination of desolation
39:53 and we have the Sabbath in conflict with each other.
39:56 The abomination of desolation simply put
39:59 is putting man where God should be.
40:02 Man's laws where God's law should be.
40:04 Man's mediation where God's mediation should be.
40:06 Man's counsel where God's counsel should be.
40:09 Anything that puts man in the place of God
40:12 is an abomination that makes us desolate.
40:16 And we're going to see this primarily
40:17 in relationship to worship.
40:19 Man's laws, man's institutions of worship,
40:23 put in the place of God's instituted day of worship.
40:26 God's instituted day of worship, of course,
40:28 is the seventh day Sabbath.
40:30 Now I was raised as a Christian in a Christian home,
40:33 I was raised going to a Catholic Church,
40:35 Roman Catholic, on my mom's side, Irish,
40:38 and I went to church and actually was an altar boy.
40:40 And I believe that Sunday was the day
40:44 that everyone was to go to church.
40:46 And I believe that was what the Bible taught,
40:47 of course, I'd never read the Bible.
40:49 I knew the Lord's Prayer.
40:50 I knew the Hail Mary but I never read the Bible.
40:53 And I remember when I was challenged on that
40:54 I was challenged by a family member, my own sister,
40:56 and she said, "You know what, James?"
40:57 She said, "Sunday is not actually the Bible Sabbath,
41:01 Saturday is the Bible Sabbath."
41:02 And I thought she is nuts.
41:04 That's crazy.
41:05 Why would millions of people all over the world
41:07 actually over a billion people or two be going
41:11 to church on Sunday,
41:12 if Saturday is the biblical Sabbath?
41:14 That can't be true.
41:15 But sure enough, as I began to study this out,
41:17 as I looked at the history, as I studied the Bible,
41:19 as I looked at the various commentaries,
41:21 as I asked different church people,
41:23 as I looked up the history of the transference
41:26 of the day from Sabbath from the seventh day,
41:28 Saturday Sabbath, the biblical Sabbath to Sunday,
41:31 I realized my sister was right.
41:33 I realized I was wrong.
41:34 I realized that I really didn't understand the Bible,
41:36 understand Bible truth when I made that statement.
41:40 And that reality is what we're going
41:42 to be facing here in Matthew Chapter 24,
41:44 when we step into the second stage of deception,
41:47 the reality is going to be a conflict between
41:49 the biblical Sabbath and God's seventh day Sabbath,
41:53 the Lord's Day, we're told in Revelation 1:10,
41:56 and Jesus says, "I am the Lord of the Sabbath."
41:58 In fact, in Exodus 20:8-11,
42:02 God says that He is the Lord of the seven days,
42:05 the Sabbath of the Lord thy God.
42:07 So we see here a conflict that is preparing.
42:11 The setup is taking place right now.
42:15 It's behind the scenes, so to speak,
42:17 a conflict that is preparing between the worship of God
42:21 and the worship or the compliance
42:26 of human beings with the powers of this earth.
42:29 And that's the conflict that involves
42:31 the Battle of Armageddon and the mark of the beast.
42:34 And coercion is at the center of that conflict.
42:37 And we see the principles centering around that conflict
42:40 being established right now,
42:42 the stage is being set, if you will.
42:45 And once that stage is set,
42:46 the transition from the health test,
42:49 which we're now in to the worship test
42:52 is going to be very quick.
42:53 Most people are going to be caught by surprise.
42:56 In fact, Jesus talks about that later on in Matthew Chapter 24.
43:00 And we're going to spend more time talking about that
43:02 when we get into the third stage of deception.
43:05 The third stage of deception talks about the next level
43:08 that is going to be brought against us
43:10 that is still future.
43:12 And then again, what God wants us to do.
43:14 How God wants us to relate to that level of deception
43:18 that we are going to be facing in the end of time.
43:21 So the abomination of desolation.
43:23 Now, I mentioned to you what that is.
