3ABN Worship Hour

Recognizing God’S Call

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: WHO

Program Code: WHO220001S

00:26 Hello, I'm Shelley Quinn.
00:27 And we welcome you to the Worship Hour.
00:30 And that's what we're going to do today
00:32 is worship the Lord in spirit and in truth in His Word.
00:37 Wherever you are, whoever you are,
00:40 whether you've never walked into a church,
00:44 or if you've been in church for 30 years,
00:48 God is calling you.
00:50 Do you hear Him?
00:51 Today, we are going
00:54 to look at scriptures
00:58 so we can understand
00:59 how to recognize the call of God.
01:02 This is actually a three-part series
01:05 but it is a standalone teaching.
01:07 What I mean by that, is that this first lesson,
01:11 whether you don't hear the other two or not,
01:13 it will still have a spiritual blessing for you.
01:18 I know that when God first gave me this,
01:21 I was amazed
01:23 at how it paralleled the three steps
01:28 to surrender that He had taught me,
01:30 and those are to know God.
01:35 Second, was to stop and submit, stop resisting His love,
01:39 stop resisting His plan
01:42 and submit to His instruction,
01:45 His direction and His correction.
01:48 But the third step was yielding to the Holy Spirit.
01:51 And here's the bottom line.
01:53 We can't recognize God's call
01:57 if we don't know God,
01:59 if we don't understand His character,
02:03 His measureable love for us,
02:05 His infinite knowledge
02:08 and His exceedingly great power.
02:11 But we also cannot receive God's call
02:16 unless we stop resisting.
02:21 Stop resisting His love and His plans,
02:23 stop resisting
02:26 and submit to His instruction,
02:30 His direction and His correction.
02:32 And then thirdly,
02:34 we cannot respond
02:38 to God's call
02:40 if we don't yield to the Holy Spirit.
02:44 Let's pray.
02:45 Heavenly Father, we come in the name of Jesus.
02:48 And, Father, I thank You for this teaching
02:51 You gave it to me.
02:52 I pray You'll help me deliver it now in a way
02:56 that people can understand.
02:57 Oh, Lord, let the Holy Spirit touch our ears,
03:02 open our ears and help each one of us to hear
03:07 and recognize Your call.
03:10 We thank You.
03:11 We praise You.
03:13 We're so grateful for Your love
03:16 and Your plan of salvation by grace in Jesus' name.
03:20 Amen.
03:21 We're going to begin with Isaiah Chapter 6.
03:26 Isaiah Chapter 6 is perfect for this,
03:30 because in Isaiah 6 we see,
03:35 Isaiah recognizing God's call,
03:38 receiving God's call and responding to God's call.
03:41 So let's look at that.
03:43 "In the year that King Uzziah died..."
03:46 This is Isaiah 6:1.
03:48 And let me just say this, with the death of the king,
03:52 and the rise of the opposing power,
03:56 the nation of Assyria,
03:58 this created a time of great crisis.
04:01 There was great peril in the land of Judah.
04:05 "So in the year that King Uzziah died,"
04:08 Isaiah says, "I saw the Lord sitting on a throne,
04:12 high and lifted up,
04:14 and the train of His robe filled the temple."
04:19 Isaiah was a man of God.
04:22 He was in the earthly temple, and he was worshiping the Lord.
04:27 But as he pressed into the presence of the Lord,
04:30 God expanded his vision
04:35 of who He is to Isaiah.
04:39 And you know as he saw the robe
04:42 that was filling the temple,
04:47 what God was showing,
04:49 that was a symbol of His authority and His power.
04:52 And He was reminding Isaiah that no matter what happened,
04:57 God was still in control.
04:59 No matter what happened on earth
05:01 and we need to remember that.
05:03 Isaiah saw the Lord high and exalted.
05:08 And here's what I want to say about that.
05:12 When the powers of darkness start closing in on us,
05:17 what we need to do is like Isaiah did,
05:21 press into the presence of the Lord,
05:23 so that we can take a closer look at Him.
05:28 God is inviting us to come to His throne of grace,
05:32 so that we can have peace in our heart.
05:36 And Isaiah 6:2, he says,
05:39 "Above it, above His throne, stood the seraphim."
05:44 Those are angels.
05:45 "Each one had six wings with two he covered his face,
05:48 with two he covered his feet, with two he flew."
05:52 The seraphim covered their eyes
05:55 because they couldn't look on the brilliance of God's glory.
05:59 And they covered his feet,
06:01 I would think that was showing submission.
06:03 Verse 3, "One cried to another and said:
06:08 'Holy, holy, holy is the Lord of hosts.
06:13 The whole earth is full of His glory."
06:16 This three fold declaration of God's holiness
06:21 shows His perfection in holiness.
06:24 And you know what holiness means?
06:26 It simply means to be separated from sin.
06:30 God is completely separated from sin.
06:33 He cannot sin.
06:35 As a matter of fact,
06:37 the reason that we can't stand before the Lord
06:41 without the robe of Christ's righteousness
06:44 is love consumes sin.
06:48 That's why the Bible says, "God is a consuming fire."
06:51 If we stood in front of Him
06:54 in our own rags of righteousness,
06:58 it would just be...
06:59 We'd be consumed.
07:01 But it says then in verse 4,
07:05 "The posts of the door were shaken
07:08 by the voice of Him who cried out,
07:10 and the house was filled with smoke."