43:25 The abomination of desolation
43:26 is basically putting man in the place of God,
43:29 man's law in the place of God's law.
43:32 It's putting man's rules and regulations,
43:35 man's mandates and coercion in the place
43:37 of the truth of God's Word.
43:39 But I want to share with you why I believe that.
43:42 First of all, if you look up the word abomination
43:45 of desolation, you're going to find Jesus even tells us
43:48 that this is a word that comes from the Old Testament,
43:51 comes specifically from the Book of Daniel.
43:54 And you look in the Book of Daniel,
43:56 you're going to find that when the abomination
43:58 of desolation is set up.
44:00 It's set up by first of all, the taking away of the daily.
44:05 The taking away of the daily leads
44:07 to the abomination of desolation.
44:08 And we find that in verses like Daniel 11:31,
44:13 where it says they're going to take away the daily
44:15 and they're going to set up the abomination of desolation.
44:18 So there's a connection here between the daily
44:21 and the abomination of desolation.
44:23 What is that connection?
44:24 Well, when we rightly understand the abomination
44:26 of desolation, we understand
44:28 that its connection with the daily is telling us
44:31 the very same thing that we talked
44:33 about in Revelation Chapter 14.
44:35 And it's implied here in Matthew 24
44:37 second stage of deception and that is that God's law
44:41 is going to be superseded by man's law.
44:43 God's law is going to be replaced by man's law
44:46 and the world is going to be compelled,
44:48 forced, if you will, to comply with man's law
44:52 over God's law, to comply with
44:54 what man mandates in the place of the liberty
44:58 that God calls us to embrace in the everlasting gospel
45:01 that calls us to worship God as our Creator
45:03 and our Redeemer.
45:04 Couple of verses here that I want you to consider.
45:07 When you go to the Old Testament,
45:08 you're going to find that the word daily,
45:10 that's taken away in order to put the abomination
45:13 of desolation in its place,
45:14 the word daily is always identified
45:18 with the earthly sanctuary services.
45:21 That's not the only thing that's identified with
45:22 but it's identified with the earthly sanctuary services.
45:25 For example, the incense, the lamps of light,
45:29 the showbread,
45:31 the ministry of the priest are all identified as daily
45:35 or the word actually means the continual.
45:38 The showbread was continual.
45:39 The light was continual.
45:41 The ministration of priest was continual.
45:43 The animal sacrifices for sin were continual,
45:45 they were offered daily or continually in behalf
45:49 of human beings.
45:50 Now, this old sanctuary service and its divine ordinations,
45:55 its divine ordinances, all pointed to Jesus.
45:59 They all pointed to the Lamb.
46:00 He was the sacrifice.
46:02 He is the priest.
46:03 He is the light of the world.
46:05 He is the bread of life.
46:07 All of that.
46:08 All of that sanctuary service pointed to Jesus Christ.
46:11 And we see this in the Book of Hebrews,
46:13 we see this in Ephesians.
46:15 We see this in John.
46:16 John 1:9, "He is the light that lightens every man
46:18 that comes into the world."
46:19 John 6:51, "He's the bread of life."
46:22 Hebrews 7:24, "He ever lives to make intercession for us."
46:25 And so we see basically that Jesus Christ's ministry
46:29 is represented in the symbols
46:31 and in the types of the sanctuary.
46:33 They all pointed to Christ.
46:35 So all these verses are typifying Christ.
46:38 Now, in that context,
46:40 we can understand better the daily,
46:42 it's the taking away of Jesus,
46:44 it's the taking away the ministry of Christ,
46:46 it's the taking away of the intercession of Christ,
46:50 it's the taking away of the bread of life,
46:52 the Word of God, it's taking away the light of life,
46:55 which is Jesus Christ, the Word of God,
46:58 the truth of God's Word, taking that away,
47:00 removing that from people
47:02 and putting in its place man's laws,
47:05 man's mandates, man's authority, man's worship,
47:09 man's mediation, man's counsel.
47:12 This is exactly what Jesus is warning us about
47:14 in Matthew Chapter 24.
47:16 And it's the same thing that we see taking place
47:18 in Revelation Chapters 13 and 14.
47:21 We have a conflict between worshiping an earthly power,
47:24 Revelation Chapter 13, and worshiping God,
47:27 Revelation 14:7.
47:29 And so these earthly powers are seeking
47:32 to set up their authority in the place
47:34 of the authority of Jesus.
47:37 So the Hebrew word for daily is found throughout
47:39 the Bible describing how we should worship God,
47:42 how we should follow God.
47:44 The Bible directs us to say, for example,
47:46 continually let the Lord be magnified.
47:49 And that word magnified or continue,
47:52 I should say in Psalm 40:16, is the same word,
47:55 tamid is the same word for the word daily.
47:57 Let God continually be magnified.
48:00 In 1 Chronicles 16:11,
48:02 the Bible says we should seek God's face continually.
48:06 That word continually is the same word, tamid,
48:09 it's the same word for the daily.
48:12 His praise shall continually, Psalm 34:1, be in our mouths.
48:17 Same word, tamid, continually let God's loving kindness
48:21 and truth preserve us, Psalm 40:11.
48:24 God alone is to be our strong habitation
48:26 wherein we can continually resort.
48:28 Psalm 71:3.
48:30 We will keep His law continually in our hearts.
48:34 Psalm 119:44 and Proverbs 6:21.
48:38 So this word, tamid, this word, daily, this word,
48:40 continual is not just used in the sanctuary service.
48:44 This word is used throughout the Bible to describe
48:48 a close relationship between us and God.
48:51 Our continual dependence on Him,
48:53 our continually focusing on Him,
48:55 meditating on Him, following Him,
48:58 continually following the principles of His law
49:01 versus the laws
49:03 that are in contradiction to His law.
49:05 So this is the conflict that Jesus Christ is pointing
49:08 out to us in Matthew Chapter 24,
49:11 the abomination of desolation is going to be set up,
49:13 man's laws are going to be set up,
49:15 man's mediation, man's council,
49:16 man's authority is going to be set up
49:18 and they're going to take away the daily
49:20 and you're going to be praying
49:21 that your flight isn't on the Sabbath
49:23 nor in the winter because the Sabbath
49:25 is the one issue around
49:27 which this great controversy centers.
49:30 It is the one issue of worship in relationship to God versus
49:34 worshipping these earthly powers that they are seeking
49:37 to coerce or force you into,
49:40 manipulate you into through you're not,
49:43 an inability to buy or sell.
49:45 And we're just right on the borders of that right now.
49:48 We see people being inhibited,
49:49 we see people being restricted in their freedom
49:52 to buy and sell, and their freedom to have jobs,
49:54 and their freedom to go to public to get public access.
49:58 A lot of people are being affected by this right now.
50:01 So we see the stage being set.
50:04 And it's the devil's goal to take from us
50:06 all that is promised in these scriptures.
50:08 And what's promised in these scriptures
50:10 is dependence on God and not on man.
50:12 And a lot of us are struggling right now
50:14 because we're facing a liberty of conscience issue.
50:18 And we're trying to decide should I follow my conscience,
50:21 my conscientious convictions
50:23 or should I follow the Word of God?
50:25 I had a friend who's a nurse, anesthetist,
50:27 and he was being told that he was going to have
50:31 to comply with vaccine mandates
50:33 because he was a health worker.
50:35 And, but his conscience told that he didn't want to do that.
50:37 And I asked him the question, I said, "Listen."
50:38 I said, "If you were a multimillionaire,
50:41 would you, you know, do this?"
50:43 And he said, "No, I wouldn't."
50:44 He said, "My conscience tells me that I shouldn't do this.
50:48 So I don't want to do this.