07:14 There was a radiant cloud of His Shekinah Glory.
07:18 So this is interesting.
07:21 Here's a man of God in the temple of God.
07:24 And when he gets his expanded vision of who God is, he says,
07:28 "Woe is me, I am undone,
07:33 for I am a man of unclean lips,
07:37 and I live in the midst of a people
07:42 of unclean lips:
07:43 for mine eyes have seen the King,
07:47 the Lord of hosts."
07:51 You know, it's interesting.
07:53 When you see somebody who's like,
07:55 I'm holier than thou,
07:57 I know they haven't been close to the Lord,
08:00 because the closer we come to the Lord,
08:03 and we're in the brilliance of His light,
08:05 the more we see our spotty characters,
08:09 the more we recognize our own sinfulness.
08:13 Isaiah was a good man.
08:15 But he says later in Isaiah 64:6
08:20 that our righteousness as human,
08:23 it's like filthy rags before the Lord.
08:26 And then in verse 6, he says,
08:28 "One of the seraphim flew to me,
08:29 having in his hand a live coal
08:32 which he had taken with the tongs from the altar.
08:36 And he touched my mouth with it, and he said:
08:39 'Behold, this has touched your lips,
08:41 your iniquity is taken away,
08:43 your sin is purged."
08:47 What is happening here?
08:49 This is symbolic, figurative language.
08:52 I don't think he took a real coal and put it on his slips.
08:56 But God is responding to Isaiah's confession
09:00 of iniquity.
09:02 God is cleansing him and preparing him to receive
09:07 and respond to the call that God had for Isaiah.
09:11 He had a mission for Isaiah.
09:13 And then in verse 8, Isaiah says,
09:16 "I heard the voice of the Lord, saying:
09:19 'Whom shall I send?
09:21 Who will go for Us?"
09:24 And when he heard that,
09:26 spontaneously Isaiah says,
09:31 "Here am I, send me."
09:34 He had seen the Lord.
09:37 You know God is asking that question today?
09:41 It's a question.
09:43 When He asked Isaiah, He didn't say, "Go do this."
09:48 He was waiting for Isaiah
09:51 to respond with love,
09:55 motivated by love.
09:58 God never forces us to take a step.
10:02 He won't even force you to accept salvation
10:05 by grace through faith.
10:07 God woos us with His love.
10:10 When Isaiah saw God in a different light,
10:14 his heart was filled with increased knowledge.
10:19 You've got to know God
10:22 to recognize His call.
10:25 And his heart was completely humbled,
10:28 because he realized who he was,
10:31 who he is, a heart...
10:34 And his heart was touched when God said,
10:37 "Who shall we send for Us?"
10:40 Isaiah recognized that there are people
10:44 who are lost and suffering because they don't know God.
10:48 And he recognized God's call for help on the earth
10:54 without hesitancy.
10:56 He received God's call knowing that if he yielded
11:00 to God's leading,
11:02 God would use him in a mighty way.
11:05 So recognizing His call
11:08 we've got to know God.
11:10 And that's what I hope to do today,
11:13 is that we will expand your vision
11:18 of who God is,
11:20 because we have to know God
11:22 to receive or recognize His call.
11:26 We've got to stop and submit to Him
11:29 to receive His call.
11:32 And we have to yield to the Holy Spirit
11:34 to truly respond to God's call.
11:39 I have to say something that I want to apologize up front,
11:43 because I'm not trying to hurt anyone's feelings.
11:47 Please, don't take this wrong what I'm about to say.
11:50 Few Christians are totally surrendered.
11:55 It takes total surrender to respond to God's call,
11:58 and that's not a judgmental statement.
12:02 It's just an observation.
12:05 You know A.W. Tozer said that...
12:11 He was a great writer and he said,
12:14 "If the Holy Spirit had been withdrawn
12:18 from the early Christian church after the day of Pentecost,
12:22 95% of what the church
12:26 was doing would have stopped."
12:29 But then he goes on to say,
12:32 "If the Holy Spirit were totally withdrawn
12:36 from today's church,
12:38 95% of what we do would continue on."
12:43 What's he saying?
12:45 He's saying we're not following the lead of the Holy Spirit.
12:51 We don't allow Him to control our conduct or character.
12:56 Sometimes, we busy ourselves with Christian service,
13:01 but we have no real prayer life,
13:03 no intimate relationship with the Lord.
13:06 Some people feel defeated,
13:09 and they feel like they've hit a wall.
13:12 I tell you what, I remember...
13:14 Don't think you're alone.
13:16 We all go through these times.
13:17 I remember once when I've been running after God.
13:21 And all of a sudden one day I woke up and realize,
13:24 "Whoops, what's happened?"
13:26 And I felt like I'd hit a wall and I said, "Lord,
13:29 explain this to me."
13:31 And what the Holy Spirit impressed on my mind is,
13:36 "I will soon explain the wall of resistance
13:41 that you are hitting."
13:43 And I thought, "Yes, yes, that's just exactly."
13:46 I felt like I was up against the wall, and it was a...
13:49 something was resisting.
13:51 And then it took a couple of weeks
13:54 of seeking the Lord, but you know
13:58 what I finally was impressed upon my mind was this.
14:02 "The wall of resistance that you are hitting
14:06 is a wall of self-preservation."
14:12 Do you hear that?
14:13 The wall of resistance that we hit
14:16 when we are going forward in the Christian life
14:19 is a wall of self-preservation.
14:23 See, the more we give up of self,
14:27 the more we're emptied of self,
14:29 the more we can be filled with the Holy Spirit.
14:32 But there are times we can be walking
14:34 with the Lord in certain ways,
14:37 as long as He doesn't get over in this area of our life.
14:41 There's that self-preservation, "I want to keep this,"
14:45 and that's what stops us.
14:47 You know, some people are just lukewarm carnal Christians,
14:52 they play church.
14:54 It doesn't have to be this way.
14:57 It doesn't have to be this way.
15:00 We need to ask ourselves,
15:03 what is it that surrenders me
15:07 or hinders me?
15:09 Let me repeat that.
15:10 What is it that hinders me
15:14 from total surrender?
15:17 What is it?
15:19 When we look to God...
15:23 I remember I had my own Isaiah moment.
15:26 I was God had...
15:28 I was praying for a couple of hours every day
15:31 and I was pressing into the presence of the Lord.
15:35 And I heard or recognized
15:39 the call of God on my life.
15:41 He expanded my vision of who He was.
15:45 The more I was in the Word, the more I was praying,
15:50 and communicating with God.
15:52 He expanded my vision.
15:55 And for the first time in my life,
15:58 I felt accepted.
16:00 I felt loved.
16:02 And what happened was,
16:04 I stopped resisting His love,
16:08 His plan, and I decided,
16:12 "Yep, this is God calling me."
16:16 And I completely turned away
16:21 from my former way of life.
16:24 I learned to yield to the Holy Spirit.
16:27 And I wish I could sit here and tell you
16:29 that I walk yielded,
16:32 totally surrendered every day.
16:35 I don't think any of us do.
16:37 I think it's something we're walking a goal,
16:40 we're walking toward.
16:41 But then on the other hand,
16:43 there's times that I feel like I'm doing service for the Lord.
16:47 I'm studying.
16:49 And maybe I didn't pray to be yielded,
16:51 and at the end I'm going,
16:53 "Lord, was I following Your lead?"
16:55 And I realized, yes, I was because I look
16:59 at what I've produced and I realized,
17:02 "You know what?
17:04 Only God could have done this through me."
17:06 So God will...
17:10 He's calling us.
17:11 He will use us despite our shortcomings.
17:14 Let's look at recognizing His call.
17:18 The idea of talking about knowing God
17:20 in such a short period of time.
17:23 I've been studying now
17:25 since I started really studying.
17:28 It's been over 20 years,
17:30 and I learned something new about God
17:32 and His character every day.
17:35 But what I'm going to do is just give you
17:37 a few scriptures
17:39 that will be like a silhouette of God
17:41 because I think there's three important things
17:44 to understand about God
17:48 to recognize His call on your life.
17:51 And the first of that
17:53 is to know God's infinite love,
17:57 His immeasurable love.
18:00 Jesus said in John 17:3,
18:03 "This is eternal life that they may know you,
18:08 the only true God and Jesus Christ
18:12 whom You have sent."
18:14 You know,
18:15 this isn't an intellectual knowledge.
18:21 I've met people that know a whole lot about the Bible,
18:25 but they don't have a living fellowship with God.
18:28 When He, when it's talking this Word, no.
18:32 This is like the intimacy between a husband and a wife.
18:36 They knew each other.
18:38 God is calling us into an intimate,
18:42 loving relationship.
18:45 And when you understand how much God loves you,
18:50 let me tell you something,
18:52 you're going to fall in love with Him.
18:54 You can't help but respond to His love.
18:57 And in 1 John 4:19, it says,
19:01 "We love Him because He first loved us."
19:05 God wants to be your father,
19:08 your Abba, your Daddy.
19:12 We just...
19:13 A dear friend of ours had a funeral service this weekend.
19:18 He was in his 70s.
19:21 He was a man of God,
19:23 and he always called God, his Daddy.
19:27 He had been the prodigal son.
19:30 He'd been in ministry, turned away, returned.
19:34 But he said God never left him,
19:37 not for one minute through it all.
19:40 So when we think of 1 John 4:19,
19:45 we love God when we understand
19:49 how much He loves us, He wants to be your Abba.
19:53 He knows the number of hairs on your head.
19:56 The Bible says that He captures your tears in a bottle.
20:00 He's recording every sorrow that you go through,
20:04 your name,
20:06 you are tattooed on His hands.
20:09 So if we don't understand His love,
20:13 we will never totally surrender.
20:16 1 John 4:8 says, "God is love." That is His...
20:20 The core of who He is.
20:23 It's not just emotional.
20:26 God is holy, because God is love.
20:29 And as I said, "Love consumed sin."
20:32 He manifest His love to us
20:36 by coming from heaven.
20:39 Get this.
20:41 God came down from heaven to become a man.
20:46 He condescended to become a man
20:51 and to fulfill His plan of the everlasting covenant.
20:56 The everlasting covenant is the Lamb,
20:58 who was slain from the foundation
21:01 of the earth.
21:02 I'll tell you, if you could get this in your mind,
21:04 and I'm getting out of order here.
21:06 But if you could get it in your mind
21:10 what God sacrificed for you
21:12 to become a man and to die for us...