50:49 This isn't good for me."
50:51 Now, I want to just emphasize right now,
50:53 the issue we're facing right now,
50:54 it's not about being vaccinated and not being vaccinated.
50:57 I have a lot of friends that are vaccinated
50:59 and I have a lot of friends that aren't vaccinated.
51:01 That's not the issue.
51:02 We need to support people who want to be vaccinated
51:05 and we need support people
51:06 who don't want to be vaccinated.
51:08 The issue is mandates, coercion, force.
51:11 We need to stand for liberty of conscience,
51:14 for the freedom to choose to make a choice.
51:18 And if my friend says,
51:19 "I don't want to be vaccinated."
51:20 I'm going to say, "Well, I support that."
51:22 If my other friend says, "I do want to be vaccinated."
51:23 I'm going to say, "I support that."
51:25 But I don't want anyone to be forced
51:27 to do something that's against their own conscience,
51:29 against their conscientious convictions.
51:32 And so that says in verse 16 of Matthew Chapter 24,
51:36 "Then him which is in Judea flee to the mountains."
51:39 Now, God is telling me
51:40 something very significant here, I believe.
51:43 The fleeing to the mountains is to go to a place
51:47 that is away from the cities, to get out of the cities,
51:51 they were to get out of Jerusalem, out of the city.
51:53 Why?
51:55 Because the city was going to be destroyed
51:56 when the Romans came.
51:57 The city was going to go down, as Jesus said,
51:59 "Not one stone would be left upon another."
52:01 And I think this applies to us in these last days.
52:03 I think God is telling us right now,
52:05 the cities are not the safe place to be,
52:08 they're not the best place to be for God's people,
52:11 it's time to get out of the cities.
52:13 And we know when this was finally passed,
52:15 when this worship issue comes down,
52:18 it's definitely time to get out of the cities.
52:21 But I would like to encourage those of you
52:23 who have an ear to hear, now is the time.
52:25 Rocks are crying now.
52:27 I live in the country, I've lived in the country forever,
52:30 it seems, you know, for the whole time
52:31 that I've been married plus some and I was a city boy,
52:33 I was raised in London and my wife is a city girl,
52:36 you know, she was raised in Loma Linda, California,
52:39 both of us have been living in the country,
52:40 all of our married life.
52:41 And we love living in a country
52:43 because we see the reason why God lay this out for us.
52:49 We see the reason why it's important
52:51 to be in an environment where we're not going
52:53 to be forced by neighbors and others around us
52:57 to comply with things that maybe we don't believe.
52:59 And the country is going to be a place
53:02 where we can raise our own food,
53:03 where we can have the freedoms and liberties
53:05 a little bit longer, of course, eventually,
53:07 I think we're just going to have to flee to the mountains
53:09 where we're just to camp and flee out there.
53:10 And, of course, we see this in the verse
53:12 also very clearly fleeing to the mountains.
53:14 But right now the country is the place to be.
53:17 And you know what? People know that.
53:19 Like I said, the rocks are crying out.
53:20 I bought a house not long ago in the country and now,
53:26 not even a year later, that house has gone up
53:28 in value 26% whereas houses in the cities
53:33 like San Francisco and LA are just barely going up
53:37 by 2 or 3% marks.
53:39 That's because people are moving out of the cities
53:42 and moving into the country.
53:43 And I'm not just talking about believers,
53:45 I'm just talking about people in general.
53:46 They are seeing what is coming.
53:48 They understand and God is speaking to them,
53:50 the Holy Spirit is speaking to them.
53:52 And they understand what is taking place
53:54 in the world today.
53:55 And God wants us to understand
53:57 what is taking place in the world today.
53:59 It's time for us to really think about where we focus,
54:03 it's time for us to really think about our future,
54:06 it's time for us to really think about
54:08 what's taking place on planet earth right now
54:10 because we're told and we'll study this further
54:11 in our next segment, we're told
54:14 that for a lot of people
54:16 who profess to believe in Jesus,
54:17 His return is going to come in a time
54:19 that they don't expect it.