21:16 I praise God every day
21:20 for what He has done for us.
21:22 And what He's showing us
21:25 is that salvation is by grace.
21:28 And let me tell you,
21:30 it was so in the Old Testament, and in the New.
21:34 As a matter of fact, Hebrews 11:7
21:37 is talking about Noah, who built the ark,
21:40 who was warned divinely of the things
21:44 that had never happened before.
21:46 And listen to what it says.
21:47 Hebrews 11:7, it says,
21:51 "He prepared an ark for the saving of his household
21:54 because he's moved by godly fear."
21:58 And then it says, "His actions condemned the world
22:02 who would not believe."
22:03 But here is the point,
22:05 "Noah became heir of the righteousness,
22:10 which is by faith."
22:12 What does that word righteousness mean?
22:15 Righteousness means to be in right standing
22:19 with God,
22:20 to do things His right way.
22:24 But it comes to us by faith.
22:28 You know, God never changes.
22:29 He says in Malachi 4:6, "I'm the Lord, I change not."
22:33 Hebrews 13:8 says, "Jesus is the same yesterday,
22:37 today and forever."
22:38 So trust me, we don't have time today,
22:42 but I'm doing deep Bible studies.
22:44 It has always been God's plan
22:47 to save His people by grace.
22:51 My mother, growing up, my poor mother,
22:55 she saw God as two different beings.
22:58 She looked in the Old Testament
22:59 and she saw God has been angry.
23:02 The Old Testament is all about Jesus.
23:05 God wasn't angry.
23:07 In Jeremiah when he was warning through the prophet,
23:09 He was trying to get His people to repent.
23:12 But I grew up, looking through that lens,
23:16 I had a love affair with Jesus
23:19 but I was scared to death of the Father,
23:21 because I thought He was watching me
23:24 ready to set me the second I did something wrong.
23:27 And then one day as I was reading Hebrews 1:3,
23:31 I realized it says that
23:34 Jesus is exactly like the Father.
23:38 He's the imprint.
23:40 He is the out ring of the glory of God.
23:44 So as loving as Jesus was,
23:48 so is the Father.
23:49 As loving and as compassionate as Jesus is,
23:55 so is the Father.
23:57 In Hebrew, I found a word, because sometimes people say,
24:02 "Grace isn't in the Old Testament."
24:04 Yes, it is but there's something even better.
24:08 There's a Hebrew word and we talk about it,
24:10 agape love, grace.
24:12 There's a Hebrew word that's used over 250 times about God.
24:17 It's hesed, H-E-S-E-D.
24:22 All throughout the Old Testament,
24:24 it's talking about God's steadfast love.
24:28 It's His loving-kindness, His grace, His mercy,
24:32 His faithfulness, His goodness,
24:34 His devotion, His generosity,
24:39 His patience, His loyal love.
24:43 It's a word that you cannot translate into English
24:46 in one word.
24:47 And you know, it's interesting to me,
24:51 His love is not a feeling.
24:55 God expresses His love by doing.
24:58 In Psalm 136:1, it says, "Give thanks to the Lord,
25:01 for He is good, His mercy endures forever."
25:05 That word mercy means hesed.
25:09 It means His steadfast love, His patience, His loyalty.
25:14 It's translated in the English Standard Version,
25:20 as His steadfast love
25:24 endures forever.
25:26 One of my favorite scriptures,
25:30 if you want to get good picture of God,
25:34 Zephaniah 3:17.
25:38 Zephaniah 3:17 says, "The Lord your God."
25:42 This is His covenant name.
25:44 "Jehovah, your God is in your midst,
25:49 the Mighty One will save."
25:53 Now, get this.
25:56 We know He's a Savior.
25:58 But let me ask you, do you see the way...
26:01 Do you see God the way
26:03 He's about to be described right here?
26:06 He will rejoice over you with gladness.
26:10 He will quiet you with His love.
26:15 He will rejoice over you with singing.
26:21 Is that how you see God?
26:24 God wants a very intimate personal Father
26:30 and child relationship.
26:33 And you know, when we come to Him...
26:36 You know, if a father sees a child fall down
26:39 and bang up his knee, what does he do?
26:42 He doesn't go over and scold the child.
26:45 He picks the child up, bandages his knee.
26:49 He helps him to overcome
26:52 so that he won't stumble again.
26:55 That's God.
26:56 And He quiets him with His love.
26:59 He sings over him with rejoicing.
27:03 That's what God does with us.
27:06 If you don't see God this way,
27:10 I hope you'll pray and ask Him,
27:13 "Lord, open my eyes,
27:15 open my heart that I may see
27:19 who you really are.
27:21 Help me to know You're singing over me, Lord, with rejoicing."
27:26 In John 15:12-14, Jesus says this,
27:31 "This is My commandment,
27:35 that you love one another as I have loved you."
27:39 And let me tell you something,
27:40 there is no greater love than for God
27:46 who established the penalty for sin, which is death.
27:50 But all along He planned on coming
27:53 and paying that penalty.
27:56 There's no greater love than what our God has done for us.
28:02 He says in verse 13, John 15:13,
28:05 "Greater love has no man than this than to lay down
28:09 one's life for His friends.
28:12 You are my friends
28:14 if you do what I command you."
28:19 You know, we think of a mother
28:22 who will lay down her life for her child.
28:26 Maybe we think of the Secret Service,
28:28 a man who will take a bullet for the President.
28:33 Or we might think of a captain,
28:35 who will throw himself over a grenade
28:39 to save his troops.
28:42 God did much more than taking a bullet
28:46 or falling on a grenade for us.
28:49 When He came down from earth,
28:53 He became one of us.
28:55 That is so amazing.
28:57 And the love of God far exceeds
29:02 any sacrifice that anyone can make.
29:06 2 Peter 3:18 says this, and I encourage you,
29:11 2 Peter 3:18,
29:14 this is something we all should consider daily.
29:18 Peter writes, "Grow in the grace
29:21 and knowledge of our Lord and Savior,
29:25 Jesus Christ."
29:27 When we understand what He's done for us,
29:31 how He humiliated Himself, how in Philippians 2:5-8,
29:37 it talks about God coming down,
29:40 taking on the form of a man and dying for us.
29:45 We can see
29:47 that God loves us
29:51 above all.
29:54 As a matter of fact, the Lord once told me to try to...
29:58 I try to remember to do this.
30:01 God said, "Tell My people
30:06 they are worth nothing less than the price
30:09 that I paid for them
30:12 with My own precious life blood of My covenant Son."
30:17 You may have heard someone say to you growing up,
30:20 "You're worthless.
30:22 You'll never amount to anything."
30:24 And sometimes people will pray and they'll say,
30:26 "Oh, Lord, we're so worthless."
30:28 Now, I want to jump up and I want to say,
30:31 "No, no, no, we've got great worth to God."
30:35 Great worth.
30:37 We may be undeserving, yes.
30:39 We don't deserve anything God did for us,
30:42 but He puts a high value on us.
30:46 And the heart of the everlasting gospel
30:49 of the Lamb who was slain from the foundation
30:51 of the world is the incarnation of Christ,
30:56 the death of Christ
30:58 that His crucifixion
31:00 and His resurrection.
31:03 God has always planned to save humanity
31:07 in the person of Jesus Christ.
31:11 You know, it's interesting.
31:14 If you don't understand
31:16 why this was such,
31:19 how can I say this?
31:22 To think of the sacrifice,
31:23 to me of our God coming down
31:27 and taking on our flesh, it's a permanent sacrifice.
31:33 The cross,
31:34 He came up out of the grave and rose victoriously.
31:38 But listen to this.
31:40 Luke
31:42 24:36-39
31:48 is talking about after the resurrection.
31:52 Jesus showing the nail wounds in His hands
31:58 to prove it was Him that He wasn't a ghost.
32:03 He was flesh and blood.
32:04 But He said to them,
32:07 "A spirit does not have flesh
32:09 and bones as you see I have."
32:13 He walked the earth 40 days after His resurrection.
32:18 He ate with them.
32:20 And according to the scriptures,
32:23 He ascended to heaven in that flesh.
32:26 He will return in the flesh.
32:30 Acts 1:11 says, "The same Jesus,
32:33 who was taken up from you into heaven
32:35 will so come in a like manner as you saw Him
32:39 go into heaven."
32:40 So what is it saying?
32:42 It's saying that His physical presence
32:46 has been limited,
32:48 because He became the last Adam.
32:52 He replaced the first Adam
32:54 through whom death came to all of us.
32:57 Jesus became the last covenant Son of God,
33:02 the One who would be the representative
33:06 of mankind at the throne of God.
33:10 He is mysteriously fully God,
33:15 but fully man.
33:17 But He has limited His physical presence forever.
33:21 And what?
33:23 How does He live with us now? Listen to this.
33:26 Ephesians 3:16-21,
33:30 Paul was praying for the Ephesians and he says,
33:33 "I pray that you'll be strengthened
33:34 with might through His Spirit
33:36 in the inner man that Christ..."
33:39 This is Chapter 3:17 of Ephesians,
33:43 "That Christ may dwell in your hearts
33:48 through faith that you being rooted and grounded in love."
33:53 Now, let me stop.
33:55 How does Christ dwell in our hearts?
33:57 He's going to go on to say,
33:59 "It's through the power of the Holy Spirit,
34:02 because they are one."
34:04 Christ dwells in our hearts through faith.
34:08 When we receive the Holy Spirit,
34:11 God the Father and the Son dwell in us through faith.
34:16 But he says this and it's so great
34:19 that you being rooted and grounded in love.
34:24 Some people in the church are rooted
34:26 and grounded in fear.
34:28 Some people are baptized because they don't want to...
34:30 You know, they accept the Lord as their Savior,
34:32 because they don't want to suffer the second death.
34:36 You've got to be rooted and grounded in love.
34:38 Grow in the grace and the knowledge of our Lord.
34:42 God loves you so much.
34:44 And he goes on and he says,
34:46 "That you might know the love of Christ,
34:49 which passes knowledge that you can be filled
34:53 with all the fullness of God."
34:56 And then he says, "God's able to do exceedingly,
35:00 abundantly above anything we can ask or think,
35:05 according to His power."
35:09 And this is that dynamite power
35:11 that were strengthened through the spirit in our inner man.
35:16 When you understand God's love for you,
35:21 let me tell you something,
35:22 you're going to see a powerful change in your life.
35:26 I promise you,
35:28 you will not sulk around feeling self-pity.
35:34 You will not be fearful of God.