54:21 They're not aware of it.
54:22 Well, they could have been aware of it if they would have
54:24 opened their ears and opened their eyes
54:26 to discern the spiritual truths that God is showing us
54:29 right now in a time in which we live.
54:31 They could have discerned it,
54:33 but they weren't willing to discern it.
54:34 So it says here, we need to, if we're on the housetop,
54:38 verse 17, if you're on the housetop
54:39 don't come down to take anything out of your house.
54:41 If you're in the field,
54:43 don't go back to get your clothes.
54:45 And then in the context of this,
54:47 we need to recognize that we need to be willing to let go
54:50 of earthly possessions
54:51 basically that's the principle.
54:53 We need to hold earthly possessions with loose hands.
54:56 We need to be willing to let go of these earthly possessions.
55:00 I still remember a video of tsunami in Japan
55:02 some years ago.
55:03 And they had video footage of people
55:05 that were fleeing in their cars and vehicles.
55:06 And then they showed this one man
55:08 that was had this heavy suitcase
55:10 and they were trying to drag.
55:11 He was trying to drag it up a hill,
55:12 he was going up and up in the water's rising rise,
55:14 he's trying to drag the suitcase up.
55:16 And finally the water gets to him
55:17 and takes a suitcase and him.
55:19 And if he would have just let go of that suitcase,
55:21 let go of that stuff and just himself tried to get
55:25 to that higher elevation, he would have been saved.
55:28 That was a really sad video, friends, and Jesus Christ
55:31 doesn't want that video to represent us.
55:33 He is pleading with us right now through His Word.
55:37 Don't go back for your stuff, just leave it and flee.
55:41 It's time for us to be focused on what is coming
55:45 upon this earth as an overwhelming surprise.
55:48 And my appeal to you right now is that you will consider
55:50 the words of Jesus Christ in Matthew Chapter 24,
55:53 that you would huddle with Jesus Christ
55:55 that is make Him a priority.
55:57 Spend more time in the Word of God
55:59 than you spend in anything else in your life.
56:02 Don't just spend a few moments in the Bible.
56:04 Don't just spend a few moments in prayer.
56:06 But really get into God's Word,
56:09 seek to understand the Word of God.
56:12 Pray earnestly for God to guide you.
56:14 Ask Him day and night even fast and prayer,
56:16 God where do You want me to be?
56:18 What position do You want me to occupy on the offensive line?
56:22 What position or what route do You want me to run?
56:25 Remember, the kingdom of heaven is likened to a football team,
56:27 Jesus is the quarterback.
56:29 We need to know the playbook.
56:31 What route do You want me to run?
56:33 What position You want me to occupy?
56:34 What block do You want me to make?
56:36 Friends, it is time for us to assess our spiritual life
56:41 with Jesus Christ.
56:42 It's time for us to examine ourselves
56:44 to see if we're in the faith, to prove our own selves,
56:48 lest we be reprobates.
56:50 It's time for us to grow in faith.
56:52 Romans 10:17 says,
56:54 "Faith comes by hearing and hearing
56:57 by the Word of God."
56:58 You've got extra time, perhaps you've been laid off,
57:00 perhaps you're not able to work,
57:02 perhaps you've been down with COVID,
57:03 who knows what you're facing.
57:05 You got that extra time, invest it in the Word of God.
57:08 Spend time in the Word of God.
57:10 Give your heart to Jesus.
57:11 Get in the huddle.
57:13 Let the tank be filled with His love
57:15 so that you can endure through the end.
57:17 So you can endure through the coldness.
57:19 So you can endure through a time
57:22 when the love of many waxes cold.
57:23 That's my plea. That's my prayer.
57:25 That's my appeal to you friends right now in Jesus' name.


Revised 2022-01-20