35:37 And then I love what Paul says.
35:39 He can't think of any other words.
35:41 He talks about the width, the breadth,
35:44 the length, the depth, and the height of God's love.
35:48 The breadth of God's love, is it extends to all people?
35:52 The length, it extends to all time.
35:56 The depth,
35:57 it extends to the lowest human condition
36:00 and the height to heavens.
36:04 God wants to transform us.
36:07 John 3:16 says,
36:08 "He saves us from the penalty of sin."
36:11 Listen, "God so loved the world
36:13 that He gave His only begotten Son."
36:17 That only begotten means it's a covenant term.
36:21 He was chosen when He came down to earth.
36:25 He was a covenant Son,
36:28 begotten of God chosen to fulfill
36:31 the everlasting covenant.
36:33 And then he goes on, he says,
36:35 "That whoever believes in Him,
36:37 Jesus Christ, should not perish."
36:41 That word perish means
36:44 complete utter destruction.
36:48 If you believe in Christ and trust in Him for salvation,
36:52 you're not going to be utterly destroyed
36:55 when God remakes the new earth.
36:59 But it says you will have everlasting life.
37:02 Two choices,
37:04 you can end up utterly destroyed
37:06 or have everlasting life.
37:09 He saves us from the power of sin.
37:12 1 John 3:8 says,
37:14 "He who sins is of the devil for the devil
37:16 sin from the beginning,
37:18 and for this purpose the Son of God was manifested
37:22 that He might destroy the works of the devil."
37:27 And the beautiful thing is,
37:30 He is going to save us from the presence of sin.
37:34 When you consider Revelation 21:4, it says,
37:37 "God will wipe away every tear from our eyes
37:40 and there's going to be no more death,
37:43 or sorrow, or crying,
37:45 no more pain,
37:47 because the former things have passed away."
37:51 I don't know about you.
37:54 Recently, I found myself watching the news
37:58 and afterwards I sigh and I cry.
38:03 And I'm not talking literal tears
38:06 but I feel like my soul is weeping.
38:10 And I go before the Lord and it's like,
38:11 "Lord, how can people do this?
38:16 How can evil like this exist?"
38:19 And you know,
38:22 Jesus said in John 10:10,
38:24 "The thief, the devil comes not but to steal,
38:29 kill and destroy."
38:31 But then He says, "I've come that
38:32 you may have abundant life."
38:35 Satan is the one who operates
38:38 by the love of power.
38:41 God's Kingdom operates by the power of love.
38:46 So when we consider the Ten Commandments,
38:50 I just want to say something.
38:52 The Ten Commandments are God's law of love.
38:56 The first four are about love to God.
39:00 The next six on the second tablet
39:03 are about love to mankind.
39:06 And some people see that
39:10 as being a restriction.
39:12 I don't.
39:14 When I look at the Commandments,
39:15 I think of God has, kind of,
39:18 hedged me in to keep me on that narrow path of life
39:23 but He lets me run freely.
39:26 He enlarges my steps, and I have this abundant life,
39:30 living within the parameters of His Ten Commandments.
39:35 Isaiah 48:18.
39:38 Listen, you can get the point of God,
39:42 His heart,
39:44 His motivation for giving us His Commandments.
39:48 It's not that God's up there saying,
39:50 "All right, do it like this."
39:53 No, that's not our God.
39:56 Listen to his heart.
39:58 Isaiah 48:18,
40:00 "Oh that you had heeded My Commandments,
40:05 then your peace would have been like a river,
40:10 and your righteousness
40:13 like the waves of the sea."
40:16 God wants you to experience peace,
40:21 that perfect sense of being settled,
40:26 of being secure, of being comforted.
40:30 He wants peace for you,
40:34 and He wants righteousness for you.
40:37 In fact, He imparts His righteousness to us
40:42 when the Holy Spirit is living in us,
40:45 and Christ's righteousness is actually imputed
40:49 or credited to our account.
40:52 God is not a God who is restrictive and stern.
40:58 God is a God that everything He does is motivated by love.
41:03 Everything He does is for your eternal benefit
41:08 because our life here on this earth is a vapor,
41:13 is just a split second, on the line of eternity.
41:18 God wants you in heaven.
41:21 He wants you to be on the earth made new.
41:28 Romans 5:8 says,
41:30 "God demonstrates His own love for us.
41:34 In that while we were still sinners,
41:39 Christ died for us."
41:41 Do you think you are unworthy of God's love?
41:47 Think again.
41:48 God can't help but love you.
41:50 That's who He is.
41:52 And why wouldn't we trust
41:56 a love like that?
42:00 We've got to know God.
42:03 To recognize His call on our lives,
42:07 we need to surrender.
42:09 But we also need to recognize His infinite knowledge.
42:13 You know, we think we're pretty smart.
42:18 We think that...
42:21 It all started in the Garden of Eden.
42:25 The fruit of the knowledge of good and evil,
42:30 just one fruit, one some black fruit,
42:33 some red fruit, one fruit.
42:36 The point is the knowledge.
42:39 God didn't want us to experience evil.
42:44 But as soon as we choose the fruit from that tree,
42:48 as soon as we say, "I'll be my own god.
42:53 I'll decide what's good for me.
42:54 I'll decide what's bad for me."
42:57 Then we're going to experience the consequences of evil.
43:01 God has an intelligence
43:03 and a power that is superior to ours.
43:05 Isaiah 55:9 says this.
43:09 This is God speaking,
43:11 "As the heavens are higher than the earth
43:14 so are
43:18 My ways higher than your ways,
43:21 and My thoughts higher than your thoughts."
43:25 I want to tell you something.
43:27 There is no human whether he is a scientist,
43:31 a philosopher, theologian,
43:36 a pastor,
43:38 there's no body that completely understands God's ways.
43:43 They're beyond our comprehension.
43:47 What God calls,
43:48 He gives us plenty of information as to who He is.
43:52 And He says to us,
43:54 "Come and learn to trust Me."
43:57 Proverbs 3:5-6,
43:59 "Trust in the Lord with all your heart,
44:02 lean not on your own
44:05 limited understanding,
44:08 in all your ways acknowledge Him
44:11 and He will direct your path."
44:13 See knowing God,
44:15 when you understand His love,
44:17 when you understand that He is a God,
44:21 who, as he says,
44:23 in Isaiah 46:10
44:26 that He sees the end from the beginning,
44:30 and He declares it to be so saying
44:33 My counsel shall stand.
44:35 We don't see the end from the beginning.
44:37 Thank God.
44:39 Thank God we don't, but God does.
44:43 He looks at us. He sees us.
44:46 If you're in Christ,
44:47 He sees you as a finished project.
44:50 He knows you're under construction
44:52 but He knows what's coming.
44:55 So we cannot,
44:57 just because we don't understand God,
45:01 if we just recognize His love for us,
45:06 recognize His plan for us,
45:09 then what will happen is we'll trust Him.
45:13 Our God is all knowing.
45:16 He is a friend, not a foe.
45:18 And you know what?
45:21 He wants to be your life coach.
45:23 He says in Jeremiah 29:11-14,
45:27 "I know the plans I have for you.
45:30 Plans to prosper you not to harm you,
45:33 plans to give you a hope and a future."
45:37 But then He says this,
45:40 "Then you will call upon me
45:43 and come and pray to Me."
45:45 When?
45:47 When do we call upon God and come and pray to Him?
45:51 When we recognize He's a benevolent God,
45:55 and He's got a good plan,
45:57 a plan that's so much better than the one we're living.
46:00 When we see God as this all loving being,
46:05 who has our eternal benefit in mind,
46:07 then we call upon Him and come and pray to Him.
46:12 And God says, "I will listen to you.
46:14 You will seek Me and find Me when you seek Me
46:16 with all of your heart.
46:19 I'll be found by you."
46:21 Why wouldn't we trust a God
46:25 of such superior knowledge?
46:29 If we know His love, know His knowledge,
46:34 we're ready to surrender.
46:36 But there is a third thing
46:37 I want us to consider in our short time today.
46:41 We need to recognize God's exceedingly great power.
46:46 His power is limitless.
46:48 In Isaiah 46:9-10, He says,
46:52 "Remember the former things of old,
46:54 for I am God and there is no other.
46:58 There is no other God."
47:00 He says, "I am God and there is none like Me.
47:04 Any other god is a
47:09 counterfeit set up and established,
47:12 I'll say by Satan."
47:14 He says, "I declared the end from the beginning
47:19 and from ancient times the things to come."
47:23 God will accomplish His will in every situation.
47:27 You can't thwart it.
47:30 But He will never force you.
47:33 God's power is creative.
47:35 The word in the beginning with God created,
47:37 it's bara and it's only used of God.
47:41 God can create something out of nothing.
47:45 Our creativity,
47:47 we're using things that are around us.
47:50 But all the heavens and the earth
47:52 were created by God,
47:55 who became a person.
47:57 Listen to this. I love it.
47:59 "Our creator is the one who came down
48:03 and took on the flesh in the person of Jesus Christ."
48:08 In Colossians 1:16, it says,
48:12 "For by Him," speaking of the person of Jesus Christ,
48:16 "all things were created,
48:18 both in the heavens and on the earth,
48:21 visible and invisible,
48:22 whether thrones or dominions or rulers or authorities,
48:26 all things have been made through Him and by Him."
48:30 Jeremiah said, "Our Lord, God,
48:34 You have made the heavens and the earth by Your great arm
48:39 and Your outstretched power.
48:42 There's nothing too hard for You."
48:44 That's Jeremiah 32:17.
48:50 And then I love what the psalmist says
48:53 in Psalm 100:3,
48:56 "Know that the Lord He is God.
48:59 It is He who made us."
49:03 You didn't crawl out,
49:04 your ancestors didn't crawl out
49:07 of some primordial pool of sludge.
49:11 No, God created you in His image.
49:16 And you know,
49:18 I'm going to tell you a quick story.
49:20 I hope I have time.
49:22 I interviewed a policeman from San Francisco.
49:25 He worked with the gangs,
49:27 kids who were incarcerated.
49:31 And when he went in and he worked with these kids,
49:34 they all thought they came from monkeys.
49:36 But once they realize where they came from,
49:39 once they realized who created them,
49:44 their whole attitude on life changed.
49:47 And he said, "It was a remarkable transformation."
49:51 We cannot buy all of this garbage of evolution.
49:57 We have to trust the Word of the Lord.
50:01 Do you not know His power?
50:04 You know what Jesus said in Mark 12:24?
50:09 He said that some people are mistaken in their beliefs,
50:13 because you did not know the scriptures,
50:18 or the power of God.
50:20 If you don't understand who God is,
50:23 find someone that can help you in a study or get online.
50:27 Go to Amazing Facts,
50:29 pick up their Bible studies online,
50:32 or Voice of Prophecy, or It Is Written.
50:35 There's so many good online Bible studies.
50:39 Learn for yourself.
50:41 Don't accept what someone has told you in the past.
50:45 Learn for yourself because with God Jesus says,
50:49 "All things are possible."
50:52 God's power is protective and sustaining.
50:56 Hebrews 1:3 says that Jesus propels,
50:59 He maintains, He sustains all of the universe
51:03 by His mighty Word of power
51:08 and He never gets weary.
51:11 Isaiah 40:28-29 says, "Have you not known?
51:17 Have you not heard that everlasting God,
51:21 the Lord, the Creator of the ends of the earth,
51:24 He neither faints nor is weary?
51:28 His understanding is unsearchable.
51:32 He gives power to the weak,
51:35 and to those who have no might,
51:38 he increases understanding."
51:41 One of my favorite verses
51:43 is 1 Peter 1:3-5.
51:48 Here, He's talking about,
51:51 "We are kept by the power of God
51:55 for salvation and will be ready
51:59 to be revealed in the last time."
52:03 Remember what we said about Ephesians 3:16
52:07 is that we are strengthened with might,
52:12 dynamite, with the power of God
52:16 when the Holy Spirit indwells us.
52:21 God's power is yours
52:25 if you will surrender to Him.
52:28 And 2 Peter 1:3-4 says,
52:34 "His divine power has given to us,
52:38 all things that pertain to life and godliness."
52:42 Did you hear that?
52:43 By His divine power,
52:46 God gives us everything we need when we call on Him.
52:49 He's just waiting for us to call.
52:52 So many of us suffer through our consequences
52:56 rather than going to God and saying,
52:59 "Help me overcome."
53:02 But then he goes on.
53:04 He says, "Through the knowledge of Him,
53:07 who called us by His glory and virtue,"
53:11 and this is 2 Peter 1:4,
53:13 "By which, by God's glory and virtue
53:17 have been given to us exceedingly great
53:21 and precious promises
53:24 that through these promises..."
53:28 And not one word of God's promises have ever failed.
53:32 There's still many to be fulfilled in the future,
53:37 but you can count on that.
53:39 You can count on Philippians 1:6,
53:42 that He who has began a good work in you
53:45 will complete it,
53:47 because He says He's given us
53:48 His exceedingly great and precious promises,
53:53 that through these promises,
53:55 you may become partakers
53:59 of the divine nature.
54:01 Oh, hallelujah, think about that.
54:05 You know, I think of DNA,
54:07 spiritual DNA, DNA, Devil's Nature Acquired.
54:13 That's, kind of,
54:14 what condition we're in before we come to God.
54:18 But here, he's talking
54:21 about when we accept God's promises,
54:24 we can acquire the divine nature,
54:30 DNA, the Divine Nature Acquired.
54:34 He will cause you to be a new creation,
54:39 and the old will be gone.
54:43 Now, I just have to say this one thing.
54:47 God's plan of salvation isn't that
54:50 you fret with a furrowed brow,
54:55 trying to be accepted by Him.
54:58 God's plan of salvation isn't by works,
55:03 it's by grace.
55:05 And He will empower you to do the good works
55:08 He created you to do.
55:10 Listen to what Jesus said in Luke 18:17.
55:15 He lets us know that God's plan of salvation
55:18 is a life of total dependence upon God.
55:22 Luke 18:17, "Assuredly, I say to you,
55:26 whoever does not receive the kingdom of God
55:30 as a little child will by no means enter it."
55:34 You know what?
55:35 Children have no resources of their own.
55:37 They live in a state of trust and dependence.
55:42 And we've got to abandon our pride
55:44 and depend on our God.
55:47 Paul heard the Lord say to him,
55:50 and it's recorded in 2 Corinthians 12:9.
55:53 Jesus told Paul,
55:55 "My grace is sufficient for you,
56:00 for my strength is made perfect in your weakness."
56:05 Do you know that?
56:07 Are you trusting
56:10 that God can strengthen you to do all things
56:12 through Christ Jesus?
56:14 He can.
56:15 Why wouldn't we trust a power like that?
56:19 Like Isaiah, we've got to know God
56:22 to recognize His call.
56:26 And that's the first step
56:31 of surrender, knowing God.
56:34 Then we have to stop resisting His love,
56:39 stop resisting His plan,
56:42 submit to His authority
56:44 so that we can receive His call.
56:47 And then to respond to His call,
56:49 it's the third step of surrender.
56:51 It is yielding to the Holy Spirit's power.
56:55 I'm so glad that you joined us.
56:57 And I hope that you will be able
56:59 to join us next time
57:01 for Receiving The Call of God, part two.
57:06 Let me say a quick prayer for you.
57:08 Father, we come in the name of Jesus.
57:10 Help us, oh, Lord, to recognize,
57:14 receive and respond
57:16 to Your call for abundant life here
57:19 and eternal life everlasting in Jesus' name.
57:23 Amen. Thank you for joining us. Bye.


Revised 2022-02-24